Rurouni Kenshin was created by Nobuhirou Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, & Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Arigatou for all the suggestions for 'animal names' for Sayo. So far I'm between 'cat/felines' & 'mouse/rodents'. All of which I might just use, since they all seem to describe her perfectly. Things heat up in this chapter, the tension I mean. (wai, it's not that kind of fic! get yer minds outta the gutters. ok, maybe not entirely out). Ja, that's it for now. Jill 11/16/00

Something To Return To
Part 6


It was a bright and early in the morning. The sun was shining high above Kamiya dojo, the flowers in blooms, birds chirping. Sanosuke was pounding and cursing at the outhouse door, obliviously not in a happy mood.

“OI! Whoever is in there, get the hell out! I gotta take a piss and I gotta take it now!! OI! I MEAN IT!!!”

The voice inside broke out in laughter, “Ohohohoho! You can yell all you like, but that won’t do anything. I’ll come out when I’m ready.”

“TEME!!” he growled, “Just what the f--k are you doing anyway?! GET OUT!!!”

“Baka, to ask a woman that… you really are stupid.”

“YAMERO, FOX!! I’m warning you!!!”

Sayo was arriving to get ready for class, when she saw Sanosuke making a ruckus in front of the outhouse. “Ohayo, Sanosuke… Ano, what’s the matter?” she uttered, staring at his strained face, his legs scrunching together, “Are you okay?”

“ARRG!!!! I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE!!!” he screamed and ran off into the woods.

“Oh my… What in the world…?”

The door opened and Megumi walked out, a sly fox grin on her face. “Did the Tori Atama wet his pants? Did I miss it?”

“M-Megumi-san…” Sayo sighed, dropping her head.

* * *
When Sanosuke got back, he went and washed his hands and joined Kenshin outside the dojo. Class was already in session. Inside, Megumi and Kaoru were helping Sayo. The two men sipped their manly tea and relaxed under the sun. Sanosuke filled his friend in on the encounter the previous night.

“Sou ka.” Kenshin uttered, staring at the ground, “So, Kenji might be a target. That yakuza knows he’s here. I’ve got to do something…”

“Nothing that’ll worry Jou-chan of course.”

“Sano…” he lifted his head to him, a determined look on his face, “There’s no way I can turn away from this. If something were to happen to me… please take care of Kaoru and Kenji.”

“Yo! Knock it off! Nothing’s gonna happen if you don’t go do something foolish!” Sanosuke cried, shaking him, “Don’t talk shit like that! You’re scaring the hell outta me!! I don’t want that responsibility!!”

Kenshin was serious. “I have to protect my family… and I have to do it the only way I know how.”

‘Shit!’ Sanosuke thought, ‘When he’s like this there’s no way to stop him. But I just can’t let him…’ He grinned and slapped Kenshin on the back, “I’m gonna back you! That way no way you’ll lose! After all, I don’t wanna be stuck with that tanuki and the brat for the rest of my life! Consider it a solid victory!”

“Oro… Sano… ‘that tanuki & the brat’ are my wife and son…” Kenshin grumbled, breaking away from his arm hold. He paused to sip his tea, his calm face returning, “But we aren’t as young as we used to be… and this might be a difficult battle without the sakabatou and Hiten Mitsurugi.”

“Honto na.” Sanosuke uttered, “But you’ve got more on the line. Kenji will be hella pissed off if you die before your next fishing trip. And Jou-chan… you know she’s gonna want more kids to complete her slave network.”

Kenshin turned a shade of a red. “K-Knock it off, Sano!!” he cried, putting his cup down and picking up a shinai. “Well, back to practice! Maybe I’ll be able to dig up some old moves. We’ll have to see what I can do with wood!”

“Lots I hope.” Sanosuke said, standing up and putting his hands in the pockets of the shirt he was wearing. It was a variation of the old white shirt he used to wear. Instead of the large gaudy ‘BAD’ on the back, he had a medium sized one, the lettering white on the black cloth. He had Kaoru sew it for him and it was ready that morning. All dressed up and ready to go, he grinned at his friend, “Ja, while Mouse–girl is in class, I’ll go investigate her fiancé and see what I can find out!”

“Oro, ‘Mouse-girl’?” Kenshin uttered, thinking for a moment, “Aa sou ka… Sayo-dono. Hai, Sano! Please do that and hurry back. Oh, and be careful!” He nodded, walking out the gate, gnawing on a fish bone. The badass was back in business.

* * *
Sanosuke strolled down the street, looking for where the hospital Shouzo worked. He had gotten the address from Tae’s network of information. ‘Somewhere around here…’ he mumbled, looking back and forth. Just then, he ran into someone. “Eh? Tsubame-chan?”

“Sanosuke-san!” Tsubame gasped, “Sumimasen, I should’ve watched where I was going.”

“No problem. By the way, have you seen a hospital anywhere nearby?”

“You mean the one with the cool-looking doctor?” she blurted out. He stared at her as she turned red and backed away, “Oh… I mean… it’s over by the bank… two blocks that way… ano…”

He chuckled and patted her on the head, “Eheheh! I won’t tell Yahiko. Ja!” He then turned and walked off, waving at the bewildered girl. ‘Yahiko, get your ass over here. Ya just might lose her if she’s looking at other guys.’ he said in his head, ‘And Sayo’s fiancé isn’t that cool. He looks a like a woose if ya ask me. I can take him on any day!’ Grinning to himself, he let out a punch, hitting a random person on the street.

“Aaaaah!” the poor guy cried, crashing into a vendor, “Somebody help me!!” Sanosuke didn’t take notice and kept on walking, hitting more people on the way to the hospital.

* * *
When he arrived, there were a great big crowd in the waiting room. “Is Muto-sensei in?” he asked the receptionist.

“Hai. Demo you’ll have to wait for your turn to be helped. Please have a seat.” she replied. Muttering to himself, he took a seat between an old lady and a crying child. The room was loud and crowded and he was getting a big headache from the kid. Violent thoughts rushing through him, he stopped to see Shouzo come into the room. “Muto-sensei,” the receptionist said, “Is it your lunch break already?”

“Aa. The other doctors arrived and can take care of this. I’ll be back within an hour.” he said, putting on his coat and going outside. He let out a deep breath and leaned against the building. “Hm…”

All of sudden a voice startled him, “Shouzo.” Sanosuke walked up to him, his hands in his pockets, “Can I have a word with you?”

Just then, a group of people showed up, covered with bruises and black eyes. “That’s him! That’s the guy!!!” one person said, pointing at Sanosuke. “GET HIM!!!” Sanosuke grabbed Shouzo by the wrist and took off.

By the time they stopped running, they were out of breath and far away from the hospital. The two went to go sit down at a café, a waitress dropping a menu and glasses of water off. Shouzo finally had a chance to talk. “You’re Sayo-san’s friend, Sanosuke, right? What’s going on?”

“I think you know.” he said, gnawing on a bread stick, “About the yakuza attacking the dojo.” Shouzo became pale and still. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself working with scum like that…”

“It’s not like that anymore!” he exclaimed, “I left that yakuza a year ago! I’m trying to make an honest living now!” He paused to grip at the tablecloth, “But those bastards… they’re using Sayo-san to make me do things for them, because they pulled the strings that got me this job at this big hospital. They’ve made me into their dog.”

Sanosuke crossed his arms, “They gave you a choice – the girl or the kid?”

“Aa. I can’t stand taking another life… but if I had to choose, it would be for the woman I love.” Shouzo sighed, “I’ve loved Sayo-san since we were kids.”

“DEMO!” Sanosuke sneered, pounding his fist on the table, “Kenji is a good boy! His parents love him very much! If anything were to happen to him… I know Kenshin will not be forgiving! I won’t either! I’ll be sure to make all those bastards involved pay, including you!!”

Shouzo gulped, skidding backwards in his chair. A couple of people looked their way, but Sanosuke didn’t take care. He reached over and grabbed him by the collar, urging him to respond. “B-but what the hell am I supposed to do?” Shouzo gasped, “I lost Sayo-san once, I don’t want that again!”

“Teme…” Sanosuke growled, “There shouldn’t be a decision on whose life to spare. If you want to keep true to your ‘honest living’ you gotta cut ties with those assholes completely and help us out.”

Shouzo replied, “They’ve been on my back these past few weeks since the murder has been put on trial. I can’t avoid them. I used to be the boss’s personal physician and my leaving wasn’t very approved. He won’t forget me.”

“Daijoube, we’ll take care of you.” Sanosuke said, “But you gotta tell Sayo. You can’t keep secrets like this from her. And you’ve got to get it together. I’d normally wouldn’t bother with a yakuza, but since it involves my friends, there’s gonna be Hell to pay. Anyone who gets in my way…” He stopped to clench his fists and growl out the rest of his words.

Shouzo blinked at him. ‘What kind of person is he any way? A good guy or a bad guy? He is a friend of Sayo-san…’ He suddenly smiled and nodded his head, “Hai, I’ll do as you and Kenshin-san ask. I trust you, Sanosuke-san.”

“Yosshii!” Sanosuke chimed, “So since you trust me and all, ya gonna buy me lunch right?” Shouzo grimaced as the ruffian leaned back in his chair and signaled a waitress, “Eh, Nee-chan, how about a nice bottle of sake and an order of yakisoba? Ehehehe, hayaku! I’m hungry!”

‘Definitely a bad guy.’

* * *
Class was being dismissed at the dojo. Kaoru walked up to the door and watched the kids leave through the gate. Kenji pulled at her sleeve, “Mommy, I’m hungry.”

“Aa, sou sou. We’ll have lunch in a little bit.” she replied, putting her arm around him, “Let’s help Sayo-san clean up.”

The two walked over to Sayo and Megumi who were sorting papers. “For the last time, Megumi-san, there isn’t any thing going on between the two of us.”

“Oh really? You know the Tori Atama said the same thing. And when two people both deny it, it only means their feelings are the same.”

“What feelings?!” Sayo gasped, all red, “I have a fiancé!”

“So? You’re human!” Megumi said, pulling Kaoru over, “Look at this girl. She’d used to deny anything to do with feelings and boys, and still she ended up having those strange urges for Ken-san!”

“Mou… don’t use me as an example.” Kaoru muttered, her eyes slant, “Besides, you shouldn’t tease Sayo-san. It’s none of our business if she likes Sanosuke.”

“I-I don’t! I mean, he likes Megumi-san!” Sayo cried, turning over to her, “Isn’t that right??”

Megumi just tossed a lock of hair over her shoulder, “Hmp! Everyone always makes that misconception, but the Tori Atama and I have nothing!”

“Well, the same goes for us too!” Sayo said, crossing her arms, “We have nothing also!”

Kaoru looked back and forth as the two girls turned away from each other and faced the other direction. “Good! I’m glad we settled that.” she uttered nervously, taking Kenji’s hand, “I think I hear Kenshin calling us for lunch. Let’s go, ne?”

* * *
“Oro?” Kenshin looked towards the two women across from him, the tense looks on their faces. “What’s going on?” he asked, rice dropping out of his mouth. Kaoru just sighed and poured him another cup of tea. Kenji was as clueless as his dad.

Everyone paused to hear the gate open. “Oi! Tadaima!” Sanosuke called, walking over. Both Sayo and Megumi lifted their heads and looked in his direction, then realizing each other, stared down at the table. “I already ate, so don’t worry.” he said, sitting next to Kenji, “So, what I miss?”

Kaoru glared at him. “Where have you been? Have you been drinking???”

“What’s it to you?”

“I will not tolerate this behavior around my kid! Kenji, get away from that drunkard!”

“What are you talking about, Jou-chan! You’re the one with alcohol problems, or have you forgotten our big New Years party a couple years back?”

“MOU!! Don’t bring up!!!”

Kenshin smiled cheerfully, “Maa maa, let’s calm down. But Sanosuke, I’m curious to where you went and what you found out. Could we go over there and talk about it?” he said, getting up from the table, “We’ll be right back.”

Sayo glanced at her watch. “Well, I should be heading back now…”

“Jotto!” Sanosuke blurted out, “Hold on a minute and I’ll walk you home after we’re done talking.” Everyone was surprised. He grinned and turned to follow Kenshin, “Wait for me, okay?”

Megumi glared towards her, while Kaoru dropped her head and sighed more. Kenji and Kenshin were both confused. “Oh… okay…” Sayo finally replied. Sanosuke nodded and dragged Kenshin along with him. ‘What was that all about?’

‘That little mouse…’ Megumi grumbled to herself.

* * *
When Sanosuke finished speaking with Kenshin, he came and walked Sayo home like he said he would. It was quiet for a long time. Sayo slowly turned towards him, his eyes hidden in the shade. “Ano…” she started, clutching onto her bag, “Doushite…?” He blinked and stared at her as she finished, “Why did you insist on walking me home? It’s not something you’d usually do.”

“Saa… I felt like doing it.” he muttered, “Besides, it’s a long way from dojo that you got to commute every day. It must get boring walking this road all by yourself.”

“Mm, so boring I end up talking to myself.” she sighed, “Shouzo would have picked me up but he has lots of work to do.”

“I’m sure he does. You gotta tell that bastard to f--king give you more attention than his damn job. I mean you’re marrying him after all.”

Sayo glared at him. “Do you have to say everything with profanity. You know, you really can’t articulate your point if you’re going to be so so so … rude!”

“Rude am I?!” he yelled back at her, “I offer to walk you home and you’re calling me ‘rude’?!”

“I didn’t ask you!! I’ve made it on my own before!! I don’t need your help!!” She slowly eased her fists and lowered her head, “I’m sorry, gomendesai. I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that. It’s totally not like me. It’s just…”

Calmed down too, Sanosuke frowned and stared at the ground, “Sorry I was talking badly about Shouzo.”

“Iie, it’s not that.” she sighed, shaking her head, “It’s not that at all. It’s just I feel so trapped right now… in this engagement.”

“What?” he gasped, lifting his face, staring at the top of her still lowered head, “You… don’t want to marry him?” Sayo clenched her eyes closed, only able to give a shrug. “Don’t you love him? Isn’t that why you…”

“I don’t know… I don’t know if I do.” she sighed, “We’ve known each other since childhood. He’s taken good care of me since. And when I came back from my travels, he welcomed me with open arms. I owe it to him. He deserves it. I should just… but I… I’m so confused!”

Sanosuke crossed his arms. “At times like this, you gotta let your anger and frustration out. Otherwise, it ain’t healthy. Like those time you barked at me for cussing, you shed your meekness and turned into a ferocious cat with claws and everything.” He put on a slight grin. “I think I like you better when you’re like that. You seem more honest with your feelings.”


“That’s it, Sayo. Instead of a timid mouse, I want you to be a tough tiger that will not hold back! Let out all your emotions; break something if you need to. But you’ve got to let it out.”

Sayo dropped her bag on the ground, her looking into his encouraging face. “I hate this engagement…” she uttered, “I hate all this confusion. I hate it!” she cried, clenching her fists. He nodded, urging her to keep going. “I HATE IT!! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGG!!! YAAAA KUUUUU SOOOO!”

Some people turned and looked their way, but ignored them. It was primarily an empty road. “YOSSHA!” Sanosuke chimed as he patted her on the back, “Great job you did it!!”

Her eyes flickered open. “Oh Kami-sama! I cursed! What have I turned into!! What are you doing to me?!” Surprised, he stepped backwards and waved his hands nervously, “You…” she gasped, her face all red. She then grabbed her bag and took off running, “I have to go!”

“Oi! Matte!” he called after her, “Sayo!!”

“I’m sorry! I have to be going now! I don’t want you to walk with me!” she said, not turning back.

Sanosuke sighed and kicked over a stone, deciding to turn back for the dojo. ‘Yakuso…’

Back to Part 5
Part 7