"in lala land"

by judith
in response to "yesterday" part 9; i jus thought this was so funny!
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:18:44 +0100 (CET)

Kenshin....Why does he always have to run away from troubles?! And he knows that Kaoru needs him badly...
So WHY???? Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! ( Jude-chan is completely off...).
Ahem...(back to normal...)
Yatta!!! Kaoru is pregnant!!! Yeah!!! I knew it! And Kenshin who has run away, God knows where... AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!! (here I go again...Isn't it sad to end up like this, so young? ;_;).
Anyway, I think if Kenshin doesn't come back...Well, it would be funny!

Judith: "What are you saying, Jude-chan?! Kaoru-san will endlessly cry if he doesn't. I think that Kenshin should come back".

Jude-chan: "Kaoru always ends up crying...Anyway, who cares about what you think?"

Judith:"What was that?!" drawing the sakabatou..."I'll teach you some respect! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu...Ryu Tsui Sen!

Jude-chan: "You're too slow! Watch and learn!" drawing a katana "Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu...Kuzu Ryu Sen!!!"

Judith: "Nani?! Aaaarrgghhhh...!!!" flying in the air and landing hard on the ground

Jude-chan: "Feh...You can try but you'll never be as good as the very best master of the Hiten Mitsurugi School!!! Mwouhahahahahahahaah and...ha!

"You just took the words out of my mouth" said a male voice.

"Who dares to defy me?" said Jude-chan turning to the voice. In front of her was standing a tall man. When she realized who it was, she started to shake of fear "Anata wa...Hiko Seijuro!"

Hiko grinned and unsheated his katana."Damn right! But for you, it's Hiko-sama! Draw your sword."

"Why for?" answered Jude-chan, still shaking "We have no reason to fight each other!"

"No reason?" asked Hiko. "Let's just say I don't like people who usurp my title of "Greatest Master of the Hiten Mitsurugi School". And now, time has come for you to pay your arrogance...Prepare yourself!"

"Da...dame!!! Please, I won't do it again!!! I promise!" screamed Jude-chan in horror.

"I don't care about your promise! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu...Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki!!!"

"Aaaaaaaaaarrghhhhhhhhhhh....." was Jude-chan's last word before she passed out.

Hiko took an handkerchief and cleaned his blade. He looked down at Jude-chan's corpse and smiled at himself."No one on Earth is strong&worth enough to challenge me... Remember this, kid! Ha ha ha ha!!!" With that, he went away.

"Is he gone?" asked Jude-chan, her face still against the ground.

"Yes, he is" answered Judith. "Now that you've seen him, you should be happy, shouldn't you?"

Jude-chan grinned. "Damn right! He's so cool!!!"

"Yeah but... Was this production really necessary to make him come here?" asked Judith, a bit annoyed.

"Of course it was! Otherwise, I would never have seen him!"

"Yeah yeah...By the way, when you hit me, it was very painful. I told you not to hit me with all your might!"

"I didn't hit you with all my might. I was holding back myself, otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here".

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" cried Judith, already fuming.

"It only means that I'm better than you are." answered Jude-chan

"BETTER THAN I AM?! DON'T BE SILLY! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S BETTER THAN WHO!" said Judith, drawing her sakabatou

"OH YEAH?!" asked Jude-chan, her tone rising and drawing her sword too. "THEN COME!!!"

"May I join the two of you?" asked a voice.

"WHO THE HELL..." begun Judith but stopped immediately when she saw to whom belonged the voice. Jude-chan turned to see who it was and started to sweat.

"Oh no.... It's HIM again..." uttered Jude-chan. She then tried to break the ice. "Hum... So, what's up Hiko-sama?"

"Baka..." whispered Judith

"It's no use trying to deny the truth from me. I've heard everything. And it seems that you didn't receive the punishment you deserved..."

"Yeah! You're right, Hiko-sama!" nodded Judith.

"TEME!! How dare you..." cried Jude-chan but Judith just smiled.

"Who told you I would spare your life?" asked Hiko, turning to Judith.

"N...nani? But I've nothing to do with that! It was her idea!" she said, pointing at Jude-chan who was smiling.

"But you helped me, ne?"


"Shut up!" cried Hiko, causing Judith&Jude-chan to remain still. "Both of you are going to pay, once for all" he said, unsheathed his katana.

"But...but Hiko-sama..." uttered Jude-chan before Judith dragged her by the arm, forcing her to run.


"Baka! Shut up and run if you want to live!!" said Judith.

"Hmm...You can run but you can't hide from me" said Hiko, grinning and with that, he begun to chase Judith and Jude-chan trough Tokyo.

"Somebody...HELP!!!" cried Judith&Jude-chan at the same time.

"It's no use!" answered Hiko before bursting out laughing, still chasing them with his katana.
