Kenshin Karaoke

Kenshin Karaoke!
"Completely Pleased"

a songfic by Jill; music provided by SuperSonic 1/11/1

It was a sunny day at the Kamiya dojo. Kenshin was at his water basin, scrubbing a dingy hakama, whistling to himself, his sleeves rolled up and redhair tied by in a ponytail.

"Are? Kenshin..." Kaoru uttered, walking over to him, "Aren't you supposed to be heading over to the police station. I thought you were going to help them with the investigation."

"That can wait, de gozaru yo." he uttered, not lifting his head.


Kenshin got up, drying his hands, then finally turned around, a serious look on his face. "Not without..."

>> cue the music!

Kenshin sang as he walked over and pulled Kaoru to him :

"I wanted to leave you completely pleased
Sleep drifting above you... sweetly released
I want to see you smiling - weak in the knees
I want to see you come - come completely pleased
I wanted to give you something restless and free
And free - ee - ee..."

"EEH!?" Kaoru pried him off and backed away, "K-K-Kenshin?! What's gotten into you?!"

He just grinned slyly and approached her again. This time, Kaoru took into a run, but was outran, Kenshin appearing in front of her:

"I wanted to leave you completely pleased
Sleep drifting above you... sweetly complete
I want to see you hazy- dazed and confused
I want to see you come - come completely used
I want to give you something forever and true
And true - oo - oo..."

Kaoru ran right into him, Kenshin lifting her up into his arms and proceeding for the house. "K-K-K-Kenshin!?! DAME YO!!" she yelled, climbing onto his shoulders and then onto the roof of the house.

Kenshin, of course, went after her, chasing her on the roof. He finally captured her again, but Kaoru smacked him away. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" she growled, as he went flying off the roof.

>> music stops suddenly

"Hm?? Kenshin?" Kaoru uttered, peering over the ledge. He's on the ground, lying in a pool of blood. "Kyaa! Kenshin!!" Kaoru cried, going down to him, and cradling his lifeless body, "Speak to me! Kenshin!!"

>> music starts up again

His lifted his head and gazed up at her, perfectly back to normal. Snuggling into her kimono, Kenshin sang:

"Oh... you broke it, now you bought it
So... you might as well use it while you got it
Do... what you want to do..."

"PERVERT!!" Kaoru screamed, smacking him away, "MOU!!" She proceeded to get up and turn to leave. Kenshin, of course, followed. She stormed around the dojo, him close behind as the guitar rift played.


"Just go already! I don't want to talk to you!"


"WHAT!?!" she exclaimed, enraged and turning around. Kenshin smiled cutely, walking up to her and singing:

"I wanted to leave you completely pleased
Sleep drifting about you... sweetly at peace
I want to see you hazy - weak in the knees
I want to see you come - come completely pleased
I want to give you something restless and free
And free - ee -ee..."

Kaoru sighed, "Stubborn..."

"I wanted to leave you completely pleased
I wanted to leave you completely pleased..."

She blushed and shyly stepped forward. "All right. Stop it now..." she said with a smile. Kenshin took her by the hand and led her inside.

FIN (aa! kenshii!)

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