"Battou Story" cont.

by judith (it was like 1:30 am...)
/Later, somewhere on a road/

"Thank you so much, Judith. You saved my life!" said Jude-chan.

"Yeah yeah...Oh! And don't forget what you did told me."

"What are you talking about?" asked jude-chan.

"What, you don't remember? You told me you'll everything I would ask!"

"Oh, that! Well...Don't tell me you did believed me!"


"I only said that because I would have done everything to stay alive! I thought you'd have figured it out..."

"YOU LITTLE..." began Judith but Jude-chan hushed her.

"Chttt! Don't your hear anything?" asked Jude-chan. Judith listened closely and finally heard something.

"Looks like footsteps." she stated.

"Looks like someone is running".

"Looks like this someone is running our way."

Suddenly, appeared in front of them, Battousai. His eyes were glowing more than usual and it was easy to tell that he was really pissed off, even a blind person could tell it. They both stared at him without speaking.

"I came here in order to finish what I did start." he said, answering their unspoken question.

"Y-you mean...You came to kill Jude-chan?" asked Judith.

"But you've promised you..."

"Not only her." He cut sharply. "You are going to pay too." he said in his still cold voice.

"M-me too?" asked Judith. "But...But..."

"You threatened Kaoru-dono's life. That's the only reason." He then unsheathed his sword. "Don't make me lose my time. I've dinner to cook." Judith and Jude-chan sweat-dropped at that.

"What are we going to do? Any ideas, Jude-chan? Eh? Jude-chan?" She turned around and saw Jude-chan running away and waving at her.

"Good luck!"

"TEME!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!" yelled Judith. She then turned to Battousai and started sweating. "Seems like it's just the two of us..."

"Don't worry about her." he said. "I will catch up with her and make her suffer."

"If you say so..." *I can't die! I don't want to! There's no choice left, so...* "I'm sorry Battousai-sama but it will be painful!"

"For you, you mean."

"Hm! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu secret technique..."


"GEKIDOKU!!!" Judith kicked the ground with her foot and lifted some dust. Battousai was blinded for a moment and, when the dust disappeared, Judith was nowhere to be seen.

"Kuso!" snarled Battousai. "Anyway, I've still dinner to prepare." With that, he took off. When he was out of sight, a black-haired girl popped her head from the bushes.

"Pffoooouuuuuu!!!! He's finally gone!!!" said Judith in relief.

"Hm hm...'Gekidoku'....that was a good one. Good work, showy!"

"Dare...?" asked Judith, turning quickly to see who it was and when she realized who it was, she relaxed. "You witch! You let me down! How could you?!" yelled Judith.

"Hey hey! Calm down, will you? You're alive, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but it isn't because of you!"

"Let's go back home, OK? I'm starving...And let me remind you it's your turn to cook."

"Why you...!"

"Dead people doesn't need to eat."

"That voice..." said Judith turning slowly.

"Those eyes..."said Jude-chan.

"HELP!!!!!" screamed they in chorus. Then, they started running at top speed.

"You can run but you can't hide from Battousai." was Battousai 's last words before he took off after the both of them.

"Why does it always end up like this?"

"Shut up! It's all your fault! You bring bad luck!

"DO RYU SEN!!!" yelled Battousai behind them.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Judith&Jude-chan, dodgging the rocks which were coming at them. In the sky, the moon was glowing heavily.

OWARI! (or is it?)

Judith&Jude-chan: "Judith-sama no baka!"

Judith-sama: "Nani?"

Judith: "You're such an lazy fat ass girl!"

Jude: "Damn right!"

Judith-sama: "What?! How dare you?! I'm your creator!"

Judith: "So? You have no imagination!"

"Damn right!"

"We always end up running trough Tokyo's streets with a killer on our heels!"

"Damn right!"

"Stop saying this, will you?" cried Judith.

"You're not funny!" replied Jude-chan

"Shut up!Both of you! First, you burst into my room and then you insult me. Do you really think I will let you do as you please?"

"You can't do anything against us!" said Jude-chan.

"Ohhh....You think so?" said Judith-sama, a little amused. "Then let me remind you this: I've created both of you and, if I want to, I can destroy you!"

"You wish!" said Judith. "C'mon Jude-chan! Let's kick her ass!"


They both were in a battou-stance and glared at Judith-sama who grinned at them. "Come if you dare." she said.

They both teared at her, ready to draw theirs swords when they saw a light coming out of Judith-sama's hands.

"I did warned you but now, it's too late! KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!!!"


"Aaaaaaaaarghhhh!!!" were the last words of Judith&Jude-chan.

When the fume was finally gone, there was no traces of Judith&Jude-chan' bodies. Judith-sama smiled and then said aloud:

"Who said I had no imagination? Mwouhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!"

Is it the end? What did really happen to Judith&Jude-chan? Are they really dead? Will Battousai try to kill Judith-sama, God knows why? And what's Judith-sama true identity? What is she doing on earth? Is she an human? When is she going to stop being insane? When will she shut up and go to sleep? When will she stop talking nonsense?

If you wanna know, then stay tune for the next part! Kenshin: "Will it have another part, de gozaru yo?"

Judith-sama:"How the hell would I know?"

"But aren't you the creator?"



"Shut up!"

