UPDATED April 21, 2002 - Skit #3!!

megumi-fans probably won't care for these. but its for those who liked the 'christianity arc' in the anime series. i thought it was ok (considering the cute k&k moments) & sayo wasn't that bad of a character. she had her good good points. here is her tribute for the rare S&S fans. Foxes, don't flame me. jill

Skit - #1

sano: Oi, Sayo-chan - I'm hungry. Buy me lunch.

sayo: Eh? Demo, I have to go to mass first.

sano: mass? what's that?

sayo: come & you'll see.

so the two leave the dojo and walk to the western part of Tokyo, going to a tall building with glass windows.

sano: what's that? a casino hall?

sayo: iie! it's a church.

sano: is there food in there?

sayo: let's see... bread & water.

sano: good enough!

they enter. a man in a white dress goes up to sanosuke

man in dress: my child, you are a new-comer?

sano: git da hell away from me! whatdya mean - a child?! i'm fucking taller than you bastard!

everyone kneeling and praying lift their heads.

sayo: s-sanosuke!!sorry, father - he's a bit barbaric

sano: EH?! this drag-queen is your FATHER?!

priest: i think you better leave.

outside, sayo frowns at the ground.

sano: relax - they didn't have much food anyway.

sayo: that's not the point.

sano: buy me lunch.

sayo: ruffian!!

smacks him, then pause

sayo: ok, let's go.

Skit #2"

tae: irasshimase!

sano: yo! the usual for me... aa, make that 2 usuals - since sayo is here.

sayo: you're ordering for me??

tae: i don't think sayo-han can eat 4 beef hot pots with sukiyaki patter on the side like you, sano-han.

sayo: you're ordering for me??

sano: ch! isn't it the man's job to order?

sayo: kaoru-san always orders instead of kenshin-san

sano: that's different!!! those two are weird!

sayo: i think you're the one that's weird!

tae: maa maa - please don't argue. you're making tsubame-chan nervous!

tsubame: kowai... minna!

sayo: ara?! i-i seemed to have left my money at home...

sano: EH?!?

tae: you don't have money...?

tsubame: k-kowai!!

sayo: ano...

sano: jus throw it on my tab!!

moments later, sano and sayo are standing outside the akebeko.

sano: you still owe me food.

sayo: NANI!?!

Skit #3!

Sanosuke sits in the akebeko, waiting for service. sayo shows up.
Sano: what's going on?
Sayo: I'm earning wages so I can build a giant church in the middle of Tokyo.
Sano: Not that. Why is it takin so long for me to get some food?!
Sayo: Oh... well, what do you want to order??
Sano: Gimme beef sukiyaki and a large sake.
Sayo: (writing it down) yes yes, may the Lord Bless you!
Sano: WHAT?!
Sayo: I'll be right back!
sano waits for her to come back.
Sayo: your order is here.
sano lifts his head and see identical sisters, sae & tae. they both hold out their trays of food.
Sano: )sweatbead) which one?
Sayo: both. there is a 2 for 1 special today. business is so bad.
sayo slaps his hand.
Sano: OI! What's that for?!
Sayo: The new policy is that you must pay before you eat. Too many people are getting away wtih eating & sneaking out before paying the bill.
Sano: Wasn't me.
Tae/Sae: Liar...
Sano: Just give me the food already! I'm hungry!
Sayo: Why, you barbarian!
Sano: You are the one who hit me! You're the barbarian!
Sayo: What?!
Sano: It hurt my feelings.
Sayo: I'm really sorry.
Sano: Then give me the food!!
Tae/Sae: )slapping him( PAY US!
Sano: ... I don't money.
Tae/Sae: WHAT! Get out!!
Sayo: Wait... for people who have no money, I must be charitable. Please, take one of these meals... its on me.
Sano: What about your church?
Sayo: It's ok. I'll figure out how to build one.
Sano: I'll help.
Sayo: Really??
sano jus stufs his face, making some disgusting eating noises.
Sayo: )disbelieving( Are you really going to help me??
