Battou Story

by judith (writen sometime early in the morning??)
in response to "ken vrs ken" skit

Judith: "Jude-chan! Back off, will ya?! I'm trying to write to Jill-san!"

Jude-chan:*snif snif* "You're so nasty...."(burst into tears.)

Judith:"Whatever... Ahem...What was I saying? Ah yes! The skit! It was cute the way Kenshin did react. Kenshin being jealous because Kaoru is busy with Kenji...hi hi... And funny the way Kenji did react...Biting Kenshin!

Jude-chan: Mwhouahahaha!!!

Judith: "Jude-chan! Didn't you hear me? I told you to back off! And stop laughing that way, will you?

Jude-chan:(tears at the corner of her eyes) "TEME!!! I'll laugh the way I want to, got that?! Anyway, your way of laughing is the same as mine!!"

"Not at all."

"Yes, it is!"

"It's not!"

"It is!!"

"I see..." said Judith in a low voice. "Since there's no choice left, I'll cut you in half." She then drew her sakabatou and pointed it at Jude-chan. The latter didn't seemed to mind and drew her katana in response. Kenshin, who was there(God knows why), rushed to them and tried to calm them.

"Maa maa...Onegai suru de gozaru yo. It's no use fighting for that. I'm sure that whatever the reason is, you can settle this by simply talking."

"IT'S HER FAULT!!!" shouted Judith&Jude-chan at the same time.

"Oro..." Suddenly, appeared Kaoru, wearing a white kimono with blue flowers on it. Kenshin watched her with loving eyes and smiled at her. "Hello, Kaoru-dono".

She returned the smile, her eyes showing when she watched Kenshin. "Hello Kenshin. Ano...What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Well, I was on my way back to the dojo when I saw Judith-dono and Jude-dono who were about to fight, God knows why de gozaru yo." he answered.

She then turned to Judith&Jude-chan. "Why are fighting?" she asked them.

"That's not your problem, Raccoon Girl!" shouted Jude-chan.

"Yeah! Mind your own business, tomboy!" shouted Judith. "You don't have to interfere into real women's business!"


"They just say that because they don't want to hurt you." answered Jude-chan. Behind her, Judith was nodding gravely.

"I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!!!" yelled Kaoru, picking up her bokken, from God knows where, but was held back by Kenshin.

"Oro! Kaoru-dono...Onegai, calm down de gozaru!"

"Good job, Ken! Don't let her escape!" said Jude-chan to Kenshin.

"I already told you not to call him "Ken"!" said Judith. "Call him "Kenshin-sama".

"No way."


But, suddenly, Kaoru broke free from Kenshin's hold and jumped at Judith&Jude-chan. "You gonna be sorry! Kamyia Kasshin Ryu...HAWATARI!!!"

Jude-chan stepped in front of Judith and took a batto-stance. "You techniques are useless against those who master Hiten Mitsurugi! Eat this!!!"

She then drew her sword out of the saya in a lightening speed. The sharp side of the blade was going to make contact with Kaoru's chest. She closed her eyes tightly, expecting to be killed in a few seconds but, when she opened her eyes, she saw that Jude-chan's sword had been blocked by Kenshin's sakabatou.

"Nani?! Ken, What'cha doin'?" asked furiously Jude-chan but Kenshin remained still. His bangs where hiding his eyes. "Well?" she asked impatiently.

"Huh...Jude-chan, I think you are in big trouble..." stated Judith.

"What are you talking about?". Judith pointed then at Kenshin. Jude-chan turned her head towards him and gasped. Deadly yellow glowing eyes where watching her.

"Hum...Ken...?" began Jude-chan but when she saw Kenshin's eyes narrowed, she tried to brake the ice. "Hum...How are you doing, Kenshin-sama?".

"It's completely useless." said Judith.

"SHUT UP!!!"

"Jude." said Battousai in a cold, low and deadly voice, which made turned everyone to him. "You tried to kill Kaoru-dono...In order to protect her, I will kill you." he said, in a tone of matter-of-fact.

"WHAT?!" cried Jude-chan in absolute terror.

"Oh...Kenshin..." said Kaoru, her cheeks beginning red. "Only because of me...That's so sweet..." she said in a whisper.

"NO!!! THAT'S NOT SWEET AT ALL!!! YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN ASSASSINS!!!" yelled Jude-chan. "Wha-what about the promises you've made? You've sworn you'll never kill again, haven't you?" she said, trying to save her life.

"Shut up!" he yelled at her, positioning in a batto-stance. "I'll kill you so quickly that you won't even notice that you're already dead." Seeing his determined eyes, Jude-chan turned to her only&last chance of escape. Judith.

"Oh please, Judith! I swear if you help me, I'll do anything for you!"

"Anything?" asked Judith, a bit interested.


"I'm sure I'm going to regret it but...It's OK!" Jude-chan's eyes were filled with tears.

"Thank you so much!!!". She then dried her eyes and watched Battousai in the eyes. "So, spit it out! What's your idea?" she asked Judith, who grinned and sweated a little.

"Easy...Just watch!" She then pushed Jude-chan on the back, towards Battousai.

"TRAITRESS!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh..." screamed Jude-chan when she saw Battousai's blade coming towards her.*My God, I'm going to die...*.

"Stop right there, Battousai, otherwise your "Kaoru- dono" might be hurt!"

Battousai and Jude-chan turned towards Judith. She was standing behind Kaoru, holding firmly both arms and pressing her sakabatou against Kaoru's throat.

"Jude-san! God bless you!" cried happily Jude-chan.

"You bitch..." uttered Battousai, his eyes narrowing even more.

"HEY! Watch your language, will you?" yelled Judith.

"Seems like you're loosing, Battousai! Fu fu!!!" said Jude-chan. But Kenshin totally ignored her. He was concentrated on Kaoru who was in danger. He then looked up at Judith.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice colder than ever.

"Just let my friend and I go without searching for any revenge and I swear I won't harm Kaoru-san." answered Judith in a shaky voice. There was a long pause. No one dared to speak. Finally, Battousai spoke.

"I agree. Just let Kaoru-dono go."

Judith nodded and released Kaoru who ran at Battousai's side.

"I think it's time for us to go." said Judith, going towards Jude-chan.

"Uhn!" nodded Jude-chan.
