Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works all rights reserved
Fanfic Notes: Konbawa Minna-san! I've been getting great comments about this fic. Eheheh, thank you so much! I'll try to keep working on this one. For now, enjoy this chapter. It's kinda has a steamy ending (oro...) but I hope you like it. Jaa! Jill 2/4/1

Hurry Go Round
Part 4

Early that morning, Kaoru slowly opened her eyes, her face in her rurouni’s chest. Blushing as well as smiling, she pulled herself up and stared at his sleeping face.

“I can get used to this…” she whispered, touching his cheek, then his lips, bashfully going to kiss him. It had been her third time on this trip. It was still very embarrassing, but she wanted to. She couldn’t help but want to.

“Eheheheh, so my baka deshii finally bagged you. Pretty bold of him to do it with me in the room.” Hiko chuckled from behind, “Still haven’t figured out why I wasn’t invited.”

”Hiko-san!” Kaoru gasped, blushing, “Iya! That’s not what happened… Kenshin and I… we were just sleeping. That’s all!”

He looked over at the snoozing samurai, an apparent smile on his face, “Then, I guess that’s good for you. You see, once he gets his way – he’ll be done with you and move onto the next one. After all my baka deshii is a horny little bastard who goes through women like me and sake. You might find it hard to believe but… I drink a lot.”

”I see that.” Kaoru grumbled, “But Kenshin isn’t… you know, like that. He’s sincere and sweet… and romantic! I don’t believe for a second what you just said!”

“Am I his master or what? I taught him all he knows, isn’t that so??” he said, throwing aside another bottle, “Did he try that line ‘I want to be with you always’ bit? Did he try to offer you his blanket?”

”H-Hai.” she uttered, staring down at Kenshin and taking hold of his hand, “Demo, it was really kind of him… and his words were so…”

”BAKA!” Hiko laughed, “I taught him that! You fell for it too – that’s funny. But really, did you actually believe that?? That you were ‘the only one’??”

“I know I can’t possibly be the only one… still I wanted to…” Kaoru bit her lip and turned back to Hiko, “Kenshin just isn’t the type… I mean, he loves me… doesn’t he?”

Hiko laughed again, “Stupid girl – what’s love got to do with anything? It’s all about swords and technique with us men. Once the battle’s over, it’s onto another one. Still don’t believe me? Check this out.” He dropped the pile of letters in front of her, “This is from all of his lovers – all of them looking for him.”

Kaoru knelt in front of the pile, “All of Kenshin’s lovers? Sou na…” She picked up one and read the introduction, “Rurouni-san, please return. You escaped through my bedroom window without a good-bye. I can’t stop thinking of you…” She picked up another, “Samurai-sama, my parents keep asking me what is my new married name…” She threw that one aside and picked up another, “Dear Otou-san, when are you coming home?” Kaoru gasped, “Oh Kami-sama… what kind of person?! Kenshin, how could you?!”

Hiko grinned, “Do you still think so highly of him?”

Kaoru had gotten up, she was crying and moving towards the door, “I’m so stupid…” He then walked up to her, sliding his arms around her from behind. She lifted her head in surprise. ”Iya! Don’t touch me!” she snapped, breaking away. She turned towards him and saw the same type cordial smile Kenshin would use. Quickly turning away, she bolted out the door, her arms full of the letters, “I’m going for a walk!”

* * *
“Sou na…” Omasu uttered, sitting in Hiko’s house discussing their recent discoveries, “That’s what Kenshin-san had been doing during his ten years of wandering. Mou… I never would have guessed!”

Shiro crossed his arms, “Like master – like student! I for one am a ‘one girl-guy’!” he said, nudging Ochika, who simply ignored him and leaned onto Hiko’s shoulder, “Ch! He ought to go to hell for this indecent treatment towards women! I’d never treat a girl this way! And I sure as heck can’t allow anyone to do so either!!”

Hiko sighed, “Go ahead, kid! Give my baka deshii your best shot. He’ll be sure to kick ass anyway.” Shiro growled at him, but Ochika and Omasu clobbered him to make him ‘calm down.’ Just then the door flew open, “Aa! Kenshin, okaeri!”

”Shisho…” Kenshin hissed, crushing a bottle of sake with his fists, “Damn you! DAMN YOU!!!!”

”Yare yare,” Hiko chuckled, staring up at the murderous intent in his student’s eyes, “I’ll be honest with you – I saved the girl a fate worse than death… becoming one of your ‘hit and runs’. So naïve… she actually thought you loved her too…”

“Oh shut up! Of course I love her!! You just wanted her for yourself, you horny bastard!” he snapped, leaping up, hands ready to strangle him. Hiko simply moved out the way, leaving him to crash into the floor. After a pause, Kenshin eased himself up on one fist, his eyes hidden by his hair, “I lost her… I don’t know what happened… but she’s gone…”

”Nani? Kaoru-san is…?” Omasu cried, running over to him. She stopped to notice the tears glinted in his eyes, his fist tightening to the point of bleeding, “Kenshin-san…”

All of sudden the door came flying open again. Kaoru stood, pale-faced and panting. After a moment, she clutched her chest and collapsed. “KAORU!!” Kenshin exclaimed, getting on his feet and running to her, “Speak to me – what happened!? Kaoru!!!”

A small noise of pain came out, but she just feverishly dropped her head down onto the floor, trembling. When he tried to reach for her, she smacked him away, as well as anyone else who tried to help her. The shock was too much to bear and it would take a couple of minutes before she could finally calm down.

“Kaoru-san…” Omasu uttered, “What happened to you? Please tell us…”

”Ano ninja…” she uttered, “They said the deal is off. They’re not going to meet us tonight with the sakabatou…”

Everyone was surprised. “Doushite?” Ochika cried, “Why did they change their minds? I thought… they were just pranksters and they didn’t mean any harm…”

”Then I guess… the joke is on me.” she winced at the floor, “Because I’m a convicted murderer.” She then burst into tears, ignoring everything else in the room.

Kenshin silently watched. With every sob and tear falling, pain filled him. ‘No… don’t cry… I can’t bear to see you…’ he thought, lifting his hand slowly. It dropped back down as he drew away, deciding he would only make matters worse if he tried to approach her.

After having a good cry, Kaoru regained composure and sat up, looking quite troubled and embarrassed. “Sumimasen, minna. Demo… it’s true.” She took out the flyer from her kimono and showed them, “I’m wanted for murder. It seems my look-a-like ran into trouble last night and someone important had gotten in the crossfire. To save themselves, they’re going to put the blame on me… and tip the police on where we are. They should be on their way now to take me back and have me executed.”

”S-sou na…” the women gasped. Kenshin and Hiko just stared at the ground, both knowing that Saitou was probably going along with it, regardless of his own gut feeling.

Shiro shook his head. “Those ninja should pay for their own crimes. Omasu, we have to alert Okina and get Kaoru-san to safety. And we have to get out of here right away. Any ideas?”

Omasu stood up and faced him, “We can divert the police for a bit while Kenshin-san takes her somewhere. As for Okina, we can contact him through carrier pigeon. There’s a post just outside this forest.”

Hiko got up as well. “Leave diverting Saitou to me.” At this, Kenshin jumped up about to protest. He simply chuckled, “I’m in the mood for it. Don’t think it’s a favor or anything. Just get the girl and go.”

“I’m staying with you, Hiko-sama!” Ochika cried, turning towards him, “There’s no way I’ll leave you here by yourself to handle that crazy cop. Let me help you…!”

He put his hand to the side of her face and shook his head, “I’ll be fine. You go with them. I promise you – we’ll meet again and have some sake together sometime soon.”

Her heart practically melted. “Oooh Hiko-samaaaa~!!”

Everyone then went for the door, only stopping to look towards Kaoru who remained still in the room. “Kaoru…” Kenshin uttered. He paused to notice that the rest were urging him to go to her, them slowly backing outside. He finally did took a few steps, still strong in his mind their conflict atop the waterfall, “About before…”

”Shut up!” she snapped, tearfully and almost angrily, “I don’t care about that right now!! Kenshin no baka - hold me! …hold me… I’m so scared…” She then started sobbing again. Kenshin gave into his impulses and put his arm around her, pulling her to him as close as he could. “Kenshin, don’t let them take me… I want don’t to…”

”Sessha won’t let them.” he assured her, trying to tighten his hold to the point of his injury striking with pain. He bit back at the sharp pangs and buried his face into her hair, tears forming in his eyes as well, “Please… don’t cry de gozaru. Be strong, Kaoru. Sessha will find a way to protect you.”

* * *
In the woods, the Oniiwabanshuu were setting as many traps as they could as they ushered Kenshin and Kaoru to the town just outside the other side of the forest. Ochika said, “We’re going back and get ready for the party coming in from Kyoto. You guys lay low and send us a message of your whereabouts later, okay?”

Shiro came running over, “I sent a message to Okina about our situation. Let’s get going!”

Omasu paused and turned towards Kaoru, “Please take care.” She nodded, sharing a glance with her before they parted.

Kaoru turned back towards Kenshin, who was gazing at the village with a hint of reminiscing in his face. “Have you stayed here before?” she asked.

“Aa, this is the town I first came to when I left Shisho…” he uttered, taking hold of her hand, “Better stay close to me de gozaru. It’s a rough town and women aren’t usually seen on the streets. They might mistaken you for a…”

Just then voice bellowed, ”OI!! FRESH FRUIT!! COME AND GET IT!!!”

Kaoru released herself from Kenshin and clobbered the man. “MOU! YOU PERVERT!!”

”Oro… Kaoru…” Kenshin uttered, pointing out that this man was actually selling fruit in a vender. He quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her down the street before the man could retaliate. “Let’s see… it should be here somewhere… aa!” Kenshin pulled her inside a building, closing the door behind him.

“Where are we?” Kaoru asked as they caught their breath. An old woman with a cat started walking towards them, “A-ano… sumimasen…”

”Hmm??” The old lady dropped the cat and eyed her over, “Suman – we’re not accepting any more ‘applicants’ today. Please come by tomorrow.”

“Obaa-chan!” Kenshin chimed, “Don’t you remember me??”

“Eh?” She then turned towards him, squinting at him, “Masaka… Ken-chan… is that you??” He smiled and nodded his head, “I haven’t seen you in ages! I can’t believe this! Goodness, you’ve gotten taller!”

He nodded, putting his arm around Kaoru, “It has been awhile since I last came here. Obaa-chan, this is someone I want you to meet – Kamiya Kaoru.”

Obaa-chan turned back to Kaoru. “My, she’s adorable… a very healthy one too! Don’t tell me – is she your girlfriend?”

”Hai de gozaru.” he replied, much to Kaoru’s surprise. She dropped her head, blushing hard. He chuckled at her reaction and went on to say, “We’ve been living together for over six months already. I love her very much.”

”Fufufu, I can see that! Yokkata nee, Ken-chan!” Obaa-chan said, slapping him on the back, “Demo, what brings you and your girl here? This isn’t a normal visit, nee?”

”Aa, we’ve run into some trouble and need to hide out for a while.” he explained, taking a brief look around the lobby, “This is still a hotel de gozaru?”

”Uhn, it is. However, we’ve recently removed certain ‘special treatments’ due to lack of staff. I’m afraid you can’t run a decent ‘under-the-table’ harem like ya used to!” she said, leading the way, “You two kids look tired. I’ll also be sure bring up some food and get a bath ready if you like.”

”Arigatou gozaimasu.” Kaoru uttered, bowing her head, “Demo, we have no money…”

”Posh! Ken-san is like a second son to me, which makes you like one of my daughters. This is on the house - you can stay as long as you like!” Obaa-chan replied, taking them up the stairs, “You see, Ken-chan and I go way back. He showed up here one night – just only fourteen! He was looking for a place to stay and found a bit more. Oh ho!”

Kenshin nervously turned to Kaoru, who looked back at him. “…fourteen??”

”Eheheh… sessha barely knew what was going on…”

Obaa-chan continued with the story. “In the morning, we found out he had no money to pay – so we got him to work off his tab. It took him two weeks… but we really liked him, so we kept him for a bit longer. He’s such a good boy! We’re always so happy when he visits us!” She stopped in the hallway and waved at a woman coming out of one of the rooms, “Aa! Yuzu-chan! You’ll never guess who’s here!”

”Ken-san…!” the woman cried, rushing over and taking the handkerchief out of her hair, “How are you? What are you doing here? Wai, you look so good!”

Kenshin blushed as Obaa-chan noticed that some customers had arrived in the lobby. “Oh, gotta go now. Yuzu-chan, please take Ken-chan and Kaoru-chan to their room. It’s the one that just opened on the next floor up. We’ll all talk again later…”

Yuzu nodded and started to lead the way. Kenshin went through the introductions as well. ”Ken-san please! Call me ‘Yuzu-dono’… you know I love it when you do that.”

He nodded, reaching for Kaoru’s hand. He could tell that she had figured this was one of 'his women’. Already, she had become completely tense. “Ano, how did you and Kenshin meet?”

“Oh, it was like eight years ago. Ken-san helped me out big time. I would’ve gotten killed if he didn’t come rescue me… you see, the yakuza wouldn’t release me from ‘work’ if I didn’t get married and Ken-san was there so…” Yuzu said, tapping her chin, “It was a lovely ceremony… and a great honeymoon. Eheheh, we did it on the carriage ride from the temple. It was so romantic!”

”Romantic eh…” Kaoru muttered, eying the blushing rurouni from the corner of her eye. The two of them quietly struggled, Kaoru trying to break free from his hold, Kenshin tightening his hand. At last, she clawed him, making him finally release her and bite his tongue when he tried to scream.

Yuzu clasped her hands together, oblivious to what had taken place in front of her, “It was the most relaxing two days of my life! Ken-san was so kind and tending to every need, I felt like I was a princess. But then he had to go and continue his journey, so we said our good-byes. Afterwards I met the love my life, Ishida and we’ve been married since with three kids! But because of that, I can’t do my old job… instead I’m cleaning rooms and working in the kitchen. But that’s okay, I really like it!” She put her hands on Kenshin’s face, saying, “If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be stuck with those yakusa living miserably! Arigatou!!”

”Iya… it’s no problem at all.” he laughed, blushing, “Demo, Yuzu-dono, by any chance… any of the little ones… er, mine de gozaru? Sessha just wants to make sure…”

”Of course none of them are yours, silly!” she laughed, “Although I wish – so that my boys could have your handsome looks and cute smile. Oh, don’t tell Ishida I said that. I never told him about you and I don’t plan on.”

”Sou de gozaru.” Kenshin said with relief. He turned to Kaoru who was still staring at him uneasily, “Eto, Yuzu-dono, by any chance – do you know any of these girls de gozaru ka?” he asked, handing her the list.

“Hm…” she uttered, looking at the names, “A few of them. Doushite, Ken-san?”

”Aa! Could you tell Sessha their most recent whereabouts, and possibly their current status de gozaru??” he said, giving her pen and paper.

Yuzu simply smiled. “Anything you want, Ken-san!”

* * *
Kenshin sighed and closed the door behind him. The western-style room Obaa-chan had given them was a very ill-lit and drafty. Kaoru went to sit on the bed, clutching the fabric of her kimono. She hadn’t said a word to him since they left Yuzu at the top of the stairs. “Kaoru,” he said, going to sit next to her, “Everything is going to be okay…”

”Iya! Nothing is okay!” she pouted, “I’m angry with you... only I’m not sure why…”

“I’d be angry as well if I were you. Demo, please understand – I didn’t just go out and seduce all these women. Sessha was just there are the right place and right time. Soushite…” He closed his eyes for a moment, then uttered, “I guess maybe it were trials of weakness. My life had been so terrible, I gave in to the slightest comfort anyone was willing to give me…”

”Datte, I can’t understand.” she replied, turning towards him, “How could you be with them if you didn’t love them? Or did you love them?” She stared at him, waiting for an answer. He only stared back, losing himself in the blue of her eyes. “Nevermind. I’m just too ignorant. I’ll never understand what goes on between men and women…”

“Chigao de gozaru yo. You’re not - you’ve just never been given the chance.” he uttered, “What you asked me is a good question… and - suman, I really don’t have an answer.”

”Kenshin…” she started. He was frowning at his feet, regretting the things he had done and the conflicts he had added to their relationship. She leaned over slowly taking his face into her hands, “Don’t feel bad, please. I don’t want you to. I’ll get over this… somehow. What matters it that we’re here now… together. Kenshin, I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.”

”If only I knew that sixteen years ago.” he chuckled, wrapping his free arm around her waist, “I would have gone straight to the dojo to meet you.” She too smiled a bit, stroking his face ever so gently, the two of them moving closer together. “All I can think about now is comforting you… loving you.”

”D-do you…” she stammered, her face nervous as there was no longer anything between them but his injury hanging in its sling, “… love me?”

“Aa, with all my heart.” he whispered, reaching back to remove the ribbon from her ponytail. Her long black hair fell down to her shoulders, his fingers becoming lost between the silk, “Kaoru… just like last night, could I lie in your arms?”

Kaoru was surprised by his request. And relieved; things were getting a bit too steamy and she wasn’t sure what would happen next. Still, amongst the confusion, she couldn’t help but want it to happen, her own instincts coming alive by the second. But with these words, she was finally regaining control of herself.

“Uhn, we better take this time to rest.” she said as she released herself from him. She took off the outer layer of her kimono, folding it neatly aside, and then she went to fold back the blankets. After she was done making preparations, she turned around, “There we go, Ken…shi…n…”

Her eyes widened and mouth fell open, the rest of her sentence caught in her throat. Her rurouni had stripped himself completely, hot and sweaty, waiting to take her into his arms.



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Onto Part 5