Better Days

a fic by: Kasumi; Usual disclamers apply.
NOTE: This is just an introduction to the charachters.
Prologue: "Kari Kamioka"

The year is 2000 in Tokyo and as we zoom in on the old Kamiya dojo we see a young girl who looks exactly like Kaoru, without the ribbon. Her name is Hikari though everyone calls her Kari. Kari Kamioka, and zooming in on the dojo in one room we see her pesky little brother, Yamato, who looks like Yahiko without the shinai. The thing he holds instead of a shinai is...a gameboy. And we zoom away from the dojo and into a small restaurant which looks familiarly like the Akabeko and as we zoom inside we see Yamato's "crush", Suzume and her employer, Tai. (as usual Suzume looks like Tsubame and Tai looks like Tae though she opens her eyes more often) And again we zoom out of the restaurant which they still called the Akabeko and zoom in the house next door where we see Yamato's playmate, Seta Sakurai always smiling as usual. Enough about Yamato let's move on to Kari. We zoom in now to a mansion by the street where in the backyard two teenage boys are playing basketball. One is a red-head with lavender eyes and the other has spiky brown hair and brown eyes. The chicken-head is Sammy Sakagami while the Kenshin-look-alike is Ken Hayashi. Incidentally, Ken is the fiance of Kari just to help with their financial problems. Now let's zoom in into their conversations....

"First year College and you have a fiancee!" said Sammy as he walked over to the seat beside Ken. "Hai." replied Ken, "Demo we've already been friends since we were babies." "Oi! I've met you too since you were a baby! And I was even a few months older than you too." snapped Sammy. "And no wonder you've been chosen, you're a particular babe magnet. Do you remember second grade where Jou-chan and Yuri-chan were fighting over you?" "Hai. I remember that. Kari-dono had a rage wave that she tossed me into the air and I became absent for a week." Ken sweatdrops. "Would you please quit with the -dono stuff! You are getting married to her, pal!" "Hai, sessha knows that." "Quit acting like a worthless bum!" "Hai! Hai!" Ken said. And so they retreated into the mansion.

Meanwhile at the dojo...
"Oi! Busu!" Yamato's yell rang though Kari's head, "Get over here!" "COMING!" Kari snapped back, Once in a while I'd like to kill that pesky brother of mine. she said silently in her mind. "Hikari!" "Coming, Okasan!" When Kari came into the room she was greeted by her best friend, Miki Matsuzawa in her usual shorts and weasel print shirt (no wonder Tori Atama calls her weasel girl) "Konichiwa, Kari-chan!" she said in her genkiest voice while her braid was bouncing behind her. "Ah! Konichiwa, Miki-chan." "I hear you're fiance is Hayashi-san." "How did you know?" asked Kari. "Tori Atama told me." Miki replied.

Flashback-a few days ago...
Sammy: Oi! Weasel girl!
Sammy: Jou-chan's fiance is Ken!
Miki: What!!!!!
Flashback ends...

"Well then, see you tommorow, Kari-chan!"

"Ja! Miki-chan!" Kari replied.

Coming up... Chapter 1: Kendo
