
By: Kasumi (The RK musical loving hippie)
DIRECTORS NOTE: This songfic was taken from "Cats" the musical. This is my 1st RK songfic. He he! This looks serious but there are comlementary sidenotes from A: Moi (The director) and B: Yahiko (The butt-in). So... On with the fic.
GUIDELINES: action(), director / butt-in {}
{Kasumi: Everyone places! And Sano, please move the dojo senario to the left it's covering the lamplight. Everyone ready? Lights! (Aoshi turns the lamplight on and lights the candle at the dojo senario) Music! (Saito starts playing a tune on the piano {Saito: Do I have to do the piano!#$?} Action!}

Midnight, not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory
She is smiling alone

(Kenshin walks the streets at midnight and he looks at the moon and thinks about Kaoru.)

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

(He walks under a lamplight and the moaning wind carries the leaves to his feet and it ruffles his hair.)

Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
Life was beautiful then

(Kaoru looks out a window in the dojo and thinks of the good times she and Kenshin had together)

I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

(She remembered the time he held her tight in his arms and wishes he'd do that again)

Every streetlamp seems to fade a fatalistic warning

(The light reflects Kenshin's light purple eyes)

Someone mutters and a streetlamp sputters
And soon it will be morning

(Off-set Aoshi mutters {Why does he get the good parts!} and the streetlamps starts sputtering and Kenshin looks at the dark sky of early morn)

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I musn't give in

(Kaoru looks at the light pinkish light of the coming day and thinks of life without Kenshin)

When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory, too
And a new day will begin

(She thinks of a new day)

INSTRUMENTAL (Kenshin makes his way to the dojo)

Burnt out ends of smokey days
The stale cold smell of the morning

(He feels the cold air touch his skin)

A streetlamp dies another night is over
Another day is dawning

(As the streetlamps die, Kaoru comes out and sees Kenshin and runs towards him with open arms)

Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone in the memory
Of my days in the sun

(Everyone of the crew and audience (except Yahiko) that would count all the boys as well as moi, the director... CRY!! While onset Kenshin enlapses Kaoru in a tight embrace)

If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is
Look a new day has begun

(As the dawn of a new day arises Kenshin draws Kaoru into a passionate kiss)

{Kasumi: Exellente! Brilliante! Superb! Extraordinary! I'M A HIPPIE!!!}

(From the audience (That would be Tsubame, Tae, Megumi, Misao, and Yahiko) Yahiko stands up laughing)
{Yahiko: Hahaha!! I see two lovebirds kissing!}{Kenshin: Hey! It's not funny(glares at Yahiko)}
{Yahiko: O.K.! O.K.! Don't put those cold of yours at me!!!}

