piles of laundry to wash

Kenshin-gumi Laundry!

Hora! Kenshin & Kaoru have many guests staying at their home, and as a result, there's a lot of washing to do. Let's roll up our sleeves and go through the enormous pile. Please keep in mind, this page is under construction. Also, I don't have enemies of dead people listed, just friends or allies of the Kamiya Dojo family, or anyone who can visit for that matter. I got a lot of info from "Kenshin Kaden" and attempted to put them by family name (but I don't know everyone's family name). Saa, enjoy!

Hajime Saitou
Hiko Seijirou
Himura Kenshin
Kamiya Kaoru
Makimachi Misao
Myoujin Yahiko
Sagara Sanosuke
Sanjou Tsubame
Sekihara Tae
Shinomori Aoshi
Takani Megumi
Tsukayama Yutaro
Tsukioka Tsunan
Genzai-sensei & the girls
