finale - "New Memories" rurouni kenshin was created by watsuki nobuhirou-sensei; all rights reserved to sony, shueisha jump, fuji tv
notes: at long last finally finished! the ending song is "Sokabasu", by Judy & Mary. Also, the first opening credits song of the ruroken anime. Translation was by Yoshino Yuko and -=K=- @ Many thanks to them and to those who are reading this fic. Pplease send any comments to my other address:; written by Jill, original post: 9/3/1

Quiet Rest
Finale: "New Memories"

The candle flickered twice. Kenshin watched from the corner of his eye as he turned to the window where the rain was coming down hard. Sniffling a little, he felt glad that he and his family had escaped the fury before it arrived. The storm outside hinted that the ships would probably not leave tomorrow.

"Ne, Kenshin," Kaoru called, sitting in bed with the baby in her arms. She had changed and washed up after been stranded in the woods for the entire day. Her hair down, she shook the loose strands from her eyes and put her hand on the side on his face. "Honto ni gomen nasai."

"Iya," he replied, taking hold of her wrist, the soft skin in between his fingertips, "Miki-dono told me... you went after her because you were worried. That, I expected from you because of your kindness... it wasn't you're fault you had an accident. My one regret was that I wasn't there to walk with you across that bridge."

She bowed her head, sighing, "Demo ne... I should be able to walk it on my own by now... I should be stronger now, not like I was then three years. After all we've gone through... naze... why am I still afraid..."

"Dakara, you're human." he said softly, "People aren't perfect... people have fears, doubts, moments of weakness. It's harder to face when you're alone."

"Sou desu ne." she uttered, cheering up, "Still, I'm sorry for worrying you. Next time, I'll tell you when I go off and I'll try not to fall off any bridges."

Kenshin chuckled a little before turning his head to see Takeru at the door. "There's some people here to see you, Himura."

"Aa," he replied, following him outside. "ORO?!" He saw a great crowd of people downstairs in the shop, soaked from the rainstorm. "Minna-dono... doushitan de gozaru ka??"

"Eto... actually... Himura-sama... sore wa..." Shinnosuke stammered. He spotted Kaoru peering from the stairs with the baby. "AA! Her too!" he exclaimed, pointing at her, the others gasping.

Kenshin stood in the way, to keep them from going to her. "What do you want? We don't want anymore trouble... so please just let us be. We'll leave as soon as the storm clears."

"Chigao yo! You've misunderstood our intentions." Shinnosuke said, bowing to the floor, telling the others to follow, "We want to apologize for the rudeness we've shown you these past days."

Kenshin and Kaoru blinked and turned towards each other, completely surprised. Takeru grinned and crossed his arms. "Sou yo! You bastards really owe them an apology! Not only do they save our town three years ago, but they saved your sorry asses once again."

"We know, Takeru-sama! Himura-sama-tachi, please forgive us - Onegaishimasu!"

Kaoru shrugged. "Why not? Let's all start anew... besides, it seems we have yet another day to spend out holiday in Wakana..." Smiling, she bowed her head. "Minna-san, yoroshiku onegaishimasu~!"

Kenshin shyly rubbed his head. "E-to... yoroshiku... de gozaru..." And then, they filed out the door, bowing before them. Kenshin quickly stopped Shinnosuke before he left. "Sumanu... about your sister, Hanako-dono..."

"Daijoubu desu." Shinnosuke replied, "I won't sad. She lived with a lot of anger and emotion; she was the one who suggested lighting the forest. Demo, now her soul is at rest. Perhaps, now we are kind of free from her influence and we can all live happier now. Thanks to you, Himura-sama, soushite, Takeru-sama." He then cheerfully walked out to meet his friends.

"Hanako-san..." Miki uttered, standing at the top of the stairs, "We had our differences because she was after my Takeru and she also had a scheming past, demo... even I feel for her and her family. Maa, it's never a good feeling when someone dies..."

"Sou de gozaru..." Kenshin sighed, rubbing his head. He wearily walked back to the room, his feeling of celebration put on hold for sadness, that someone's life had been lost. He closed the door and lifted his eyes to his family.

"Kenshin, don't feel bad." Kaoru said, taking his hand, "Some things can't be helped. It's not anyone's fault." She then pressed on his cheek. "Demo ne... I can't help but wonder... what lover she reminded you of... hmmmm..."

He instantly gagged. "Oro oro!? Ka-Kaoru... to ask that question is like hitting below the belt de gozaru yo!!" She just eyed him over suspiciously. "I-It's just... you know... some thing men don't talk about to their wives!"

"Maa maa, if I had any ex-lovers, I'd be sure to tell you." she replied, pouting a little, "We don't keep secrets from each other, do we, Kenshin??"

"Oro..." he sighed, seeing that she was obviously winning this battle, "Kaoru, it wasn't that she looked like someone I've met... but she smelled like her..."

"Smell?" she asked, blinking her eyes, "Jaa... you had a chance to smell her?"

Kenshin face-faulted. "ORO! It's not like that...!!!!!" he cried fretfully.

Her eyes slanted as fire burned in them, "Then, what is it like??!!"

"She smelled like wisteria... the flower reminded me of the time I was traveling up north as a rurouni, of a woman who looked after me during the winter." he uttered, turning towards the window, "Only, I didn't stay with her because I was a rurouni who's life was dedicated only to atonement."

"Ano ne..." Kaoru got up and walked up to him, putting her hands on his shoulder. "What do I smell like to you?"

He smiled, brushing some hair from her face. "I don't know... your scent is so familiar to me... it's just as natural as the air around me." Kaoru returned the smile and pulled him into an embrace. Holding each other was natural as breathing air. Outside, the rain continued to pour down, all of the flames out in the darken forest.

* * *
Even as night had fallen in Tokyo, the group continued to work on the repairs to the dojo and wall. "Yapari! This is a lot of work!" Yahiko sighed, wiping the sweat off his face. "Demo na, Busu-tachi comes back tomorrow... we've got to hurry this up if we don't want to get killed!"

"Yare yare," Megumi replied, taking a cup of tea from Tsubame's tray, "Ano tanuki-musume acts all vengeful, but truly she wouldn't go to that extreme. I think you'll escape with a couple bruises and that's it."

"Still..." Sanosuke uttered, stopping his hammering, "She might not trust us again if she learned the truth... that we couldn't keep protect what she treasures most..."

"Honto na no..." Tsubame said, nodding her head in agreement, "Kaoru-san's dojo... if she found out that we treated it so badly, she'd be very upset with us."

Tae crossed her arms. "I know for sure that if anything happened to my restaurant, I would be very emotional. It means everything to me. I would bet my life on it, as I know Kaoru-chan would bet her life on this dojo."

Yahiko lifted his head, solemnly looking around the darken room. 'This old, drafty, poor dojo... so many memories here... so much that cannot be replaced... it is my treasure too...'

* * *
In the morning, Miki had made a giant breakfast. "The storm is still out there so the ships cannot leave the Port." she explained, passing out the dishes, "Please enjoy yourselves for one more day!"

"Arigatou de gozaru, Miki-dono." Kenshin replied, bowing his head, "E-to, where did Takeru-dono go this morning?"

"Aa, he went fishing!" she laughed, "Kono boke woke up this morning and said that he dreamt about catching a big one. So, he rushed out with his pole and dragged along his friends with him to the pier. They've been there since."

"Sou desu ka?" Kaoru gasped, "Jaa, I hope he really does catch a big one. Shikashi, I'm glad that Takeru-san is back on good terms with his comrades."

"For a long time, they didn't believe in him... because he gave up on the dream of Wakana..." Miki uttered, cradling a teacup, "Demo... that dream... perhaps it was just Hanako-san's... everyone now can concentrate on the future of this town, and not of a vengeful past."

"Sou de gozaru yo." Kenshin replied, smiling with a happy Kenji on his lap, "I have no doubt that the future of Wakana will be very bright!"

Suddenly, the door burst open and a soaked Takeru stepped in, "YATTAZE!!" he exclaimed, holding up a giant trout, "Minna, I did it!!"

"Waaw! That's huge!!" Miki cried as they gathered around and looked at the fish in his hands, "H-How in the world did you...?!?"

Takeru noted, "Dakara... I decided that I would catch it this morning..." He turned to Kaoru and grinned, "Once I had made up my mind, no one could stop me." She returned the smile, happily nodding her head. Somehow, they had made amends after all; the past was behind them.

* * *
Sanosuke slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight hitting him in the face. He noticed that he was still in the dojo with Megumi leaning against him. Not far, Tsubame and Yahiko were leaning together back to back. Tae was curled up in the corner with a blanket and an empty teapot. Sanosuke eased himself up from the floor and lowered Megumi gently to the floor, putting his shirt over her. The look in her face showed that she was dreaming something wonderful. 'Megumi...'

He remembered what she was whispering to him as she felt asleep the prior night, her eyes slowly closing. "Ano ojou-chan... she should know how lucky she is... we stayed up all night... fixing her beloved dojo... we risked our lives to get it back and protect it..."

"Datte... it was my fault." he sighed, leaning his chin down onto his knees, "I was careless and took for granted... ore wa..."

"I wouldn't worry, Anata..." she murmured, going to lean against him, "You're one of her treasures..." Sanosuke blinked and stared at her, surprised by her words. She then smiled up at him. "Demo ne... you're my most precious treasure!"

He returned the smile. "Megumi..."

Sanosuke drew away from his sleeping wife, staring down at her. ‘You’re my most precious treasure as well…’

* * *
“Wai~!” Kaoru gazed in the mirror, her face absolutely shimmering. “Honto… Honto ni… could I wear this the entire day?!” she exclaimed, twirling around in a western style yellow dress.

At her side, Miki nodded her head. “If fact, it’s yours. Please take it with you to Tokyo.” She noted, showing that she had the boxes prepared for her.

“Arigatou gozaimasu~!!” Kaoru cried, happily hugging her. The two girls then turned as someone stepped out of the fitting room. “Ara, Kenshin, you look so good!”

”Oro…” the shy samurai uttered, wearing a blue suit. He loosened his tie and stumbled forward, “E-to… Miki-dono… did I put it on right? It looks a bit funny de gozaru yo…”

”Aa, sou da.” Takeru uttered, sitting down with Kenji on his lap, “I agree with you, Himura. That’s one strange looking outfit you’re making him wear.”

Miki shot a glare to him. “Mou, this is the style of the new era! Handsome men should dress handsomely for special occasions – and not wear the same old hakama!”

“(Better just wear the suit before kono yatsu blows up the entire shop with another rage trip.)” Takeru whispered to Kenshin, who nervously nodded his head.

“I heard that.” she grumbled, moving over to them. But she quickly let it go. “Nee nee, before you go off and walk around the town, could I do one more thing?”

”Nani?” Kaoru stammered, staring at the cheery look on her friend’s face.

Moments later, she had set up the drapes as a backdrop and had the family pose, Kaoru sitting on a chair with the baby, Kenshin standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. “Oro…”

“Look at the camera now – SMILE!” Miki called, hitting the shutter three times.

Afterwards, Kaoru and Kenshin fell over with swirly eyes, blinding by the flash. Kenji just crawled out of his mama’s hold towards the other couple to see the funky device they had use to disable his parents. “Guuu??”

”Sou desu ne, Kenji-chan!” Miki said, picking up him and bringing him back to his parents, who were slowly recovering, “With that photograph, you’ll remember this holiday in Wakana. Even if you forget the details, this memory will be frozen forever…”

* * *
“Dou??” Sanosuke asked, peering over at his friends while wearing an apron. “I really rolled up my sleeves for this one, so tell me how it goes.” Tsubame, Yahiko, Megumi, and Tae still continued to chew with widened eyes. Sanosuke started to get impatient. “OI! Tell me the f--king truth already – is it GOOD or is it SHIT?!”

Tsubame covered me and uttered in a small voice, “Oi… Oishii desu…”

Tae looked onto the platter with awe. “I’ve never eaten anything more delicious… could I possibly have the recipe??”

Megumi looked at her husband in disbelief. “Masaka… Sanosuke…?!” she stammered, as Yahiko just kept on eating in silence. “I never knew you could cook…”

Sanosuke grinned, tightening his headband. “Sou yo! I bet you were all surprised! Daga, I never said I couldn’t cook! You should know better than to judge people! Heheh!”

“Demo na,” Yahiko uttered, his mouth still full, “I wonder why sono Tori Atama always is nagging everyone for free food if he can just cook it himself??”

Sanosuke whacked him on the back, causing him to choke. “OI! I only do that because I don’t feel like cooking!! If I did, then it’ll be a lot of hard work that you guys can do!!”

”Yapari… what a lazy bum.” Megumi sighed, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Meanwhile, Tae and Tsubame were trying to revive the ‘dead’ samurai. “Y-Yahiko-kun! Daijoubu desu ka?!”

* * *
In Wakana, Kaoru pulled Kenshin along through the town square, holding onto Kenji, while he held the umbrella. “It’s not a terrible storm.” she sighed, “This drizzle is really harmless. Demo, I’m still glad we didn’t have to leave yet.”

“Aa, I’m glad too.” Kenshin uttered as she was stopping in front of another shop and look at the antiques in the window. ‘Honto ni! Kaoru is having lots of fun! I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time…’ he thought, looking her over. He then took out his wallet. “Do you see anything you like, Koishii??”

”A-ano… iya…” she stammered, a bit surprised, “I was just looking…”

”How about the music box?” he asked, “It has a slot under the cover, where you can put the picture of us when it’s developed.” Kaoru nervously looked at it, then back at him. “Nan da? What’s the matter??”

”Kenshin… we can’t possibly afford that… it’s way too expensive. Even so, I don’t think I deserve something that valuable…”

Kenshin just smiled and took her by the hand, pulling her into the store. Instantly, the shopkeeper threw himself on the floor. “Himura-sama!!” he exclaimed, bowing repeatedly.

“E-to… we were looking at the music box in the window display de gozaru… Sessha is willing to pay any price for it. Demo, if Sessha is short, please allow it to pay in installments de gozaru…”

As Kenshin rambled on, the shopkeeper lifted his head. ”Heeh? Are you talking about that old music box? For you, 75% off!! Please buy it from my store!”

“Oro?!/Eh!?/Guu?!” the Himura family gasped. “Yokkata de gozaru yo!” Kenshin cheerfully said, handing over the payment. “Arigatou~!”

While the shopkeeper wrapped it up, Kaoru turned to her husband, “Honto ni arigatou…” she uttered, sliding her arm around his, “You’re so wonderful…” Kenshin couldn’t help but blush and became an ‘oroing’ simpleton.

As the two shared a tender moment of gazing into each other’s eyes, Kenji happily did his business. “Guuu! Guuu! Kyahahah!” Their looks of happiness then faded.

“Ano ne… it’s time for a diaper change…”

”Sou de gozaru yo…”

* * *
Yahiko stood outside the dojo and stared at the finished work. Wiping the sweat off his face, he grinned and turned away, feeling the wind pick up. ‘Yatta! We made it… it’s only a matter of time now!’

He then went and sat in front of the house, sipping his tea. The hours passed. The day went through. And night came.

‘……………’ he thought, staring into space. But no one came walking through the gate.

Finally he snapped.

“NAN DA?! NAN DA?!? WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!?!” he screamed impatiently into the night, waving his fists and knocking over the cold tea, “KONO BUSU!!!!!”

* * *
The next morning, the port reopened and ships prepared to set out. While Kenshin and Takeru finished loading the rest of the baggage onto the ship, Kaoru and Miki chatted on the pier, Kenji happily bouncing on his mama’s lap.

“Nee, I’ll come to Tokyo again sometime to visit you.” Miki said, squeezing her hand, “Demo… I really want to thank you… for going after me that time…”

Before she could reply, Kaoru felt a shadow cover them. Standing she handed Kenji over to Miki and turned around, covering the sunlight with her hand. “Masaka… Ya-Yashiitomo…?”

“Nani?!” Miki exclaimed, standing as well, “Why is he here?!” Kaoru just moved in front to shield them, her eyes slanted at the silent swordsman, the two of them trapped in a gaze.

“Guu?” Kenji asked, looking back and forth, ‘Why is mama looking at that guy…? Is he a friend?’ Kenji then laughed and reached out his hand, brushing it against Yashiitomo’s arm. “Kyahahaha! Guu!!”

Yashiitomo’s face softened as he stared down at the child. He then looked back at Kaoru. “D-Doushite…” she uttered, “Why… why do you keep coming back to haunt me?”

“Dakara…” he said, “A long time ago, with two good eyes I saw all my dreams set aflame by obsession and madness… I saw naïveté and worthless effort… I saw people die for no reason at all…” He then took a step forward. “Now, with one good eye, I see a forgotten part of my past… I see the two friends I dumped years ago… coming back to haunt me…”

”W-Watashi…?” Kaoru stammered. She silently lowered her head, ‘Otousan… Okaasan…’

“Tetsu and Kari are still alive to this day… in you.” Yashiitomo noted, his hair flying the wind, “Mou, I’m tired of running from them… I’m tired of this life…” He then swiftly turned away to leave.

“Matte!” she exclaimed, reaching out her hand, “Yashiitomo… iya, Takeshi-san… matte kudesai!”

With his back still turned, he uttered, “Just let me rest for now… Himura Kaoru.” He then walked away and disappeared from sight.

* * *
”MATTE, TAKESHII!” Kamiya Tetsuro reached out his hand, his wounded body lying in a pool of blood as the hard rain continued to pour onto them. He heard the sandals cease for the moment. “Takeshi… I won’t die!! For Kaoru’s sake, I won’t die and leave her alone!!”

”Baka,” Takeshi uttered, his fists clenched as blood dripped from them and his clothes, “BAKA!! Your wife is dead! How can you possibly go on with your life?! The one most important to you is gone FOREVER!!”

“Chigao.” Tetsu said, his face a calm expression, “Hikari isn’t dead. She lives on. In my heart and my memories… in Kaoru… Hikari will always be with us, no matter what! She promised!”

“What good is a promise? Didn’t you promise her freedom? Happiness? Not a cold grave! I won’t let a hypocrite speak to me about promises, when all he does is break them!”

“It’s true… I wasn’t able to keep my promise…” Tetsu replied, clawing at the dirt, “Demo, I did my best. I tried to make her as free and happy as I could… daga, her whole life was suffering… and it’s finally ended. I’m glad.”

Takeshi turned around at these words and stared at him in shock.

Tetsu lifted his head. “Hikari always said her life had been Hell, until she came here… here, I built for her the ‘Heaven’ she wanted, that she could try to hide in it. Demo, her Hell caught up to her, and her Heaven was set aflame… and she couldn’t live this life anymore… she said, ‘Mou, I’m tired… let me rest, Tetsuro.’”

Takeshi’s eyes tearfully slanted. “Baka…” he uttered, turning away and continuing to walk on, “Honto ni, Baka…” In the distance, the dojo’s flames had gone off. All was left was the blackened foundation walls and the remains of a dream.

* * *
Kenshin leaned against the railing of the ship. As he stared towards the fading town in the distance, he put his hands away into his gi and thought about the strange meeting in the forest. “That surely wasn’t a normal person… masaka… was she…?”

”A ghost?” Kaoru asked, standing at his elbow, wearing a shawl over her blue kimono, “Like the Snow Lady ghost??” Kenshin shrugged, scratching his head, as Kenji grabbed at his mama’s hair. “Itai!! Kenji, dame yo!”

”Guuu guuu!!” Kenji happily chimed, “Guuu!!”

”I wish I could understand you.” Kenshin sighed, taking the little hand into his, “You probably know the answer, naa Kenji?” Kenji happily nodded his head, “Daga, the townspeople did mention that that forest had always been haunted. Perhaps now, Hanako-dono’s ghost is living in that forest.”

”I hope not.” Kaoru replied, “I’d rather have Hanako-san be at peace then stay in this world for revenge. I really do hope the town of Wakana won’t experience anymore hardships from here on.”

He nodded, feeling the wind pick up around them and his wife start to shiver. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he noted, “Shikashi, we still had fun this holiday. And my health hasn’t been acting up at all. Yokkata na?”

”Eh, I’m glad we went.” she said, leaning her head on the shoulder, “We have a lot of new memories now…”

”And more to come.” Kenshin said softly, the salty breeze blowing in his eyes as he gazed at his loved ones. Under the clear blue sky, the family huddled together, on a ship bound for home.

* * *

Daikirai datta sobakasu wo chotto hitonadeshite dame idi wo hitotsu
Hebi ikkyuu no koi wa migoto ni kakuzatou to isshoni yodeta
Mae yori mo motto yaseta mune ni chotto
"Chiku" tto sasaru toge ga itai
Hoshiuranai mo ate ni naranai wa
I touched my freckles which I really hate and sighed.
And then I saw my heavy love dissappear clearly like a sugarcube.
The thorn stuck in my thin chest went further in.
And it hurts more than ever.
My horiscope didn't predict this at all.

Motto touku made isshoni yuketara nee
Ureshidute sore dakede
I wish we can go far away together,
I would have been happy.

Omoi de wa itsumo kirei dakedo
Sore dake ja onaka ga suku wa
Honto wa setsunai yoru nanoni
Doushite kashira? Ano hito no egao mo omoi dasenai no
This memory is always cool and beautiful,
But with only this memory, you can't live.
To tell the truth, it is going to be a painful night.
But I wonder why? I can't remember his smiling face...

* * *


Outside, Kenshin cooked a giant trout on the grill, while Tsubame and Yahiko played with the baby. “Chikuso…I can’t believe you guys came back late…” Yahiko grumbled, “After all I f--king went through…!”

“Maa maa…” Kenshin nervously laughed, “Its not our fault…”

”Yahiko-kun, please don’t curse around the baby!” Tsubame scolded.

Sanosuke headed for the dojo, stopping in the entrance. “Oi,” he said, staring at the back of her head, “Whatcha doin’?” He then realized what she was looking at – the area that they had repaired. ‘Shimatta!!’

Kaoru put her hand on the wall and slid it down, still examining it. “Honto ni…I could be angry about this… demo…” She turned around and smiled. “I’m in too good of a mood.”

”So, you and Kenshin really had fun, heh?” he asked, walking over.

“Hai! And I also got everyone presents.” she replied, bending down to pick up a box, “This is for Megumi-san.”

”Hmm?” Sanosuke opened the box and saw a purple western-style dress, “Heheheh! This’ll definitely look good on the Fox!”

”Sou ne. You can give it to her as an ‘extra-late’ birthday gift.” Kaoru said with a wink.

“Arigatou yo!” he replied, bowing his head.

“Soushite…” she said, digging into her sleeve, “This is for you, Sanosuke.”

He blinked at the little luck charm she held to his face. “Ore ni???”

”Uhn! For the next time you go gambling.” she explained, “So that you won’t bet anyway someone else’s important processions??”

”Aa… sou yo… gomen na…” he stammered, rubbing his head, “I didn’t mean to…”

”Daijoubu desu. This dojo is important to me… demo, not as much as my friends and family…” Kaoru said. Her expression quickly changed to rage. “Demo, if you try anything like that again, I will definitely beat the crap out of you!”

“Oi oi, is that the thanks I get?! After all I went through!?!” Sanosuke snapped, “Jou-chan, next time it’ll be your house too!!”

”BAKA!!” she exclaimed, clobbering him a good one and leaving a giant crack in the place that he fixed.

A voice came from outside. “Kaoru-koishii~! Lunch is ready~!”

”Hai~! Coming, Kenshin~!” Kaoru turned back to her sweet self and happily skipped out of the dojo.

Sanosuke pealed himself off the floor, hissing. But he slowly turned back to his old self and smiled. ‘Things are back to normal… as it should be.’

* * *

Kowashite naoshite wakatteru noni
Sore ga atashi no seikaku dakara
Modokashii kimochi de ayafuya no mama de
Soredemo ii koi wo shitekita
I understand about breaking apart and fixing things together.
But this is my character.
With my stressfull feelings and being doubtful,
Which is capable of good love.

Omoikiri aketa hidari mimi no piasu ni wa nee
Waraenai episoudo
I pierced my left ear so I can forget.
It's an episode that I can't laugh about.

Sobakasu no kazu wo kazoetemiru
Yogoretanui gurumi daite
Mune wo sasu toge wa kienai kedo
Kaeru-chan mo usagi-chan mo
Waratte kureru no
I'm counting the number of my freckles.
I embrace the spots.
The thorn which is stuck inside my chest
will never dissapear.
But my stuffed frog and rabbit
smile and comfort me.

Omoi de wa itsumo kirei dakedo
Sore dake ja onaka ga suku no
Honto wa setsunai yoru nanoni
Doushite kashira? Ano hito no namida mo omoi dasenai no?
Omoidasenai no
This memory is always cool and beautiful,
But with only this memory, you can't live.
To tell the truth, it is going to be a painful night.
But I wonder why? I can't remember his smiling face.
I can't remember.
I wonder why?


Happy day! Thank you for reading this Fanfic~! (^o^)
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