Makimachi Misao

AGE: 16
BIRTHDATE: November 1863
HEIGHT: 149 cm
WEIGHT: 37 kg
SEIYUU: Sakurai Satoshi
First Appearance: Vol 8 Part 62

Misao is the new Okashira of the ninja group, Oniwabanshuu. She assumed the position after the old leader, Shinomori Aoshi, turned against them. The Oniwabanshuu was once the royal guards for the Edo castle back in the Tokugawa era. In the Meiji era, they continue their work of keeping peace in Kyoto from their secret HQ hidden in the Aoiya hotel.

Misao is a very energenic girl. She first appears in RuroKen when Kenshin is on his way to Kyoto. She was trying to mug some punks to pay for her fare home. Then she tried to mug Kenshin. Eventually it's revealed that she was looking for the Aoshi and his gang who left her behind at the Aoiya. She ends up following Kenshin to Kyoto, trying to get him to tell her what happen to her friends. (It's too sad to mention!)

She really loves her Aoshi-sama, especially since he's been taking care of her since she was a child. It was really hard for her when he turned "evil". But, after all that worked out, she continued her affections and someday hopes to unseal his smile.

Misao and Kaoru make a good team. They have a lot in common and are very close friends. Of course they always team up together against the guys.
