Too Much Tanuki Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Notes: This fic features Higashiyama Ryuuzaburo, the art student from TV Episode 78: "The Girl who Longs for Her Art Student. Love Shock in Hakome." Kya! Kaoru's in for a surprise! Just another fanfic by Jill 9/19/00

"Too Much Tanuki"

Megumi arrived at Kamiya Dojo, envoking the usual violent rage in Kaoru. “You just came to flirt with Kenshin, didn’t you?! Well, he’s not here. He went fishing!”

“I’ll just wait for him to return.” the fox doctor snickered.

“No, you cannot wait! Go away!”

Sanosuke muttered, “Come on, Jou-chan, let her stay. Us fighters need the presence of a ‘real woman’ every now and there. Not some scary tanuki.”

Megumi stared at him. “My, aren’t we a bit nice today?”

“I just want to have a good dinner. How about you cook, you stay?”

“Figures. All he thinks about is his stomach.”

Kaoru was still raging. “Don’t call me a ‘tanuki’! I’m gonna kill you!!”

Yahiko pointed at her. “You see, how could something so ugly and vile be considered a girl? I bet she’s a man in disguise.”

”MOU!” she hissed, whapping him on the head with her shinai.

A chase ensued, but it was halted by arrival of guests. It wasn’t Kenshin, but a tall man wearing a western suit. “This is Kamiya Dojo, correct?” he asked.

Megumi’s jaw dropped open. “S-Seiki-san!”

Sanosuke gasped, “YOU know him, Fox?”

“Yes, I do. We went to the same university. He was an artist. I used to model for him.” she replied. There was something in her eyes that told them that modeling wasn’t all she did. Kaoru blushed while Sanosuke started cursing under his breath. “What are you doing here, Seiki-san?”

“Megumi.” he said warmly, “I just arrived in Tokyo… my student has steered me in this direction.”

“Who is your student?”

A young man with a heavy load on his back came crawling through the door. He too wore a western suit, her black hair slicked back. “Higashiyama Ryuuzaburo-kun?” Kaoru gasped.

“Kaoru-san!” Ryuuzaburo cried happily, “It’s so nice to see you again.”

“But what are you doing here?”

“Remember the time we were in Hakome Springs?” he asked. How could she forget? Kenshin had peered into her bath again and everyone was making fun of her. She grimaced at the memory. The art student continued, “Remember how you modeled for me?”

“Oh yeah.” She remembered the hideous cubic painting he made of her, how it was now somewhere buried in her woodshed.

“Well, that painting was turned down.” Go fig. Nippon wasn’t ready for it. “However, Seiki-sensei saw my earlier sketches of you and agreed that you were a true beauty.”

Kaoru lifted her eyes. “He did!?” She turned to the tall dashing man with the smile. “Are you Seiki-san?”

“Yes, I’ve been searching high and low for the perfect image for my next painting.” Seiki said.

His words had Kaoru convinced and she was on an ego high. She turned smugly to Sanosuke and Yahiko. “See! This man knows beauty when he sees it.”

Yahiko muttered, “This guy blind of something? She’s UGLY!”

* * *
Kaoru went into her room and began to powder her face lightly with the makeup Tae had lent her. Staring into her mirror, she blushed. ‘Beautiful…that’s what they said… Hee hee! I feel good all over!’

She suddenly fumbled over a hair band in her jewelry box. It used to belong to Kenshin, but she had secretly kept it. She put it in her hair and adjusted her ponytail. Just then a thought occurred her.

‘Kenshin never says things like that. He’s so cold and distant.’ She thought with frustration. “MOU!!” she muttered, her joy shattering. ‘Why is it the people who mean most to you are…are…so CRUEL!’

Megumi’s voice cut into her thoughts. “You almost ready, Kaoru-chan? They’re still preparing their brushes, so you’ve got a bit of time.”

“Oh, that’s fine.” Kaoru said, getting up and straightening her kimono. “Well, I’m done!”

Megumi shook her head. “Not exactly. I talked with Seiki-san… he told me that he wanted to do ‘nude’ portraits.”

“Nani?” Kaoru’s face went pale. “No way! I won’t do it!”

“But if you don’t, then Ryuuuzaburo-kun and Seiki-san will leave. I’m this close to bagging Seiki-san!”

“You do this stupid modeling then!”

“Sorry, but I can’t.” Megumi replied, crossing her arms, “Their theme is ‘blossoming beauty’. I’m already considered a fully developed woman. If I model, surely Ryuuzaburo-kun would die from shock.” As Kaoru sulked in the insult of being considered an ‘under-developed woman’, Megumi closed the door behind her. “Kaoru-chan, this won’t hurt one bit…”

“Megumi-san, no!” Kaoru cried, backing away from the now frightening Fox doctor. Megumi grabbed her by the ponytail and pulled her down on the floor. Turning over on her back, Kaoru kicked and screamed against her, “Dame! DAME! KENSHIN, HELP! KENSHIIIIIN!!”

“Ken-san will not be coming.” Megumi said wickedly, pulling at her kimono, “You might as well surrender.”

Kaoru still continued to fight her. Yahiko, hearing the commotion pulled open the door. “What’s going on?” he muttered, resting his bokken on his shoulder. His eyes widened on the scene in front of him. Kaoru was lying flat on the floor, sobbing and screaming, her kimono half off. Megumi was hovering over her, holding down her arms and legs. “M-Megumi!! What are you doing to Kaoru??”

“I’m trying…to get…Kaoru-chan…ready…” she tried to say, struggling with the girl. Finally she was able to cover her mouth with a free hand, the other pinning her down to the floor. Letting out a sigh of relief, Megumi turned to him. “Will you help me, Yahiko-kun?” Yahiko just stood still, still stunned. “Could you at least close the door?”

He obeyed, shutting it just as quickly. Then, without a thought, he poked a hole through the screen and bent over to look. Sanosuke walked up to him. “What the hell is going on?”

“Megumi… she’s removing Kaoru’s clothes.”

“WHAT!?” Sanosuke instantly poked a hole for himself and strained to look. “Where? What?”

“Megumi’s butt is in the way.” Yahiko muttered.

“That’s not so bad either.” Sanosuke chuckled.

“Wait! She’s moving!” Yahiko whispered. Megumi had gotten on her feet and moved aside, holding up Kaoru’s kimono. Kaoru curled up into a little ball, trying to cover herself. “I still can’t see anything!”

“Hold on. It isn’t over yet.” Sanosuke said.

Megumi threw the kimono aside and yanked Kaoru violently up by the arm. She stood, tear-stained and still trying ever so hard cover herself. Megumi then pushed her in front of the mirror. “What do you see, Kaoru-chan?”

“An ugly tanuki…busu…” she sniffed.

Megumi shook her head. “Remember…you are the true beauty those two have searched for. Might as well make their journey worth it.”

Kaoru dried her eyes and concentrated on the image before her. ‘A true beauty?’

* * *
Kenshin came bumbling up to the gate, his bucket full of catfish. ‘Sessha has this new recipe so Kaoru would surely eat it, even if it is catfish she hates. Sessha can’t wait to see her face… but sessha doesn’t deserve to!’ He paused to notice the pile of luggage sitting outside. 'Oro? We have guests.’

He looked towards the house where Sanosuke and Yahiko were bending at the floor. He walked over towards them. “Eto…” Sanosuke and Yahiko both shoved him to the ground. “Oro? What’s going on? You guys…” Sanosuke grabbed him by the head and pushed him to the peephole. “K-Kaoru-dono?!”

“Shhhh!” the other two hushed him. Sanosuke then shoved him out of the way and resumed his vigil watch.

Kenshin got up and cried franticly in a whisper. “Please don’t look! It’s not right de gozaru!”

“Shut up,” Sanosuke sneered, “You’ve gotten to look at Jou-chan plenty.” Kenshin turned red.

Yahiko added. “Like a gazillion times!”

Kenshin blinked. “More like 7 times…” he corrected them. He then waved his hands frantically, “All of which were all accidents, honto ni!!”

Sanosuke rolled his eyes. “Sure… KUSO! They’re coming!”

Megumi had thrown a blanket over her and pulled her towards the door. Sanosuke and Yahiko ran for cover. At the last moment, they snagged Kenshin by the ponytail and dragged him over into their hiding spot. “Oro, why is sessha now involved??”

“You don’t want to watch?” Yahiko asked.

Kenshin rubbed his head. “Well, sessha doesn’t deserve to…”

Sanosuke grabbed him by the collar. “Don’t go into to that again! I’ll ipatsu you good if you do!”

“Shhh! Shhh! This way!” Yahiko said, leading them to the other side of the house. The girls went into the room and shut the door, the two artists waiting inside for them.

Seiki smiled. “Shall we begin?”

At hearing another male’s voice in the room, Kenshin shoved Sanosuke and Yahiko out of the way and poked his own peephole in the wall, anticipating every movement. ‘Kaoru-dono…’

Megumi dragged Kaoru in front of Ryuuzaboro and Seiki, then pulled the blanket off her. Kaoru stood still, her face full of fright and her arms securely over her chest. Megumi pried her hands away and said to the artists, “It’s her first time.”

“K-Kaoru-san?!” Ryuuzaboro fainted on the floor, his nose bleeding.

Seiki kicked at his student. “Get up. Now is your chance to finally paint something worth shit. Come on, there’s work to be done!”

“Me…gu…mi…san…” Kaoru uttered, her voice shaky, “Can I stop please…”

Megumi looked at her. “Don’t even think about it! This is the first time you’re actually doing something useful for a change! Just stay still and let them draw you.”

Kaoru dropped her head in despair. All of a sudden, Seiki started walking towards her. “My, what a pretty girl. But you need to relax. Here, let me help…” he said, putting his hands on her waist. Kaoru’s hands clenched, her temper rising. She would have punched him if Megumi weren’t in the background waving an exacto knife.

Kenshin’s eyes flashed yellow. “That bastard…” he muttered, “He touched my Kaoru-dono…”

“Kenshin?” Sanosuke uttered, starting at his friend. But he didn’t hear him. He had turned completely Battousai.

Immediately losing control, he kicked the wall down and burst into the room. The wall crashed down on the unsuspecting Seiki. Megumi gasped as Battousai flipped the sakabatou over and slashed through Seiki’s drawing pad and art suplies. Ryuuzaboro woke up screaming, “IT’S THE BATTOUSAI!!! AAAAAA!”

Battousai stared at him but decided to spare him. He covered Kaoru with her robe and carried her outside. Yahiko and Sanosuke backed away from the violent man. “You’re safe now.” he uttered, “I’ll finish them off later… daijoubu?”

Kaoru broke free from Battousai’s hold, and then slapped him the hardest she could. Battousai stood stunned for a moment, his mind in a fit of confusion. He had protected his woman, what was the matter? It was then he realized the tears coming from her eyes, the look shame reflected in her face as she clutched her robe and raced back into the house. He had seen her. He had seen –everything-. Everyone did.

‘Nice going, Battousai!” Kenshin sneered, punching himself in the forehead, drawing blood. Kenshin was back, but the damage had already been done.

“What do we do now?” Yahiko uttered, “Kaoru’s pretty upset.”

Megumi raced after Seiki and Ryuuzaboru-kun. “Surely, we can pick up again later. Won’t you come by again tomorrow?”

“No, I don’t think so. That man over there didn’t seem to appreciate our presence. However. I’d like to see you again Megumi.”

Her eyes lifted with hope. ”Oh?!” she cried, trying to restrain the emotion in her voice, “Well, Seiki-san, where would you like to meet?”

Seiki rubbed his chin. “How about tomorrow evening. It’ll have to be after eight because my wife is forcing me to go visit the in laws.”

Megumi’s world came crashing down. “Your wife?”

“Yes, but it’s no problem. I’ll just tell her I had another painting job.”

Megumi was shocked. He was married and willing to still go out with her. Was he married back then? Probably. What scum, what dirt! She couldn’t believe it, but she felt that her heart was broken and the tears stinging in the back of her eyes. How could she have been so foolish?

Luckily for her, Sanosuke had come to her rescue. “KUSO! You sicken me you little f--king cheater! Get the hell outta here and don’t come back! I ought to ipatsu your head off!”

Seiki grabbed his bag and hurried out the door, calling his student to follow. Ryuuuzaboru bowed his head. “Please give my regards to Kaoru-san. Tell her…I’m sorry.”

They nodded and waved after him, then turned to Megumi. “Gomen, minna. I didn’t know it'd get this carried away. Arigato, Sanosuke.”

He smiled slightly. “Serves you right going for married men.”

“Baka, I didn’t know he was married.”

The two got into an argument, while Kenshin tried to break it up. “Maa maa, calm down. What about Kaoru-dono?” She had disappeared since she had ran from them. Kenshin frowned. “Kaoru-dono is angry at sessha. Do you suppose this will make her feel better de gozaru?” he asked, holding up the bucket of catfish.

“No, that will just piss her off more.” Yahiko said, “We better find her first then decide our punishment. Come on, she’s got to be around here. After all, she’s got nothing on but a yukata.”

Kenshin felt dizzy. “Oro…”

Sanosuke eyed Yahiko. “You just had to remind him, didn’t you?”

Megumi turned to go. “Tell the girl…I’m sorry for attacking her, for making her do this. I am truly sorry.”

She then left, leaving them to begin their search. They looked everywhere from the kitchen, to her room, the dojo, the bathroom. They finally found Kaoru weeping in the woodshed. She had moved as much stuff in front of the door to try to block it off, but Sanosuke easily handled that problem. She was kneeling the corner, sobbing still.

“Leave me alone! I hate you all!” she barked at them, shuddering in her yukata.

Kenshin knelt down beside her. “Kaoru-dono, that can’t be true.” She just pounded his redhead into the wall. While Kenshin went ‘oro’, the other two tried their luck.

Sanosuke rubbed her shoulder gently. “Don’t cry, Jou-chan. I mean, you didn’t need to be embarrassed. We’re like family right?”

“Sanosuke no baka!” She gave him a good punch. “How would you like it if whole lot of people saw you???”

“But Kaoru…” Yahiko exclaimed. “You were beautiful!”

She stopped crying for a moment and stared at the boy. Sometimes the most rude and vile things came out of his mouth, but this time, she heard the sweetest words. “Yahiko…”

“Like some sort of a… megami!” he said, his eyes lighting up with creativity, “A beautiful goddess!”

Kenshin smiled warmly and brushed a tear away from her cheek softly. “Honto kirei na...”

Sanosuke knew he had to come up with something. He blinked, and then replied, “You looked … like a woman.”

Kaoru almost died from happiness. Was this praise coming from the ones who teased, neglected, and insulted her day and night? Her tears of angered shame turned into joy. “You guys…!” She pulled them all into a group hug, giving each of them a kiss to the cheek.

“Y-you didn’t have to do that…” Yahiko stammered, his face all red.

Sanosuke was rubbing his cheek. “Na, I feel special.”

Kenshin took Kaoru by the hand. “Are you sure there’s nothing else we can do to cheer you up, Kaoru-dono? Sessha will do anything de gozaru yo.”

She smiled. “Well, there is something…”

“Okay, all of you come out!” Kaoru chimed.

Yahiko, Sanosuke, and lastly Kenshin came strutting into the dojo, wearing yukata. The trio stopped right in front of her and waited for further instructions. Kaoru picked up her drawing pad and nodded her head. With that, the yukata fell to floor, Kaoru pealing with laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Yahiko cried, his face all red, “This is all your fault Kenshin! Why did you say you’d do ‘anything’ to cheer her up.”

“Oro, sessha didn’t think it would be something shameful as this de gozaru.”

Sanosuke flexed his muscles. “I’m not ashamed at all. After all, I look good, na Jou-chan?”

Kaoru only giggled some more, letting the pencil fly. They all stared at her anxiously. “Man, she’s really enjoying this.” Yahiko sighed.

Kenshin blushed. “Sessha feels shy de gozaru.”

