rurouni kenshin was created by watsuki nobohirou; all rights reserved to shueisha jump, fuji tv
fanfiction by JillM ; origin Mar 25 2002
notes: the sequel from the first 'hurry go round'. this one will have more aoshi & misao, plus the oniiwabanshuu!

Hurry Go Round 2
Part 1

The train surged down the trail, the Kenshingumi enjoying the sights from the window. “Heeeh, a week in Kyoto!” Kaoru sighed as she passed out the riceballs to everyone, “We really need this vacation.”

”Sou de gozaru yo,” Kenshin said, staring down at the heart shaped onigiri, “There’s lots of things for Sessha-tachi to do in Kyoto. For one, Sessha really wants to visit Shishio and Aoshi…”

”I’m going to visit Tae’s sister,” Sanosuke said, munching on his snack, “She’s got a big crush on me, so I bet I can score some free food!”

”BA-KA, is food all you care about??” Kaoru sighed, “Ne, do you even remember her name??”

”Er… of course I do… Isn’t it… uh… Does it start with a ‘M’??”

”Wrong! I can’t believe you don’t know Tae-san’s sister’s name! Nobody tell him!”

”Nan da yo?! Someone help me out here!!”

Yahiko just munched quietly. ‘Hell… I got to put up with these guys AND the Weasel this week… It’s not going to be any fun, unless there’s some battling… But a wedding?! Why couldn’t I have stayed home…??’

“Oro,” Kenshin looked outside, “We’re almost there… Kyoto de gozaru…” His face softened at the thought of what happened here on his last trip, together with Kaoru. They had sort of, well, a fling following visiting his ex-wife’s grave. That trip had made them become a bit closer.

“Kenshin, what’s wrong?” Kaoru asked, noticing that he looked a little pinkish. “Are you sick or something??”

”He’s probably sick from your food,” Sanosuke noted, “As soon as we arrive, we’re going to get some really cooing! Eheheh!!”

”No, wait, we’re meeting with Misao-chan.” Kaoru replied, “She wrote that she wait for us at the station.” She then hit him. “How dare you insult my cooking!!”

”Oh, all right…” Sanosuke sighed, rubbing the bump on his head, “We’ll go with the Weaselgirl.”

Still munching away, Yahiko flinched at those words. ‘Dammit!’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the train station, Misao and her friends were there. “Kaoru-saaaan~!” she called, waving her hands, “I’m so happy you came! Hey Himura, Sanosuke, little brat!”

”Teme!!” Yahiko snapped, “Who is the brat?!”

Kenshin cheerfully came between them. “Maa maa… Sessha-tachi are going to be together this whole week; let’s try to get along. Aa, Shiro-dono, Omasu-dono… congratulations.”

”Aa…” a pale Shiro stammered, while carrying most of the luggage.

”Arigatou gozaimasu~!” Omasu chimed, “I’m just so happy for all of you to come. The ceremony will be absolutely wonderful with all our friends there!”

Kaoru smiled. “I’m just glad you invited us. I’ve never been to a wedding before.”

”Oh, you’ll love it, Kaoru-san!” Omasu said, she and the girls going ahead of the guys, "So much you’ll want you own afterwards!”

Kenshin flinched. The other guys gathered around him. “Heh, did you hear that??” Sanosuke said, elbowing his friend, “Maybe after all this, Jou-chan is going to expect something from you…”

”Oro… T-That’s a little frightening de gozaru… Sessha doesn’t know if Sessha wants to be married again…”

”Nan da yo?? Does this mean you still for the dead wife??”

”Chigao de gozaru! You’ve got it all wrong, Sano! It has nothing to do with Tomoe… or Kaoru. It’s Sessha… Sessha likes how it is right now… It’s so perfect de gozaru… yet…”

”I know, I know… you don’t want to mess things between you and Jouchan. Look, I understand ya, but Jouchan is going to expect more from you either way. That’s what women do!”

Suddenly Shiro threw down the luggage and started screaming. “Gwaaaaaah! I can’t take it anymore!!” he exclaimed, clutching his head.

”W-What the hell is wrong with you?!” Yahiko cried.

“It’s just…” Shiro stammered as he fell to his knees. Already the girls were too far away to hear or see what was going on. The guys gathered around, staring at the pale look on his face. “I can’t marry Omasu! You’ve got to help me! You’ve got to stop the wedding!!”


onto part 2