this happy family was created by Watsuki-sensei, not kono baka Jill.

Kenshin versus Kenji

"Samurai Lovin'" (5/5/1)

It's late at night and Kenshin feels lonely. He comes into the room to see that Kaoru had already put the baby asleep and was settling down herself, going to read in the lamplight.

Kenshin: Eto... ano... K...Kaoru...
Kaoru: Nani??
Kenshin: S-Sessha wants to... wants to...
Kaoru: Hm?? (not lifting her head & turning a page) Nani de?
Kenshin: I wanna \^o^/!!! (leaps at her, blankets and pillows flying) Orororororo!!
Kaoru: (giving him a good smack) BAKA! The baby will see us!
Kenshin: So??
Kaoru: DATTE!! To expose our child to such dirty things is wrong... we cannot in front of the baby!
Kenshin: Then we'll put him outside....
Kaoru: IYA! It's cold outside! What are you thinking!?Use your head, Kenshin! (a pause) Oh, right, you're using your other mind...
Kenshin: (hugging her waist) Onegai suru... Sessha hasn't given you the 'samurai love' in a loooong time.
Kaoru: Gomen, Kenshin. For the baby's sake, even we have to make such sacrifices...
Kenshin: (glaring at the baby) what's he smiling about?!
Kaoru: Oyasumi nasai!
Kenshin: Jotto! You said it's okay if the baby doesn't see us, then... (pulls blanket over them) how about that?
Baby: ?!?!
Baby: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
Kenshin: ORO?!
Kaoru: N...Nani?
Kenshin: It's just the baby. Daijoubu! now where were we?
Kaoru: BAKA!
Moments later, Kenshin lying by himself all tearyfaced. Kaoru and the baby had moved to another room.
Kenshin: Oro, Sessha is still lonely...

"Lunchtime battle" (3/31/1)

* note Kenji is only a baby and cannot speak outloud just yet. words in () are thoughts. Thanks to Mar-san for mentioning the "Epidus Rex complex", this one is dedicated to you. \^o^/

One afternoon, the Himura family are having lunch indoors, no thanks to the cold weather outside. Kaoru is feeding baby kenji, while Kenshin is moping over his 'who knows what Kaoru cooked'.

Kenshin: oro, sessha is lonely
Kaoru: mou, why don't you go do some laundry?
Kenshin: demo, sessha wants Kaoru-dono...
Kaoru: well, who was the one who fainted while i was in labor??
Kenshin: honto ni suman de gozaru! it was so stressful, but sessha really felt bad about that...
Kaoru: daijoubu (kisses him) everything turned out ok.
Kenji: (ORO!?! teme! i'm only supposed to have mama's kisses!!)
Kenshin: kenji seems to be enjoying his lunch. demo, sessha would like to have a try.
Kaoru: (blushing) k-kenshin...? Kenshin: just a little ne?
kenji: (now he's stealing my lunch!! who does this guy think he is?! that area is MY territory!!)
Kenshin: oishii de gozaru
Kaoru: ...
Kenshin: shikushi, sessha will burp the baby.
while he goes to reach for kenji, his hand gets caught in his teeth.
Kenshin: ORO?!?!
Kaoru just sits in a feverish daze, oblivious of what's going on. the violence ensues.
Kenin: DAME!! ORO!!!
Kenji: (serves you right, bastard!!)
