Kenji's updates de gozaru!

Welcome to this K&K site! Kaoru will take a break from gazing at her beloved rurouni to explain what's been going on the dojo to you. (Kenshin has such a kawaii sleeping So, here it goes:

here's the award i got for "no reason at all". it's the first award i ever won for such a thing. =^-^= kyaa, i'm blushing. if you'd like to read it, its on the fanfic page, ok? there's a lot of stories which continue from it, which have their own plots. sore ja!

Btw, you are listening to FinKL's "Ruby (Sad Tears)".

5.31.2002 - ALLRIGHTY!! NEW CHAPTERS!! ^___^ Comewhatmay, chapter 12 is up! Hurrygoround2 chapter 3 is up! It's the weekend, so I'm already on the next installments. Thank you for your patience!

5.26.2002 - i'm workin on the new chapters. sorry sorry. um, added a new link, Chibi-Angel's site. Also, i watched part 1 of the Seisouhen OVA. i shall review it later. sorry again, minna!!

4.21.2002 - part 2 of hurrygoround2. also a new sayo/sano skit! sorry about no updates lately. been busy with school. i'll make more updates soon!

3.25.2002 - finally a sequel to 'hurrygoround'. part 1 of hrg2 is up!

3.24.2002 - chapter 11 of "comewhatmay" is finally up. yes, this is becoming a very long fic. sorry about the long wait. please send feedback! ^^

3.02.2002 - chapter 10 of "comewhatmay" is finally up. gomen nasai!! february was a crazy month. i think this will be a very long fiction so hold on there. please send feedback! ^^

2/8/02: Carolina's "The Return of Battousai" has finished. yaay! i'll post the next chapter of 'cwm' soon.

2/2/02: chapter 4 of "return of battousai"

1/27/02: part 9 of "come what may" is up! please check out the new skit series by Carolina: "The Return of Battousai". also new fanart by Mar-san!

1/25/02: chapters 2&3 of "return of battousai". many thanks, Carolina.

1/19/02: part 8 of "Come What May". also, a new skit series by Carolina: "The Return of Battousai". enjoy!

12/31/1: Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! What better way to celebrate the end of the year with rkfics! saa! chapters 6&7 of 'comewhatmay' are up! please enjoy! and please have a great new year!

12/23/1: "betterdays" updated, "darkness" arc completed by Kasumi-san

12/19/1: finals are over! winter break has begun! YATTA!! please enjoy chapter 5 of "come what may" and expect the next chapter very very soon!! please send comment, yo!

12/8/1: Part 4 of 'comewhatmay' is up. Sorry about the long wait but I'm heading towards my winter quarter final exams, and I'm so tired from studying and writing term papers. Uwah, no fun.

11/30/1: still not finished with chapter 4 of "come what may"; been busy with school. but i did get to post up my new fanart (also new hit banner!). enjoy! also, after finals i'm planning a T&Y shrine! (perhaps the first ever??)

11/15/1: chapter 3 of 'come what may' is up!

11/12/1: still working on chapter of 'cwm'. but i did put up a soujiro pic by Mar-san. enjoy.

11/8/1: chapter 2 of "come what may". sorry it took so long. enjoy & send forth comments. i'll try to finish up the next chapter sooner. thanks for your patience.

11/4/1: fixed bad link. now you can go to "betterdays"

10/28/1: updated the 'betterdays' page. more fics from Kasumi-san. yay!! enjoy & please send comments to her.

10/28/1: updated the 'betterdays' page. more fics from Kasumi-san. yay!! enjoy & please send comments to her.

10/19/1: added a link to the sony site on the 2nd OVA. also fixed a broken link. look forward to updates. hey, it's the weekend.

10/5/1: infomation on the upcoming 2nd OVA series will be up soon. i have to scan somethings. Also, be prepared for my next fic, "Come What May". Thank you for your patience. (^o^)

9/25/1 - why jill hasn't written anything lately?! reason #1: been working on some other projects, ie. Sakura Taisen. pardon this plug, but please visit the site: falling sakura in springtime ... reason #2: my next planned ruroken fic had some graphic violence & reference to terrorism which isn't really appropiate w/ what is happening here in the US. the WTC & pentagon attacks were devestating & i will continue to mourn with the nations. i assure you the next fic was planned before the attacks happened & i don't think i'm up to writing it anymore. i will either re-work the story or come up with something else. please pardon the loooong vacation. when school starts, i'm sure i'll be ducking studying to write more fics. until then, my regards. ^-^

9/22/1 - sorry about the lack of updates. been hectic these past days. however! kasumi-san has presented a fun fic to read. check out "Betterdays". I assure you a new fic is in the works & will be up soon.

9/10/1 - finish of "quiet rest"

8/23/1 - part 7 of "quiet rest". i'm almost finished with it so please just wait a little longer. (^o^) sore ja!

8/14/1 - i'm back! got a new computer so i can work more better. updates coming on in. please enjoy part 6 of 'quiet rest'. i need some rest myself; the summer is ending. ;_; nooo!

8/5/1: part 5 of quiet rest.

8/1/1: gomen nasai, minna. i'm having computer troubles. it might be a while before i can get up the new chapters. please wait just a bit longer for me to fix this problem. onegaishimasu!

7/24/1: two new songfics!

7/21/1: honto ni gomen nasai for the long hiatus. i wasn't all too healthy, but now i'm back. part 3 of 'quiet rest' should be up & so is a happy skit 'myoujin revenge'. please wait for more updates coming soon.

7/7/1: HAPPY TANABATA!! Here's a special edition of "Together on Tanabata", which I took away a long time ago. The ending is revised. Please enjoy

6/30/1: part 2 of 'quiet rest'

6/22/1: tadaima!! the ongoing story continues. take a look at 'quiet rest' part 1.

6/15/1: the final chapter to "happy tomorrow" is up.

6/12/1: yatta!! part 8 of 'happy tomorrow' is up! also, thank you to mayra-san for submitting her lovely fanart. please take a look! btw. mayra-san, i've been trying to email you, but keep getting my messages sent back to me. i wanted to write you ;_;. maa, i'll keep trying!

6/9/1: oro, it's 3AM and i cannot sleep. jaa, iwhat better way to spend these sleepless hours than updating?! i've did some revisions on the laundry; more to come. most importantly - 'happy tomorrow' part 7!

6/6/1: yatta! part 6 of "happy tomorrow" is up!!

6/5/1 24:024 - yatta, finished all my exams & after a VERY long nap, i decided to play around with the front page.

6/3/1: put up the finale of "what happens now". i still have exams to take so i can't work on fics for a while. GOMEN!! please wait a couple more days, ne?? sore jaa!

5/25/1: aaan! memorial weekend at last! i will be making some updates, but not without going out and enjoying the nice weather! ^_^ there's 2 new fanarts by Mar-san, of Sano & Megumi. Also part 5 of "Happy Tomorrow" and the debut of a new fic "What Happens Now" parts 1-3. Part 4 should be up by Sunday or so. Matta ne!

5/16/1: part 4 of 'happy tomorrow'! yaay!

5/12/1: new doujinshi, 'the person i will meet someday'

5/11/1: OMEDETOU! today is our 1st aniversary! k&k together forever~! be sure to check out 'happy tomorrow' part 3!

5/5/1: lots of updates on fanskit page. made sure all the fics are at least font size 2. and also fixed some broken links & uploaded updated page 6 of 'huf special'. lastly, 'only in dreams' part 5!

5/1/1: jill is a LIAR!! ...eheh, seems i couldn't stand myself if i didn't put up the new fic and i deeply apologize to those i told i'd take a break & let everyone check up on their readings (with exams & all). HONTI NI GOMEN NASAI!!! for those who don't care what i'm saying & are happy for a new fic, please check out "happy tomorrow" part 1. it continues the legacy of wonderful k&k love stories. sore jaa!

4/29/1: skits page updated! new wing chun series started and 'one day in a life' has moved there.

4/25/1: part 7& finale of 'asw'. look for the special. also 'skits' have been up dated. enjoy!!

4/23/1: part 6 of 'asw'; new story in 'one day in a life'; part 4 of 'only in dreams'.

4/19/1: two new songfics, "butterfly" & "the goodlife". also, part 5 of 'asw' is up. and a new poll! as for me, totemo ureshii! tomorrow starts the cherry blossom festival in my neighborhood. unfortunately, all the sakura at school have withered away... lying on the ground, covering like pink snow...

4/15/1: happy easter. part 4 of 'asw' is up. kimi has touched up pages 1&2 of 'huf' special. new poll! ^^

4/11/1: yatta! new fanfic is up - "A Summer's Wait". gomen for the delay. i've been trying to come up with a title, and with school and all. thanks for all your support! matte ne!

4/8/1: moved "no reason" to new url. please report broken links. and tell me i can't spell!! SESSHA not shessa!! and did anyone notice that i took away "together on tanabata", no one cares? ok! but i do plan writing an epilogue or a continue (in the far future...)

4/7/1: Yatta! Sarah-san has been so kind as to add color to the "have you forgotten" special ending! please visit her site, "Uncreative Unlimited". i've added it to the links section. also, part 3 of "only in dreams" is up!

4/5/1: More new fanart by oOKaoruOo! Yatta!! Ken-sama never looked so good! Oh, also - 'senjou' has come to an end. be sure to read the finale ne??

4/4/1: New fanart by oOKaoruOo. Aaa, the fireflies scene!! Go check it out! Also, "Playtime has been updated. Be sure to read Mar-san's crazy story! Jaa ne!

3/30/1: The Woodshed up updated. There's some info on the fighting game. Also, there's the new section, Playtime. I will finish up senjou soon. please wait ok?

3/28/1: New character sketches in the fanart section. please take a look. also part9 of senjou is up. it's pretty long though. matte ne!

3/25/1: new fic debut: "only in dreams". check it out. but i wont' be able to work on fanfics for a while since i'm starting school tomorrow. poo!

3/23/1: short cute fic: "one day in a life". stars k&k, and the baby on the way. tell me what ya think. ^_^

3/21/1: Yatta! Haru-Yasumi still continues. And sakura is in bloom. Spring is wonderful nee? Parts 7&8 of 'senjou' are UP. Please take a look! Did you see the HUF special ending yet?? find the secret links! sore jaa!

3/14/1: I did some renovation with the laundry - come see the cute lil hakama & kimono ne? Still don't have any shinobi gi. mou. part4 of "senjou" is up! \^o^/

3/13/1: finals - poo! oh well, i think i did good on my nihongo exam - still, i had time to finish up parts 2&3 of 'senjou' enjoy ne!

3/8/1: classic special #2 is finally finished. Wahooo! Also, you can have a sneak peak of new fic, "sentimental journey". i put the first part on sometime without saying. evil ne?

3/2/1: thought about doing something not school related today. put two 'kenji' doodles in the fanart section. also, if you don't know - the finale to "yesterday" is up. feed-back is welcome. thanks to someone for pointing out the thing about 'tofu'. it was helpful. though, i don't know when i'll have time to write more fics. millions of ideas rushing in my head at once (ow, that hurts). daijoubu, you'll see me soon again - i promise! also! "no reason at all" actually won the drama category (SHOCK) does that mean people actually are reading my fics?! yokkata! =^o^= you can see the pretty gold banner on the front page. domo arigatou minna!!!

3/17/1: HARU-YASUMI... wai wai!! Got a chance to edit a bit of the new fic "Sentimental Journey". You can see some new some there if you care to start over. Aa! Part 5&6 are up!!! I have to enjoy my vacation. To those still in classes, ganbarou! --- MATTE! the day isn't over yet! there's a new songfic & the 'haveyouforgotten' special ending is now accessible! find the secret link in 2 places. jaa nee!

3/14/1: Part 4 of senjou is up! But shocker!! Ororororo... sessha isn't doing too well with the inlaws. At any rate, you must see it!

3/13/1: 'Sentimental Journey' ('senjou' for short) parts 2&3 are up. Though I'm not satisfied. I will add more to it soon. Hope you're enjoying it. Come see my 'Kenji doodles' in the fanart section.

3/7/1: the start of the continuation of "yesterday" - here's a new fic: "Sentimental Journey".

2/28/1: the finale is up! yesterday is gone with. let's move on to tomorrow and not worry about things of the past. ganbarou minna!! also, enjoy hikki!

2/26/1: parts 8&9 up up up!! sorry about the broken link! did i already say that. thanks for catching it!

2/24/1: Part 7 is up!! mou, what time is it??? sakura-kun ganbatte - oops wrong series. no more sakura taisen!!!

2/22/1: 5&6 make debut. bwahahahaah!

2/20/1: parts 3&4 of 'yesterday'! yaaay!

2/18/1: NEW FANART!!! Mar-san is wonderful! Go see the great K&K Kiss!! HAYAKU!!

2/17/1: part 8 & FINALE is up for "hurry go round". Yatta! that one is finished. i will put up a new chapter to "yesterday" soon. look for it ok. also, you like the new look?? lastly! i had made an error in Mar-san's email address, which i fixed today. please try emailing her now and tell her what beautiful art she has. nee??

2/11/1: Part 5&6&7 of "hurry go round" are up. The ending is nearing. Waaaaai!! Also, take a look at the first chapter of "Yesterday". It continues from where "have you forgotten" left off, but takes on it's own original plot. It will bear resembles of everyone's fave: "No reason at all". Send some comments, nee??

2/6/1: Part 4 of "hurry go round". also new fic & finished - "sick & wrong". ahahaha... it's a bit on the funny/never would happen type of fic. I hope you like it, but I hope I don't offend anyone. =^_^= I'm really a shy person. honto!!

2/3/1: "Have you forgotten" is finished! Yatta! Also, take a look at the new vocab page. Hope it's helpful. Jaa!

1/28/1: Part 6&7 of "Have you forgotten?", also part 3 of "Hurry go Round". Please enjoy!

1/24/1: Part 5 of 'have you forgotten' is up. Part of 'hurry go round' as well! midterms midterms! but send a comment to cheer me up, nee? anyone know a better way to say 'jiji complex'?

1/20/1: Part 4 of "have you forgotten" & 1st half of "hurry go round"! sorry, nothing better to do. -_- ...

1/17/1: Part 3 of "Have you forgotten" is now up! Send your comments right over. Also, a new song in the song fic page. Hope you like it. I really should be napping right now - (kind ill >_<) but you know I can't leave things un-updated for over three days, can I?! No, I really love this page!

1/11/1: Look for my new ink painting of Kaoru in the fanfic section. Also I've put up the songfic page. Haven't got much yet. sorry. "blue rain" mid has been moved there by the way. the new music on the fanfic page is "pieces" by l'arc en ciel.

1/7/1: Parts 4&5 of "Together on Tanabata" are up. I'll try to put up 6&7 soon. Sleepy though. It's past midnight. Maybe I should get some shut eye. Oyasumi!

1/6/1: Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! The first entry of the new year! There's now a video game section in the woodshed. Also, I took down Onna-san's works because she asked me too. ALSO! I need more fanart so send 'em in!

12/26/00: Oops, been forgetting to write this stuff down. Well, first off, "Something to Return to" is finished - both endings are up!! I just got the Kenshin rpg game so I'll put some info & scans up when I can. Still working on Tanabata - the ending is on the editting floor. OH! "No Reason" got nominated for the Drama Category!! Yahoo! And did everyone have a nice holiday??

12/11/00: The new installment of "Something To Return To" is in. Please excuse me for the long wait. I'm still dealing with finals. Thanks for the nomination!

11/15/00: "Letters to Aoyia is reformated to 'Fan Fanfics page". Onna-san's "Admitting the Truth" is up. Please send more fanfics to me! Arigatou!

11/14/00: "Blue Rain" is finished! Yaay! I will now devote all my time to finishing "Something to Return" as requested by some anxious reader. Daijoubu, daijoubu! I'll work very very hard! Also, I have a lot of other unfinished fics lying around on my other sites. Sigh! One completion leads to others. Mou, I need a vacation. Please send in your nominations for "BlueRain" I know you want to! *_* Onegai!

11/9/00: Both Parts 6 & 7 of "Blue Rain" are up! Bwahahah! I'm so evil. You'll see why. Enjoy! Don't forget to send me your comments, your rants, your pleads to make me hurry up with the next installments. Parts 8 & 9 will be together, so daijoubu!

11/8/00: The Finale to "Ronin Kenshin" is up! Actually... half of it. Oh, for those wondering, "Blue Rain" part 6 will be up soon. I just need to finish it. I am now accepting K&K fanfics, however they must feature Kenshin & Kaoru, and must support their love of course! Please keep the fanart coming. I have to put the new ones up. Ja ne.

11/4/00: Parts 3&4 of "Blue Rain" are up. Part 5 will be up soon, give me about a couple hours. Oh! And another beautiful artwork by Mar-san. Kirei desu ne! All in favor for the posting of the Finale of Ronin Kenshin say: "HAI!"

10/27/00: Parts 1&2 of "Blue Rain" are up. Please tell me which fanfic you'd like me to finish up faster. Also, please send comments. I luv email! Also, is everyone able to hear the music on the page? It only works if you're using Internet Explorer. Gomen. I tried downloading Crescendo media player, but don't have enough disk space.

10/19/00: Put up beautiful fanart done by Mar-san & Onna-san. Please tell them how sugoi their work is! Demo, please don't steal them from this page. Ask for permission! If not, then say sayonara to your head. Gomendesai, Jill forgot her manners. Sa! Please send over your K&K dokidoki moments!

10/15/00: I've changed the title of "When Sano Met Sayo" to "Something to Return to" and added Part 3&4. Please enjoy! I'll try to hurry up the rest of the fanfic, but I really don't have much time. Gomen to my anxious readers.

10/10/00: "No Reason" is finished, but look for the 'fun page' at the end. There's a new link; please visit all the KenKao shrines and give your support. They are the best couple, ne? Oh, and I've added some silly doodles too.
Kenshin: Oro? You want me to sell those 'drawings' I made of you Kaoru-koishi?
Kaoru: N-n-nani?! K-K-Kenshin!! You mustn't!!
Jill: What the heck have you two done to my art supplies!?
Kaoru: It's Kenshin's fault!!
Kenshin: Shessa is innocent.
Jill: sigh...

10/5/00: Added stuff to the shed; PINS!! Also, info on the anime & movie. Not much though. OH!! I've also completed "No Reason At All". Please enjoy it!

9/19/00: Added more Ruroken fanfics! "No Reason at All", "Too Much Tanuki", & "Classic". Expect the next chapters of "RoninKenhin" & "Sano/Sayo". Hee hee. I've been doing a lot. Enjoy! *Please note that I've changed my rule to 'anything goes'. Kenji, you're in for it!

9/16/00: I put up Ronin Kenshin part 8. Only one person wanted it back, but still even just one is enough. Sigh! I need more readers. If you'd like, you can put my fanfics on your Ruroken page, that is if you remember to give me credit and ask first. Is it too much to ask for more enthusiastic fanfic readers? Oh well enjoy part 8!
9/14/00: New fanfic; "Two Little Angels", starring Ayame & Suzume! Very naughty ne?
8/23/00: Part one of "When Sano Met Sayo" is up!!
8/20/00: added Yahiko fanfic. Sano one isn't finished yet!
8/19/00: added the MEN shitajiki. Sorry 'bout the wait! I know you all want to drool at that picture....
8/18/00: new issue in the kitchen and a new banner! almost done with my sano fic!
8/3/00: Ronin Kenshin fic parts 6, 7, & the short intermission!
7/25/00: Ronin Kenshin fic parts 3,4,5 are up!
7/18/00: Just got my copy of Kenshin Kaden. Scans coming soon!
7/17/00: New look! Added links & updates, etc.
7/5/00: Organized Woodshed!
6/28/00: Added "Kenshin's Kitchen" & part 2 of Ronin Kenshin fic! Enjoy!
5/11/00: Just opened!
