Myoujin Yahiko

AGE: 10
BIRTHDATE: August 1868
HEIGHT: 128 cm
WEIGHT: 23 kg
FIGHTING STYLE: Kamiya Kasshin Ryu
SEIYUU: Tominaga Miina
First Appearance: Vol.1 Part 3

Yahiko is Kaoru's student and also lives in the dojo. The two of them fight like brother and sister; he always calls her "BUSU" (ugly). Yahiko shows interest in gaining "strength", and looks up to Kenshin as a role model.

Before he came to Kamiya Dojo, Yahiko was owned by Yakusa. They made him pick pockets to pay for his debt, that really didn't exist. In the end, Kenshin saved him and brought him to the dojo.

Yahiko's father was a samurai who was killed in the Seiwa Wars. In the movie, Yahiko becomes interested in avenging the government for his father's death.

Yahiko doesn't like being treated like a child. In fact he resents the word "CHAN". He kinda has a girlfriend - Tsubame, a cute girl his age working at the Akebero. Everyone likes to tease them. Yahiko has a couple good fighting scenes. I especially enjoy his "Myoujin Special Move!"
