Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Notes: Because of the Children labor laws, Yahiko & Tsubame are a bit older than they were in the original series. (Junior High, 13-14?) Gomen nasai! It was the only way for Tsubame to work at the Akebeko. Last Revised 9/29/00 - Jill

Part 6 - "It's Not Love or Anything"

It was an ordinary day in Tokyo. The lunchtime crowd had just left Akebeko Restaurant. It was now time to prepare for the dinner crowd. But today was going to be different. Sanosuke had reserved the upstairs hall for a dinner party that evening. Tae was suspicious at first.

“Come on, Tae!” Sanosuke said, patting her on the back, “I know I owe everyone money, so this is my way of making it up to you all. I mean, Megumi is going to be transferred to another hospital soon. Kenshin is taking his exams and might get into school. We don’t know if we’ll still be together by next year or the next couple months. What’s wrong with a little get-together?”

Tae rubbed her head. “I don’t know. What if an important customer wants to use the room.”

“Hey, tell you what! Since it’s late notice, I’ll even help set up and clean up.”

Tsubame said, “Someone did call in sick today. Sanosuke-san might even be able to work off some of his tab.”

“Ehehe, that’s some smart kid. Well, what do you say?”

Tae shrugged. “I suppose it’ll be all right. Well, Sanosuke, you can start by taking out these bags of trash out, then sweeping and hosing the outside. Oh yes, and also don’t forget to wear an apron and a hair net.”

He lifted the bags and muttered, ‘What a slave driver…’

Tsubame looked at the clock. “Oh, Kaoru-san is almost off. We better tell her about the dinner party.” She paused from the door of the kitchen and watched Kaoru cheerfully wash a stack of dishes. “She’s is in a good mood today.”

“Uhn, she seems a bit happier lately.” Tae noted, from behind Tsubame, “Although, she has gained a bit of weight too. But that’s only because of Ken-han’s great cooking. They’re pounds of happiness!”

“OI! I CAN HEAR YOU FROM OVER HERE!!” Kaoru angrily exclaimed, her face all red.

Tsubame said, “Gomendesai, Kaoru-san, for talking about you as if you’re not in the room. But you have to admit that it’s true you’re feeling much happier than before.”

Kaoru slowly smiled. “Well…yeah…”

Tae asked, “Does Ken-han know?”

“K-know what?”

“You know, your feelings.”

“NANI?!” Kaoru cried, dropping the plate she was washing. While Tsubame dove down to catch it before it crashed into the floor, Kaoru went into hysterics, “W-what are you talking about?! There’s nothing going on between us?! You’ve got the wrong idea!”

The girls exchanged looks. “She’s in denial.” Tsubame pointed out.

“CHIGAO! That’s not it!” Kaoru exploded. “Feelings of ‘Love’ don’t exist for Kamiya Kaoru, you hear me!”

Tae asked slyly, “Oh? Have you ever been in love before, Kaoru-chan?”


“Then how do you know if you are or not?”

“DATTE…” she exclaimed all flustered, “I can’t possibly! No! No! NO!”

Tsubame giggled. “She is!”

“DAME!” she exclaimed. Her eye caught sight of the clock. She dried her hands and took off her apron. “W-well, I’m off, so I-I’ll see you all later.” Disorientated, she went to go clock out.

“Hold on, Kaoru-chan.” Tae said, catching up to her, “Can I talk to you about something outside in the alley?”


* * *
The two walked outside into the back alley and sat on the steps. “So, what is that you need to talk to me about that you can’t say in front of Tsubame-chan?” Kaoru asked.

Tae rested her hands on her lap and leaned her head back against the cool brick building. “Seeing your situation, I can only refer to my own experiences. You haven’t been there yet, so you won’t know what I’m talking about. But afterwards, if you were to look back, you’ll see everything clearly. But then it’ll be too late.”

“Eh? Tae-san…?”

“When I was your age, I was still living in Kyoto with my family. There was a boy who lived next door that was like my best friend. We did everything together. Of course, whenever someone would tease us, I would deny it. I just wanted everything to stay the way they were forever.”

“Forever…” Kaoru uttered, “There’s no such thing.”

“Exactly.” Tae said, “Next thing I knew, I was greatly involved in the family restaurant business and didn’t have the time to see him off at the train station before he left to join the navy. I haven’t seen or heard from him since. Sanosuke is right; we don’t know where we’ll be in a year… a couple months. Time moves by too fast.” Tae got up and faced her. “I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did. Please, Kaoru-chan, remember what I told you.”

Kaoru didn’t say anything. She just stared at the ground. Sanosuke crossed his arms. “Are you two done yet?”

“EH?! Sanosuke!?” Kaoru and Tae exclaimed, jumping up.

“Heh, I heard everything. That was a sad story, Tae.”

“You…! That was personal!” Tae cried.

“Listen to her, Jou-chan. Then, hurry up and go tell Kenshin you love him, okay?”

“N-NANI?” Kaoru exclaimed.

He pointed at her. “Oi, I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Kenshin has the tendency to move around. He never seems to stay in the same place. You’re lucky he’s stayed in this area so long.”

“What are you saying?” Tae asked, as Kaoru was still blushing in shock.

“I’m saying that time will run out if you don’t act now. I’ve tried my best as his friend to keep him around, but there’s something inside him that makes him always run away from getting close to people. You won’t believe how many times I’ve had to look up where he goes next.” Sanosuke noted, “I believe that the only thing that keeping him this time is Jou-chan.”

“Sou ka!” Tae said, “Kaoru-chan, you heard him! Now you must…!”

Kaoru shook her head. “No, no, no! It’s nothing like that! Kenshin just thinks of me as a friend…that’s all!”

Tae and Sanosuke exchanged looks and sighed. Sanosuke uttered, “At this rate, neither of them…”

“…Will admit their love.” Tae finished his sentence.

“It’s not love!” she cried.

* * *
Kaoru thought about Tae’s words as she climbed up the stairs to the apartment building. ‘It’s true…nothing lasts forever. All of us might be separated at any time. Then, I’d be alone again… just like that time…’

“Kaoru-dono!” Kenshin’s voice had snapped her out of her daze. “Okaeri de gozaru! Arubaito wa dou de gozaru ka?”

“It's all right. Oh, Sanosuke said for us to be at the Akebeko by six for dinner.”

“Sounds like fun.” he said cheerfully, “Come inside. I figured you’d be tired from working since this morning so I made you some snacks.”

Kaoru followed him through the door. As he went on ahead to the kitchen, she knelt down to take off her shoes. It’s been like this for a long time. Before and after work, she would see his friendly face. They’d eat, and then she’d help him study until it was late. Maekawa-sensei from the self-defense school gave her the weekend shifts she requested. So, after Sunday classes, they’d go to the laundry mat and wash their laundry together. On Saturday evenings they’d hang out with Sanosuke or other friends, or even just stay in the apartment and watch videos. Life was becoming routine with the ronin next door.

‘Even so, I know it’ll end someday. Nothing lasts forever. But, am I really what is keeping Kenshin?’ she said to herself as she untied her shoe laces, ‘No, there’s no way! I mean, why would he want someone like me? I'm stubborn, ill-mannered, hot-tempered, a terrible cook... mou, I look like a raccoon! Kenshin can’t possibly…!’

“Kaoru-dono,” Kenshin said, placing a tray of watermelon on the table, “Is something wrong?”

“I-ie.” she said, getting up. Wearing the cute slippers that he had got her for whenever she came over, she walked over and sat at the table. “Arigatou for the snacks. Aaa, I’m so tired.”

He watched silently as she ate four slices. “Eto…” he started to say. She lifted her head, wiping any the stray watermelon seeds stuck to her face. “I have a favor to ask of you...”

* * *
Minutes later, Kenshin was sitting in a chair with a towel on his back. Kaoru stood behind him, holding a pair of scissors, which were shaking. “A-are you sure about this?” she stammered.

“Hai. Cut it all off.”

She took hold of his ponytail, but hesitated again. “But…but…are you sure you want ME to do this?”

“Of course. I trust you, Kaoru-dono.”

She just sighed. It looked like she didn’t have any choice. With that, she started snipping away. Before long, the floor was covered with long strands of red hair. “There! All done!” she chimed.

Kenshin reached back and felt the back of his head. “It’s short,” he noted, “I like it.”

“You should really look at it. Don’t you have a mirror around here?” she asked, going over to the boxes lying on the floor. ‘It’s just as Sanosuke said…’ she said to herself, ‘Kenshin hasn’t unpacked. He could leave at any time.’

Kenshin went to kneel next to her, “There should be a small mirror in that box. Let me help.”

The two started digging. Kaoru stopped suddenly. In her hands, she held a framed picture of woman. She had dark hair and dark eyes, and was wearing a white dress. “Kenshin… who’s this? Your older sister?” she asked. She didn’t know why, but she had felt a sudden chill just then.

“Aa … eto … ”

“Never mind. You don’t have to say.” she blurted out. She rested the picture on the top of the pile.

“Kaoru-dono, sessha…” Kenshin started to say, but stopped short.

"Eh?" Surprised, she lifted her head. He had put his hand on hers by accident. "K-Kenshin..."

“Aa, s-suman.” he uttered, still not removing his hand. The two of them just stayed like that for a long time, gazing into each other's eyes.

‘Nothing lasts.’ Kaoru thought, ‘But still I…’

“OI!!!” Yahiko had kicked the door open, “There you are, BUSU! I figured you’d be here!!” Kenshin and Kaoru both face-faulted. Yahiko walked over and grabbed Kaoru by the arm. “C’mon! Let’s go! I wanna practice some more!”

“YOU!” she yelled, picking him up by the back his shirt, “Why don’t you find those gangsters and practice with them?!”

“Yahiko,” Kenshin replied, “Suman de gozaru, but Kaoru-dono can’t practice with you today. We have to be getting to a dinner party within an hour. At the Akebeko…”

“There?! C-can I come?!” he eagerly chimed.

Kaoru eyed him over suspiciously. “You just want to come because Tsubame-chan is going to be there.”

Yahiko sneered at her, “SHUT UP!”

* * *
Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko arrived at the Akebeko. In the bottom restaurant wasn’t that busy. They saw Sanosuke in his hair net and apron clearing a table of a party that had just left. “Yossha! You guys are here - so I don’t have to work anymore. Let’s go upstairs.”

Tae shook her head. “Not until this is completely cleared up.” Sanosuke grumbled and picked up the pile of dishes, bringing them over to the kitchen. “Well, he makes a good busboy.” she noted.

Megumi shrugged. “I still can’t believe that Rooster-head invited me as well. He must be ill or something.”

“Hi Yahiko-chan!” Tsubame said as she walked over to him.

He shot an annoyed look at her. “Don’t call me CHAN!” he growled.

“Gomendesai, Yahiko-cha -- oh, I mean, Yahiko-kun!” she stammered.

Tae giggled, “You two are so cute together.”

“TAE-SAN!” Tsubame cried, her face all red.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Yahiko exclaimed, his face all red.

Sanosuke walked back out. “There, the tables are cleared and the dishes are washed. Can we go upstairs now?” He stopped to notice something was off. “O-Oi, Kenshin! W-what happened to y-your hair?!” he cried, pointing at his friend in distress.

“Oh, I got it cut. Does it look all right?” Kenshin asked, looking bashful, as now everyone’s attention had turned to him.

“It looks nice, Ken-han!” Tae replied and everyone else agreed.

He said, “Honto? I’m so glad I asked Kaoru-dono to cut it for me.” Now all eyes fell on Kaoru, who scooted off to the side.

“Nice job, Kaoru-san!” Tsubame said, “You really made it look good on Kenshin-san.”

Sanosuke elbowed her. “So, Jou-chan, you’re giving out free hair cuts? You see, I’m a bit low on cash…”

Megumi sighed, “Honestly, you are stingy with money.”

They all went upstairs. Tae and Tsubame brought the trays of food and placed it on the set table. They all sat down and picked up their chopsticks. “Itadakimasu!” they chimed and dove in.

“Oi, Tae! Quit running around for a moment and join us!” Sanosuke said and held up a glass of sake. “Let’s drink in celebration of the Fox Doctor’s promotion and all of us being together!”

Tae uttered, “But, there’s kids here…”

“I AM NOT A KID!” Yahiko exclaimed angrily.

“Kowaii…” Tsubame uttered.

“So, you’re really leaving Tokyo, Megumi-san?” Kaoru asked.

“Yes, my boss gave me a notice of transfer to a different hospital in Aizu. I’m kind of glad. That’s where my family is from. I’ve always wanted to return there.” Megumi replied, “Why? Are you glad, Raccoon-girl?”

“Iie, it’s not a good feeling when people leave.” Kaoru uttered, “No matter how much you hate the person.”

Megumi’s face twitched. “Why you…”

Sanosuke chuckled. “Eheheh, admit it. You girls will miss each other.” The two both glared at him. “It’s the truth. Years from now, you’ll look back at the fights you had and think you were friends.”

Tsubame noted, “My dad says I have to go to a private ‘all girls’ high school, so we have to move by next year. It would be nice if we could all meet here again after a couple years.” She stopped to see Yahiko’s frowning face. She quickly added, “I know Yahiko-kun would a great fighter by then! You won’t forget about me when you’re famous, will you Yahiko-kun?”

“O-of course not! I’d never!” Yahiko exclaimed all flustered.

Kaoru elbowed him. “Hey, you still got to finish your training with me, so don’t get too overconfident.”

"Shut up, Busu! I’ll get strong, you watch me!”

“We’ll see about that…”


Sanosuke looked over at the women. “In the future, all of you girls are going to be married and have your own families. Since you all are the closest thing I’ve had for a family, please don’t forget about me.”

Kaoru uttered, “That’s so sweet, Sanosuke! I never figured you’d say something like that…”

He grinned mischievously over at her. “Yeah, invite me over to babysit after you and Kenshin make a bunch of babies.”

“I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING I SAID, YOU JERK!” she exclaimed, grabbing him by the collar. Both Tae and Megumi had to restrain her. Kenshin had missed everything that they were talking about and was greatly confused.

Sanosuke turned towards the other two. “How about you, Fox?”

Megumi replied, “Whatever, Rooster head. I’m not getting married. I have my career.”

“Man, strike two.” he muttered, “I thought it was every girls’ dream to get married and have children.”

Tae sighed, “Say what you want. I bet I’d still be here running my restaurant and very little will be changed.”

“Tae, you have to be more optimistic.” he said and rubbed his head. “Let’s say in five years, if neither of us are married, how about the two of us get hitched?”

Tae stared at him in shock. “S-Sanosuke? W-what kind of an arrangement is that?”

He shrugged. “I figure by then I might want to settle down. Nobody wants to end up alone. Am I right?” he said, looking over at Kenshin. “Hey, you haven’t said much.”

Megumi muttered. “Maybe Ken-san’s bored with your pointless ideologies.”

“Quit putting me down, Fox-lady! If there weren’t kids around!”

The voices seemed to die out as Kenshin gazed around the room. ‘For the longest time, I thought I could just avoid telling the others about my past, but now I’m not so sure…’

“Kenshin?” His wandering eyes stopped on Kaoru, who was looking at him from across the table with concern.

‘I don’t want to deal with it. I don’t want to lose this…’

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

‘I want to protect this reality.’ he thought, staring at her face, ‘I don’t want it go away… like it did before.’

“Kenshin, what’s with the serious face?” Yahiko asked.

He replied, “There’s something…I have to tell you all of you…about my past.”

Everyone was surprised. Especially Kaoru. This was the first time he actually had wanted to talk about his past. She felt scared. There was no turning back now. The secrets would be unraveled and somehow she knew it involved the woman in the picture.

Back to Part 5
On to Part 7