Rurouni Kenshin
~ Meiji Kenkaku Romantan ~

There are 28 volumes to Watsuki Nobushiro's great manga series. It was serialized in Shueisha JUMP magazine from 1994-98. Although it's a "shonen" manga, it's very popular among girls (like me!). But unfortunately, since it is a shonen manga - it may focus more on the swordfighting and male-bonding, rather than the romance aspects. I guess that's why there wasn't a great romantic end for Kenshin & Kaoru. But you could always find some good dokidoki doujinshi nee?

The art style is very simple, though at times looking absolutely beautiful. Watsuki's art has transformed throughout the series. It's really fun watching Kenshin evolve throughout the years. The ending result is the best. Perhaps I'll show the differences in a future site.

The series recently ended. Currently, I don't have the serial numbers of the volumes but I will soon. There are available at Japanese bookstores, such as Kinokuniyia & Sasuga.

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