rurouni kenshin was created by watsuki nobuhirou-sensei (C) shueisha JUMP, sony, fuji TV, anime works
notes: minna-sama, the k&k love story continues! this one has lots of reminiscing, but a different type of action. after all, kenshin & kaoru deserve some peace every once in a while. soushite, i've decided to call the baby [kenji], although this is a different direction from where the manga went. yes, and sano & megumi are married~! yokatta ne? saa, hajimaru! jill 6/22/1 (added title: 6/30)

Quiet Rest
Part 1: "Vacation"

Kenshin gazed into the sky, watching the clouds fly by. In all the thirty years that he had been alive, he had never felt so at ease and peaceful until this moment. Not a worry in mind, he smiled down at his energetic son who had been bouncing on his lap.

“Kenji… there’s many things I have yet to tell you about. One of the first things is that you’ve got to ‘live each moment’, Son. You never know just how precious it is, even if it’s so simple. But if you overlook it, you might just miss out on something special.”


“Sou de gozaru. If I continued as I was, I could’ve wandered right past from your mom and you mightn’t be born. Taihen de gozaru na.” he chuckled, lifting the baby up against his chest and then patting his back to make him burp, “Meeting your mom is the best thing to happen to me… and now, I have you too. I’m the happiest in the world…”

Hugging his son, Kenshin closed his eyes and thought about how this had been the most exciting three and a half months that they had ever lived. Being parents for the first time, neither of them was prepared. But, together they helped each other through it and learned a lot. Three months of joy, and many more to come.

“Ara! There you two are!” chimed a cheerful voice. Kenshin turned his head slightly. His wife had come from the staircase leading to the cabins of the ship. Blue eyes sparkling, she lifted a hand to keep her long bangs from blowing into her face. Kenshin couldn’t deny that she had grown into such a woman, and right before his own eyes. When he had first met her, she was ferocious tomboy in men’s clothes. But it wasn’t her appearance that he fell for her, but her spirit. And that spirit continued to become brighter and brighter.

“Kaoru…” he uttered softly as she walked up next to them. She wore a purple kimono with floral embroidery and a pale shawl over her shoulders. Her hair was getting longer, yet she hadn’t bothered to cut it. He didn’t mind at all. He loved her in anyway, and more hair meant more of her to touch.

”Nee,” she said, handing him a piping hot cup of tea. “Please drink this. The old woman downstairs made it especially for you. It’ll keep you warm and it’s good for your stomach.” He graciously accepted the cup as she sat down on the bench with him. Her side moved against his and he felt a sudden rush of warmth… or was it from the tea? Gaping a little, he turned towards her for an answer. “It’s the tea.” she retorted.

“Then, it’s some very good tea.” he replied, taking another sip. Kenji had been tugging at his blue gi to see what he had been drinking. Big curious eyes pleaded with him to give him a try. “Gomen na, it’s much too hot for you.” he told the baby, who still continued to grab at him, “It’s very bitter too. You won’t like it very much.”

”Maa maa, let Dad finish his tea.” Kaoru noted, taking the baby into her arms, “You’re such a bundle of trouble. Heheh, I don’t mind at all… you remind me of your father.”

”I’m the bundle of trouble??” Kenshin said sharply, “If I’m not mistaken, you’re the one always picking fights with someone, cops even.”

”Oh?? You’re the one who seems to always have people coming to kill us.” she said, turning away with a pout, “And you’re a regular with the police, since you have to carry that sakabatou with you all the time.”

A few seconds passed. “Guu…?” Kenji asked, wondering why they had stopped talking. The strains on their faces softened and they just started to laugh. At times, they didn’t know when they were just play-fighting with each other, but conflicts came and went. The cheerful family continued to enjoy the breeze on this ship bound for the seaport Wakana.

* * *
Yahiko sat outside the deserted dojo, sipping his tea. He had been up on his feet all morning, first to help the family pack and bring their luggage to the pier, then to clean up the mess that they had made in the process. He didn’t mind at all; it was all worth it.

‘No sounds of that Busu going ‘mou-mou’, nor ‘waa-waa’ from the brat, or ‘oro-oro’ from Kenshin. Not another annoying spectacle from the constant lovebirds or a dirty diaper! It’ll be peaceful here for the next three days~!’

Grinning at his situation, Yahiko put aside his tea and fell backwards, feeling the cool wood against his skin. Though it was a winter, the weather hadn’t been too cold, at least not to the extreme as it was last year, where there was a terrible snowstorm. He was sure that the weather would be even better south, where the trio was headed. He hoped that the ship would get there safely, and that they would get the rest they needed.

‘Kenshin’s still dealing with that strange condition of his body deteriorating. I don’t get it at all, but I really wish they could find a cure. And Kaoru… working shifts at other dojos besides here just to make ends meet, also to lend out money to some of the elderly who can’t work… it’s no wonder she’s worn herself out. Not to mention, she’s been taking care of Kenshin and the baby. She really does need the vacation too. Soushite…’

He remembered last night when he saw her sitting outside the house. She had given him a slight smile and a pat on the head. “Nee, take care of things while I’m gone, Yahiko! I’m counting on you!”

Yahiko frowned a little. ‘Someday… I won’t be able to. Kaoru knows it too… someday… I will leave this place for good and begin my own journey…’ Slowly he stood and faced the empty dojo. ‘But until that day comes… you can count on me.’

“YO~!!” chimed a voice, startling him so much that he fell off the walkway and landed painfully on the ground. Sanosuke walked over and kicked him for a while. “Oi oi, what’s up?? So, Jou-chan and Kenshin finally went on their second honeymoon, na??”

”I thought everyday was a honeymoon for them.” Yahiko grumbled, grabbing hold of Sanosuke’s leg and doing a reserve. Soon, Sanosuke was on the ground and Yahiko was stepping on his head. “Everything was nice and peaceful before you got here, so get lost, Tori Atama!”

Sanosuke stood up and grabbed him by the collar, “Teme!! Don’t have to be so rude!! Will this be how you treat guests??! That ain’t right for the next master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu!”

Yahiko pushed him away and dusted his blue gi. “Cheh! Anyway, what are you doing here??”

Sanosuke calmed down and crossed his arms. “Jaa… I was thinking since the happy family aren’t in town I could use the dojo for a bit… to, y’know, hang out with some old buddies.”

Yahiko eyed him over suspiciously. “Jotto, Sanosuke! You mean ‘hang out with friends’ as in ‘to gamble’! Aren’t you supposed to be a married-guy? What’s Megumi gonna say to this behavior?!”

”Eheheh, that’s why I wanna do it here, so she won’t find out!” he laughed, tightening his red headband, “So how about it, Yarou? Since we’re friends, I’ll split my winnings with ya!”

“No way. Gambling is illegal. Not to mention, I know what kind of ‘buddies’ you have – some creepy yakuza thugs. Besides…” Yahiko blushed and stared at the floor. “Tsubame’s coming over tonight…”

Sanosuke slyly grinned and elbowed him in the ribs. “Oooh?? I get it! You and your woman, all alone… fufufu… I gotta hand it to you, you are smoooooth, Yahiko no yarou! Eheheheh!!”

“C-Chigao yo!!” Yahiko snapped, waving his shinai at him, “You’ve got it all wrong, Sanosuke!! Tsubame’s just gonna make dinner, that’s it!! Now get outta here, you perverted Tori Atama!!”

“Maa maa… don’t have to get all pissed off over nothing.” Sanosuke replied nonchalantly. Leaning against the post, he put a leaflet of barley in his mouth. “Daga, I can’t leave you alone with Tsubame unsupervised. That’s why I’m gonna stay. And why not have some friends over… tonikaku, I already told them to come here. Ehehehe!”

Yahiko went pale. ”NANI?!” But it really was too late. Already, a group of creepy yakuza thugs had arrived at the gate, including a bewildered Tsubame. ‘Waaaah… this isn’t good!!’ Yahiko thought, nearly fainting.

* * *
Meanwhile, the boat had arrived in Wakana. Carrying the bags, Kenshin trailed behind Kaoru and the baby. He gazed out at the dim sky and saw that clouds had been building up. Walking onto the old pier, he could see a woman running towards them, yelling. “Kaoru-saaaan!!! Kenshin-saaaan!!”

“Oro? Miki-dono?!” he stammered as the woman leaped up and hugged them both. For a moment there, Kenshin thought he was going to choke. This lady’s hugs were as strong as Kaoru’s. But, even Kaoru was struggling; he could see her face turning blue. “Ano! Miki-dono… the baby de gozaru!!”

“Waaah, gomen nasai!” Miki cried, finally releasing them. Kenji wasn’t at all fazed, just amused by this crazy lady. Miki in turn made a face, which caused Kenji to laugh. “Eheheh, looks like we’ll have a lot of fun for the next couple days. Tonikaku, let’s get you inside. It seems to might rain at any moment.”

”Arigatou, Miki-san.” Kaoru replied, as they walked together down the street, “I’m just so glad you invited us to come. We’ve been in need of a vacation for a while. Soushite, I haven’t been here for a long time.”

”Eh, the last time the both of you were here was over three years ago… maa, that was the strangest experience I’ve ever had.” Miki sighed, “I never knew about what my husband was doing, and if you hadn’t stopped him…” Her voice trailed off as she gazed off into the clouds. She then smiled brightly. “Arigatou, Kenshin-san, Kaoru-san! You really did save all of us!”

With that, she led them inside the building of her dress shop. Upstairs was their living quarters. It was a bit dark since no one was there and Miki had to light a couple of lanterns. “Wow…” Kaoru stammered, looking around. The parlor room had a sofa and a high dining table, with some large paintings on the wall. “Sugoi desu ne!”

Miki bowed her head. “Arigatou! Since Wakana has gotten some Western elements, it’s been like a trend. After all, my dress shop also thrives on it. Please make yourself comfortable.” she said, offering them a seat, while she rushed off to the kitchen.

Kenshin and Kaoru put down their bags and slowly went to sit on the sofa. Kenshin dropped his head and stared at the hole in his sock, and then at the tatami mats. He wondered if Kaoru was sleepy as he was. They had been up this whole time, both trying to entertain poor Kenji, who hadn’t a clue where there were going. Strangely, Kenji was just as energetic as when he woke up that morning.

Soon, Miki came back with a tray of tea and cookies. After serving her guests, she placed a platter by her shrine of her father. There was a faded photograph of him inside. “We had that taken a couple days before he passed away.” Miki explained, “My father was so full of life, no one would’ve guess he would die so suddenly.”

Kaoru smiled towards the photograph. “Your father was the one who approached me and invited me to your dress shop. If it weren’t for him, I would’ve not have met you, Miki-san. Soushite, I doubt we would’ve been able to reach Takeru-san.” she uttered, “I may have only met him once, demo… I can tell he was a nice man.”

”Aa, he was such a crazy old man, approaching pretty girls left and right!” Miki said cheerfully, “He wouldn’t want me to be sad, so I’ll keep a smile. Besides, Takeru wouldn’t want me to be sad either…”

”Dewa, where is Takeru-dono?” Kenshin asked, before taking another sip of tea.

“Oh, Takeru is out on the boat tonight. He’s a fisherman you see, and sometimes the best times to get fish is when it’s stormy and dangerous.” Miki sighed, crossing her arms, “Guess since he gave up conspiring against the government, he still hasn’t changed his reckless behavior.”

”Honto de gozaru yo!” Kenshin laughed, “Reminds me of someone I know! Ehehehe!” Kaoru swatted him on the back just as he was sipping again. Gagging, he clutched at his throat; trying not to spit up the tea he had drunk. ‘ORO!’

“He should be home later tonight.” Miki continued. “Aa! How rude of me! You guys must be tired and hungry! I’ll get started on dinner right away! Feel free to go anywhere you like. The room down the hall is the bathroom, and to the right is yours. I even borrowed a crib for the baby. Please make yourselves at home!” With that, she scrambled off to the kitchen.

“Hai~!” Kaoru chimed, and then turned to her husband, “Daijoubu??” He just glared at her, and then went to pinch her cheek really hard. “ITAI!!” she cried, rubbing her sore face. “Mou, you started it! Tonikaku, Miki-san said we could make ourselves at home. Why don’t you use the bath first? And take Kenji with ya, ne? I’m going see if I can help Miki-san with anything.”

“Hai hai.” Kenshin uttered, accepting the baby. He then paused for a moment and sniffed the air. “Masaka! You didn’t just…” Kenji smiled at him. “Maa maa, let’s get you outta that diaper because it’s definitely bath time!” he sighed, walking down the hall.

* * *
A ruckus continued to come from the dojo. Yahiko sighed and sat down on the step next to Tsubame. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t get Sanosuke and his friends to leave. He just hoped that they wouldn’t start fighting and tearing up the place. ‘Kaoru would kill me if anything happens to her dojo!!’ he thought, covering his face with his hands, ‘Hell, what am I going to do?!?!’

“Ano…” Tsubame stammered, hugging her knees, “Arigatou, Yahiko-kun… for inviting me over today. I’m really glad everyone enjoyed my cooking.”

”Aa… gomen naa. They ate it so fast. You and I had barely anything since Sanosuke’s friends are such pigs.” he mumbled, clawing at the floor, “I just hope the police don’t show up now because of how rowdy they are!”

“Ehehehe!” she giggled, folding her hands. Even with the stench of sake and smelling yakuza thugs, Tsubame hadn’t lost her cheerfulness. Slowly, she leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. Yahiko instantly woke up from his bad mood and sat up straight, blushing. “Yahiko-kun…”

”Eto… Tsubame…?”

She closed her eyes, smiling. “Arigatou… for everything…”

Suddenly, the door slid open. It was so abrupt that it startled Yahiko, who quickly jumped to his feet, leaving Tsubame to fall over on her side. “Oi, Yahiko!!” Sanosuke snapped, “We’re out of sake! Go fetch me another bottle, will ya?!”

“I’m not your servant!!” he snapped, waving his fist, “And where do you get off bringing your friends over here to get drunk and play illegal dice??!”

“Cheh! I’m on a winning streak, so shuddap!!” Sanosuke argued, “Oh, and while you’re at it, stop by my house and tell Megumi I’ll be staying here for the night.”

“Nani?! Didn’t you hear me??! I’m not your errand boy!!” Yahiko exclaimed, getting very annoyed. But Sanosuke wouldn’t listen to him, just to the voices inside calling him. “Chikuso!!” Yahiko sighed, falling back down onto the floor and crossing his arms. “What am I supposed to do for a little respect??! Kaoru left me in charge!”

“Ano…” Tsubame had gotten herself up and wasn’t at all upset that he had let her fall over like that. She brushed her hair aside and bowed her head. “It’s gotten late, so I really should head home…”

”W-Why don’t you just stay here? There’s plenty of room!” Yahiko blurted out, blushing.

“Thanks for the offer, demo I think I should go. Datte, my father would get worried about me.” she explained.

”Jaa… I’ll walk you home.” he said, getting up and taking her hand. Just then, Sanosuke yelled at him not to forget the sake. Yahiko looked ready to rage, but Tsubame dragged him along. The two of them walked down the deserted path, hand in hand.

* * *
Kenshin sat in the bath, scrubbing the back of Kenji’s neck. “Hora hora, your mom won’t be happy if I left any dirt on ya!”

"Guuu!!!" Kenji replied.

Humming, he gazed around the steamy room and wondered if it was time to get out. “Better leave some of the water for the others, ne?” With that, he climbed out and wrapped a towel around them. “Brrrr de gozaru!!” he chuckled, drying them both, and then placing the baby aside as he put on his robe. He wrapped Kenji in a blanket and walked out quietly.

The women were in the kitchen chatting. He stood outside, listening to Kaoru’s sweet voice. “Sore kara… Otou-san would lock me outside until I got it right… demo, after a couple hours, he tried to drag me back inside… I of course didn’t listen and got in trouble…”

Kenshin frowned a little and looked down at his son. ‘Miki-dono and Kaoru have such fond memories of their fathers… I wonder if Kenji too would… ore… I don’t even remember my father… Kenji… I hope…’

“Kenshin!” Kaoru said, walking out with her arms full of dishes, “Everything’s just about ready. Please have a seat.” He nodded and sat down in the chair closest to him. Miki and Kaoru brought out the food and Miki served them all. While they munched away, he handed Kenji over to Kaoru so he too could have his dinner. “Slowly now…” she told Kenji, who didn’t listen to her at all.

Kenshin smiled and then turned to Miki, who looked absolutely fascinated. “Wow!! I can’t wait to have a baby of my own! That looks like a lot of fun!!” Kaoru was about to protest, but Miki continued, “Mou, I’m not getting any younger!! That selfish man!! When he gets home, I’m gonna…!!”

Kenshin and Kaoru nervously laughed at her and continued with their meal. After dinner, Kenshin insisted on washing the dishes, something Miki had never thought about – men doing the household chores. She decided that when her husband came home, she would start forcing him to do so. But Kenshin insisted that he was doing it of his own free will. “Honto de gozaru yo!!”

“Honto?? Not because you’re scared of Kaoru-san??” Miki questioned.

”Oro…” Kenshin stammered, as Kaoru was now giving him the evil eye. “Jaa, why would I be scared of my own wife?? She’s as gentle as an angel de gozaru!”

“Usou da yo!” Kaoru snapped, giving his ponytail a good tug, “Just yesterday you were calling me a demon!!”

“Dakara!! You hid my sakabatou!! Hidoi de gozaru!! I thought it was gone forever… (sniff sniff)…!” he cried, walloping her with the saya and then sitting on top of her. Underneath his weight, Kaoru struggled for air, but he wouldn’t budge until she begged for mercy. “Apologize to the sakabatou!”

Eventually Miki broke up the fight and told them to go to sleep. But when they got to the room, they didn’t see any futon at all. Just something called a ‘bed’. While Kaoru left to take a bath, Kenshin put the baby in the nice crib provided where he instantly fell asleep. Kenshin then peered under the bed and saw that there was nothing under it.

‘Oro… it’s kind of like a table with a futon on it…’ He slowly went to lie down, spreading out his limb, ‘Daga, it’s much softer than a futon… and the headrests are bigger and softer… and feathers de gozaru??’ Sitting up he looked out the window. Kenshin thought it felt strange to sleep by a window; someone could be watching. Pulling the blanket over his head, he waited for Kaoru to come back. ‘Ororororo!!’

Even when Kaoru had come back and climbed into the bed, Kenshin couldn’t sleep. He just didn’t get comfortable. Lying in the dark, he gazed down at his snoozing wife, and then at their snoozing baby. Letting out a heavy yawn, he finally tried to close his eyes. But then he heard some noises outside the room. Going to the door, he peered out.

“(Okaeri, Anataa~!!)” Miki chimed, leaping at her husband. She tried to be as quiet as she could, but that wasn’t possible. Suddenly, she moved away, gagging, “(Mou!! You smell like fish!!)”

”(Sou yo… I am a fisherman.)” Takeru replied, crossing his arms. She just grabbed him by the arm and dragged into the bathroom. Kenshin then heard some splashing and explicit noises coming from there. Sighing, he slowly turned away from the door, just in time to see Kaoru fall off the bed.

“Itai!” she whimpered on the floor, rubbing her back, “Mou… that hurt…”

”Daijoubu ka?” he asked as he knelt down to help her up. She nodded, holding onto him as he moved to massage her lower back, where it was hurting most. “I wasn’t able to sleep, Koishi.” he uttered, “I can’t seem to get used to this bed.”

”Uhn, I’m starting to miss my futon.” she replied, leaning against him as the pain started to go away. “Nee, would you hold onto me so I won’t fall down anymore? I promise I’ll help you sleep.”

“Aa,” he said, leading her back under the covers. She got comfortable over him, snuggling in his chest. “Oro…” Kenshin wrapped his arms around her waist as she started to press kisses all over. Finally relaxing, Kenshin watched her from under his bangs, his eyes becoming heavy. Her embrace was so warm and her kisses sweet, he now didn’t want to fall asleep and struggled to stay awake.

“K-Kenshin…what are you…??” Kaoru stammered when his expression became so strained. Smiling, she cupped his face with both hands and gave him one final kiss goodnight, “Oyasumi nasai, Anata…”

* * *
Yahiko walked through the gate with a dreamly look on his face. Every minute with Tsubame made his heart go ‘doki-doki’. He had forgotten all about Sanosuke and his buddies during his evening stroll with this special girl. Instantly remembering when he returned, he sped towards the dojo in a panic. “Oi!! Sanosuke!!”

Strangely, everyone had gone and left, except for the fighter, who looked a little tired. Frowning at the big mess, Yahiko started to pick up the trash. He wondered what happened in the short time he had been gone, and Sanosuke seemed to be a bit upset over something. He twirled around an empty bottle and sighed.

“Why don’t you go home and leave me to clean up this mess, ne?” Yahiko said, already making a pile of stuff to throw out, “Megumi’s gonna be worried about you, so ya better hurry up. That lady can get very angry!”

At last, Sanosuke found a voice to speak. “Yahiko… taihen da yo…” The boy blinked and stared towards his grave face. “It’s so damn terrible I can barely say it...”

”W-What happened??!” he exclaimed, getting worried, “Naa, Sanosuke?? Tell me already!!”

Sanosuke gazed at the floor. “The truth is… well… I thought I had a good wining streak so I bet a lot… and kept betting… then they bet so much that I didn’t have enough… I thought I would win too…”

”Soushite??” Yahiko asked, anxiously. The knot in his stomach tightened and sweat covered his face. “S-Sanosuke…” he uttered, clenching his fists and darkening his brow, “Then what??”

He slowly smiled and started laughing at the ceiling. “I-I bet the deed to the dojo and lost! AHAHAHAHAHA…” He would have continued the madness if Yahiko had punched into the wall. After a minute’s delay, he got it together and stormed at the boy angrily. “OI!! Why’d you do that?!? It ain’t my fault, Yarou!!”

”Sure it is! You bastard gave the dojo away to some yakuza thugs!!” Yahiko cried, frantically shaking him. Throwing him aside, he tearfully clutched his head and screamed, “KAORU’S GONNA KILL ME!!!!!”

onto part 2