Rurouni Kenshin - Inshin Gekitouhai

Rurouni Kenshin Fighter Game
Inshin Gekitouhai

Released by Sony in 1996, this rare 3d fighter game stars Kenshin & all his swording-fightin', butt-kickin' rivals. Oro! Run, Kenshin - HAYAKU!

Yatta! I finally got this one (and finished it already, 'atashi hen no yatsu') At any rate, this import game is for PSX, and cannot be played on normal systems. However, you can get your playstations modded or a game shark to make it work. And if you are willing to make such leaps to play this hard-to-find import game, you must be a ruroken or a gamer addict! fufufu!

This game has a combination of 3d fighting and then 2d anime cut-scenes. (drool) Kenshin in 3d!!! Aaaaa! Not to mention, the original seiyuu voices throughout the game! Kaoru is the commentator for every fight - such a sweet voice, I wonder how Kenshin & the guys don't get distracted. Don't you love to hear the sounds of Kenshin 'dying'. NO! Don't say such things! Baka Jill!!

In the game, you can play either easy, medium, or hard difficulty level. There are also 3 modes you can play: Story, Vrs Computer, and Vrs Player. I will go into detail for y'all to understand, ok?

Story Mode

This mode is where you go through a series of story plots from the series - complete with anime scenes. The harder level you play, the more scenes you get. And you will fight the guys who you come along, including Zanza and Aoshi. Once you defeat Zanza in the first battle, you will be able to choose being either Kenshin or Sanosuke. Kyaaa, I was in heaven~!

Vrs Computer

This mode is where you have a series of random fight against the computer. Although here, there aren't any anime cut scenes. Guess its good for practice ne?

Vrs Player

This mode you can play two players - and KICK YOUR FRIEND'S BUTT!! Yup, it can be your dream battle: Saitou versus Sanosuke... or or Aoshi versus Hanya! This is very fun because you can also awaken secret characters....


If you defeat the vrs computer any level - you can play as Kaoru. Kaoru versus Kenshin!! Kyaa, is this how they settle 'lovers quarrel'?? You can also awaken Saitou by winning the story mode on Hard level. Kowai, I still have nightmares...

Anime Scenes

Upon winning the story mode on Hard level, you will obtain all 33 movies! They have scenes directly from the series, adapted right from the manga! Including the famous 'goodbye' scene. However, being from the manga - there are no fireflies or dramatic music. Personally I preferred the TV version, but it's still K&K... gotta love it!

I hope this info has been useful to you. ^_^
