Himura Kenshin

AGE: 28
BIRTHDATE: June 20 1849
HEIGHT: 158 cm
WEIGHT: 48 kg
FIGHTING STYLE: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
SEIYUU: Suzukaze Mayo
First Appearance: Vol.1 Part 1

Kenshin was known the Hitokiri Battousai during the Bakumatsu war in Kyoto, on the side of the Inshin Shishi. Towards the end of the Bakumatsu, he decided to give up killing and disappeared. For ten years, he wandered as a Rurouni, which may also translate to someone being without family or job, or just a "failure". Using a sakabatou, a sword with a reversed blade, Kenshin has dedicated his life to protecting others and never taking a life again.

His journey comes to an end in Tokyo, where he meets Kaoru, and that's where our story begins.

Kenshin is nice guy, that is when he isn't turning Hitokiri. He's really sweet and insists on doing all the cooking and household chores. He's also really cute when he smiles and says "ORO". Unfortunately, he's slightly clueless to how much he means to everyone, and he tends to think that his own life isn't worth much. That's not true, Kenshin! We all love you!

an early pic of ken
