Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhiro, all rights are reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Jill would like to say that Tomoe is a cool character, but she still likes Kaoru better. I think they could become good friends someday. What do you think?

Part 8: "Awkwardness"

In her room, Kaoru was lying down with her eyes open. “There’s no way I can get any sleep,” she muttered. She pulled herself up and put on her blue robe. Her eyes moved towards the door. “Kenshin…”

It had been five hours ago when she had blurted out, ‘I want to stay with you forever.’ Why, why, why did she do that, she wondered. It was so unlike her. She didn’t want to ‘need’ anyone. She didn’t want to think that Kenshin was next door troubled over her sudden outburst either. She decided to go take it back before anything else could go wrong. Sure, it was 3 am in the morning. Sure it could wait for the morning. But she had to do this now otherwise she could never get any rest.

Kaoru put on her slippers and went out into the hall, knocking on his door. “Kenshin…” she said in a low voice. Suddenly the door just opened. “Huh? Kenshin, it’s me… ”

Stepping inside, she felt an enormous chill. The room was bare. There was nothing left; not a box in sight. The moonlight coming in from the window reflected off the empty hardwood floor. Kaoru stared at the room in shock, her legs giving way. She fell on her knees and stared around the room.


* * *
Kaoru sat up gasping for air. Hugging her pillow, she tried to block out the memory of her recent nightmare. She dried and glanced at the clock. It was a little after 3 o’clock. Without a thought, Kaoru hurried out into the hall and stood in front of Kenshin’s door. She started hammering on his door madly.

“Kenshin! Kenshin! Are you there?!” she cried, hoping for a non-repeat of history. There was a long pause. Kaoru shook with fear. He’s gone, Kaoru, you scared him away. You’ll never see him again.

Just then, the door flew open. “Kaoru-dono… What are you doing?” Kenshin tiredly asked, rubbing his eyes to look at the frantic girl standing barefoot before him in her pajamas.

“I, uh, wanted to see if y-you were still… ” she stammered. She stopped to notice the pair of women’s shoes by the welcome mat. While she was trying to make out what this all meant, Kenshin came out into the hall and closed the door behind him. “Did I come at the wrong time?” she asked, twitching.

“Iya, not at all.” he replied, “What were you saying before?”

“Ano…” She was lost for words as the shoes kept coming back to her, “It’s nothing, really…I’m sorry to bother you so late at night.”

“It’s no bother at all.” He paused to notice her reddish eyes and the slight sweat on her forehead. “Kaoru-dono, are you sure you’re okay? Did you have a nightmare?”

“Iya, of course not!” she cried, “Well, I have to wake up early tomorrow, so... Oyasumi!” she said. Kenshin nodded and went back into his room, closing the door in her face. She remained in the hallway, in a fit of confusion. With reluctance, Kaoru decided to handle this in the morning.

* * *
In the morning, Kaoru smelled breakfast coming from next door. Yawning, she looked at her clock. “So sleepy...” she mumbled as she walked into the bathroom. After splashing water in her face, she ran out wide-awake. “THAT KENSHIN IS GONNA GET IT!!!”

In the process of sleep, Kaoru had deduced what the women’s shoes meant: either Kenshin was a cross-dresser or he had a woman in there. Of course, either answer had upset her, the latter really upsetting her. She got dressed angrily and rushed out into the hall. ‘That bastard…what is he thinking?? There are children and families in this building! I will absolutely not forgive --!’

His door flew open. “Ohayou de gozaru, Kaoru-dono!” Kenshin said cheerfully.

“Ohayou!” she replied with the same cheerfulness. She paused. ‘What the heck am I doing! I supposed to be angry! I am!’ She grabbed him by the collar, “YOU PERV!”


“How dare you scandalize this apartment! And you’re supposed to be a studying Ronin, MY FOOT!!! You’re not going to get away with this!” she yelled, pushing against the wall and bombarding him with punches, “HENTAI! ETCHI HENTAI!”

“Oh my…” uttered a voice. Kaoru looked over her shoulder and stopped instantly. Her eyes fell on an older woman, wearing a lavender dress and Kenshin’s apron. The woman formally bowed her head towards her. “You must be Kaoru. My name is Yukishiro Tomoe.”

“W-what…” Kaoru nearly choked as an elegant scent filled the air, “You’re…Tomoe?”

“Yes. It is nice to finally meet you. Himura-san has been talking about you all morning.” Tomoe said, “Have a seat. We were about to have breakfast.”

Kaoru was still in shock. Kenshin took her by the shoulders and pushed her over to the set table. “Come on, Kaoru-dono, you can’t go to work today without anything in your stomach. Oh, and thanks for the morning wake-up call.”

‘This feels so so so… awkward! What’s going on? I thought Tomoe-san was…’ Kaoru thought as she slowly picked up her chopsticks. “Itadakimasu.” she said in a little voice, taking a bite. “SUGOI! THIS IS DELICIOUS!”

Tomoe replied, “I am glad you like it. Eat as much as you like.”

Kenshin pointed out, “Tomoe’s the one who taught me how to cook.”

Food dropped out of Kaoru’s mouth as she heard the “- dono” part was cut out. ‘Why isn’t he being formal like he usually is?!’ she asked herself, ‘Is it because they’re…ulp…’ Her eyes darted over to Tomoe, who was complimenting Kenshin’s hair cut. He of course was bashful, and oblivious to Kaoru’s stricken face. ‘This feels almost as bad as that nightmare I had last night. But look at Kenshin… he seems happy. Yesterday, he looked as though he might cry… Such a change over night… is it because of her?’

Just then she felt a sharp pain on her head and fell face flat on the table into her plate. “Kaoru-dono!” Kenshin gasped, looking towards her.

Yahiko stood behind her with a bokken. “Oi, Busu, you let your guard go down! What’s with you?”

“Dammit…this isn’t my morning…” Kaoru muttered, wiping the food off her face, “Yahiko, you’re really in trouble. Give me a second.”

“That’s the spirit, Buso! Come on! Let’s go train outside! I’ve been practicing!!”

Tomoe noted, “You must be one of Kaoru-kun’s students from the Maekawa School.”

“Eh? You know about that, Lady?” Yahiko stammered, “Yeah, I’m their best student! But then, I wouldn’t be like this if I haven’t been training with Bus--, er, I mean, Kaoru.”

“Yahiko…” Kaoru uttered, surprised by his sudden appreciation.

Embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his head and laughed, “Yeah, she’s a great instructor…and really strong! She’s as strong as an ox!”

“You…traitor…” she muttered. She then got up from the table. “So Yahiko…are you just going to stand here all day or are we going to go practice?”

“Huh? You actually want to practice?” Yahiko asked.

“Sure, why not.” she said, “Consider it your one and only chance. Take it or leave it.”

“ALL RIGHT! Let’s go!” he said, and then turned to bow towards Tomoe. “Nice meeting you, Lady.”

“The pleasure is mine.” she replied.”

“Yeah…” he uttered, blushing.

Kenshin looked over at Kaoru. “Are you going so soon? You didn’t even eat much.” She just picked up her shoes and coldly left the room without a word. Kenshin sat in surprise, not really knowing what's going on. “K-Kaoru-dono?”

"Himura-san, your breakfast will get cold."


Kaoru stumbled out of the apartment and leaned against the wall. Endless thoughts filled her head. ‘Mou, why didn’t you say anything, Kaoru? Now it’s so obvious! Kaoru-chan no baka! Baka baka baka…!’

Yahiko looked up at her. “You okay?”

“I…I’m fine!” she said, trying to force a smile, “Well, I guess we should go outside. Oh, and please keep track of the time; I’ve got to get to work at 9:00.”

“No problem!” he said, holding up his wrist to show his watch, “Are you sure you’re all right?” Kaoru nodded and proceeded to walk off. She then fell down the stairs. “KAORU?!”

“I-TAI!!!” she uttered, rubbing her butt at the bottom of the stairs.

Yahiko scratched his head. “What’s with Busu today?”

* * *
At the Akebeko, word had gotten out about Kenshin’s guest. “No shit, Tomoe’s here?!” Sanosuke jumped up from his seat and knocked over a glass.

Tae went to go wipe up the mess. “Sanosuke, honestly watch the language! Both Tsubame-chan and Yahiko-chan are here!”

“Don’t’ call me CHAN!” Yahiko yelled angrily, “So, that lady was Tomoe, huh? She was gorgeous! I don’t blame him at all…”

Tsubame uttered, “Yahiko-kun, knock it off.” She pointed over to Kaoru who was clearing a table behind them. “Kaoru-san, daijoubu desu ka?”

“Hai hai!” Kaoru blurted out, “I’m fine! Absolutely fine!” She picked up the tray full of dishes and headed into the kitchen. Moments later, they heard a big crash and the sounds of plates breaking.

“Oh my!” Tae cried, running in the kitchen, “Daijoubu, Kaoru-chan? Did you hurt yourself?”

Kaoru was lying dazed on the ground. “I…I’m fine! Quit asking me that! But I'm truly sorry about the dishes, Tae-san. I'll pay for them. Gomen!”

Yahiko sighed, “She’s been like that all morning. Busu’s got problems.”

Sanosuke nodded. “You don’t say. I think she should settle it with a big catfight. Heh, I’d like to see that.” A hand smacked him on the head from behind. “Ow! What the hell!”

Megumi crossed her arms. “You baka! Only cavemen think like that!”

“Oh? How about you, Fox Lady? Are you going to let this lady move in on your territory?”

“You kidding? I know if I do anything Ken-san will be upset with me. So, I’m going to let that girl over there approach her and end this whole incident. I know once she opens her foul mouth, Tomoe-san will be definitely appalled.”

“Aa, so there will be a catfight?”

Tsubame sighed, “Why does everything have to deal with violence?”

“Don’t ask me. That’s just how it is around here,” Sanosuke said getting up from his seat, “Well, that was a good meal…” Tae cleared her throat and held up the bill. “Uh, uh, can’t you just put it on my tab?”

“And when do you plan on paying this tab?” Tae asked, glaring at him.

“Oh, someday.”

Megumi shook her head. “Honestly, this rooster head is not good for anything.”

“What’s that suppose to mean?!” Sanosuke angrily exclaimed. He stopped to notice the door opening. “K-Kenshin!”

Everyone turned. Kenshin was standing there with Tomoe. “Hi everyone!” he said cheerfully, “I figured you all would be here. There’s someone I want you to meet…”

“I am Yukishirou Tomoe. It is nice to meet all of Himura-san’s friends.”

“Eheheh, nice to meet ya too.” Sanosuke replied. He elbowed Kenshin, “Oi, can you lend me some money? Or even from Tomoe if she has any?” Megumi and Tae both shot a deadly glare at him. “Please…?”

Kenshin sat down at a table. “As long as we’re here, we might as well grab a snack.”

“Cool, more free food for me.” Sanosuke said, grabbing a chair.

Tae sighed, “Fighting and Food…is that all that matters to that guy?”

Megumi nodded. “He’s a real big idiot isn’t he?”

Tomoe turned to Tsubame. “By any chance, is Kaoru-kun here?”

“Um, well, yeah…but…”

“I was wondering if I could speak to her.” she replied.

Hearing that, everyone stopped. An eerily chill swept through the restaurant. “Could I get a double order of sukiyaki?” Sanosuke said, looking at a menu. Kenshin and the others face-faulted.

* * *
In the alley, Kaoru was lugging two bags of garbage. "Aaaa!” She tripped on a can and fell on the ground. “Itai…why me?” she sighed. Suddenly, she saw a hand held out to her. “Tomoe-san…”

Tomoe pulled her up. “Are you hurt?”

“Iya!” she cried, her face all red, “I’m fine!!”

Tomoe bowed her head slightly. “Sorry to bother you, Kaoru-kun, but could I talk with you for a bit.”

"Huh? You want to talk to me?"

The two went to go sit on the steps of the side of restaurant. Kaoru couldn’t say anything, her locked in Tomoe's perfect image. 'She's beautiful... I bet she would light up an entire room and everyone would take notice of her. Her posture and manners were perfect. I can't believe someone could sit so still and calm.' She dropped her head and sighed. 'Not like me...Kaoru-chan the Busu Tanuki-girl.'

“You know,” Tomoe said, “Of all his friends, Himura-san spoke the most about you.”

“Figures.” Kaoru muttered, “It’s only a matter of time before everyone knows all those embarrassing things.”

“On the contrary. He only said good things.”

Kaoru blinked at her. 'What is she getting at? Good things? What good things?'

A moment of silence passed. Tomoe suddenly said, “I hope my coming here at this time is not interrupting your lives.”

Kaoru was all flustered, “Of course not!”

“Whether it is or not, I apologize.” she said, bowing her head, “I am afraid that I may be causing some sort of conflict. You are probably all wondering what I am doing here."

"Actually, no it really doesn't matter." Kaoru replied, adding to herself, 'If you continue to make Kenshin smile like that...'

Tomoe shook her head. "Still, I believe you deserve to know, as someone who seems close to him.”

“W-what?! We're not close!" Kaoru cried. She regained control of her voice, "Even if what you’re saying isn’t quite true, I do have questions. For starters, what happened to you... I mean, I thought you…”

“Died? No, I did not. I woke up in the hospital and had escaped merely death."

"Did Kenshin know...? That you survived...?"

"No, to him I was dead. Even if he did learn the truth, I doubt he would have come for me."

"Why not?" Kaoru was anxious to know all the facts but it pained her to think that Kenshin could just walk out on the woman he loved.

"From the start, my intentions for Himura-san were never good. I wanted revenge... revenge for him killing the first man I loved." Tomoe paused, her facial expression showing no change despite the fact she was speaking about something so emotional and personal, "I became Himura-san's weakness on purpose in order to break him."

Kaoru was stunned. This beautiful goddess was capable of such vengence, such hatred. "So you did this all...for revenge?"

"What would you do?" Tomoe asked, her eyes focused on the pale looking girl before her, "If the man you love was killed by a murderer? Would you not go insane?"


"The only thing was Himura-san turned out differently than I had imagined. He was not a bloody thirsty madman... he was just a lost little boy, who couldn't understand people were crying over the ones he killed." Tomoe uttered, "He had to learn the reason... and I also needed to release myself from the pain of my love's death. I worked my way into Himura-san's life, then ripped myself away from him. We were even and Battousai had gained a soul."

Kaoru stared at the ground. 'No, Kenshin continued to kill for three more years, his anger at himself for failing her. His life is filled with guilt and sorrow because of this woman... this woman he loved.' Tomoe seemed to be waiting for a response. "It was in the past," Kaoru uttered, "I can't hold it against you."

Tomoe looked at Kaoru with a slight alteration in her passive expression. "Kaoru-kun, it is as he said, you are a very accepting person. Now would you like to know why I am here?" Kaoru reluctantly nodded. Tomoe continued, “I need a favor from Himura-san. It's a bit unfair and selfish, me coming back after so many years only to ask for something… but he is the only I could turn to.”

“Why only Kenshin can help?”

“In Kyoto, a lot of things have happened. There have been continual threats and disappearances; including murders of high profile government officials." she started, "I think my brother might be involved. He and I haven’t been on good terms since the ‘incident’. While he was away at military school, he joined the Shanghai mafia. I really believe that he is the one behind this.”

Kaoru felt a need to say something, something comforting. Tomoe didn’t wait for her prolonged response, but continue her speech. “Police have not been able to do much. But I know Himura-san could end these crimes, as he knows his way through the underworld in Kyoto. I was very surprised on how mature he reacted to my request.”

“Nani? Mature?" Kaoru was surprised. "He’s like an oversized child! Oro this and Oro that! He’s more naïve than I am!”

“You sound like you know him very well.”

“Mou, only because he lives next door and is constantly inviting himself over.” Kaoru explained, “But even though he's just a neighbor, I cannot allow him to run off into danger. You do understand that there’s no way I’m letting him do this.”

Tomoe closed her eyes and bowed. “Again, I am terribly sorry.”

* * *
Inside the restaurant, Sanosuke was shaking Kenshin. “Yamero! You're ditching me again?!”

“C-chigao, Sano! I haven’t decided yet if I should go! Oro…”

“Still! You’re considering it! What about Jou-chan?”


Megumi looked at her watch and grinned. ‘Ohohohoho! Right now that Raccoon-girl has probably exploded in rage as usual. Tomoe-san is good as gone!’ Tomoe and Kaoru came walking in. They look like they were getting along. “What’s going on?!” Megumi said, twitching.

Tae glared at Sanosuke. “Ahem! The bill!”

Tsubame and Yahiko turned to Kaoru. She looked deep in thought. ‘Somehow, I'll protect Kenshin…’ Yahiko slapped her on the back. “MOU!” she exclaimed, clobbering him.

“Good, Busu is back to normal.” He then fainted.

“Yahiko-kun!” Tsubame cried, “Honestly, the violence!”

Onto Part 9