Better Days

a fic by: Kasumi; Usual disclamers apply
Chapter 1: Kendo

It's a bright sunny morning in Tokyo and the class of Kazuki Seijurou was just starting...

"Ahem, baka deshis," he started to speak and at the hearing of the word baka everyone sweatdrops, "This schoolyear we have our college clubs and I head the kendo club. Now which one of you baka deshis want to join." Kari Kamioka, Ken Hayashi and Andrew Sakikabara (who almost never smiles) raised their hands. "Sakikabara, Hayashi and Kamioka. Is that all?" The three nodded in reply. "Well then, see you after class."

"Oi! Ken!"called out Sammy during lunch break. "Would you accompany me to the clinic? I think I sprained my wrist during Kempo." "Oh, alright. I was planning to talk to Kari-dono about her joining the Kendo club." "Jou-chan? I don't belive it!" When they got to the clinic they were welcomed by Yuri Takabe. "KISAMA!" Sammy and Yuri stared at each other in the eye. "Tori Atama. I haven't seen you since that incident with Saori-chan. I hear that she died of TB. Poor thing. At least you have a keepsake." She said as she pointed at his bracelet which consisted of purple beads. "What gives you the right to talk about her Fox Lady!" "Maa, maa. Let's stop this nonsense Sammy has a sprained wrist." Ken said. "As you say Ken-san. Ohohohohoh!" laughed Yuri. Then, Ken left.

"Konichiwa, Kari-dono." "Ken. You surprised me." Kari replied. "Say, Kari. Why did you join the kendo club?" "I just had this instinct in me. It was like I had done this once before." "I had the same thing too." Ken replied. "I felt like I have held a sword before." "I had this feeling that I was a master at some kind of style. I think it was the Kamiya-Kasshin-Ryu. But all I know is that it was only my ansestor who was the real master of that technique demo, I couldn't recall her name."

Chapter 2: The Past

"Kari." a voice spoke behind Kari as Kari spun around she saw a mirror. Her reflection looked the same. "Kari." the voice spoke again. This time Kari saw her reflection speak. The reflection in the mirror rippled and was replaced by a beautiful girl that looked like Kari but was wearing a kimono rather than a uniform and had a pink ribbon on her hair. "Who, who are you?" asked Kari. "Kaoru Kamiya." the lady said. On Kari's right side the darkness rippled and Ken appeared. "He looks better now that the scar is gone." Kaoru said. "What do you mean?" Kari said. "Look." Kaoru said and the darkness changed into a scene of Tokyo during the Meiji era. "Where am I?" Kari asked. "This is the Kamiya Dojo." Kaoru replied, "I should tell you that you are only visible to me only. No one else can see you or hear you." "Oh. I get it." Kari responded. "Ohayou, Kenshin." Kaoru said to a red-headed man doing the laundry. "Ohayou, Kaoru-dono." he responded looking upward to find Kaoru looking at him from above. He smiled sweetly at Kaoru and Kaoru responded with a quick kiss on his forehead and Kenshin blushed. He looks like Ken. Kari thought. He looks so perfect. She said as she (remember, she can't be seen by anyone else but Kaoru.) scanned his face but as she set her eyes on the scar she thought. Demo, that scar. No wonder Kaoru said that he looked better in the future. Then Kari started to cry. Kaoru noticed this and walked away bringing Kari to her room. "Kari?" Kaoru asked when they got to her room, "What's wrong?" "I can't help but notice. You and Kenshin are so perfect together. I don't love Ken as much as you love Kenshin even though we've been friends since we were young." Kari replied. "Kari. I know that things will work out. I just know it." "Demo, what if it dosen't? Then, we cannot marry under our parents wishes." "Fine then." Kaoru replied. Somehow there has got to be a rencarnation of Jin-e or Enishi somewhere. "Goodbye now, Kari."

Kari suddenly woke up. "Oh. It was just a dream. I wonder if it was true?" So she went to the bookcase near her bed and looked at a very old piece of parchment, it was her family tree. "Here's me." she said as she traced through the lines. "Hitomi Funaki, Makoto Funaki, Ayame Akamatsu, Kyoko Himura, Ryu Himura, Kenji Himura...AHA! Kenshin Himura and Kaoru Kamiya! So she was my great-great-great-great-great grandmother. Talk about age!" she said in awe.

But in a small shack in the outskirts of Tokyo, a white haired man said sinisterly, "Now I shall get my revenge...Hikaru Hayashi." then he laughed with evil glee.

"Oh my! What time is it?" Ken woke up in a flash. He looked at the clock, 5:00. "Oh, I'm early." This was the same time otosan said goodbye for a trip to America when I was young. He could remember that morning...

(Flashback when Ken was 5 years old)

5:00 am - "Demo, otosan!" a small (and kawaii) Ken in his bunny pajamas tugged on his fathers sleeve. "I don't want you to leave!" "I'm sorry Ken. Demo, I have work there." "OTOSAN!" cried Ken with tears blossoming in his eyes. "Ken." said his father bending down to wipe his tears. "I promise. I will come back." "Otosan!" Ken hugged his father and his father hugged him back "Sayonara, Ken." "Otosan please return." "I will. I will."

A week later - "Iie. Iie. This can't be true." Ken's mother cried as she watched the T.V. "Please say Hikaru's alive, please." "What's wrong okasan?"Ken questioned. "Your father's plane crashed in California." "Nani!?! Otosan!" Ken cried in his mother's arms as the reporter said, "So far no one was able to survive the crash." "Otosan." Ken cried. (End of Flashback)

"Okasan died a week later when she drank too much alcohol and collided with a truck." Ken reminced. "Well then, I'll have to get dressed now."

Chapter 3: Dinner

NOTE: Please excuse my spelling and the name Ubaldo and the song All I ask of You came from Phantom of the Opera. NOTE2: The version of All I ask of you is my version. (I've kept that in mind for a long time.)

On that same day during lunch break Ken went to the lunchroom to talk to Kari. "Um...Kari-dono?" "Yes, Ken?" "I was wondering...would you go out with me tonight?" Kari! This is your big chance to get close to him. Kari said softly in her mind. "Of course Ken. When will you pick me up?" "Um...I guess 7:00. Is that O.K.?" "Of course it's O.K." Kari joyfully said. "Good. See you in class." Then Ken walked away.

That night at 6pm Kari picked out clothes for the date and she picked out her best evening gown. I bet Ken-san is going to bring me to a classy European restaurant in his limo since he's a millionaire! Kari pictured herself in a beautiful white limo snuggling close to Ken in a dazzling tux while a certain Yuri hangs outside staring while she is pulled away by Sammy who is chewing on his bubblegum. Ah! I can't wait. Me the wife of a classy millionaire! She talked silently in her head.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!" the clock stuck 7pm and Kari stepped outside with her black, slim, turtle-neck, sleeve-less, long gown with a purple silk shawl. This time her hair was finished off with a beautiful black ribbon. Then there came the 6-door (counting the ones on the side) white limo and Ken stepped out in a white tux. "Kari-dono." he said in awe, "You look so, so, so..." "Kirei?" Kari finished the sentence. "Yeah." Ken replied "Oh, I forgot. Here's something for you." And Ken presented a bouquet of red roses and violets and after Kari received the bouquet Ken brought out a pink sakura blossom and placed it in her hair. "You look even more prettier now, Kari-dono." "Um, Ken. Would you please stop calling me Kari-dono just for tonight?" "Sure. Anything would be fine, Kari." he replied as he opened the door to the limo. "Kyosuke, to the restaurant du amour!" Ken said to the driver, as the limo drove soothing jazz music filled the air. Kari sugged close to Ken and Ken held her close. "Ken. How come that it's only now that you treated me like this?" "That's funny, I was about to ask you that question. It's just because you were the one besides Sammy that helped me out when my parents died and I didn't want to marry someone unless I got really close to that person."Ken replied. "Ken, you were my crush since I was in first grade. I liked you a lot, not because of your looks it's because you were the first person who ever trusted me." Kari said back, "Do you remember 2nd grade when I threw you into the air and you were absent for a week." "Mmhmm, I remember that. You came by one day with an 'I'm sorry' card." Ken laughed.

When they got to the restaurant, Kari was amazed at what she saw. "It's like a dream come true." Kari said in awe. "Well, I reserved seats for us in the balcony." Ken said, "I'll call the waiter. Waiter!" "Ah! Monsieur Hayashi." "Oh! Monsieur Ubaldo. Kari, meet the best French chef in this restaurant."Ken said to Kari. "Nice to meet you, Mademoiselle Kari. So now, let me take your orders."

A while later - "Good, I'll bring out the violin." Ubaldo said. "Well then, Kari. How's the Italian pasta?" "Superb." Kari replied. "I can hear a romantic Spanish seranade from the inside." "Well, we'll have our own French seranade here." Ken replied as he sees Ubaldo come back with two other chefs, one carrying a gituar and the other with an accordion and the music starts to play. "I know this song." Kari says. "It that romantic one from Phantom of the Opera." "Well then," Ken says as he rises to his feet, "Shall we dance?" and he sings...

No more talk of darkness..... Forget these wide-eyed fears ...... I'm here, nothing can harm you- my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom.... let daylight dry your tears. I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to hide you

And Kari sang in return: Say you love me, every waking moment.... Turn my head with talk of summertime.... Say you need me, with you now and always.... Promise me that all you say is true...... That's all I ask of you...

Ken: Let me be your shelter.... Let me be you light.... You're safe, no-one will find you.... Your fears are far behind you

Kari: All I want is freedom.... A world with no more night..... And you, always beside me....To hold me and to hide me

Ken: Then say you'll share with me.... one love, one lifetime.... let me lead you from your solitude..... Say you need me with you here, beside you....Anywhere you go let me go too.... That's all I ask of you.

Kari: Say you'll share with me..... one love, one lifetime..... say the word and I will follow you

Both: Share each day with me, each night, each morning

Kari (looking into his eyes): Say you love me!

Ken (silencing her): You know I do.

Both: Love me, that's all I ask of you...

Kari (whispering in Ken's ear): Anywhere you go, let me go too....

Kenshin: That's all I ask of you...

As Kari sang that part a piece of memory suddenly went inside Ken. But none of them suspected that a certain white-haired man was spying on them...

Chapter 4: Repeated Memories

Ken looked around. He saw someone who looked like himself talking to a girl who looked like Kari. The only thing was that this Kari look-alike wore a blue silk ribbon. "Kenshin, please don't ruin it. It's my favorite." "I won't Kaoru-dono." he heard the red-head say. Then suddenly out of no where this dark man grabbed the girl by the hand. "Kaoru-dono!" The man shouted. Ken felt his insides burn with anger. Is this man me? he questioned himself.

Ken opened his eyes to find himself in the restaurant. "Ken." Kari murmured. "What happened?" Ken said aas he rose up. "You fainted." Kari answered. "Let's go back home. You must be sick." "Iie. I'm fine." Ken said. "Let's go to back to the mansion." Then suddenly a voice rang in his head. Once a hitokiri. Always a hitokiri. He heard the voice say. Ken stood still in his tracks. "Ken?" Kari said softly.

"Kari-dono." "Mm, Ken-san?" "I keep on having strange visions of this dark guy lately." Ken said. "Don't worry. They're just dreams." Kari replied on the way back to the dojo. "So, we're here." Ken said as he looked outside the window. "Oyasumi nasai, Kari-dono." "Oyasumi, Ken-san." Kari said as she left for the dojo. "Meet me at the Riverside after class tommorow." "I will." Ken said in reply.

The next afternoon after class, Ken and Kari were talking together with Sammy when suddenly a white-haired man dressed in black kidnapped Kari and as Kari went away her blue ribbon flew away. "Kari-dono." Huh? This is the same thing that happened in my dream. "Jo-chan!" Sammy said as he tried to chase the raft. But unfortunately, he smashed into a nearby tree. "Sammy!" Ken said as he helped Sammy up. "I've got your girl now, Hayashi! Pay back your father's sins by dying under my blade! I'll meet you in the bamboo grove!" The dark guy said as he disappeared into the mist.

Back in the Hayashi mansion, Sammy asked Ken, "Who was that man?" "He was my dad's best friend. Demo, he claims that my dad has stolen his girl which is my mom. Now he has a grudge on him." Ken replied. "The only way to beat him now is by his own game. The sword game." Ken said as he pulled out a very old katana. He looked at it. The blade was still unused. "Perfect. I'll go there now. Sammy, you back me up." "Hai." Sammy said in reply. "Um, Ken, your eyes. They look...different." "I'm not sure why that happens." Ken said in reply.

When Ken reached the grove, he saw Kari tied up and the dark man looking at him. "I see that you made it here, boy. But sooner or later this girl's gonna die!" So he snapped his fingers and suddenly, Kari's eyes started to open in fright. "Beat me before this girl dies, mmkay?" "Let's start." Ken said as his eyes glinted yellow. Kari-dono. I must not let her die! then his real self started to appear. He started to revert. His eyes glinted golden and his whole body glowed in Battousai anger. Kari watched in horror. Then, she had the feeling she saw this before. I don't want him to be Battousai again. No. She heard Kaoru say inside her mind. "Iiya!!!" Kari shouted and the spell was broken and she collapsed. "Kari-dono!" he caught her."You beat me this time. Himura, Bat-tou-sai." The dark man turned into a thousand scarab beetles and crawled away. "Yogata, Kaoru-dono." "Kenshin." Kari said as she fell asleep in his arms.

Special #1

Chapter 6: "The New Challenge"

Ken suddenly woke up. He found out that he was so tired that he spent the night at the Dojo. But then, a piercing pain went through his face. He touched his cheek and looked at his hand, it was bleeding. "Masaka. This can't be happening." Ken said and he went outside. "Ken." Kari said as she awoke wearing a soft yukata. "Ken?" She looked at the futon beside her. It's like the past. He's there in the evening and gone in the morning. Ken no baka! And she walked outside.

"Ken. What happened?" asked Kari as she stepped out of the dojo looking Ken standing with a cotton patch on his left cheek. "My past haunts me." Ken said, "The scar is back." "Masaka." Kari said. "Does it hurt?" "A bit. Demo, do you still love me?" "Hai. Always and forever. 'Till death do us apart." Kari replied and in a flash she gave him a passionate kiss. "Kari-dono." Ken whispered as he broke the kiss, "I'll have to leave. I may be back in a few months. I still have to find my true self." "Ken." Kari whispered. "I'll go with you." "Demo, Kari. What about college?" "I'll have to find a way, Ken. I just want to be near you." "Fine then." said Ken in expiration. "We'll secretly depart in the morning for Kyoto."

The next day in Kyoto, "Kari," Ken nudged Kari from her mindless walking. "We'll have to find someplace to lodge today." "Hai." Kari replied sleepily. Suddenly, Kari bumped into a young redhead with a fresh lily flower in her hair who had green eyes wearing a red kimono. "Gomenasai." said Kari in apology. "Ah. Daijoubu, daijoubu." the lady replied. "You both look tired. I'll let you stay in my dojo free of charge." "Um, I didn't catch your name." said Kari. "Atashi wa? Atashi wa Yanagi Hinode. I'm a teacher and master of the Hinode Ten Ryuu and you?" "Atashi wa Kamioka Hikari. I'm a student in the Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu." "Then how about you?" asked Yanagi a second time. "Sessha wa?" answered Ken. "Sessha wa Hayashi Ken. I can't seem to find my true self these days." "Funny." Yuri replied. "You two remind me of someone I knew a long time ago."

In the dojo, Kari and Ken, in their practice gi, went inside the practice hall. She asked Yanagi to sparr with them that day. "Kamioka-san, Hayashi-san. Ready to sparr?" "I'll go first." said Kari picking up her bokuto. Yanagi picked up her own bokuto. They both went into stance. Kari was in her standard stance. Yanagi was in Shin-Ken position. "Koi." Yanagi said. Kari went for the attack. Yanagi smirked, "Hinode Ten Ryuu, Sempu Hinode!" Yanagi spun around hitting Kari in the abdomen. "I see you haven't practiced for a long time." Yanagi looked at Kari. She helped Kari up and beckoned Ken to fight her. Ken took out the blade he kept. Yanagi took out her own. "Let's have a blade fight. First to bleed loses." "Right." replied Ken. Both of them charged at each other at the same time. Ken survived the first five slashes. Yanagi survived five, too. Yanagi backfliped until she reached the wall and ran to give a slash. Ken luckily escaped and tried to counter. Yanagi guarded against the attack. Yanagi then tried to slash from above but she bounced back jumping from the wall going in the ougi stance. "Hinode Ten Ryuu ougi, Ten Sempu Sen!" Yanagi went almost as fast as the Hiten Mitsurugi's Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki. The match was over. Both were wounded. Ken was slashed across the chest. Yanagi was slashed across the waist. "You were a worthy opponent." Yanagi said. "Demo, you must improve that technique of yours for the ultamite test." "What do you mean by that?" Ken asked. "You'll see." Yanagi replied.

Note: Yanagi-san is an makeshift Hiko. But you'll find out why in the next chapter. Hinode Ten means Sunrise Heaven, Sempu Hinode is Whirlwind Sunrise, Ten Sempu Sen is Heaven Whirlwind Slash. Atashi is feminine for Watashi. The Shin-Ken position was introduced in RK during the fight with Hannya (remember the sword used as a ruler? Sword straight in front of the heart. Shin-Heart;Ken-Sword. The sword's heart)

Chapter 7: The Secret Of The Hinode Ten

"Yanagi-dono," Ken said as he went into the practice room where Yanagi was practicing, "Sessha was wondering, where do you get such a fast technique?" "My technique?" Yanagi replied, "It's a long history...."

"My great-great-great-great-great grandfather mastered the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu before his sensei, Hiko Seijurou died. The technique was passed down to me. When I mastered the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, I killed my own father in the process. Right now, only me and my cousin, Kazuki Seijurou, have mastered the technique. Demo, I made my own version of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, the Hinode Ten Ryuu. I combined the quickness and skill of the Hiten Mitsurugi and the accuracy of the Shin-Ken position to make the Hinode Ten. Although the speed isn't enough to outrun Hiten Mitsurugi, the accuracy is superb. The technique never fails to put at least a scrach on the opponent. The Ten Sempu Sen is a version of Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki from a wall. The Sempu Sen is like Ryu-Kan-Sen, demo, you don't have to get next to the opponent. Do Kasumi Hinode is like Do-Ryu-Sen though it is not offensive, it is just a smokescreen that blinds the opponent for a short while. There are others, demo, I will not uncover them to you unless you learn the Hinode Ten."

Ken stood up and held his katana high, "Yanagi-dono. I want to learn both techniques," "You are determined, ne? I shall teach you both techniques and according to your eagerness I bet you'll master the Hiten Mitsurugi in four weeks and the Hinode Ten in two weeks," said Yanagi, "We shall start tommorow. You must use a bokken. Demo, when you learn the Amakakeru-Ryu-no Hirameki, you must use a katana against me," "Hai!" replied Ken. "Think fast!" Yanagi said as she brought on a Ryu-Kan-Sen. Ken dodged it without a scrach. "I've underestimated you. You learn faster than I can teach. Really, you must have known the Hiten Mitsurugi, haven't you?" "Iie. I kinda have this skill with me." "Probably you could master the Hiten Mitsurugi in at least 13 days, the Hinode Ten in one week, " Yanagi smirked, "Then you should face the head of all evil in Kyoto. The immortal devil, Shishio Makoto. His Juppongatana have arisen again after being defeated by the Oniwabanshuu and the legendary Hiten Mitsurugi Master, Himura Battousai. Now Kyoto faces Kamatari, the genius with a scythe. Iwanbou, stupid but deadly. Hennya, master of the skies. Chou, the sword collector. Usui, the blind swordsman. Anji, the fallen monk. Yumi, who guides all challengers to their death and finally, Shishio, the devil himself. My students used to challenge the first three henchmen. Demo, they failed." "Were they killed?" asked Ken. "Iie. They went to Hokkaido to practice. Kotori mastered the twin katana, Tsubaki mastered the warfan, Hyoko mastered the nagitana."

Note: In the Juppongatana Arc, the Juppongatana become diffferent. (Kamatari is now a girl ^-^)

Chapter 8: The Ougi, Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki

Twelve days have passed, Yanagi and Ken meet again in the practice room. "Bring out your katana. You shall learn the Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki today," The wind was chilly and it was drizzling outside. "Ken. Today it is either that you earn the ougi and kill me, you fail and you die in my hands or that we come out even," Yanagi said as she drew out her katana.

They both faced each other and went in battou-jutsu position. "This technique is very deadly. Combining skill and speed. If used with a katana it would cause death," Yanagi placed her right foot forward. "Before you earn the ougi. You must defeat me!"

Yanagi started with the Ryu-Kan-Sen and Ken countered it using the Ryu-Tsui-Sen. Yanagi sensed it and went for the Ryu-Sho-Sen. Yanagi fell to the ground. She was hit on the shoulder. Every thing became black to her.

"Yanagi-chan, daijoubu ka?" Yanagi heard Kari say to her, "Daijoubu, Hikari-san," replied Yanagi. "Where's Ken?" "He's outside waiting." Yanagi stepped outside. "Ken. You are worthy enough to learn the Amakakeru-Ryu-No-Hirameki. Take your position," Ken put his left foot first. Yanagi put her right foot. They both rushed into each other. Yanagi smiled and dropped to the ground. Ken had won but Yanagi wasn't bleeding.

"Ken," Kari said as she looked at Yanagi. "She isn't bleeding," "I know. I didn't use the edge of my blade to hit her. I reversed it," Ken replied.

When Yanagi awoke the next day she checked her e-mail (remember, this is the year 2000) and found a letter sent by her cousin...

Dear Yanagi-san, Me and my baka deshis are going to Kyoto tommorow. Please prepare some food. I'm starving. Your cousin, Kazuki Seijurou

P.S. Are two of my baka deshis living with you? I thought so.

"Baka," whispered Yanagi as she replied.
