Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; all rights reserved to Sony, Shueisha JUMP, and Anime Works.
The plot thickens. Jill is throwing in so many different elements from the series all at once, gomendesai. Look for Misao & Aoshi! 9/30/00

Part 11: "To Where You Are"

It was an ordinary session at the Maekawa Self-defense School that Saturday. Tsubame, Yahiko, and the rest of the class were waiting for the substitute teacher who had been filling in for Kaoru for the past week. They were very surprised to see Kaoru, herself, enter. “Gomen, I’m so late!”

“Kaoru!” Yahiko cried, “You’re back!” She nodded, smiling.

Tsubame felt nearly moved to tears. She could even get the words out, but wiped her eyes away with her sleeve. “Thank goodness.” she whispered, as the rest of the class rushed to their instructor.

Shinta leapt in her arms, crying, “Kaoru-sensei! I thought you wouldn’t come back! That you were gone!” he sniffed, “I was so sad!”

“Gomen, minna. I worried you all.” she uttered, hugging the little boy, “Well then, shall we get on with the lesson?”

After one of the best practices in her life, Kaoru stayed behind to clean up in the school. “Would you like me to mop the place too, Maekawa-sensei?” she asked, sweeping the floor.

The old man smiled from his office. “That’s very kind of you Kaoru-san. I’m glad you’re feeling a lot better. We’ve all been worried about you.”

“I’m really sorry about that…” she uttered, clutching the broom, “I wasn’t myself, was I?”

“We’re just glad you’re back.” Maekawa said, “Which reminds me… I’ve taken the opportunity to recommend you to someone. Here…” He handed her a business card. “It’s another old colleague of mine. He knew your father.” The card read: Tsukayama Inc. “He’s been looking for a well-rounded kendo instructor. I told him you were my best.”

She blushed. “Maekawa-sensei… as much as I appreciate the offer, I can’t leave here. Didn’t you see? The kids… they need me.”

“Yes, but there are times where you have to move on for the better. It wouldn’t be fair if I were to keep you here, and not allow you to reach your full potential.” Maekawa replied, “Your father really wanted you to pass on his teachings; Kamiya Kasshin Ryu.”

Kaoru blinked. It had been a long time since she had held a wooden sword. It’s been a long time since she’s thought of her first goal: to own her own school. As she wondered about this, Maekawa suddenly started clutching his chest. “Oh! Is something wrong?!” she cried, going to support him, “Maekawa-sensei!”

* * *
The white lights in the hospital woke Kaoru with a shake. Stretching, she looked around the deserted waiting room. She had been there all night. Six hours ago, Maekawa-sensei had a mild stroke and she had called an ambulance. Getting up, she walked into the hallway and looked for a nurse. “Can I see Maekawa-sensei?” she asked.

“Yes.” the nurse said, leading the way, “It’s still too soon to know… but he’s been wanting to talk to you.”

“Has any of his family been contacted?”

The nurse shook her head, “I’m afraid Maekawa-san doesn’t have any living relatives. That’s the sad thing.”

Kaoru blinked. Maekawa was alone in the world. All he had was his school and his students. Such a lonely life, she wondered how anyone could bear it. She thanked the nurse for showing her the way, then stopped at the door. Slowly, she reached for the knob. “Ano… shitsureishimasu...” She saw him lying in bed, connected to machines and wires. “Maekawa-sensei…”

“Kaoru-san… there is something I have to say to you before I go…”

“No, don’t give up…” she uttered with tears in her eyes, “Think of the school… all your students…”

Maekawa smiled at the girl, who he had treated as his own daughter since her father died. He enjoyed watching her grow, her teach, and now, watched her cry for his sake. “When your father died, did you cry…?”

Kaoru bit her lip. “Yes… but not for long time. I realized that he was with my Okaa-san, so he wasn’t lonely.”

“But you were left behind, all alone. You must think about yourself sometimes…” he uttered, “I’m an old man; I’ve lived my life, so don’t be sad for me either. But you, Kaoru-san, you’re still young…” He paused, catching his breath. “Your father… he’d want you to live a happy life. Please, Kaoru-san… live your life.”

“Maekawa-sensei…” she uttered, but all of the machines started going off. “No!” she cried, as his eyes were closing. She quickly hit the emergency button to call for help. “Hang on, Maekawa-sensei!” All of the nurses arrived and she was literally pushed out of the room. Kaoru stood outside in the hallway, listening to the beeping sounds and watching people rush in and out of the room. “Maekawa-sensei…”

* * *
The next day, Kaoru attended the small funeral ceremony held for Maekawa-sensei. It had been his wish to be cremated. Some of the other students attended. There was a man there who walked up to her afterwards. “Are you Kamiya Kaoru?”

“Hai. And you are?”

“Tsukayama.” the middle-aged man in a business suit said, “I knew your father a long time ago. He was an honorable man. I've also heard much about Kasshin Ryu.” Kaoru lifted her head and stared at the mustached man, as he talked about a job offer.

“What kind of an offer was that?!” Yahiko exclaimed later at her apartment, “He provides you with the facilities and housing, but you must follow wherever he goes on business.” It was later discovered that Tsukayama was a top CEO. He had a string of branches all over Asia and the United States. “This guy just went up and said that if you’re interested, show up at the Kyoto Railway Station by tomorrow evening?!”

“I know it sounds unusual, but…” Kaoru noted, lighting the incense by her mini shrine in her room. Inside were pictures of her Maekawa-sensei, her father, and her mother, “Maekawa-sensei had wanted me to take this job.”

Tsubame’s eyes filled with tears, “Maekawa-sensei… I can’t believe he’s gone. Why do these terrible things happen?”

Kaoru put her hand on her shoulder. “It was his time. He died without regrets. But it’s okay to feel sad or to miss him.” Tsubame hugged her and sobbed quietly. “It’s all right.” Kaoru whispered, “Maekawa-sensei will be always with us.”

“But what about you, Kaoru-san? Aren’t you leaving too?”

“I don’t know if I will…” she stammered, “But even if I do go, nothing will change the fact that we’re friends. People might separate from each other, but their feelings can stay the same if they want them too. I’ll always care for you and Yahiko, everyone…”

Yahiko crossed his arms. “Don’t worry! Even if there’s no school, even if Kaoru goes, I won’t stop training! Tsubame, you too! Maekawa-sensei would have wanted it that way!” Tsubame nodded, drying her eyes, “Kaoru, don’t you see? This might be your chance to teach… in your own school!”

Tae sighed, “But I’m going to lose one of my best employees and best friends…” She put down the resignation letter Kaoru had given her, “I’m really going to miss you, Kaoru-chan.”

“I’ll miss you too, Tae-san. You’ve helped me out a lot. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You were always like a big sister to me. Arigato…” Kaoru said, hugging Tae.

“Ahem!” Megumi cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention. “Don’t you think it’s strange… that it is Kyoto that you must go to.” They were all confused. “Don’t you see? Kyoto is where Ken-san is!” Kaoru was speechless. “Well? I thought I told you to wait for him. You don’t care for him anymore?”

“No, that’s not it!” Kaoru cried. She closed her eyes, trying to get the words out, “I… I… still… I still love him, with all my heart!”

“Are you going to miss your final opportunity to tell him that?”

She couldn’t find the words. She was still struck with the idea that she was going to the place where he was, that she was going to be closer in some sense. Probably not in the same area, but generally near him. Her mind was all confused. There was the mysterious job that offered her a possible future, and then there was… Kenshin.

“It isn’t over.” Megumi said, handing her an envelope. “You have two paths you can take. But they begin in the same place. Whatever you decide, I’m sure it’s for the better.” Inside was train fare. “That Rooster Head wanted to go, but he’s frightened of trains, so he’s taking the bus. Maybe you’ll meet up with him somehow, that is if he doesn’t get lost.”

Tsubame uttered, “We’ll miss you but… I know we’ll meet again. The distance won’t stop our feelings.”

Tae nodded, “Yes! Please stay cheerful! We just want you to be happy, Kaoru-chan!”

Yahiko spoke at last, “No matter what happens, I’m going to be strong… for myself and those around me. That’s what you taught me. So don’t worry about us. This is for you!” She stared at him as he cried, “Come on Kaoru! Don’t you want to see what this job is?! Don’t you want to see Kenshin?!”

“Minna…” Kaoru uttered tearfully. She looked at each of their smiling faces then held her hand to her heart. ‘I’ve made up my mind…I’m going to Kyoto…’

* * *
Kaoru arrived in Kyoto the following morning. She remembered the good-byes and the promises of reunions. They were her family. They would always care for her. They also still cared for Kenshin. She had to let him know that. He had to know everything.

She walked down the street, in a gray overcoat and matching skirt, a white polo underneath; the outfit that she used for job interviews. Her hair was held up with a brass clip instead tied back in a ponytail with a ribbon; she felt so different today. Nervous, she gripped her suitcase as people passed her. She wondered where Sanosuke was. She wondered where Kenshin was. She had no idea how to find them. All of a sudden, she felt someone touch her shoulder. “Huh?!”

“Kaoru-san!” Misao chimed, wearing overall shorts and sandals with a backpack, “Wow! I didn’t think I’d run into you here! Aoshi-sama and I are taking a vacation! Yaaay!” She then started to look around to where Aoshi had run off to. She left, then came back dragging him over. He was carrying all of their baggage, his face glum as usual, “We’re having fun, ne Aoshi-sama? So, Kaoru-san, what are you doing in Kyoto?”

Kaoru proceeded to tell them her situation. Surprisingly, Aoshi spoke, “I know how we can find him.” They sat at bench and he took out his laptop. Searching on the web, he looked up the location of Tomoe’s house. “If he isn’t there, she should know.”

“Arigato gozaimasu!” she said, bowing her head, then copying the address. She was about to go, but Misao stopped her. “Hai?”

“Can we come along to? I want to see Himura also! Don’t you too, Aoshi-sama?” He didn’t say anything. She took that as a ‘yes.’ Misao whistled for taxi, then grabbed them both by the arms, “We’ll all go! I’ll cheer you on Kaoru-san!”

The taxi dropped them off in a fancy neighborhood. They looked at the large house before them. Kaoru couldn’t move; she just stared, her hands shaking. Misao took hold of one of them and held her still, “Can’t decide if you want to hit him or kiss him?” she chuckled. Kaoru turned bright red. Aoshi rolled his eyes. “Ahahaha! Can’t you do both?!”

“Sumimasen,” said a voice. They turned to see a man in a black suit standing behind them in the shade of the trees. “Are you friends of Himura-san?” They nodded. “You shouldn’t be here; this area is restricted.”

“SO?! We don't care what you say!” Misao yelled. He flashed his secret service badge. “Oh… well… please don’t arrest us! I’m too cute to go to jail!”

The agent looked at Kaoru. “But it must have been a hassle to come all the way to Tokyo. Is it really important that you see him?” She stared at him, wondering how he knew so much. He seemed to read her mind and smiled. “Gomendesai. It’s part of my job. I’m in charge of securing everyone’s safety. Especially Yukishirou-san. I’m kind of like a shadow. No one is supposed to know I’m here, but when the time is right...”

“Is that why you guard Tomoe-san’s house?” Kaoru asked. He nodded slightly. She bowed her head. “Arigato gozaimasu. Please also look out for Kenshin. I just want him to be safe.”

“Maybe you should tell him that yourself.” he replied, “I’ll give you only a few minutes. Anymore and I might get in trouble. Go ahead and knock. They’re home. Just don’t tell them about me.” They nodded and walked onward. The man whispered, “Ganbatte, Kaoru-kun…”

Misao muttered, “Isn’t he a bit young to be a secret agent? A bit of a green horn if you ask me… well this is it!” With that, they rang the doorbell.

* * *
Inside the house, Saitou was holding a meeting in the study. Kenshin wasn’t paying attention, but gazing off into space. ‘I wasn’t able to beat that guy… how could I stand a chance against Tomoe's brother? What if he kills another person? He has to be stopped… but that means I have to…’ He looked at his bandaged hand that had been sliced by Saitou’s blade. Letting out a heavy sigh, he dropped his head.

Tomoe stood watching from the door. She had a tray of tea and cake. She wasn’t sure if she should interrupt their meeting. ‘It’s best to just leave them alone,’ she thought. Just then, she heard the doorbell and went to answer it. “Kaoru-kun…” she uttered, staring at the girl and her friends at the door.

Kaoru could barely speak. “Ano… I’m sorry to intrude… but can I please see Kenshin?” Tomoe just stared at her, not sure what to do. She knew she should just close the door and send her away, but something inside was telling her otherwise. Kaoru had taken her hands and given her a desperate look. “Please, just for a moment. I beg of you, Tomoe-san.”

Tomoe gave in and started to lead them inside the house. They stopped in front of the study, where two men were talking with Kenshin. Saitou sneered, “Battousai, you are completely hopeless! If I hadn’t promised Yamagata that I wouldn’t kill you this time, believe me I would, but if you don’t get it together I’ll slit your useless throat!”

“Who the hell is that guy!” Misao sneered, rushing into the room. “Asshole! You can’t talk to Himura like that!

Everyone turned to the fuming girl, her eyes slanted and her braid bouncing with rage. “Who let this weasel-girl in?” Saitou muttered, “Kids shouldn’t be here.”


Kenshin lifted his head. “Misao-dono?” he uttered in shock. His widened eyes moved to behind Misao. He saw Aoshi, his arms full of luggage… and a girl he thought he would never see again. “Kaoru…dono…”

Back to Part 10
On to Part 12