Mar posted 4/3/1
The Kenshin-gumi and Misao are walking through a port town, Shimonoseki.

Misao: Hurry up!! We must find Aoshi-sama! He has an advantage of two days over us!

Sano: What the hell?! If the fox lady would be here we could spend a funnier time together, Eheheh...

Kaoru: Don't forget that the main reason for coming here is to see my children, I miss all of them so much.

In Tokio, some days ago...

Kaoru: Minna, I must tell you a secret. I cannot bear to hide it anymore! But I feel a little shy...

Minna: ...

Kenshin: Kaoru, don't worry, you know that I will understand whatever you tell me, I don't care whatever you did in the past, I love you, and that's all that matters.

Kaoru: (with tears in her eyes) Oh! Thank you, Kenshin!

Yahiko: Busu! Tell us the damn secret now! I'm so intrigued that I think I'm gonna kill somebody if you don't speak!!

Tae: Yeah, Kaoru, tell us! 'More gossip! Ahahah!'

Kaoru: Well, here it goes. Before I met Kenshin and the others, I spend some years of my life in Shimonoseki. I had a health problem and the doctor told my father that it was better for me to stay in a port town because the sea air was healthy for me. My father sent me to Shimonoseki and there I met a man that changed my life...

Kenshin: Oro?

Kaoru: We got very intimate and I gave birth four children of him.

Kenshin: Ororororoooo!!!

Sano: Wow! Jou-chan! It seems that you didn't waste your time!

Yahiko: He must be a blind man. (Kaoru knock Yahiko away)

Kaoru: Next week it will be the birthday of my twins and I want to go to see them. They live with his dad, *sniff, sniff*

Sano: Let's go all together!! I want to meet the past Kaoru' sweetie! What do you say, Kenshin?

Kenshin: Of course we will go! 'I cannot leave Kaoru alone with her ex-lover'*angry glare*

In Shimonoseki again...

Yahiko: I don't give a damn for your children!

Kaoru: Shut up! They are lovely! Don't say nasty things about them!*scary face*

Misao: Hey! I decided to come with you only because I'm searching Aoshi-sama. He was a jerk! He made me pregnant when we were swiming in a lake and when he discovered it he ran away! *with fire in her eyes* Aoshi-sama! You will come back with me! Otherwise I will do you pay for this!

Later in a restaurant...

Sano: Oi! That waitress is pretty cute, I will talk to her when we finish all these yummy dishes!

Waitress: Ohohoh! That hot boy is looking at me!

Waitress2: Oh my! He is handsome, you are so lucky!

Kaoru: *looking jealous to the waitress* Mou! Kenshin! Better you decide to make me something or I gonna cry!

Kenshin: *blushed* Oro...ro, Kaoru.

Yahiko: Busu, don't scare Kenshin with such horrible things, the poor guy will have nightmares!

Kaoru: Grrrr!

Suddenly a man with a hood enters in the restaurant crying.

Man: All the sinners of the world! Watch out! The prophecy will be fulfilled soon! The Antichrist is gonna arrive! It's the apocalypse!!

Everybody is scared by the man's words and run in all directions. Misao gets up tightening her fists.

Misao: STOOOOP!!!! My god! This is a craziness!

Everybody stop and look at Misao.

Misao: Man! Don't believe the story of that mad guy, the apocalypse is not gonna come!

Woman: She is a liar! I know that man and he would never say a lie!

Sano: Hey! my friend is right!

A crowd of people with sticks and rocks sorround them.

Kenshin: maa, maa...we were going to leave now, calm down.

Crowd: Let's punish these liars!!!!

Yahiko: Shit! we are in trouble!

guy: I will kick this black boy ass!

Yahiko: Black boy?! What are you talking about, baka?! I'm not black, only a bit dark.

Sano: It can be true, with that tiger-like gi and your dark skin...

Yahiko: What?! * he jumps over Sano and bite his head*

Kaoru: *sigh* This is gonna be a long trip.

To be continued...
