Kenshin Kareoke!

by Jill; music provided by Unwritten Law.
* orignally titled 'Katlin' - lyrics & title were slightly altered for your listening pleasure. 1/17/1 ^_^

Kaoru entered the crowded dessert cafe to see Tsubame and Tae waiting her at a table. "Gomen for being late." she said, taking a seat, "Hope you didn't wait too long..."

"Daijoubu, Kaoru-chan!" Tae replied, "Actually we're glad you gave us some time to get ready." She then winked over at the server girl to bring over a large cake, "Surprise!"

"Happy Birthday!" Tsubame chimed.

"Eeh? But my birthday was over two weeks ago!" she cried.

Tae grinned, "That's why this is a surprise!"

"Wow!" Kaoru noted, "This cake looks great! What a wonderful birthday gift!"

"But that's not the best part, Kaoru-san." Tsubame replied, smiling brightly.

All of a sudden, the lights flickered out and spotlight landed on Tae, "Your attention please, Minna-han! Tonight, we have a special performance for our friend, Kaoru-chan! So please put down your desserts for a moment and enjoy the show!"

"Eeeh?" Kaoru gasped, "T-Tae-san... Tsubame-chan... what's going on?!"

Before another word could be said, another spotlight turned on the stage... a rurouni standing in center light with a microphone. "K-Kenshin?!"

>> cue the music!!

" Well it seemed like yesterday
When the world was looking dark; it felt so cold and gray
And why the hell am I even here?
What’s the purpose; all I feel is guilt and hate and fear
O-ro, yeah yeah yeah, o-roro... "

He lifted his head and smiled, walking towards Kaoru, his hand outreached:

" Until that day you came along
My heart was empty; like the soul was missing from a song
And I thought I loved a few
No one ever made me feel the way that you do "

The other stage lights flickered on to reveal his backup singers, Sanosuke and Yahiko. Kenshin jumped off the stage and continued to make his way to her:

" And hey, little girl, look what you do
Oh, I love you
Hey little girl, ooo I love you "

"K-Kenshin..." Kaoru blushed as he stopped at table. He then took her hand and pulled her up from her seat, leading her towards the stage.

" Well, I know I’m not always right
And, Girl, it breaks my heart when I know I have to see you cry
So many things that I want to say
Now I know that you’re the reason that I’m here today
And whenever you’re here, just stay near
We’ll be all right – yeah, all right "

Standing on the stage, his arms around her waist, Kenshin continued to serenade her:

"Hey little girl, look what you do
Oh, I love you
Hey little girl, look what you do – and you do
When Battousai starts coming to
I got you - my own Kaoru
Hey little girl ooo I love you
I love you "

"Oh Kenshin!" Kaoru cried happily. Slowly they leaned closer to kiss...

"YO BATTOUSAI!!" a yakuza had appeared at the entrance of the cafe, "We've come for your head!!"

"Oro, I'm kinda in the middle of something..." Kenshin uttered, rubbing his head bashfully.

"Nee, shall we?" Kaoru asked. Sanosuke and Yahiko grinned behind her and nodded. "Saa! Let's go!"

An all out battle broke out - the yakuza versus the Kenshin-gumi. (while the bridge plays on~!) Of course it's a 'no contest', considering the Kenshin-gumi's 'power moves'!


Amongst the battle, Kenshin and Kaoru ran into each other. Kenshin put his arms around her and held her close:

" I’ll be all right
But I
I need you close please stay tonight "
Kaoru blushes extremely red, not flinching or taking her eyes off him as she clobbered a yakuza behind her with her shinai.
" As long as you’re here, just stay near
We’ll be all right - yeah all right "
Kenshin rose to the stage where he went to take on the gang leader. "KUZU RYU SEN!!" The nine hitter sent leader to the ground, him and his men retreating.

Kenshin rested the sakabatou on his shoulder and grinned down at Kaoru:

" Hey little girl, look what you do
Oro, I love you
Hey little girl, look what you do – and you do
When Sessha starts feeling blue
I got you - my own Kaoru
Hey little girl ooo I love
Hey little girl who I love
Yeah little girl ooo I love you "
He stumbled forward, exhausted, being caught by Kaoru. She gazed into his eyes and uttered, "I love you too."

Sighing, he smiled into her hair and held onto her, "Sessha is so happy de gozaru yo..."


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