a fic by Kasumi
Special chapter 1: Yamato's Rival
Standard Disclaimers Apply. Gameboy and Pokemon belong to Nintendo.
"Ohayo, Ken!" Kari said joyfully as she was greeted by Ken outside his mansion.

"Ah, ohayo Kari-dono. I should tell you, my cousin from Italy, Yukiro Verde, will be coming tommorow."

"You mean, Yamato's rival? I remember when they had that duel last spring."

"Oh, that kendo versus fencing match?" Ken replied.

"Yamato was so stunned that he couldn't speak." Kari replied giggling.

Suddenly, a car is heard screeching. "Here he comes..." Ken said sarcasticly.

A young boy (a Yutaro look-alike) steps out of a flashy limo looking a bit green. "What is it?" asked Kari, "Did you get jet lag again?"

Yukiro breathed a fresh breath of air and said, "I'm fine don't worry about me..." and he suddenly rushed to the bathroom.

"What's up with that brat?" Asked Yamato as he picked his nose.

"Yukiro's sufffering from jet lag again." replied Ken.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Some-one bring out the air fre-shiner 'cause it's really gonna stink in there!" Yamato sang as he acted out the song.

"Oh, shut up!" said Kari as she pinched Yamato's ear.

"What's going on?" asked Seta Sakurai, who, as usual, has brought his ball and his everlasting smile.

"NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS!" yelled the siblings.

"Maa, maa. Don't worry about them, Seta-dono. They're always like that." said Ken, "Would you like to stay for a cup of tea?" Seta nodded and went into the room with Ken.

"Whew!" Yukiro said as he stepped out of the bathroom. "I was getting sick of the sight of puke. Oh. It's you again."

He stopped as he saw Yamato Kamioka. "Say, fat ass. I was waiting for you. Let's battle!"

So, the great fight of the rivals began. The game link cables on their Game Boy's were connected. Yukiro picked Mareep. Yamato used Chikorita.

"Ha. A lousy Mareep. It's weaker than my Eevee." Yamato mocked.

"Really?" Yukiro replied, "Then could an lousy Mareep do this?" Mareep used thunderbolt on Chikorita and Chikorita fainted.

"That was my weakest. Get ready to die, lagboy."

"Oh yeah?" Yukiro said. "I'll use Machamp." So Yamato's Gyarados defeated Yukiro's Machamp. "Yeah! I kicked your ass."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"You both lost!"

They heard Kari's voice ring through their ears. "I've had it up to here with you! Now shut up and help around the dojo!" So she pinched their ears and dragged them to the dojo.

"There goes Hikari Kamioka again." sighed Ken as he continued playing 'Go Fish' with Seta.

Onto Chapter 6