notes: thanks for your support. here's another additinal story to the series. it's kenshin's turn. jaa na! jill 4/23/1 (updated 5/2/1)

"worrying over nothing"

Kenshin watched over his sleeping wife. The way she was clasping at her stomach made her look so protective and motherly. 'She's already getting the hang of it... I wonder how I'll do...'

He paused to gaze towards the calander. It was already May. She was 6 months pregnant and it was obvious. At times she complained of back sores and also exhaustion. She also seemed a bit sad that she could train kenjutsu and that everyone were making fun of her large body.

'If Yahiko and Sanosuke say anything I'll have to skin them alive...' he sighed, stroking her cheek. It was true, his little lady had blossomed into the symbol of feminism. How proud he was of her.

"Koishii..." he uttered, "Ohayou...time to get up..."

"Mmm... just five more minutes... let me finish this tray of mochi..." she murmered, pulling the futon over her face, "Mmm...mmm..."

Kenshin chuckled, standing up and stretching. It was really sunny out and he could tell that spring was making its transition into summer. From the looks of it, the baby should come in September or October.

'Hmmm... an autumn baby... I wonder what we should name him... or her...' He blinked at his own revelation. 'Oro... is it a boy or a girl?! What if it's BOTH!!?' He turned to his wife, the mound still visible under the futon. 'She's big enough to have two or three in there...'

He started to go into a shaking fit so he smacked himself into reality. There was breakfast to be made and he was sure that Kaoru & company were going to be hungry.

* * *
By the time Kaoru had got out of bed and dressed, she found that Kenshin had cooked an entire banquet. "Kyaaa, who's coming over?!"

"Kaoru-tada," he laughed, making her sit in front of the table, "This is all for you and the baby!"

"Mou, you better eat too!!" she said, pulling him down by the sleeve, "Kenshin, I've been watching you and you haven't been eating much all week. Is something wrong?"

"Eto..." he uttered, focusing again on her stomach again, "Iya, I've just hadn't much appetite..."

"Demo ne," she said, lifting chopsticks with squid to his lips, "I had a wonderful dream we were all eating together at a dessert cafe... you and the baby were sharing a bowl of pudding."

"W-Was it is a HE or SHE?" Kenshin blurted out anxiously, "What did she or he look like?!"

The squid tubbled back down into the bowl. Kaoru stared at him with surprise. "K-Kenshin... gomen. I don't remember. It was just a dream, I forgot the details just as I woke."

He relaxed a bit, sighing at himself for overreacting. "Suman, Koishii... I guess I'm just so nervous about being a father. I want to at least know what my opponent looks like, so I could possibly read them..."

Kaoru couldn't help but laugh, "Demo, it's not like you're going to battle with the baby. Being a father doesn't require any prior training... you'll learn as you go."

"Sou dakedo..." he sighed, rubbing his head. Kaoru just pulled him over and shoved a large clump of rice into his mouth. "MRPHH (ORO)!"

"Now chew like a good boy." she said, patting his cheek with one hand, the other getting more food.

* * *
After getting stuffed with a heavy breakfast, the couple decided to go out and visit Dr. Genzai for the usual checkup. Indeed the weather was getting warmer. Kenshin wondered if his wife was getting tired, but she just smiled and picked up the pace.

"Nee! Hayaku, Kenshin!"

"Aa... matte!" he gasped, hurrying after her. He broke into a run, trying to catch her arm. But his hand grasped at air, a cry coming out of his mouth, "ORO!" He had tripped over a rock and went crashing to the ground. Instantly the world went blank.

* * *
Slowly his vision focused. He could hear yelling the background, almost singing. It wasn't long before he realized that it was Ayame and Suzume, parading around him, chiming his name:


Kenshin dropped his head and sighed. Then he realized the excessive bandages around around his head and limbs. Prying off some of the bandages he also started to feel the soreness from when he fell.

"Jaa... where's Kaoru gone?" he asked the little girls, wishing his wife was there to comfort him.

The eldest, Ayame, replied, "She's with Ojii-chan. Nee, you'll play with us till then, Ken-ni??"

"Wai wai! Play with us, Ken-ni!!" Suzume cried, grabbing onto his arm.

Kenshin brightened up. "Hai hai! Let's go!" he said, taking their hands and going into the yard. "Eto... what do you want to play??"

The girls put their heads together for a moment. "Hmm..." After some consulting they turned back to him. "LET'S PLAY HOUSE!!"

Kenshin blinked. "Oro... the last time I played 'house' was..." He paused to remember Kaoru and him running around the dojo, creating their own version of the innocent game. 'Ororororo!' he thought, drool coming out of his mouth.

Suzume then yelled out, "Nee! I wanna be the mommy!!"

"Iyada!" Ayame argued, "I'll be the mama! You're too young!!"

To stop the arguing, Kenshin quickly interceded. "How about you both be the mommies."

"Sou ka!" Ayame noted, the two of them taking out their dolls, "And Ken-ni will be the papa!!"

"The same situation de gozaru..." Kenshin uttered, ready to faint. The girls then handed him the dolls, "ORO??"

Suzume explained, "We have to go tend to our careers so you have to babysit till we get back."


They just continued to the other side of the yard, "Be sure to feed the babies and gives them baths..."


* * *
Kaoru came out of the house to find Kenshin playing with dolls. "A-Ano... what the heck are you doing?!?"

"Ssshhh..." he hushed, rocking the dolls in his arms, "The babies are finally asleep and Sessha can rest too..."

"HAH??" she gasped, as he carried the dolls into the house. He then tucked them in with the sleeping Suzume and Ayame who were exhausted from their 'careers', which involved running around the yard wildly. Kaoru smiled towards him. "So, this is your training??"

Kenshin sorely shook his head. "I'm a bit aching from this... maybe I'm getting so old."

She hugged his arm, chuckling as they started to walk home, "You're not at all old. When the baby comes, you'll have lots of energy..." She nuzzled her face a bit into his shoulder, "You'll need it, because we're aren't going to stop there..."

His face went pale. "N-N-N-NANI?!?"

She giggled, "I want to have seven or ten boys to help run my dojo... resembling their handsome father..."

"ORORORORORORO!!!" Kenshin screamed, shaking her off his arm, "K-Kaoru, don't joke about these things!!"

"Gomen gomen..." she replied, clamping onto him again, "I didn't mean to scare you like that, demo I seriously want to have a family with you, Kenshin."

The samurai lowered his eyes and uttered, "I...I never in my life, ever... thought about having a family of my own..."

At these words, Kaoru turned to him attentively, a bit startled by his declaration. Nonetheless, he continued.

"Growing up as an orphan the closest thing to a father was Shisho, and he spent his time getting drunk, beating and bossin' me around. Then as a Hitokiri, I saw 'family' as something that was like a weak point, a mere distraction. As the Rurouni, I didn't want to have anything to tie me down either."

"Kenshin...?" her small voice dying out in wind.

They were now on the desserted road, the leaves and wind gathering around them. The sun seemed to be blotted out by clouds and the weather had suddenly changed. The two turned and faced each other, looking into the other's eyes.

"That all changed..." Kenshin said, with a warm smile, "...once I met you."

"Honto?" she gasped as he put his arms around her waist. He nodded, holding her to him, his chin leaning onto her shoulder. "Kenshin..."

"Hai," he said softly in her ear, "Boy or girl, I'll love this baby as much as I love you."

"Oh Kenshin!" Kaoru happily leapt up on him, throwing her arms around his neck and bombarding him with kisses.

"ORORORORO!!!" Kenshin cried, unable to take the weight. The two went crashing into the ground, Kenshin crushed underneath. "Oro... maybe I am gettin' old..."

"GOMEN! Kenshin!!!" his wife exclaimed, standing up, "Demo ne, if you beat me to the dojo, we can play 'house'..."

"ORO?!" he gasped as she got a head start. And he was up in a flash to check up with her, "Matte, Koishii!!!"
