"in lala land 2"

by judith
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:18:44 +0100 (CET)
Too bad "Yesterday" is over...Demo the end is so sweet...aaaaawwww....Kaoru is such an kind girl. But there's something I haven't understood: who's the boy who attacked Kenshin in the wood? Anyway, thanks to him, Kenshin decided to move his butt.

Jude-chan: "I don't know who you are kid, but I appreciate what you've done to save Ken!

Judith: "Ken? Who's Ken? You mean "Kenshin-sama"?"

Jude-chan: "Yeah yeah...Whatever...The girly samurai, if you prefer..."


"He deserves it."

"WHY YOU..." started Judith to say. Then, she calmed herself. "And what about your "Hiko-sama" who tried to kill us?"

"He didn't mean it!" blurted Jude-chan. "He, he didn't let down a girl who loved him, unlike a certain samurai..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ask Jill-san if you want to know."

"Ooooooo...I see...You're talking about "Yesterday", aren't you?"

"Damn right!"

"Hm...Let me tell you this, showy. Kenshin-sama DID come back! And, come to think of it, let me remind you that your "Hiko-sama" his known for his bad habit of flirting with beautiful women!"

"That doesn't mean anything, you idiot!"

"Nyark nyark!"

"Is that all you can say?!" cried Jude-chan. Judith couldn't help but laughing.

"oooo yeah? I don't think that Hiko-sama is the only to flirt with everyone..."

"And what is that supposed to mean, showy?"

"Didn't you fall in love with that other rurouni?"


"Seta Soujiro."

"Soujiro-sama...aaawwwwwwww" (Judith is gone in lala-land....)

"I knew you would betray Ken"

"(Judith, back among us) You're talking nonsense again. I didn't betray Kenshin-sama. I just love the 2 of them; they are so cute...aaaaawwwwww...."

"Ho ho...Come back, Judith!"

"Ahem...Sorry..." said Judith, looking at the ground.

"That's OK." said Jude-chan, patting Judith on the head. "Oh...Look who's coming our way!"

"Who's coming?", said Judith, looking up. "Oh my God! It's Soujiro-sama! i can believe it!"

"Me neither...Why don't we ask him to join us?"

"Wha...what? Are you crazy? I haven't put make up on my face yet! Matte!!" screamed Judith.

"Ano...Judith, you never put make up..." said Judith, sweat-dropping.

"Hum...You're right...Help me! He's coming closer!!!"

"There's no way to escape...Just go, girl!" She then pushed Judith hard on the back and she landed on Soujiro. The two of them fell on the ground.

"Itai...Ho! Su-su-suminasen...Sou-sou..."

"Ah...Suminasen, Judith-san. I didn't mean to run into you..."

"Hum...no...I...It's was my fault..."


"H-Hai, Soujiro-sama?"

"If you don't mind, I would like to ask you something..."

"Whatever you want, Soujiro-sama..." answered Judith, hoping that he would ask her THE question.

"Would you like to..." began Soujiro before Jude-chan interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, Sou but she can't marry you. She's already in love with Ken." said Jude-chan, in a tone of matter- of- fact.

"Wh-what?" asked Soujiro, as if he was shocked.


"Why, isn't it true that you're fond of Ken?" asked Jude-chan, smiling innocently.

"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE, YOU LITTLE DEVIL?!" said Judith, drawing the sakabatou.

"Don't push me there or you'll be sorry..." reply Jude-chan, drawing her katana.

"Please! Judith-san, Jude-chan-san, don't fight! I didn't want to marry Judith-san..."

"What?" asked Judith. "But you... but you..."

"Then what the hell do you want?" asked Jude-chan, a little annoyed.

"I just wanted to ask you if you could give me some money... You see, now that I've been defeated by Himura-san, I become a rurouni and I don't have any money left, so I was wondering..." began to explain Soujiro. But, unfortunately, he hadn't noticed yet the flames in the eyes of Judith and the battle aura which was surrounding her.

"You came my way, in order to get some money of me?" said Judith in a cold voice.

"Aa." nodded Soujiro. then, he opened his eyes and saw the red battle aura of Judith.

"Hum...Judith-san?...Are you alright?" asked Soujiro in a shaking voice.

"Heh Sou! You'd better run if you don't want to die."

"H-hai! you're right! I better run! Sayonara Jude-chan-san!". He then screamed "Shukuchi" and disappeared in the air.

"Bye, Sou!" waved Jude-chan. She then turned to Judith. "Hey! You alright? Poor girl... You don't have any chance in love, do you?"

"Jude-chan..."said Judith in a threatening voice.

"Hai?" reply Jude-chan, still smiling.

"You'd better run too if you want to live..."

"Eh?...What do you mean?"

"It's all your fault...you're going to pay for this mess..."answered Judith, lowering her sword and turning the blade. She then pointed the sharp side to Jude-chan. "Run".

"Eh...Um...No...Wait! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" said Jude-chan. She then took off into a run. "Somebody, help!!!"

"I'll make you suffer and I mean it" cried Judith, her eyes glowing.

"Why does it have to end up like this?! I'm an innocent!!!!!"

"Shut up!"


And the two of them run until the morning come....
