They are sorrounded by a crowd of crazy people who want to see blood.

Man: let's make a bonfire to burning them! they are heretics!

Crowd: Yeah! Let's do it!

Misao: *with superdeformed teary face* Waa! I don't want to die so young!

Kaoru: Don't give up, Misao. You cannot die now, you must search for Aoshi to take revenge of him ! *Kaoru take her bokken, ready to beat all the bad guys*

Misao: You are right! I will drag him to the marriage! and if he refuses to do it I'm gonna kick his ass!! *scary face*

A guy with a trident charges at Misao.

Yahiko: Hey! What the hell are you doing? Don't you see that it's a pregnant weasel?!

The guy stops and everyone looks at eachother.

Misao: How you dare, brat!!

Kenshin: *he stay in front of Misao* He says the truth, onegai, don't hurt the baby. Put the blame on me, I will pay for all the troubles.

crowd: catch him!! *everyone charge at Kenshin*

Kenshin: 'Orooo! It was just a way of speaking, I thought that they would give up'

He changes into a kawaii superdeformed one and jumps to Kaoru's neckline.

SD Ken: Help Kaoru! They want to hurt me!

Chibi Kenshin lands in her chest and kaoru begins to get red and you can see smoke coming from her head.

Kaoru: HENTAIIIII!!!!!!!! *She punchs Kenshin and he disappears up into the sky*

crowd: kill, kill, KILL!

Sano: Hell! This is too boring, I think I'm gonna take a nap. When you finish, call me, ok?

Sano lies down on the grass and in few seconds he begins to snore. General sweatdrop.

Yahiko: what a lazy ass he is!

crowd: kill, kill, KILL!!!

When all of them are going to attack Kaoru suddenly a figure protects her.

figure: Let her alone or you are going to face the man that defeated Battousai! What do you think now?!

The crowd look at the tall, muscular guy and run away.

figure: Are you ok, honey?

Kaoru: y..yes, sir. Thank you for your help.

The guy smiles and his teeth shine as he jumps and disappears among the buildings. Kaoru stays quiet for a while, her heartbeats speed and her cheeks blush.

Kaoru: Tha..that man looked like...like Juzaburo! The father of my children! I must go after him!

She raises her kimono and run after the man. Yahiko and Misao run too. Sano keeps snoring on the grass.

Some minutes after...


Sano gets up very stunned looking in all directions.

Sano: What was that?!

He approaches to a dust cloud and he sees Kenshin in the middle of it. He came back from the skies at last. Sano tries to wake him up with the foot.

Sano: Hey, Kenshin! Get up! There is nobody here!

After overcoming his dizziness they begin to search for their friends and soon they find Yahiko and Misao.

Kenshin: Where is Kaoru?

Misao: She ran after the man who helped her, she called him 'Juzaburo'.

Kenshin: We must go to find...oro?

Suddenly they heard Kaoru's voice in a near street.

Kaoru: Juzaburo, my love, I have missed you and the children. How are they?

Juzaburo: The boys are so strong like me, and the twins have your cute face.

The Kenshin gumi is listening behind a corner. Kenshin gets angrier by moments.

Kenshin: I have seen that guy before, but I don't remember where...

Juzaburo holds Kaoru's waist and leans for a kiss.

Kenshin: DAMEEE!!!!!

Kaoru: Kenshin? What are you doing here?

Kenshin: K..Kaoru, who is that man! *battousai glare*

Kaoru: Well...He...I...*blush* He is my old lover!

Kenshin:*depressed* I see...

Juzaburo:*looking at Kenshin* Awww!! You look so cute when you feel sad! Kawaii!!

Kenshin: Oro? 'What is this guy talking about?!'

Juzaburo: I must confess I have a reverse blade "sword".

Misao searches for the sword in everywhere and she doesn't find anything.

Misao: Eh? This guy must be getting mad. He doesn't have any sword.

Juzaburo: *sweatdrop* I mean that I'm bi!

Everybody: ...*open jaw*

Juzaburo: I like men and women, as long as they have a cute face and a nice butt.

He looks at the lower place in Kenshin's back. Kenshin blushes and covers himself.

Juzaburo: Your friend is handsome *looking at Sano*, but I like you the most *wink*

Sano: What?! Are you saying that I'm not hot enough?!

Kenshin: 'Juzaburo...this face...where I have seen him before?'

After a little while a light bulb appears over Kenshin's head.

Kenshin: Ah!! Now I remember!

Ehehehe! new discoveries of the past in the next chapter ^^
