Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Fanfic notes: This is a silly fic I've started. It takes place in volume 28, when K&K went to Kyoto to visit Tomoe's grave. But with a strange twist. The title also comes from the title of the chapter. It also cameos Hiko & the Oniiwabanshuu. Saa! Douzo! Jill 1/20/1

Hurry Go Round
Part 1

One quiet day at the Akebeko, Kaoru and Misao were having a nice lunch together. Tae and Tsubame walked over for a chat. All of a sudden, it got really quiet. “Nani?” Kaoru asked, lowering her tea, “Minna?”

“Kaoru-san, you’re hiding something from us.” Tae replied, “Every since you and Ken-han came back from Kyoto…”

”Kyoto?” Kenshin uttered, over at the dojo. His friends had circled him and began an interrogation. “Maa maa, nothing happened in Kyoto!”

“Usou!” Sanosuke growled, “We know you’re hiding something, Kenshin! Come on, just spit it out!”

Yahiko nodded, resting his bokken on his shoulder, “Aa! You and Kaoru have been acting weird since you came back. We want to know what happened, and wanna know now!”

“…Because we were so worried.” Tsubame explained, “I mean, you were supposed to come back in the evening right, but you ended up staying there for an addition three days.”

“I told you already.” Kaoru replied, “Not a thing.”

“Hidoi Kaoru-san!” Misao mumbled, “Just tell us! What happened in Kyoto?!” she exclaimed. Kaoru calmly sipped her tea as Misao, Tsubame, and Tae moved in.

“Abosolutely nothing…”

“ … de gozaru.” Kenshin was assuring Sanosuke, Yahiko, and Aoshi the same thing. Actually something did happen. Something so unspeakable that the two never wanted to utter a word of it to anyone…

* * *
A few days ago…

Kenshin and Kaoru were walking down the streets of Kyoto, towards the train station. It was silent for a long while. They had just returned from visiting Tomoe’s grave, it ending with Kenshin taking Kaoru’s hand. He hadn’t let go since. Kaoru held her breath. People were looking at them differently. As though they were…

‘Baka! Now’s not the time to be thinking about that!’ she scolded herself, ‘We might miss the last train out of here and we’ve already missed the last boat. I knew I should have brought more money just in case we had to stay over night…’

Kenshin was concentrating on the street before him, ‘Her hand is so warm… demo we have to get home right away! What will everyone have for dinner?! I knew I should have prepared the food earlier or left instruction or… Aaa, Kaoru’s hand is so warm!’

Kaoru suddenly turned towards him, “Ne, should we start running? We might miss it at the rate we’re walking.” He tightened his hold on her hand, still not wanting to let her go. Still holding hands, they rushed down the sidewalk.

“This way! It’s a shortcut!!” he said, pulling her into an alleyway. As they ran through the alley, a strange kenki filled the air. Kenshin wanted to stop and look around, to reach for his sakabatou… still, he didn’t want to let go of Kaoru’s hand. And his other arm was in a sling. ‘Nan de gozaru ka??’ he wondered as they kept going.

Just then there was a gust of wind, knocking them both over. Before Kenshin knew it, he had let go of her hand and everything went white. ‘KAORU?!’

“Kenshin… Kenshin…!” Her voice was calling him back. He couldn’t help but shiver. He was so cold. Slowly he opened his eyes and saw her hovering over him with warm eyes, “Kenshin! Yokatta ne – you finally woke up!”

”Kaoru-dono?” he murmured, “What happened…? Nan de goza…??” He paused. Kaoru was wrapped in a ragged blanket that looked like it was found somewhere on the ground. “Kaoru-dono! Where are your clothes?!”

She grimaced. “Oh, look at yourself too!” Kenshin blinked, the cold hitting his bare skin, his bandages undone and flying in the wind. As he sat up, he made the startling discover…

“My sakabatou! My sakabatou is gone!!!”

Kaoru smacked herself in the face. “Is that all you care about?! Don’t you know?! You’re naked and I can see you!!”

“Oro!? S-Suman de gozaru, Kaoru-dono!” he cried, red-faced and hiding behind a garbage can.

”Iya!” she sighed, rubbing her head, “I’ve gotten used to you running around like that. You know, you could be a bit modest sometimes.”

”Aa, sou de gozaru yo.” he uttered, picking up a garbage lid and using it as a cover, “Demo, what should we do? It looks like we were mugged. I can’t believe they took everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING de gozaru!”

”Hai hai!” she sighed, “There’s definitely hell to pay, demo it’s going to be getting dark soon and we don’t have any money or anything. So, let’s go to the police and report what happened…”

Kenshin could picture the entire Kyoto police force pointing and laughing. Saitou especially. “Heh, hello little Battousai.”

“Maa, sessha doesn’t want to go there.” he grumbled. Suddenly a shot of pain throbbed through him. “I-TE!” he cried, clutching his arm that had been shot during their last battle. It had been in a sling but even that was taken.

“Kenshin!” Kaoru rushed over and took his arm in her hands. He turned bright red, considering how close she was. “Baka! Now’s not the time to think about those things. Here,” she scolded, taking off her ribbon and making sling for him, “We got to go somewhere.”

They paused to think. ”Aa! Sou ka! The Aoiya de gozaru!” he replied, lifting his hand in the air. Kaoru just glared at him. “Nan de gozaru ka?”

”I can still see you.”

“ORO?! Suman de gozaru!!!”

* * *
The pair huddled together in the blanket and ran down the alleyways, trying to keep out of sight. Every once in a while, Kaoru gave him the same warning, “Keep your hands and things to yourself or else I’ll…!!!”

”H-Hai de gozaru!!!” Kenshin assured her, seeing the yellow flashing in her eyes. He knew he should behave himself, but it was just too tempting. They practically were joined at the hip, trying to keep in pace with each other, otherwise one would pull the blanket away, leaving the other exposed. ‘Wouldn’t it be a so-called ‘accident’ if that happened for real??’ he thought, eyeing her from the corner of his eye, ‘Sessha would be innocent, wouldn’t he??’

“Aa!” Kaoru exclaimed as they finally reached the back entrance of the Aoiya. Fortunately for them no one was around. Catching her breath, she stopped suddenly and glared at Kenshin, “Mou… what did I tell you earlier???”

Kenshin smiled sheepishly, “Ahahah… dakara… sessha’s hand was getting cold so…” Kaoru took a step to the side, bringing the cloth along with her, just as the door was opening. “Oro!”

Okina stopped and stared at the embarrassed rurouni. “Himura-kun, why on earth are you buck naked?”

“E…to…se…ssha…sore wa…eto…”

“Quickly come inside! You too, Kaoru-kun!” the old man said, opening the door wider. Kenshin hurried inside, Kaoru following a smug look on her face.

They were given some robes to borrow, then were bought some leftovers from the kitchen. The two ate a lot since they had to run all over town and didn’t have lunch or dinner. After eating, they sat down with Okina and the other Oniiwabanshuu - Omasu, Ochika, Shiro, and Kuro - explaining their situation.

“Sou ka. So you were mugged? How mysterious!” Okina noted, rubbing his chin, “And they took everything including your clothes and your sakabatou?”

”H-Hai!” Kaoru said, still very self-conscious as the other Oniiwabanshuu were humored by the story. “NEE! IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYBODY!!”

”Honto!” replied Omasu. Kaoru was surprised and stared towards her, “It’s the tenth account this week. We think we know who’s been this too.”

Kuro continued, “A prankster group. They mostly pickpocket and vandalize places. Demo, they’ve been difficult to track down. I guess it because they’re ninja too.”

”But it’s too bad they took your sakabatou.” said a familiar voice from behind.

Kenshin turned around. “Shisho?!”

Hiko grinned, taking a place on the mat and reaching for the bottle. “Aa, what’s this about my baka deshi walking around without any clothes?” he laughed, pouring himself some sake. “Just like when he was little…”

“SHISHO!!” Kenshin scowled, “Tonikaku, what are you doing here, Shisho?”

“Hiko-sama is here to help us.” Ochika replied, standing behind the muscular forty-one year old. She smiled down at him. “But it took some convincing though…”

He chuckled into his cup. “Mm, I wouldn’t mind being convinced again.”

“Shishio…” Kenshin mumbled, reaching for his sake, but Kaoru beat him to it. “Eh? Kaoru-dono?”

”Just one sip, ne?” she said, lifting the cup to his lips. She then handed it back to him and turned to Hiko. “Ano, Hiko-san, I appreciate you helping us find these ninja. It’s very important that we find Kenshin’s sakabatou.”

He smiled cordially, “Anything you say, Nee-chan. I'll be sure to help.”

Kenshin scowled. ‘Figures! He’d only listen to someone with sake breath. He better not try to…’ The moment the drunkard tried to lay a hand on Kaoru she sent him flying across the room. Kenshin grinned. ‘That’s my Kaoru!’

“Daijoubu,” Hiko insisted, sitting up, “Not even a scratch.”

“Ooh! Hiko-sama! You’re so great!” Ochika cried, hearts in the air as she drooled over him, “With a strong man like you around, I know we will catch these ninja. How lucky we are!!!”

Shiro stood up, frowning. “I’m outta here.” he mumbled, running a hand through his spiky brown hair and turning to leave the room.

“Shiro-kun?” Omasu uttered, looking worried as he left. She turned towards Ochika and Hiko, doing indecent things in the open, ‘Aa! That must be it. Mou, poor Shiro…’

“Omasu-chan!” Okina startled her from her thoughts, “I want you to run over to the Oba-chan stationed at the foot of the mountain and tell her to release our messanger pigeons with this note.” She simply just stared at him. He put the not in her hands, “I know it’s late, but we have to get have to get this before tomorrow morning. Got it?”

”Hai!” she cried, running and getting her sandles. Outside, she stopped and saw Shiro standing against the wall, “Nee, daijoubu desu ka?” she asked, going towards him, “Nee, Shiro-kun!”

He just clenched his fist, “Ki-sama… I’ll show him! Ochika-san is ‘my’ woman!!” His moment of anger passed as he turned back to Omasu, “Eto, where are you going so late at night? Okina send you on a night run again?”

”MOU!” she muttered, clobbering him as she turned heel and ran down the street.

“W-what’s her problem??” Shirou sighed, rubbing the bump on his head.

* * *
Inside, Kenshin entered the room that he would be staying in. To his dismay, he would be sharing with Hiko. “Eto… Shishio…” he mumbled, looking at the still-drinking swordsman sprawled out on his futon.

”Aa, my baka deshii!” Hiko sighed, “This must be torment – to have to share a room with you again after all these years. You certainly don’t wet the bed anymore I hope? Still was doing it till you were fourteen…”

”USOU!!” he cried, red in the face, waving his fists, “Shishio! I’m adult now! I don’t do such childish things anymore so don’t remind me of them de gozaru yo!”

”Yada yada…”

Just then the door slid open. In the doorway stood Ochika, her yukata slightly loose, a bottle of sake under her arm, “Ara, Hiko-sama… I was wondering if you could tell me more of your battle stories. You see, I’m having a bit trouble sleeping…”

Hiko took one look at her then at Kenshin. “Hm…” He looked back Ochika, finishing up his cup of sake, “Kenshin, leave.”

Kenshin blinked. “Demo… Shishio…” Hiko simply pushed him out of the room, slamming the door in his face. “Oro,” Kenshin sighed, listening to the muffled giggles from behind the door. He then turned and started to walk down the dark hallway.

“Nee Kenshin! Kochi kochi!” Kaoru called. He turned and saw her standing in the doorway of her room, her hair still slightly damp from her bath, the indigo yukata she borrowed wrapped around her perfectly, “Come inside for a bit.”

“D-demo… sessha…”

“Ochika-san went somewhere.” she explained, “I’m a bit bored. Maybe I can take a look at your injury. It’ll need some cleaning. Saa, get over here!”

“H-Hai de gozaru!” he blurted out, going to follow herself inside. The room was warm and somewhat lit. He made himself comfortable on the floor as Kaoru closed the door and went to get the first aid kit. “Kaoru-dono…” he uttered, watching her sit in front of him and take apart his sling, “Suman de gozaru.”

“Hm? Nan de?” she asked, concentrating as she held his injured arm in one hand and removed half of his robe with the other, her eyes studying the state of his wound.

“Dewa, sessha didn’t mean to drag you down here for this to happen…”

“I’m fine. And I wanted to come.” she replied, still removing some bandages, “I wanted to pay my respects to Tomoe-san, soushite…” She lifted her eyes to him for a second, “I wanted to be with you.”

“K-Kaoru-dono…” Kenshin gasped, his face red. Suddenly, he flinched. She had applied some cleaning alcohol on his wound. He bit back on the pain and stared at her, her face struggling to concentrate. Slowly, he lifted his hand to stroke her hair.

She closed her eyes momentarily. The room was getting warmer by the minute. Taking a deep breath, she finally finished by tying a knot on his sling. “Yosshi! All finished!”

“Kaoru-dono,” he uttered softly, as he rose to his feet, “Arigatou.”

She got up too and faced him, “Iie, it was my pleasure. Demo ne, should we write the others and tell them we’ll be staying Kyoto for a bit? They might be worried… Also, should we ask for them to come and help…”

”Iya. Sessha doesn’t think so. Surely they’re still recovering and it’ll be too much of a hassle to get them here in time. Besides… I’m sure we can handle it on our own.”

”Kenshin,” she sighed, moving closer, “Mou, you’re making this harder…”

”Shikushi, sessha doesn’t think Ochika-dono is coming anytime soon. Dakara sessha doesn’t have any place to stay.” he reasoned. She simply laughed and pulled him into a hug, being careful of his injury of course. Kenshin smiled and lifted his unhurt arm, encircling her shoulders, “Kaoru…”

Onto Part 2