"Slaying a Demon"


one hot day at the akebeko...

Sano: OI!! There's a some shit floatin' in my soup!! OI TAE!!!

Tae: hai hai! nan ya?? ... EEEEH!?

Sano: my point! what the hell is that?!

Kenshin: oro? its seems to be alive de gozaru.

Kaoru: Kyaa! That's gross!!

Yahiko: it's ... its growing!!!

The monster explodes from the soup bowl - growing to 10 feet, breaking out of the roof of the Akebeko.

Kaoru (grabbing onto kenshin): KENSHIIIN!! DO SOMETHING!!

Kenshin (swirly eyed): ororororo...

Yahiko: Shimatta, it's huge!

Tae: You're worried about its size?! It's wrecking my restaurant!!

Sano: i have no choice... (out of nowhere grabs his zanbatou) OI! YOU FUCKIN' DEMON - I'LL KILL YOU TO SAVE THIS TOWN!

Kenshin (eyes turning normal) kill...? did you say 'kill' de gozaru??

Kaoru: daijoubu, it's not human. it's pure evil!

Tae: then how did it end up in the soup??

Yahiko: your recipe…

Meanwhile, Sanosuke charges the beast, swinging his zanbatou. there's an intense battle, but sano wins - slashing the demon in half - the slayed pieces plopping down into the street in pools of blood.

Sano: yossha!!

Kenshin: blood... de ... go... za... ru...


Kenshin: ore... ore wa...


Sano: oi kenshin!? don't turn battousai on us!! YAMERO!!

Kenshin: ore... I'LL FUCKIN' KILL YOU ALL!!!

Kaoru&Tae: KYAAAA!!!!!!!

Sano&Yahiko: AAAAAAAAA!!!!

to be continued...