part 4: "games" rurouni kenshin's creator is watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved
notes: hidden memory comes from chapter 9 of "yesterday". please send comments as this story slowy unravels. sore ja! jill 7/25/1

Quiet Rest
Part 4: "Games"

Kaoru stared at her husband, wondering why he would desperately shield this stranger who had just given her a good smack in the face. The smack didn’t hurt at all; she had worse before… but she still didn’t know the reason.

“K-Kenshin, what’s going on?”

The samurai’s face sweat-beaded as he held his arms out, using his body as a barrier. “Dakara… you mustn’t hurt this person… she’s… she’s…”

”Who is she??” Kaoru, Miki and Takeru all said in unison. There was a long pause. Even the baby, who had somehow ended up in Miki’s hold, looked curious. The only sound in the room remained as ‘doki-doki’, until…

“She… she reminds me of an old girlfriend…” Kenshin stammered, greatly embarrassed. This remark created a chain reaction of face-faults and a great deal of laughter coming from Kenji. “Oro…”

Kaoru lifted herself off the floor, not looking very please. “NANI…” she growled, grabbing him over by the collar, “What the hell are you talking about??! I don’t care who she is… how can you let her get away with hitting me!! MOU!! YOU FAITHLESS PIG!!”

One good punch sent Kenshin down and a series of oro’s to follow. Stepping over her defeated spouse, Kaoru now eyed over her opponent, ready to make a statement. But instantly the hand went fly again. Kaoru stumbled a little after getting her face slapped once again, this time from the other direction.

‘Ma… masaka…’ she thought, both cheeks red as she gazed at this person, ‘She means business! Kenshin, how can you just sit there!?’

“You beat up my brother! I won’t forgive you for it!” the woman snapped, “Not only that, for what you’ve done to this town… I absolutely won’t forgive!!”

Miki stepped up, equally angry, “Iresai, Hanako-san! You have no right to come in here and talk to Kaoru-san like this! She saved our town three years ago! If not for her, your brother would probably be killed!!”

“That’s what you think! And you call yourself Takeru’s wife – not believing in him and his cause! I for one have backed him up all these years! I believe that the Reisengumi could’ve stood a chance against the Meiji army… and life in Wakana would be a lot better!!”

”Says who?! You don’t know that for a fact!! Just be content that your loved ones were not killed for their ‘daring causes’ and that you yourself have a decent finance situation! Or are you just too ungrateful to enjoy these things?!”

Kaoru blinked, looking back and forth at the arguing women. “A-Ano…” she uttered, not sure what to say now. The conversation was totally out of her hands and something else seemed to be argued. ‘Jaa… such a rivalry between these two… kowaii desu ne…’

Suddenly Takeru moved in between them. “Stop it now, you two.” he uttered, his voice still very calm. He then put his hand on his wife’s shoulder, giving her a shaking head. Miki lifted her watery eyes and ran away to their room, slamming the door. Takeru then bowed to the woman. “Suman… I didn’t mean to cause such a scene. Tell everyone below that I am sorry.”

”Hai, I will do so, Takeru… but you must know that we all still believe in you…”

”Iya, I don’t do those types of these again.” he replied, head still bowed, “I’m a different man now.”

”Demo! The rumors of a prowler in the woods are still circulating! While the cops don’t care at all, we need your leadership to help us through this and protect our town…!”

Takeru finally lifted his head as well as his voice, “Just go home, Hanako!” She seemed a bit startled but nodded, backing away from the door. Takeru then slammed the door close and turned around to face Kaoru, who had somehow ended up holding the baby. “Sorry you had to see that.”

”Eto… could someone help up??” Kenshin uttered, still lying in a heap.

* * *
Back in Tokyo, preparations were being made for the guests to arrive at Megumi and Sanosuke’s house. Megumi spent her time in the kitchen cooking, while Yahiko and Sanosuke discussed their role in the plan.

“Jaa… Tsubame told me that we will have three tries, and that it’s up to us to keep it up. But she believes in us, so there’s no way we can fail…”

”Absolutely… can’t fail…” Sanosuke repeated, gazing into his teacup.

“Are you okay??” Yahiko asked, eying him over, “You’ve been acting weird, y’know. You’re making us worried with this strange behavior. Knock it off, will ya!”

“U…Uhn…” he uttered, looking at the watery reflection, “Just forget about it…”

Suddenly the room filled with sunlight that touched the back of his neck. Slowly he lifted his head, finding him sitting across someone else, another place and another time. Sanosuke put down the teacup and stared at his companion as she readied the meal, handing him a bowl of rice.

“I can’t just forget about it.” Kaoru said, smiling as he accepted the bowl, “You really saved me by fixing the roof. I really owe you, and I’ll start with making you this meal, ne!”

“Iya, you don’t owe me anything. I did this because… we’re friends. That’s what friends are for.”

She shrugged, serving him some soup. The miso soup soon was placed in front of him. Sanosuke sighed, listening to the endless silence that filled the dojo. It just wasn’t the same these days. The only sounds were of them eating and the wind chime outside. He wondered what else he could talk about, but just couldn’t find the words. Words were never at his grasp when he needed them.

“One year…” she suddenly uttered. Her sad blue eyes watered a bit as she tried to lower her bangs in the way. “I was married for one year… it was really wonderful. I hope you experience something wonderful like that, Sanosuke.” He didn’t reply, but continued to stare. “I hope… more than anything…”

”Jou-chan…” He put down his bowl, getting up on his feet. He knew that she was going through hell, with her husband leaving her three weeks ago and being pregnant. ‘She’s too young to handle this… and Kenshin, you bastard left her in this mess… hell, I wouldn’t do such a thing…’ His eyes widened. ‘Oh! I mean… no, I …’

“Nani ka??” she asked, catching his blushing face, “What’s wrong, Sanosuke? Is it my cooking?”

“Iya, bezuni!” he gasped, “It’s just… that Kenshin… if he… if he doesn’t come back…” He saw how these words affected her, how it made her shoulders cave. He knew that just the very thought of Kenshin never coming back would make her curl up in the corner and burst into tears. Still, he had to say it, this time, this once. “I’ll take care of you… and the baby… I won’t leave you alone, Jou-- iya, Kaoru…”

She had dropped everything and was staring at him in surprise. He was surprised himself, but didn’t know what to do now. Especially now that she was getting on her feet and walking towards him. Slowly, she pulled him into a hug, her arms tight around him. “Arigatou.” was all she said. Or all she could say. Sanosuke knew that this was all he’d ever hear from her…

“OI OI OIIII! SANOSUKEE!” Yahiko impatiently called him back to the present. He finally just walloped Sanosuke on the head with his shinai, waking him ever so violently, “This is not the time to fall asleep, Yarou! We gotta be ready for those bastards when they come! And they’ll be here any minute!!”

”Too late.” Megumi said, standing at the doorway. The quartet of yakuza members was approaching the house, the full moon showing above. Megumi grinned and tucked her arms into her sleeves, “Saa, let’s do it!”

* * *
Kenshin knocked on the door of the bathroom. “A-ano…” he uttered, leaning his head against the wall, “Kaoru, is everything all right in there…? A-are you still angry with me??”

”HMP! Why don’t you go daydream about your old girlfriend!” she snapped from the other side, “The baby and I are just fine! We don’t need your help!” But Kenshin entered the room anyways, looking ever so sorry. Kaoru pouted, she and Kenji in the middle of a bath, “That won’t work for me, Rurouni-san!”

“Demo…” he sighed, crumbling to the floor, “I’m really really sorry. I shouldn’t have froze like that and let her slap you… twice.” He then knelt by the bath, leaning his chin down at eye level with the baby, “Even if she is a resemblance of an old girlfriend, it doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean I stop loving you most…”

Kaoru splashed water in his face. “BA-KA-! Sweet talk like that isn’t going to get you out of this one. I don’t care what you do, just leave us alone for awhile.” she grumbled, facing the wall as the baby happily splashed his papa.

“Koishii,” he uttered, taking hold of her shoulder, “Ore wa…” But a hand came to his face, sending him flying across the bathroom and right out the door. “ORORORORORORO…!”

Takeru stepped over him and closed the door. “Maybe you should let her cool off for a bit, na Himura?” he said, helping him off, “Kaoru-san is a very much like my Miki. From what I’ve learned, to keep your health you better just let her deal with it for now.”

“D-demo…” Kenshin sighed, dusting himself off as he stared towards the closed door, “I don’t like it when she’s mad… especially mad at me. We’re like worlds apart when she’s like that… and more than anything, I just want to be near…”

Takeru shook his head, patting him on the shoulder, “Then you shouldn’t bring up old lovers in her presence… that’s a major mistake on your part. The first thing you must know about women, Himura, is that they never forget names and things. Once you mention you had a lover in the past, they’ll remember it and probably get on your case about it always.”

Kenshin rubbed his chin. “Sou ka… demo Kaoru’s memory span doesn’t go that far. And she’s usually very forgiving. She knows I’ve thrown away to the past; that the present is much important to me…” He suddenly dropped his shoulders, looking very remorse, “Aaaan! So why did I act like that just then?!? Oro, I’m so stupid!!”

Takeru turned for the parlor, chuckling, “Humans are just animals with feelings… don’t think you’re superior or anything. Everyone makes mistakes… that’s just how it is.” He paused and gazed towards him room where Miki had locked herself in. ‘Even I…’

* * *
“What is this?? I thought we were gonna ‘play’…” grumbled one thug as they entered the room. He and the group didn’t look too happy, despite Megumi’s warm welcome. “What the hell are these two guys doing here??!”

Sanosuke crossed him arms, biting down on a fish bone. “I live here, teme!!” he sneered, looking ready to pounce him. Fortunately, Yahiko restrained him from behind. “Cheh! You better behave yourselves while you’re in my house!”

”Just ignore him. Make yourselves at home.” Megumi said, serving them tea. Everyone gradually calmed down and sat around in a circle. Megumi then took a seat with the group. “Maa… I guarantee you will get to ‘play’…” she purred, giving them the usual charm.

Yahiko rubbed his head. “Gaah… let’s hope this broad doesn’t forget our true purpose and Tsubame arrives on time. I don’t know how long Megumi alone can entertain them.” He then turned to his comrade, “But no matter what, we can’t let them leave tonight without them giving up the deed!”

“Sou yo… ah!” Sanosuke instantly saw someone going for the door. Faster than anyone can blink, he rushed him, blocking off the exit, “Jaa… where da hell you think you’re going??”

”Gonna go to the bathroom. Is there a problem??” the thug noted, glaring back at him.

“Iya, heki heki.” Sanosuke replied. He then grabbed Yahiko up by the collar, “You go wit him and make sure he doesn’t split.” Of course this ended up becoming a great big argument. “OI!! YOU GO!!”

”Nani ka??” Tsubame had arrived and everyone fell silent. “Konbawa!” she said cheerfully, putting her purse aside and going to take a seat across from the leader of the quartet, “Let’s begin the negotiations, ne?”

”What is this??!” the leader grumbled, “What negotiations?? With this girl??! Are you kidding??!”

”Iie, I don’t kid around.” Tsubame replied, taking something out of her sleeve. “There seems to be a misunderstanding. You see, the deed you were given I’m afraid is a fraud.”

”Eh?!?” the thugs exclaimed, “What the hell…!??!”

”Of course I was given the right one because Kaoru-san sold it to my father for a recorded sum at the bank. And we could easily take it to court who rightfully owns the land, because I happen to know that the police would surely side with me. But if you really like to hand this fraud deed to your leader, that’s up to you.”

”Y-Yakuso! Sano-san, you set up, didn’t you?!!?” the leader angrily yelled, now turning towards the tall fighter, “You knew this was a fraud and you were trying to get us in trouble… I’ll make you pay for this!!”

”Oi oi, look even I didn’t know it was a fraud.” Sanosuke explained, “Kono Jou-chan is a tricky woman. She’ll mess with our mind if you’re not careful. Anyways, what are you going to do now with that fake deed??”

”What else can we do? We’ll just bring it to the boss and hope he doesn’t realize it’s fake… errr, that won’t work!!” he sighed, “Aan!! Can’t you give us that deed, please??!”

Sanosuke happily grinned, taking the deed out of Tsubame’s hands. “How about we gamble for it?? Let’s see if luck is again on your side.” They stared at him, a little curious – as they knew, Sanosuke wasn’t the luckiest person in the world. “How about it? You win, you get the real deed. We win, we get both deeds.”

”Well… all right… it seems that we have no choice!”

Tsubame then took over. “Yoshi, but you’re on our turf now. We call the rules. And the first completion will be a game…” she uttered, smiling, “Of shogi.”


The Japanese chess match was a no challenge as Tsubame ruled the board. Without any effort at all, she won; beating three matches in a row with each member as they kept insisted the prior match was just warm up. “Yatta!” she chimed, as they collapsed on the floor, “We win this time!”

“Ara, you’re not giving up so soon??” Megumi said, going down to ‘wake them up’. “Where was that vigor I saw earlier… and I was looking forward for some excitement tonight.”

”W-WE’RE UP!!” they exclaimed, ready to uptake the next challenge.

Yahiko rolled his eyes. “Kono broad…” He then got up his feet, lifting up his shinai, “Maa, it’s my turn then! Let’s go!” He led the four outside in the yard, which was lit by the moonlight and a lantern. “This challenge is to defeat me, Myoujin Yahiko – the number one student of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu!”

They just stared at him, looking a bit unmoved. “Cheh… this kid…?!?”

But instantly Yahiko went into battle mode, assaulting his opponents before they could even think about their approach. Finally after being sent to the ground, they regrouped and readied their fists in defense. Yahiko just grinned, leaping up in the air. For a moment it seemed he had disappeared, but he came back, taking them all down with a single swing.

“That wasn’t even challenging.” he sighed, leaning against the fence. “I guess I win.”

”Ugggg…” The thugs sighed, lying in the grass. But Megumi came out to them. She didn’t even have to say a word; they were up in a minute. “Aa! The next challenge please!!”

Sanosuke leaned over to Tsubame. “(Why are we making them go through all this torture?? Can’t we just take the deed from these losers??)” he whispered into her ear.

“(Iie, if we do that, all they’ll do is go to their yakuza for reinforcements.)” she explained, “(If we win it fairly, then there really isn’t anything they can do, but be embarrassed. Besides, isn’t this more fun??)”

”Heh, you’re a genius, Tsubame-chan!” he chuckled. He patted her on the head and stepped forward, “Boys… here’s the final challenge…!”

* * *
In Wakana, Kenshin and Takeru were enjoying some tea in the parlor. It had been quiet for a long time. The wives were not talking to them, no matter what approach they tried. So they just went with Takeru’s “let’s leave them alone” method. So far, it seemed to be working.

“Oro…” Kenshin sighed, “I can’t stand being away from my wife…” He staring down at the baby in his lap, who looked very content and sleepy. “Jaa… I wondered if Kaoru would want to sing Kenji to sleep tonight. Surely the baby will cheer her up.” He then walked over to their door. “K-Koishii…” he uttered, lifting his hand to knock. Instead he opened the doorknob, “A-Ano…”

But he saw that the room was empty and the window was open. Staring in shock, he heard Takeru’s voice behind him. “Miki’s gone too! Now what do we do??!”

Kenshin just rushed to the window, yelling out into the night, “KAORUUU!!!”

onto part 5
back to part 3