Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Fanfic Notes: Konichiwa Minna-san! This chapter might seem reminiscent of the 'last episode'. Ok, maybe not. It's very 'not good'. Eheheheh -_-;. Wonder how Kenshin will get himself out of this one. Please enjoy! Jill 1/28/1

Hurry Go Round
Part 3

“Himura-kun and Kaoru-kun will go with Hiko-kun.” Okina instructed, “When the coast is clear, I’ll send Omasu-tachi to get you and bring you to the foot of the mountain. As for the cops, we’ll do our best to divert them. They might even figure out where you are.” He paused for a moment, “If that happens, prepare for the worse. Please take care.”

With those final words, Hiko, Kenshin, and Kaoru took off from the back entrance, hoping to reach shelter before the cops caught up with them. Hiko’s place was pretty far off into the woods and by the time they arrived it was already evening. Tired and exhausted, the two collapsed inside the shack as Hiko proceeded to build a fire.

“Baka deshii, go get me more firewood.”

“Oro?” Kenshin gasped, pointing at his injury, “Shisho, there’s no way Sessha can…!”

”Don’t be lazy! Go and do it already!!”

Kaoru stood up, “Daijoubu. I’ll go get the firewood.” she said, walking out the house. The two men’s eyes trailed her until the door close. After a pause, she peered back inside, “Ano, I’ll need an ax.”

”Over there, by the shelf.” Hiko told her. She nodded, then turned around and bent down to lift the heavy tool, resting in on her shoulder, Hiko’s eyes following every movement, a sly grin on his face.

As soon as Kaoru had left, Kenshin exploded with rage, “Shisho!!!! Just what the hell do you think you were doing – looking at Kaoru-dono that way?! You perverted old man!!!”

Hiko gulped his sake and shrugged. “Like you weren’t looking too, Baka Deshii.” Kenshin couldn’t help but blush. “You like this one?” Kenshin could help but nod. “Saa, wouldn’t mind rolling about with her myself.”

”SHISHO!!!!” Kenshin’s face had turned into the scariest SD sneer possible, yellow eyes beaming, “You can’t take Kaoru-dono!!!” Hiko eyed him over, as if to ask why, “Datte… datte… she’s a… well, sessha’s sure she’s a…”

Hiko poured another cup of sake, “I’ve dealt with those before. They’re a bit more fun!”

Kenshin face-faulted. “DAKARA!!” he cried, lifted his sweating face, “Sessha wanted to be ‘the one’. Sessha… sessha loves Kaoru-dono. Please understand.”

The master looked unfeeling as he chuckled into his drink. “I understand perfectly – you haven’t the guts to do it yourself, but you won’t let anyone else get their chance. That’s pretty selfish of you, Baka Deshii.”

Kenshin frowned at the floor. ‘It’s not that I haven’t got the guts. I’ve recently gotten them since I’ve gotten her back. I’ve received a second chance and I’m going to use it properly! Only…’

Kaoru walked inside, dropping a pile of cut wood onto the floor in front of Hiko. “There you go!” she said cheerfully, turning to leave, “I’ll go get the axe!”

Kenshin watched her silently, ‘Timing and situation are always terrible and I’m not in the healthiest condition. And I haven’t been able to explain to her how much she means to me, nor can I properly show her… kuso! It’s so not fair!!’

“Kore.” she said, handing him a cup of hot tea. She sat beside him, watching him sip the cup, his far-away look in his eye, “Kenshin, is something the matter? Does your injury hurt?”

”Iya, it’s find de gozaru.” he replied, “Daga, tonight, how will we all sleep? There’s only one room here and Kaoru-dono…” He blushed and turned away, staring at his reflection in the tea, “Perhaps Kaoru-dono will stay indoors while Sessha stays outside?”

”Heh,” Hiko chuckled, “I suppose it’s fine that I stay indoor as well. It is my house after all and it would be an inconvenience for me, the master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, to catch his death out in the cold. But you can do as you like, Kenshin. Kaoru and I will be cozy in here.”

Kenshin felt another rage trip rising, but Kaoru put her hand on his shoulder, calming him, “Nee, its better if we all stay in here. It is really cold outside and I wouldn’t want anyone to get sick. I’ll be okay, so don’t worry.” He slowly nodded, seeing that she had made up her mind. What was he to do?

* * *
Finally, they decided to go to sleep. The room fell dark and silent. Kenshin lay on his back, faint memories of staying in this room before going through his mind. The blanket he had was pretty thin. He made sure that Kaoru got the thickest blanket, even though Hiko was out to get it for himself. He also made sure that Kaoru was situated in a part of the room farthest away from his perverted master. But as darkness fell, even he didn’t know where she was.

‘Kaoru…’ he sighed to himself, ‘I want to feel you near me.’ He closed his eyes, thinking what a fool he was. To want the company of someone, while always pushing them away. ‘Not this time!’ he declared inwardly. He had already begun his amends by trying to show his feelings as best he could. ‘But perhaps I was rushing her?’ He remembered the violent reactions of the last couple attempts. ‘Kaoru, please send me a sign!’

It was then that a sign did came to him. He felt it… on his leg. ‘Aa?! Kaoru?!’ he thought, eyes opening. The hand moved up his thigh and towards that happy region that had been asleep since the time he decided to be a pleasure-less rurouni, wandering to make up for his crimes. But now, he was wide-awake and crimes were filling up his mind. ‘Oro… Kaoru, you’re so bold!!’

“Mm, Kaoru – your skin is so soft!” a gruff voice uttered. Kenshin’s eyes widen at that voice, and as another arm wrapped around his waist. “Eheheheh… don’t be scared…” Hiko chuckled, caressing the fabric of his robe and sliding his hand inside.

“SHISHO!!!” Kenshin screamed, squirming to get up and kicking him away, “DAMN YOU!!!” Sweating and red-faced, he sat up and watched his master roll on the ground, still believing he was having his bit of fun. “He’s asleep and… oro, the things he dreams about…”

”Kenshin…?” Kaoru yawned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, “What’s going on?”

”Kaoru,” he uttered, gazing at her. She looked so cute with her sleepy eyes and her hair down. He shyly crawled over to her and offering his blanket, “You’ll be warmer…”

She shook her head, “I’m warm enough… demo, Kenshin,” She lifted her hand to his cheek, “You’re so cold. Take this spot by the furnace. You’ll like it very much.” He blushed deeper and shook his head, not wanting her to move away from this spot. It was the ideal spot, for her to leave would mean she would become cold. “Kenshin, I’ll stay here too.” she assured him.

“Oro…” he uttered, as she got him to lie down, her at his side, arranging the blankets so they both had an equal share, “Kaoru-dono, is it really okay?” She nodded, snuggling into his neck, “Aa, Kaoru, why hadn’t we done this before?”

She giggled into his collarbone, “I don’t know. But I like it. It’s too bad when we go home – we won’t have moments like this… all I want is to be with you, Kenshin.”

He let out a relaxed sigh. The words were burning inside him and he wanted it so badly to make it last. Kaoru was being to open with her feelings, he felt so happy. Now it was his turn, “Kaoru… I want to be with you always too.”

“Honto?” she asked, lifting her face to his, “Even after tonight? After we return to Tokyo? Do you promise, Kenshin?”

”Aa, sessha promises…” She cut him off with a kiss. It was so sweet and almost innocent. Kenshin didn’t know what to do. His initial impulses were returning, but Kaoru didn’t seem like she wanted those things. ‘She’s content just being with you,’ he told himself, ‘This is still a good feeling…’

“Kenshin,” Kaoru was lying on top of him, her cheek against his, “Am I hurting your injury?”

”Iya. Sessha feels good.” he replied, “Especially with you near.”

”I’ll be happy if we could stay like this.” she told him, “And if your Shisho wasn’t in the same room, I’d be happy to…” She blushed, hiding her eyes, “I mustn’t think about those type of things…”

”Kaoru-dono?” he asked, but not an answer came. He lifted his hand and ran it through her hair, then rested it on her back. Her arms were slowly tightening around him and her legs tangled with his, the two of them running a fever. Staring up at the ceiling, he wished the morning would never come and he could stay like this… forever.

* * *
But morning did come. And when Kenshin sat up, he found that Kaoru wasn’t with him. “Oro? Where did she go?” He looked from side to side. Hiko was actually awake at this hour, yawning over his morning sake. “Shisho, where’s Kaoru-dono?”

”She went for a walk - wanted some privacy.” he muttered, rubbing his eyes with his funny white cape, “You know – girly stuff you and I wouldn’t understand, being rough ‘n tough swordsmen that we are.”

”Aa,” Kenshin uttered, sitting up and tightening his hakama. He paused for a moment. ‘Kaoru and I stayed together all night. Does Shisho know…?!’ He nervously turned to his master, “Eto…”

“Oh, we had a bit of a talk.” Hiko replied, passing him the kettle of tea, “Seems she didn’t know about your exploits. Being the kind soul that I was, I had to inform her of course.”

”Sessha’s… exploits…?” Kenshin repeated. His face went blank. ‘IYA!! Kaoru knows about…!!’ He then turned to Hiko, “How could you do this to me?! SHISHO!! I’LL KILL YOU!!!”

Hiko laughed and waved his hand at him, “Easy now, Battousai – such impulsive behavior is what got you here in the first place. Maybe you should stop and think before you go and ‘do things’. Hmm? Isn’t that so, baka deshii?”

Kenshin glared at him, ‘This person… he’s always wanted to make my life miserable!!’ He then released the sakabatou and clobbered Hiko, before running out of the house, ‘Kaoru, please be able to forgive me…! ‘

* * *
“Mou!! Ochika-san, are you sure this is the right way?!” Omasu sighed as the trio wandered into the same woods they passed hours ago. “We have to find them before noon…”

”I know I know!” the older girl replied, looking back and forth, “But I’m sure we’re going the right way… I’ve been to Hiko-sama’s place numerous of times!”

Shiro grumbled, “Ch! We didn’t need to know that fact! Just tell us where to go already!” The girls stopped and stared at him. He blushed, “W-well… Okina said that the cops might be on to them so we have to hurry.”

”Shiro-kun is right.” Omasu said, “Let’s find the house quickly. Nee, Ochika-san?”

”Ara!” Ochika exclaimed, “Now I remember – we’re suppose to go this way! Follow me!” She started to run, with the others on her tail. Before they knew it, they collided with someone. “Kenshin-san?!”

”Oro, suman de gozaru yo!” he said, continuing to run past them.

Shiro blinked. “What was that all about?! I wonder what happened!” The other two just shrugged, but saw the house up ahead. The three then rushed inside, “Yo! The Oniiwabanshuu is here!”

Hiko was still laying face flat on the floor, in a pool of sake. “HIKO-SAMA!” Ochika cried, running to his side, “Daijouba ka?” He let out a moan and lifted his hand, landing it on her chest. “Oh, Hiko-sama, now’s not the time for…”

”Mou…” Omasu sighed as Shiro busted out in angry rage, “Nee, you two cut it out! Where’s Kaoru-san and Kenshin-san gone?”

Hiko rubbed his head; “Ano baka deshii just went to see the results of his past behavior. They’ll be coming back, but not sure if together… or if baka deshii will survive.” He then started laughing evilly.

The three Oniiwabanshuu thought, ‘Kowai… shisho…’

* * *
Kaoru was sitting by the waterfall, looking depressed. “Doushite?!” she uttered, somehow knowing that Kenshin was behind her, “How could you, Kenshin!? Why so many?!”

”Oro,” he uttered, rubbing his head, “Sessha doesn’t even remember… it was too long ago…”

She turned around and dropped a pile of letters on the ground, “Ten years… five years… Three years ago? You met all of these women during your wanderings? And left them? Whether or not you married them or slept with them, you just left them?”

Kenshin held up his hand, “J-jotto! I’m not saying I married all of them! Most of them were just flings. Sessha didn’t have money or place to stay – he had to accept what people offered him.”

”THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!” she exclaimed, making him fall over and almost off the cliff. He quickly scrambled to safety, only to run into her scary face, “Kenshin, if you were a so-called rurouni who didn’t take any pleasure – why then… why all these women?!”

He blushed, “Sessha was just too irresistible de gozaru yo.” He regretted that comment as Kaoru clobbered him on the head, “Oro… Kaoru-dono, it doesn’t mean I love you less…”

”BAKA!!” she yelled at him, “What could you possibly want with me?! I…I’ve never…I’m a…” She blushed extremely red, turning away, “The point is – there’s these women out there sending letters, looking for your whereabouts. Some of them may even be the mothers of your children. You should stop being selfish and find out if any of them are in need and if you can do something for them.”

”Kaoru,” he uttered, getting up and wanted to hold her, to comfort her. He knew she wasn’t taking this information well, “They didn’t mean anything to me…”

”Then I’m glad nothing happened last night.” she said, turning to him, “Otherwise, I might’ve ended up as one of those women.” She wiped away her tears and moved away from him, “Kenshin…”

But in another second, Kaoru was gone. It came as fast as a gust of wind and her scream was briefly heard, becoming fainter. Kenshin gasped, not sure what had happened, “KAORU!!!!”

Back to Part 2
Onto Part 4