the return of battousai

The return of Battousai

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is property of Nobuhiro Watsuki.
Fanfiction written by Carolina; minor editting by Jill; please do not take without permission; original posting January 19 2002
Jan.25, 2002: chapters 2&3 posted. Carolina's email address is, please send all feedback & encouragement to her.
Feb.02, 2002: chapter 4 posted.
Feb.08, 2002: chapter 5 - and finished! thank you, Carolina!
The words between ".." are thoughts.

- Chapter 1 -

Three months had passed since Enishi was defeated and all in the Kamiya dojo was peaceful. Well, almost everything...

Kenshin: Kaoru-dono, can I talk to you?
Kaoru: Sure Kenshin, What is it?

Meanwhile, on the roof of the dojo...

Sano: I swear if he doesn't say it her, I will kill him.
Yahiko: Shut up Tori Atama, I can't hear anything.
Sano: (very angry) SHUT UP YOU KID!!
Yahiko: (on Sano's head) I'm not a kid.
Misao: SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU. Stay still or we'll fall.

And in less than a second they were on Kenshin.

Kenshin: Oroo...
Kaoru: Kenshin, are you OK? Look what you did! Can I know what were you doing on the roof?
(all at the same time)
Misao: Well....I.....we...
Sano: We were.......and...
Yahiko: I.....I...and then...
Kaoru: SILENCE. Yahiko, you first.
Yahiko: Ehhhhh... I have to train. Sano can explain you everything, bye. (he went inside the dojo)
Sanosuke: Traitor.
Kaoru: (very angry) Well, Sanosuke? What's your excuse for being on the roof and falling on top of Kenshin?

Meanwhile, Misao was trying to escape, but...

Misao: Who? Me? Anywhere, Kaoru!
Kaoru: Well, can you explain me what you were doing on the roof?
Misao: I was just practicing my techniques of ninja.
Kaoru: And you, Sanosuke?

Sano was unprejudice and with his always present fish-bone in his mouth. (Author's Note: Don't ask were it came from because I don't know)

Sano: I was just waiting for that idiot (pointing Kenshin who was laying unconcious on the floor) to say to you what he feels. But it seems I was wrong so I am going. (and he left)

Kaoru: (very red because of Sano's comment) Misao, help me take Kenshin to his room.
Misao: Yes, Kaoru.

Three hours later, in Kenshin's bedroom...

Kaoru: It has passed three hours and he is still sleeping.
Misao: Don't worry, Kaoru. Megumi said there's no reason to worry, that it was just a hit and Himura is going to be all right.
Kaoru: I know, but I feel that something bad is going to happen.

At that moment Kenshin started to wake up. Kaoru, very happy, embraced Kenshin.

Kaoru: (still embracing Kenshin) Oh Kenshin! I'm glad you are ok. I will make Sano, Yahiko and Misao clean the house for what they did you.
Sano: (who had entered with Yahiko a few moments ago) Ka...Ka...Kaoru.
Kaoru: What is it, Sano?

Kaoru saw in Sano's face that he was scared. The same face was on the others. When she looked at Kenshin she understood why the faces. There in front of her were the most terrifying eyes that caused that all her body to freeze in a second. Those eyes that shined of a golden color only meant one thing....

Kaoru: Ba....Battou..sai.
Misao: Kaoru, beware. It can be dangerous.
Kaoru: No, Kenshin will never hurt me.
Sano: But he isn't Kenshin; he is Hitokiri Battousai. He can kill you easily if he wants. (He held Kaoru and seperated her from Battousai)
Kaoru: Leave me, Sanosuke!
Battousai: (who have been silent, stood up and prepared to attack) SHE TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER.

When he heard that, Sano let her go. Kaoru fell to the floor on her knees, scared. She never thought that Kenshin could be so insensible when he talked.

Battousai: Go out from the room, NOW!

Scared, everyone except Kaoru went out from the room, leaving them alone in the room.

Misao: I'm worry about Kaoru. Are you sure she is going to be all right?
Yahiko: Even if it is Battousai, he would never hurt Kaoru.
Sano: But we have to still find the way to bring Kenshin back. Just because he will not hurt Kaoru, doesn't mean he won't hurt any other person.
Misao: What we have to do is to avoid him and we will have time to bring Himura back.
Yahiko: Yes, but how?
Sano: Well, if a hit brings him, a hit will make him go back from where he came.
Misao: How? If we try to hit him, he can avoid us easily and that would make him angry. And I don't want to see him angry.
Sano: We have to think of something an quickly.

- End of chapter one. -

- Chapter 2 -

Even if she was in front of Battousai, Kaoru wasn't afraid. But she kept asking herself if she would see Kenshin again.

Kaoru: "Why is he looking at me like that? I wish Kenshin was here to help me."
Battousai: (helping her to stand up) Did he hurt you?
Kaoru: No, Sanosuke would never hurt me.
Battousai: Is it better that way?
Kaoru: Why are you so worry about what happens to me?
Battousai: Because you are very special to the Rurouni and he would never leave in peace if something happened to you. Besides, you are the only person I can trust.
Kaoru: Thanks for helping me, but now you need to rest. You were hit on the head and I don't want something bad to happen to you.
Battousai: Yes, but stay with me a moment.
Kaoru: Ok.

Meanwhile in the dojo, Misao, Yahiko and Sano met to discuss a way to bring Kenshin back.

Yahiko: Well Sano, any ideas?
Sano: The problem isn't 'ideas'. The problem is that we are talking about Hitokiri Battousai who can easily kill us without any effort.
Yahiko: And if Kaoru attacks him?
Misao: That wouldn't work. He can avoid her attack.
Sano: The weasel is correct.
Misao: (angry) WEASEL?
Sano: (avoiding Misao's kunais) Ok, sorry. Now is not the time to fight between us. What I want to say is that there are only two people that can fight with Kenshin in this way. One is Aoshi...
Misao: Impossible, he is on a trip finishing a job for the Oniwabanshu.
Sano: Then we have to ask Saito.
Yahiko and Misao: WHAT?
Sano: It's the only way we can bring Kenshin to normal again.
Yahiko: But that wolf would never help us to bring Kenshin back.
Misao: Yes, when he hears that Battousai is back, he would want to fight until one is dead.
Sano: That's right, but what can we do?
Misao: The only thing that we can do is wait until Kenshin comes back in his way. "I only hope that is before someone gets hurt."
In Kenshin's room, Battousai was sleeping and Kaoru was thinking.

Kaoru: "He isn't as bad as I thought. He worries about me and that means that he feels something for me. What am I saying? I only love Kenshin. But he is part of Kenshin, isn't he?"

At the same time in Battousai's mind, two men were talking...

Battousai: What do you want, rurouni?
Kenshin: I want you to return.
Battousai: Why? I'm happy were I am. Besides, the company of that girl is a good change after ten years alone in the dark. Did you think I was going to lose the opportunity? Besides, why do you want that I return to that jail?
Kenshin: I don't want that you cause any problem.
Battousai: Like killing someone?
Kenshin: Yes, now come back.
Battousai: NEVER. I passed jail ten years, now is time that the Hitokiri returns and for the rurouni to stay in the dark. And if it is the Kamiya girl what worries you, calm down because I will never hurt her. She is too beautiful to die, but I can't say the same about the others. Like that tall boy - if he does something to Kaoru again I swear I'll kill him with my own hands (he stands up to go).
Kenshin: (angry) "Idiot"
Kaoru noticed that Battousai was starting to wake up. When she saw that his eyes were still golden she became sad.
Kaoru: (without looking at him) Did you sleep well?
Battousai: More or less.
Kaoru: Here. (and she place a plate with soup infront of him) I did it. I know I'm not the best cooking but I think it is ok. (smiling)
Battousai: I don't know if I should eat it.
Kaoru: Why not?
Battousai: Because I hear the thoughts of the rurouni that says that your food is horrible.
Kaoru: (trying to smile) So that's what Kenshin think about my food? "When he returns I'm going to kill him"
Battousai: (testing the soup) And he didn't lie.
Kaoru: IF YOU HATE MY FOOD, WHY DON'T YOU COOK THEN? (she went out from the room very angry)
Battousai: I like it when she gets angry.

When the others hear the shout they run to the door of the room and saw Kaoru went out whispering something.

Kaoru: That idiot is just a copy from Sano and Yahiko. I wish Kenshin was here. He is different; he is good with me. (she went to the garden)
Yahiko: It seems that Battousai make her angry.
Misao: Yes.
Sano: Maybe we should see if he is still alive. You know how it is when Kaoru gets angry.
Misao: Ok, but you should stay here after that incident... (she knock on the door)
Battousai: Yes?
Misao: It's me... Mi-Misao.
Battousai: What do you want?
Misao: Well, we saw Kaoru go out angry, and when she gets angry she always hit the first person she see. We only wanted to see if...
Battousai: I'm ok. Yes, she didn't do anything to me.
Misao: Well, then... we're going.
Battousai: (smiling maliciously) "This is getting interesting; I think I am going to get fun here"

- end of chapter 2 -

- Chapter 3 -

After the problem with Battousai, Kaoru went to the garden to think.

Kaoru: (still angry) "It doesn't matter he is Battousai or the shogun! How can he reject my food just like that? Men - they are all the same!"
Misao: Kaoru, are you ok?
Kaoru: Yes, yes. I'm just a bit angry.
Misao: What happened in the room?
Kaoru: That stupid man said that my food is horrible.
Misao: So, that's why you shouted at him? (Kaoru answered moving her head) You are very brave. I could die only looking him in the eyes.
Kaoru: It was just an impulse. I only shouted and ran out from the room very angrily.
Sano: Try to avoid that impulse or he is going to hurt you and all of us.
Kaoru: Kenshin would never hurt me.
Yahiko: Kenshin, no. But we don't know what is he able to do as Battousai.
Sano: We have to return Kenshin to normal and quickly.
Battousai: That is not going to happen (everyone turned to see him) I passed many years locked up and I won't let anybody to return me to that prison NEVER AGAIN.
Sano: But....
Battousai: It is better that you all realize that the Rurouni is not going to return in a long time.
Kaoru: Kenshin....

That night Kaoru couldn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she dreamt about Kenshin and that she wasn't going to see him again. Even if she tried, she only got the idea that he wasn't going to return. 'NO, he was going to return, they would find a way to bring him back to normal, that she just needed to be patient. All was going to be ok.' - she kept telling herself all the night.

The next morning Kaoru woke up by a big noise that came from the kitchen. Rapidly, she put on a yellow kimono and ran to the kitchen where she found a great disaster. It was like a hurricane had passed. And in the middle of the disaster - a great tangle of legs, arms, and frying pans - she found the trio of the catastrophe trying to stand up.

Kaoru: Can I know what were you trying to do now?
Sano: Yahiko and I were hungry and you were sleeping, so we decided not to wake you and cook the breakfast by ourselves.
Kaoru: Well, but that doesn't explain all this disorder.
Yahiko: That was Misao's fault.
Misao: MY FAULT?
Yahiko: Yes, you enter to the kitchen running and knocked down Sanosuke, who knocked me over and we all fell to the floor because of you.
Misao: I came running because I received a letter from the Aoiya. It says that Aoshi-sama is back from the trip and I wanted to ask him to come back to help us with our little problem.
Sano: That's good news.
Kaoru: But there is a little problem.
Yahiko: I don't see the problem.
Misao: Yes Kaoru, what's the problem?
Kaoru: If Kenshin can fight with Aoshi and win easily, think what can Battousai do now. He can kill him and all of us after the fight.
Sano: Jou-chan is right.
Kaoru: We have to find a good plan.
Battousai: (hiding) "So Kaoru result to be more intelligent than what I thought. I have to be careful with her. But I can put her by my side with just a few words" (smiling)
Kenshin: " If you hurt her."
Battousai: "What? Don't worry I wasn't thinking to do something to her. But it is better that she and her friends stop plotting or I am going to respond with action."
Kenshin: "Why? Why are you doing all this? Why are you trying to destroy my life?"
Battousai: "Because it is fun, Rurouni. Which other motive would I have?"

During the rest of the day, Battousai stayed in his room so there weren't any kind of trouble. But that night when Kaoru was drinking tea in the porch, Battousai came to speak with her.

Battousai: Is late. You should be resting.
Kaoru: (looking at the garden) In a moment.
Battousai: (sitting near Kaoru) Can I accompany you?
Kaoru: Do what you want?
Battousai: Why are you so angry?
Kaoru: And you ask it? How would you be if you were not going to see the person you love the most ever again.
Battousai: But you have to think that he and I are the same person.
Kaoru: Maybe in the body, but in mind you two are very different. While you like killing and hurting people, Kenshin is always risking his life to protect the others.
Battousai: That is true, a little.
Kaoru: A little? What do you mean by that?
Battousai: It is true that in the past I killed and hurt many people, but when you pass many years in the dark like I, I decided that I would start again. But it looks like nobody would give an opportunity to someone like me. I thought that you would understand me like you did it with the Rurouni. Maybe I was wrong.
Kaoru: I...I am sorry, I didn't...
Battousai: It's ok. The things I passed, the thing I did. It isn't strange that you don't understand me.
Kaoru: Maybe if you talk to me, I can understand you.

They passed around four hours talking. When he was a boy and was sold like a slave, when he was training with his Shisho Hiko Seijuro, about Tomoe, and other things.

Kaoru: It must be very hard to live like that - with all that pain and suffer.
Battousai: With time I learn to live with it. Well, I think is time to go to rest, so I am going to my room.
Kaoru: (smiling) Oyasumi nasai.
Battousai: Oyasumi, Kaoru. "How easy is to cheat her"
Kenshin: "Leave her alone"
Battousai: "Why would I do something as stupid as that? I like her company and I am starting to understand why you love her so much."
Kenshin: "Let me out."
Battousai: "No, until I have what I want."
Kenshin: "And what's that?"
Battousai: "What do you think? The girl, stupid"
Kenshin: "You promised to stay away from her"
Battousai: "Wait a second. I only promised not to hurt her and I am not going to hurt her."
Kenshin: "Damned, even all this years you are still so cruel."
Battousai: "The flattery isn't going to help you. She is going to become in love with me - at whatever cost."

In Kaoru's room...

Kaoru: "Maybe I judged him wrong and he isn't that bad. Besides he isn't very different from Kenshin. He said he wants to change. I should help him and at least Kenshin is going to be one person. Nor the rurouni or the hitokiri, only Kenshin Himura - that would be perfect."

The next day, Aoshi came to the dojo. Everybody met to make a plan after they explained it all to Aoshi.

Aoshi: So, you three fell from the roof on him. And when he woke up you found that he was Battousai. Right?
Yahiko: Yep.
Misao: Aoshi-sama, what should we do?
Aoshi: If a hit brought him, a hit would take him.
Sano: That's what I said, but the problem is hit him. If it was Kenshin, it would be very easy to do it. But we are talking about Battousai, and that's a different story.
Misao: What do you think Kaoru? Kaoru?
Kaoru: (reacting to Misao's voice) I...I think that we should leave the things just like it is.

End of chapter 3

- Chapter 4 -

All: (except Kaoru) WHAT?
Misao: Kaoru, how can you say that?
Sano: Jou-chan, are you ill?
Yahiko: Yes, do you want to see Kenshin, or not?
Kaoru: Yes, but....I don't know. He isn't bad like you think and he told me that he want to change.
Aoshi: And you believed him? Kaoru: Well, I.....yes a little.
Sano: Kaoru, don't you understand, if he wants to change, why he don't let Kenshin come back? Or, why did he attack me in the room and shout to all of us?
Misao: He was only cheating you so we don't return him to normal.
Kaoru: I..... maybe you are right. Though I don't mind that he attack Sanosuke.
Sano: Jou-chan!
Misao: Well, but, what are we going to do?
Yahiko: We have to find a way to attack him when he is distracted.
Aoshi: That is going to be difficult, like a samurai he is always alert.
Misao: And if we fall from the roof again?
Sano: Oh no, after that I passed three hours without sitting.
Yahiko: We have to think of another way.
Misao: Mmm.....and if we tie him and then we hit him?
Aoshi: The same problem - how are we going to tie him without him notice it?

The hours passed and the ideas were disappearing to a point that someone sugest to hit him with a frying pan. Some time later, the hope was spreading......

Yahiko: Any idea Sano?
Sano: No, my head is empty.
Yahiko: That's not new.
Misao: (separating Sano and Yahiko who where going to start a new fight) It's not the time to fight, you two! It's better if you sit down if you don't want to have problems.
Sano: (sitting next to Aoshi) She is always like that?
Aoshi: Sometimes is worst.
Sano: How can you support her every day of your life?
Aoshi: One gets used to it. Besides it was more difficult to control her when she was a child.
Sano: But I don't believe she can pass Kaoru when she is angry. It is easier to fight Shishio and Enishi at the same time than to fight Kaoru when she is like that.

When all hear this they turn their attention to Sano who was miraculously alive and safe.

Sano: How strange.
Yahiko: Yes, after saying something like that he should be unconcoius on the floor with a bump on the head.

Everyone looked at Kaoru who was thinking and hadn't move in the last two hours.

Misao: (waving a hand infront of Kaoru) Kaoru? Are you ok?
Kaoru: (scaring Misao and making all fall) I GOT IT. Yahiko: What?
Kaoru: I have a way to rutern Kenshin to normal.
Sano and Misao: Say it! Say it!
Kaoru: We are going to use his little trick against him.
Aoshi: What do you mean?
Kaoru: Come here and I will explain you my plan. (everybody approach) Look, what we are going to do is....

Kaoru explained her plan and what they should do to make it.

Misao: Kaoru, you are a genius.
Yahiko: Yes, when we finish with him he wouldn't know what hit him.
Kaoru: Now, remember that wile you are hide you have to make him notice it, not much, did you understand?
All: Yes.
Kaoru: Well, now the first part. Misao-chan I need your help, come with me.
Misao: Sure Kaoru. (they went to Kaoru's room)
Sano: Why did she ask the weasel to help her?
Yahiko: I don't know.
Aoshi: She is going to help her to prepare for the plan.
Sano and Yahiko: Oh.

In Kaoru's room.....

Misao: Why do you need me?
Kaoru: If I am going to seduce Battusai I need to look well and I can't ask Sano or Yahiko to help me with that, not even Aoshi.
Misao: Right. Well, first the kimono.
Kaoru: What about the white one?
Misao: Is pretty, but we need the best kimono you have. (looking between Kaoru's Kimono she take a Blue one) What about this?

It was a blue kimono with white butterflies and sakura petals with a light-blue obi.

Kaoru: Is perfect.
Misao: Now the make up.
Kaoru: Do you know how to do it?
Misao: Leave it to me. Omasu and Okon show me how to use it. You are going to look perfect.
Kaoru: Not much make up.
Misao: Ok.

After the make up they decide that she will not use a ribbon. Meanwhile, out side the room.

Yahiko: They have passed an hour there.
Sano: Calm down.( Misao came out from the room followed by Kaoru)
Kaoru: Well, what do you think? Yahiko: Kaoru, you look almost like a woman.
Sano: You look great.
Kaoru: Thanks Sano. Now we have to prepare.
All: Yes.
Kaoru: Misao-chan, do you know where is Battousai?
Misao: He has been all the day in his room.
Kaoru: Great, go and tell him that I need to talk with him.
Misao: But...
Kaoru: But what?
Misao: He scare me.
Aoshi: I'll go with you.
Misao: Ok.
Kaoru: Now you two are going to look for him and then you will hide with Sano and Yahiko. All prepare for the firs phase of the plan.

End of chapter 4

- Chapter 5 -


Misao and Aoshi went to Kenshin's room were Battusai was, and they knock at the door.

Battousai: Who is?

Misao: Mi-Misao.

Battousai: What do you want?

Aoshi: Kaoru send us to look for you because she wants to see you at the garden immediately.

Battusai: Kaoru? Why?

Misao: She didn't tell us, she only said that it was very personal.

Battousai: Tell her I am going in a moment.

Aoshi: Right.

Aoshi made a sign to Misao to indicate that they have to hide, and Misao answer moving the head and both went to hide with Yahiko and Sanosuke that were on the roof where they could see Kaoru waiting in the garden.

Sano: And?

Misao: He believed it.

Yahiko: Perfect.

Meanwhile in Kenshin's room.

Battousai: 'Something very personal. What do you think rurouni? It seems that Kaoru forgot you.'

Kenshin: 'Kaoru....'

Battousai: 'Well, I have to hurry, I don't want to make her wait to much, no rurouni?'

Kenshin: 'LET ME GO'

Battusai: 'Forget it, you will never return and it seems that nobody here wants you to return' (smiling maliciously)

Battousai got out from the room and went to the garden were he found Kaoru waiting for him in a blue kimono and her black hair flying with the wind.


Battousai: You called me?

Kaoru: Yes, I need to talk with you.

Battousai: And what do you need?

Kaoru: I want to say that after what we talked last night I was thinking and you were right. Nobody has the right to leave you in the dark if you don't want to.

Battousai: Well, thanks. Is that all?

Kaoru: No. (getting near) In the last days I started to know a part of Kenshin Himura that I didn't know and I have to admit that I start to like that part very much. (she embraced him and kissed him)

Battousai: 'What do you say about that, Rurouni?'

Kenshin: 'I.......Kaoru...dono'

Battusai: 'She is beautiful, intelligent and kisses very well.'

At the same time in the roof.

Yahiko: (with the face green) Arrrgggg..... How can he kiss busu like that?

Sano: Jou-chan is a good actress

Misao: That's right.

Aoshi: Silence or he is going to find us.

When they seperated from the kiss, Kaoru was still looking at him with a smile on her face.

Battousai: (still embracing Kaoru) This is realy strange.

Kaoru: What is strange?

Battousai: I thought that you love the rurouni.

Kaoru: Why would I do something like that?

Battousai: I don't think so, but it doesn't matter.

Kaoru: No it doesn't, what matters now is that the others are going to attack you to bring back that stupid Kenshin.

Battousai: I know. They are right now on the roof.

Kaoru: What?

Battousai: (loosening from Kaoru's embrace) Why don't you come here and fight like men?

When Aoshi and the others heard this they came down from the roof.

Misao: Kaoru, why are you doing this?

Yahiko: Yes, why are you with him?

Kaoru: Because I get bored waiting for that stupid Kenshin.

Battousai: Well, if you were going to attack me, come and do it. (he unsheathed his sword and prepared to attack)

The first to attack was Yahiko with his shinai, but that was avoid easily, then Misao threw her kunais pinning Battusai against a tree. With the opportunity Sanosuke try to hit Battousai with his Futae no Kiwani but he avoided it and the tree exploded in a hundred of pieces. Now Aoshi with his great speed hurt Battusai in the right shoulder but he resulted hurt in the leg and fell to the floor. When Battusai was going to kill him Misao gave him a kick in the face and that make him fall, but he got recovered and hit the girl in the stomach making her lost her conciusness. Quickly Sanosuke with Yahiko's help hit Battousai from behind until he lost his balance. With his last energy, Battousai stood up and with his sword made the two of them fall to the floor near Misao. After that, Battousai fell on his knees with out energy.

Battousai: I....told you that.....I wont.....go.

???: Wanna bet?

Battusai turned around his face and found Kaoru with her bokken on her hand ready to attack him.

Battusai: 'She cheated me'

Kenshin: 'I knew it, I knew Kaoru wasn't able to do something like that. Prepare to return Battousai.'

Battousai: NO.

Kaoru: Oh yes. It's time to go back where you belong.

With this, she gave him a hit that caused him to fall unconcious. At the same time, Misao - who just recovered - Yahiko, and Sanosuke were helping Aoshi to stand up.

Misao: Well done Kaoru, you realy cheated him. You are the best.

Kaoru: (with al the face red) Well, it isn't that much.

Sano: She is right. When we were on the roof for a moment, you almost cheated me with your act.

Aoshi: (looking at Kenshin) We better take him to his room before he wakes up.

After leaving Kenshin in his room they decide to tie him in case that the plan didn't work. Two hours later Kenshin started to wake up and everyone except Kaoru, who wasn't in the room, came to see if the rurouni had returned. When he open his eyes everyone calm down when they saw that they were again violet.

Kenshin: My head.......I feel like I have a drum inside of it.

Misao: HIMURA.

Kenshin: Can I ask you something?

Sano: What is it Kenshin?

Kenshin: Why I am tied?

Yahiko: Well, what happens is that when we fell from the roof.....

Kenshin: Yes, yes I know that.

Misao: You know all the problem of Battousai?

Kenshin: Sure, when I am Battousai, the rurouni knows what is happening.

Sano: (surprised) Well, we tied you out in case that when you woke up you were still Battusai.

Kenshin: Oh, well. Another question, can somebody untie me, please?

Yahiko: (nearing him) Sure Kenshin.

Kenshin: (untied) Where is Kaoru?

Sano: The last time I saw her she was in the garden.

Kenshin: (standing and going out) Thanks.

Misao: Did you notice it?.

Yahiko and Sano: What?

Misao: He didn't said Kaoru-dono.

Sano: That's true, maybe he is going to tell her.

Yahiko: Quicly, we have to see it.

Misao and Sano: YES.

They stood up and when they were going to the garden they were stopped by Aoshi.

Aoshi: Where are you going?

Sano: To see Kenshin propose to Jou-chan.

Aoshi: Did you forget what happen the last time you spied on them? Besides, they need privacy.

Misao: But-

Aoshi: Without 'buts'

Kenshin walked to the garden where he found Kaoru sitting. He approached slowly and sat next to her. After a minute Kaoru broke the silence.

Kaoru: I am happy you are back.

Kenshin: Me too. Kaoru... about the food, I didn't tell you because I don't want to make you sad.

Kaoru: 'He didn't say -dono' It's ok, Kenshin. Besides Sanosuke and Yahiko always remind me how horrible is my food.

Kenshin: And about Battousai, I....

Kaoru: It's alright, but I wanted to tell you that when I said you 'stupid', that wasn't true.

Kenshin: I knew it.

Kaoru: Really? How?

Kenshin: I know you aren't able to say something like that, but I have to admit that the kiss make me very confused.

Kaoru: (completly red) Kenshin, I....... the kiss......I didn't....I am sorry.

Kenshin: It doesn't matter, but I want to know if what you said last night - that you were sad because you weren't going to see the person you love never again - was true?

Kaoru tried to answer but when she open her mouth the words didn't come out, so she nodded. When he saw Kaoru's answer, Kenshin was left without words. So he took Kaoru in his arms and kissed her with all his pasion. Kaoru felt that her heart was jumping with joy. When they separated, Kenshin stayed looking at Kaoru, waiting for an answer. So she embraced him and kissed him again. When they separated, they turned their attention to the door.

Kenshin and Kaoru: COME OUT YOU THREE.

When nobody answered, Kenshin got up and opened the door making Misao, Yahiko and Sano fall to the floor with the faces completely red.

Aoshi: They didn't hear me when I told them to leave you alone.

Kenshin: It doesn't matter. They aren't going to change.

Kaoru: Though it would be nice if they do.

Aoshi: That's just what I was thinking.

Kaoru and Kenshin laughed. Everything in the Kamiya dojo was normal again.

Misao: Yahiko, get off from me.

Yahiko: Say to Sanosuke to get down from my stomach first.

Sano: How the hell I am going to do that if I have weasel's foot on me and your arm around my neck, Brat?

Well, almost everything.


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