Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Notes: Okay! It's almost finished. Is everyone enjoying it? Ne?? Oh, by the way, please send me your comments. You know I love them. Stayed tuned to the special afterwards. Ja ne. Jill

Ronin Kenshin
Finale: "Farewell To The Ronin"

The color red was all he could see.. The world went silent and still. He didn’t hear the sounds of fighting coming from the dojo, or the sounds of people coming up the stairs behind. Just the lifeless body covered in red, lying a couple of feet away from him.

“K… Kao… ru…” he uttered, dropping his sakabatou and kneeling down beside her. There was blood all over her. He couldn’t believe what he saw. How could this have happened? He hadn’t even gotten a chance to speak with her, to let her know that…

“Oi! Kenshin!” Sanosuke called; he, Misao, and Aoshi arriving at the top of the stairs, “What the hell is going on? The security guards are on their way and… !”

The three stopped to see what he was looking at. Misao gasped, “Kaoru-san?!” She started sobbing and Aoshi put his arm around her, allowing her to cry into his shirt. “H-How did this happen…?!”

“I don’t know…” Kenshin uttered, glassy violet eyes giving way, “Kaoru!” He cradled her head in his arms, tears falling onto her face. “KAORU!!”

As the teardrops ran down her cheeks, Kaoru’s eyelids twitched, a small noise of pain following. “Kenshin…” she uttered, opening her eyes, seeing him with her. He hadn’t heard her and continued to cry. “Kenshin? What… are you…?” She slowly lifted her hand to his arm; her warm touch bringing his attention over.

“Kaoru? You’re alive?” he gasped, “But how?!”

She sat up, rubbing her head, “Itai… I wasn’t hurt… I was…” She took a second wipe her face. Her eyes suddenly widened. “Enishi… no! Kenshin, please help him!” He was surprised to hear that name. Before he could inquire, she grabbed him but the shoulders, pleading, “He’s hurt badly! Those men in there… please… onegai!”

Kenshin finally understood. Kaoru was covered with someone else’s blood and was pushed out of the fight. But… it was Enishi. This he didn’t understand. Still, he had to do something. A life was in danger, and Kaoru was asking him. Kenshin picked up his sakabatou and stood up. “Aoshi, Sano, come with me! Misao-dono, please stay with her.”

Sanosuke and Kenshin went on ahead. Aoshi released the recovering Misao, who dried her eyes. “I’m so glad Kaoru-san’s okay.” He nodded and took off his coat, going to put it on Kaoru’s shoulders. She uttered a word thanks as Misao sat next to her. “Please be careful, Aoshi-sama.”

“I’ll be right back, Misao.” he promised, running after the other two. Misao smiled after him, then turned and gave Kaoru a big hug.

* * *
Kenshin rushed through the entrance of the dojo, Sanosuke and Aoshi close behind him. He saw the men in suits and Enishi lying in a pool of blood. “Bastards…” he uttered, “What are you doing?”

“What?” the suit’s leader asked, “He was a killer himself. It’s only justice. An eye for an eye…”

“Damn you!” Kenshin growled, “Still! A life is the same as another! I won’t let you continue this!” Gunshots came towards him but he blocked it with a single swing. Running directly at the leader, he used his succession technique, a strong step with his left foot and a giant slash to the chest, sending the man crashing into other people.

Sanosuke was busy beating on the underlings, using their heads as beanbags. Aoshi drew his kodachi swords and took out the rest of the group who tried to pull out their guns. They crumbled to the floor unconscious. Sanosuke lifted his head. “Yo! You didn’t kill em did ya?”

“No.” Aoshi said, relaxing his ice blue eyes, “I used the other side of my blades. It’s something I learned from Himura. I too have something to protect.” Sanosuke simply smiled and kicked his opponent over.

Kenshin rushed over to Enishi. “Can you hear me? Are you okay?”

His eyes slowly opened. “Battousai…?” He then let out a sigh. “Do you suppose… Nee-san will still smile at me…?”

“Of course! Enishi, if you’re willing to atone for what you’re done, I’m sure of it. Now, please hang on. We’re going to get you to a doctor. Then you will see her smile again. I promise you.”

The medics, security guards, and police came running inside the dojo, surprised that all the criminals were out. They picked up Enishi’s body on a stretched and carried him out. There was a helicopter waiting to airlift him to the closest hospital, which was in Kyoto. Kaoru explained to them how she knew him and they allowed her to come along. Misao joined the others as they watched the helicopter disappear in the sky.

“So I guess this means we’re heading for Kyoto.” she uttered. They all nodded slowly.

* * *
In the hospital, Kaoru was able to get a change of clothes and to clean herself up. Someone also looked to the bump on the back of her head from when she was thrown out of the dojo. Her head still throbbed. She couldn’t believe that all this had happened. She couldn’t believe that Enishi had protected her, that he just came out of surgery. He was going to be all right.

She went towards the recovery room where Enishi was in. Opening the door, she sat down at his bedside. She thought about all of the rushed events that happened. Somehow, she had found herself back in Kyoto.

‘I also can’t believe Kenshin was there.’ she uttered, ‘At first I thought I was imagining, but he was really there… but why…?’

* * *
The Kenshin-gumi came rushing into the hospital. After talking with the police, they had taken the next train to Kyoto. Confusion, exhaustion and anxiety filled each of their minds. Yahiko asked, “Isn’t that Enishi guy the one you were fighting before?”

Sanosuke nodded. “That guy… he’s Tomoe’s brother and one of the mafia bosses. I don’t get it either.”

Tae noted, “Let’s go find Kaoru-chan and see if this Enishi is all right.”

Kenshin nodded, running towards the information counter. He stopped momentarily to see who was also standing there, waiting for service. “T-Tomoe?!”

“Himura-san,” Tomoe uttered, “What are you doing here?”

* * *
Enishi’s eyes slowly opened. He saw the white room, the colors of the setting sun coming from the window… Kaoru sitting at his side. A smile appeared on her face. “You’re awake… I’m so glad!”


“You were air-lifted to the hospital in Kyoto.” she explained, “We made it in time. You’re going to be all right as the doctors say. However…” She paused to look over towards the cops at the door.

“I know.” he replied, “I have to make up for what I did. I understand that now. Surely, after I get better, I will be going to prison. But you’ll visit me right?”

Kaoru nodded. “Of course! You can count on it!”

He reached over and touched her shoulder briefly before dropping his hand back down onto the bed sheet, “Even after I almost got you killed, you’re still here…?”

“Baka, do you really think I haven’t had people trying to kill me before?” she noted, “Besides, the point is that we’re here now, that we’re both alive.”

“You’re so…” Enishi leaned his head back and chuckled, “… so … strange.”

She simply sighed. “You haven’t a clue on how to talk to girls do you?”

Just then, the door opened. Tomoe walked in, behind her was Kenshin carrying a vase of flowers. “Enishi,” she said, going up to her brother, “How are you feeling?”

“Better… now that I’ve seen you, Nee-san.” he uttered. His face filled with happiness as she smiled at him and bent down to kiss his forehead. “Nee-san…”

'Nee-san?' Kaoru thought, 'Oh!! I get it now!! ... Huh?' She sat still as Kenshin came up next to her to put the vase down onto the table. She concentrated on the reunited siblings, while he stood behind her. “Daijoubu de gozaru ka…” His voice made her heart jump. Before she could reply, he blurted out, “Kaoru-dono.”

With those words, pain ripped through her. Nothing had changed. It was all too much to bear. “I have to get going.” she said to the floor, “Shitsureishimasu.” She bowed her head and rushed out of the room.

In the hallway, Misao and Sanosuke saw her coming. “Kaoru-san, there you are! Guess what!” Misao chimed happily. Kaoru kept walking, trying to avoid them, the tears creeping up in her eyes. They stuck with her, talking all at the same time. Misao playfully elbowed her, “These hot doctors down stairs said I was cute and asked me out for coffee, then Aoshi-sama…!”

Sanosuke was on her other side, “So, Jou-chan, since you got your last paycheck and all, and you’re not spending it… maybe perhaps you can lend me…” At this Kaoru broke into a run, her disappearing at the corner. “What’s gotten into her?” Sanosuke asked, looking to Misao. They finally shrugged.

* * *
Back in the hospital ward, silence fell. Tomoe and Enishi stopped and looked over to Kenshin, who had realized the error of his ways. He hadn’t intended to say ‘Kaoru-dono’. But it suddenly came out, as he had a mild lapse in courage. Enishi turned away from his sister and said, “Battousai, go to her now. Don’t let her get away, not without saying something.”

“Right!” Kenshin said, bolting out the door. Outside, he saw Misao and Sanosuke standing around. “Did you just see Kaoru?”

“Yeah, she went that way.” Misao pouted, “She didn’t wanna hear my great story! It would have cheered her up!”

Sanosuke just muttered, “Stingy broad…”

Kenshin decided to let that insult pass and rushed down the hall. He then ran into Tae and Tsubame, carrying food from the cafeteria to share with everyone else, since the bentos were all finished on the train. “Kenshin-san,” Tsuabame said, “Kaoru-san went that way. She looked really upset. Is Enishi-san okay?”

“Hai de gozaru.” he said, trying to walk past them, “I have to get going…!”

Tae grabbed him by arm and shook him. “Ken-han, would you believe there’s something going on between Sano-han and Takani-han?” He merely gave her blank look. “How come I didn’t know? I’m usually the first one who learns all the gossip! How did this slip past me?!”

“Oro… I don’t know… demo… Tae-dono… please let me go… I have to… catch up to… orororororo !”

* * *
Yahiko was sitting in the waiting room next to Aoshi. It was getting boring, since this guy didn’t really talk much. He wondered when the others would get back with the food. He was starving. Sanosuke ate everything on the train. ‘I’d do anything for one of Tae’s rice cakes…’ he sighed, patting his stomach.

Just then, Yutaro walked into the room, his right arm in a sling. “The doctor says I can’t do kenjutsu…” he sighed, “Why did this happen?”

“I don’t know.” Yahiko replied, going over to him, “But a wise old woman said: sometimes bad things happen and we can’t do anything about them. But we have keep moving forward, otherwise we’ll start to move backwards.”

Yutaro blinked. “An old woman? It sounds like Kaoru-san said those words.”

Yahiko shrugged and crossed his arms, “Well, that Busu also said that in order to find true strength, you have to conquer your weakness.”

“All those words are true, but…” Yutaro replied thoughtfully, then broke into rage, “I won’t let you get away insulting Kaoru-sensei like that!”

Yahiko broke into equal rage. “I can say whatever I want about her! I AM her #1 student! That makes you #2!”

“Why you!” Yutaro picked up an umbrella and swung it with his left arm alone. Yahiko was able to block it with his wrists but was surprised. The boy still had a lot of fight left. Yutaro growled at his astonished faced. “Don’t think I’m giving up kenjutsu! I’ll come back here and kick your ass! Then we’ll see who’s Kaoru-san’s #1 student!”

“Yeah…” Yahiko said with a smile.

Just then, they stopped to hear chuckling. They turned to see Aoshi trying to muffle his laughter. “You two…” he uttered, “… seem like good friends.” Yutaro and Yahiko both denied it of course. It was a shame Misao was no where around to see this.

* * *
Kaoru pushed the door to the roof open. There were other people up there as it was also a place for patients to go to get fresh air and doctors to spend their breaks. She walked past them towards the ledge. Sighing, she clung to the wire fence, letting her tears fall. ‘This shouldn’t bother you. You’ve been through this so many times.’ she told her self, ‘Just let him go.’

But when she saw them together, when he called her ‘Kaoru-dono,’ she knew… all she had done, all she had gone through was for nothing.

During the surgery she called Tsukayama and told him what happened. He was on his way there. Thankfully Yutaro wasn’t injured too badly, but he wasn’t able to continue kenjutsu. Which meant she was out of a job. Still, she had a ticket in her hand. A new start perhaps? Maybe she could leave this place and finally forget…

Suddenly, she felt someone behind her. She didn’t want to turn around; her eyes were red from crying. She concentrated on the sunset before her, hoping whoever it was would just leave her alone. The person kept coming closer until he was behind her, breathing on her neck. It was a nervous breath, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

“Kaoru…” At this voice, she dropped her hands from the fence. She knew who it was, but still didn’t want to turn around. “Kaoru.” Kenshin tried again. Still no response. Finally, he took her by the shoulder and turned her around to face him. “Kaoru! Listen to me…!”

Her head was still lowered, her fists clenched. “Mou… I don’t want to hear it… just leave me alone, please.”

“No, Kaoru, I want to tell you.” he said. When she finally consented to giving him her attention. he broke into nervous stammering, “You see… Tomoe and I… we’re… we’re not getting back together.”

Kaoru continued to stare at the floor, “I don’t understand… every since that day she came back into your life… you’ve been so happy.”

“You’re mistaken!” Kenshin gasped, “It wasn’t because she came back… it was because of those words you said… don’t you remember? You told me you wanted to ‘be with me forever’.”

She frowned slightly. “Back then, I tried so hard to forget I ever did that… I thought that must’ve been the most idiotic thing I’ve ever done.”

“No, those words alone… made me happy… made me realize – I want to be with you forever.” he uttered, pulling her closer, “Tomoe belongs with someone else. And I… I belong to… “ He then took a breath. “Kaoru, I love you!”

“Eh?” She lifted her head, completely surprised, “You what?”

“I want to be with you.” he sighed into her hair, “Forever.”

“Oh Kenshin!! I love you too!” she cried, taking his face into her hands and kissing him. She suddenly pulled away, alarmed by her impulse. “G-Gomen, I-I didn’t mean to…”

Kenshin was red in the cheeks, still soaking in the pleasure from the kiss. “Ororororo…” he uttered dizzily, his mouth open wanting more.

Kaoru blinked at him. “Did you just… ‘ORO’??”


“You did it! You said ‘ORO’!!”


“Kenshin!!” she cried happily, embracing him, kissing him not once, not twice – but three times, “My ronin has come back to me! I’m so glad!!”

“Kaoru, I have a confession to make.” he whispered as she continued to kiss him, “I’m no longer a ronin, so you can’t call me that anymore.”

“Eh? You quit school?!”

“No, I’ve accomplished both of my goals.” he said, nuzzling his nose with hers, “I passed my exams and I’ve finally won your heart.”

“Baka! You’ve had my heart all along!” she laughed, “Every since that day you walked into my life… you and your stupid boxes…”

He smiled. “And your laundry… your underwear.” She took a moment to swat him on the head for reminding her of that detail. “Oro… Kaoru.” he chuckled, pulling her to him again, into a much deeper and longer kiss than before.

On the roof, everyone was watching. Tsubame’s face was all red. Tae was cheering. Misao started snuggling with Aoshi. Yahiko and Yutaro were making faces. Sanosuke crossed his arms. “It’s about time dammit!!”

One Year Later...