Rurouni Kenshin was created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; all rights reserved to Shueisha JUMP, Sony, & Anime Works
Notes: The more romantic of the two. Dedicated to Sayo fans everywhere. 12/26/00

Something To Return To
Sayo's Ending

Sanosuke stared up the full moon shining bright above. ‘Still got a long way to go...”

All of a sudden, the arms around his neck tighten. “JOU – CHAAAAN!!? YA ME RO~!!” he gagged, struggling to breathe, then tripping.

He landed on his stomach, his face in the ground. ‘Teme Kenshin!’ he growled to himself, ‘You should be doing this shit! Not me! I’d rather fight those bastards!!’

“IT HURTS!!!” Kaoru screamed in his ear, “KENSHIN!! I NEED YOU!!!!”

Kenji knelt by the fallen fighter, sobbing, “Daddy’s all by himself… we gotta go back!!” he cried, pulling at Sanosuke’s sleeve, “We can’t leave him there! Please!!”

Sanosuke lifted his soiled face and sighed. He was surrounded by pain and tears, but he couldn’t seem to get up. If he were able to, he would just start running and not turn back. ‘Run away… that’s what I’d do if it were something like this. If it were a battle or a rumble, no way I’d quit… why then is this any different?’ He eased himself up slowly, still under Kaoru’s wailing form, staring towards the crying boy. ‘What am I afraid of?’

“Daddy…” Kenji cried into his hands, “Please don’t die! Please!!!”

“Your dad ain’t gonna die.” Sanosuke uttered, putting his arm around his shoulders, “Kenshin’s the best swordsman. He won’t be defeated easily. Besides, why would he want to die when he’s got such a great son like you?”


“Aa. So don’t worry. Everything will be okay.” He then got up, dusting himself off, “Well, then, we better get going. It looks like your mom is going to explode any moment. …Hm?” He lifted his head to see a light coming towards them. A carriage came and stopped next to them.

The door opened. “Need a lift?” Sayo asked, coming out, Megumi close behind, “Oh! Kaoru-san! What happened?!”

“Kaoru-chan’s in labor.” Megumi uttered, looking her over, “Get her inside now. We better bring her to the house right away. I have everything we’ll need set up. And Sanosuke…”

“I’m going to Kenshin.” he replied, crossing his arms, “Like hell I’m going to just let him do this on his own!”

Sayo stepped forward, “Is Shouzo there? Where Kenshin-san is?” Sanosuke just stared at her concerned face. “Please tell me. Is he in danger?”

“Let’s just say when the night is through, he’ll most likely be killed or behind bars.” he mumbled, cracking his knuckles, “But he’ll just be mangled when I’m done with him.”

Megumi moved between the two, breaking the icy tension, “Enough chatter! Kaoru-chan’s going to have this baby soon and I’m going to need all the help I can get! The both of you are going with me to the house to deliver this baby!”

Sayo’s face drained of color. “D-deliver a baby?! Demo… I… I don’t know anything about…!”

“You got to learn somewhere!”

“Oi! What about Kenshin!?” Sanosuke exclaimed, “Don’t you give a damn about what happens to him!?”

Megumi’s eyes glinted in the moonlight. “Ken-san specifically told us to take care of his family and that’s what I’m going to do. So are you going to help me or what?”

* * *
The carriage flew like the wind and arrived at the dojo in no time. Sanosuke and Megumi carried Kaoru towards the house, while Sayo straggled behind, holding onto Kenji’s hand. “Are you okay?” she asked almost in a whisper. She wondered what was going on in the mind of the poor little boy who must’ve been through a hellish evening.

Kenji looked thoughtful, his eyes resting on the ground before him, “Uhn… Dad will be okay… I feel it.” He stared up at her, tearfully smiling as he put his hand on his chest, “I feel it right here! He’ll surely return!”

“Kenji…” Sayo uttered, “You love your father so much. No matter how crazy the odds are you’re willing to believe in him, to wait against the uncertainties… you’re so brave!”

He blushed slightly, “Arigatou…”

“Oi! You two!” Sanosuke called, “We need your help! Kenji, get some well water! Sayo, get your toosh over here!!” She gave him an unaffected glare. He simply smiled and rubbed his head. “Please?”

Megumi knelt down to her patient. “You’re doing great, Kaoru-chan. Keep it up. We’ll deliver this baby, no problem!” She responded by clawing her arm. “Waaaai!! Kaoru-chaaan!!! Let go of me, you damn Tanuki!!”

“Kenshin…” Kaoru whimpered, “I need… Kenshin...! I can’t do this without…!”

“Relax, he’ll be here any minute. I’m sure of it.” Megumi replied, rubbing the bruises on her arm and getting up, “Ne, Tori Atama, you sit over here by Kaoru-chan, while I get more things ready.”

“Huh? Why?” he asked, going to sit. The claws told him why. “YOW! YAMERO!!!”

* * *
Kenshin was running, holding a wounded man by the arm, “It’s okay, Shouzo-dono, I’ll get you out of here… eto…” He paused to see that more yakuza had arrived, “But for now, please stay here de gozaru.” he noted, placing the struggling man against a tree, then lifting up his shinai, “Come.”

“What is this?!” one fighter laughed as they rushed him. In one circular movement, they all went flying in separate directions. “Waaaai!”

Kenshin wiped the sweat off his brow and looked around at the fallen fighters. He then smiled towards Shouzo, “To protect my family, I’m willing to push myself, demo I can’t protect them if I lose myself. Even if they’re safe, if I give up who I am, it wouldn’t be fair to them.”

“Himura-san…” Shouzo uttered, “I’ve done terrible things.”

“To admit them is the hardest thing. If you succeed in that, surely someone will forgive you. What’s more is that you forgive yourself. Now let’s…” They stopped to look ahead. On top of the bank were rows of men with swords. Kenshin felt a lump in his throat, ‘Kenji… Kaoru… I…’

* * *
“PUSH!!” Megumi yelled, “Come on! You can do it!!” Kaoru’s face strained, her eyes closing tight as she gave it her best. Sayo and Sanosuke were at her sides, holding her down and giving her support while Megumi monitored the progress. “PUSH!! We’re getting there!!”

Sayo sighed, “With all this pushing, I’m getting a headache. And it looks like it really hurts for Kaoru-san. Isn’t there another way to get the baby out?”

Megumi held up a scalpel. “There’s this way, but it’ll be way too messy and I don’t think you can stomach it.” Everyone shook their heads. “Kaoru-chan’s doing fine. It might take a couple hours at the least.”

“A couple hours of this?!” Sanosuke cried, staring down at Kaoru, “Usou! How in the hell can women do this?!” Suddenly, she grabbed hold of his hand, crushing every little bone in it, “Aaaaaa!!!!!”

“KENSHIIIIN!!!!” Kaoru screamed, the pain unbearable.

Sayo gasped, and backed away for the door, “Sou na… there’s no way I can do something like this! That’s it, I better become a nun!”

Megumi shook her head, still waving the scalpel, “That’s not a good excuse! Motherhood is said to be one of the best things in the world, that and the annual buffet at the Asakusa dessert shop.” A meaningful pause. “My point is you just can’t give up without trying.”

Sanosuke nodded and smiled towards them, “Aa, you can’t get the fear get to ya! You must face it with all the courage you got, otherwise… you’ll be running for the rest of your life.”

“Sanosuke…” Sayo stammered, “You’re right. I don’t want to run away from problems anymore.” She clutched a fist and stared at the floor. “I have to face them otherwise I wouldn’t be able to face myself.”

The moment was shattered by more screaming. Kaoru had snagged Sanosuke by the collar and was shaking him. “W-why is she messing with me?!” he wailed along with her.

Megumi crossed her arms, “Because you’re the only male in the room. Surely, your whole gender has to pay for what you’ve done!”

“DEMO! Kenshin’s the one who…!!” He was cut off as his face went slamming into the floor. His eyes swirls, he could only mutter, “Oro…”

“Sanosuke!” Sayo cried, rushing to him. She then looked over to Megumi. “Surely, Kenshin-san is on his way? I mean, he and Shouzo should have gotten away by now, right??”

Megumi bit her lip. “How should I know?”

“But Kaoru-san nor Sanosuke can go on like this… someone might get hurt!” She paused. “But at least we have a doctor around…”

“Well, actually…” the fox chuckled, “I’ve been waiting a while to see the tanuki kick the tori atama around…”


Just then, the door flew open. Kenshin, blood dripping down his arm stumbled into the room. “K-Kaoru!” he gasped, falling to his knees beside her. She let Sanosuke go and was quiet as he took her hand, “I’m here with you. Everything will be okay.”

“Kenshin… you’re injured!”

“Daijoubu. It didn’t hit any vital parts. I’ll live. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” he coaxed her, stroking back her hair. It was almost as if she had forgotten that she was going to have a baby. Kenshin’s presence had calmed her and given her strength. “We can do this… I know it!”

“Kenshin…” she uttered, filled with new determination, “All right. I’ll do my best.”

Megumi crossed her arms. “Finally! Some cooperation! Still, take care of that wound also, Ken-san…” He nodded, going to get bandages, but making sure he wasn’t far from his wife. “Yosshi! Shall we finish this?”

* * *
And so the delivering took place. With everyone’s encouragement and efforts… a baby girl was born. Kenshin held the girl in his arms, smiling tiredly, “Beautiful… just like her mother.”

“Are you sure?” Kaoru sighed, resting her head back. He nodded and pressed a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes, resting for the moment.

Just then Kenji walked into the room. He stared directly at Kenshin. “Daddy!! You’re alive!!” he cried, running to him, and clinging to his arm. “I was so worried!”

“Suman.” Kenshin uttered, “I’m okay. I didn’t mean to scare you…” He then patted him on the head, “Kenji, meet your little sister… you’re going to have to protect her a lot.”

“Protect?” Kenji repeated, then nodded, “Aa. I will de gozaru yo!”

Megumi got up and signaled the other two to follow her. They went towards the door, listening to her hushed instructions. “Better to leave the family to themselves. A lot has happened. Come on.”

Sayo replied, “You look tired, Megumi-san. Why don’t you take a bath? I get some tea made. Everyone seems to be tried…” She then went off to the kitchen while Megumi strolled over to the closet to get some towels.

Sanosuke lingered outside the room, watching the family for a little bit. He didn’t know why, but a strange feeling was burning inside, a feeling of envy and joy. ‘This feeling again… is it because this is something I don’t have? But why can’t someone like me have this?’ He crossed his arms and frowned. ‘But why can’t someone like me have this?’

Just then Kenshin looked and saw his friend. He smiled slightly as he eased himself from Kenji grasp and walked to the door. “Hey Sano…” he started, closing the door behind him, “You know I really appreciate you taking care of things while I was gone. You did a really good job.”

“Iya. It was a man’s promise I had to keep.” Sanosuke mumbled leaning against a post, “You’d do the same for me.”

“You’re right. I would.” Kenshin said, looking him in the eye, “I mean it, Sano…”

Just then, Sayo came by with a tray of tea. “Here you go, minna. I guess I'll go make something to eat as well. It’s late isn’t it?”

“Jotto!” Kenshin held her back by the arm, “Before Shouzo-dono went with the police, he asked me to give this to you.” He took a folded note from his sleeve. “He said he was really sorry about what happened. He said the engagement was off.”

Sayo accepted the note, her face a blank expression. “Sou desu ne…” She then turned for the kitchen again, this time with a hurried step.

“She gonna be all right?” Sanosuke asked, looking towards his friend.

“I really don’t know.” Kenshin replied, folding his arms, “It might take some time to get over this… it really was a shock, wasn’t it? But Sayo-dono will need help in doing so.”

“Eh? W-What are you talking about, Kenshin??”

“Sano,” he uttered, “I know for sure… if I was too afraid to take a chance with Kaoru, no way I’d be so filled with happiness as I am now. Sano… please don’t let the moment pass you by.”

“The moment…” Sanosuke held his breath. Now was his chance. In the morning, who knew if they’d see her again, if he’d get the opportunity to let his feelings known. He didn’t take the chance before, but now…

* * *
Before he knew it, he found himself outside the kitchen. Sayo was humming, trying to cook dinner against her troubled thoughts. She didn’t realize he was walking inside, standing behind her, watching her. “Sayo…”

“Eh?” She turned around, looking surprised. “S-Sanosuke!?”

“Aa. Just wanted to see if you needed some help.”

“Ano… you can stir this for me while I chop these vegetables.” she stammered, moving aside. He nodded quietly and went to take the ladle from her hand. “Sanosuke,” she uttered, “Is everything all right?”

He blinked. “What d’ya mean?”

“Is there any reason why you came here? I mean, I hardly doubt you’d want to cook of your own free will…”

He turned away towards the boiling pot of sauce, “No, I just wanted to do something, that’s all.” he mumbled, “But, since I’m here, I might as well ask you how you’re doing. I mean, have you decided what you’re going to do since Shouzo is in jail and the engagement is off?”

Sayo went to the vegetables and sliced them slowly, “I have been thinking about it. I mean, everything here in Tokyo belonged to Shouzo… the house I lived in, the school he was building me. There really isn’t anything left here for me. I ought to return to my hometown…”

Sanosuke lifted his head and stared towards her. “Y-You can’t do that!”

She stared back. “Why not?”

“Because… Because…!” Sweat rained down his face. The thought of losing her shaking him. “Because I don’t want you to!”

“Sanosuke?” she asked, “What are you saying?”

He dropped everything and took her by the shoulders, “I don’t think I can bear being separated from you… not even by a minute. Sayo, I know what I want, how I want to spend the rest of my life… and I want you to be with me. Please, don’t tell me you’re going to leave!”

“Sanosuke…” she gasped, hands rising to his face, “Sanosuke… do you mean it?” He nodded, smiling as she was, “Oh, Sanosuke!” she cried, hugging him, arms tight around his neck, “You’re words make me so happy!”

“Then, does that mean you’ll stay?” he asked, his voice muffled by her hair.

“Uhn! I’ll stay! I’ll stay with you!”

“Even though I’m a ruffian?”

She chuckled into his shoulder, “Yes, even though you’re a bad-mouth ruffian, I’ll stay with you.”

Sanosuke blinked. “Oh, I almost forgot…” He loosened his hold and dug into his pocket. “I wanted to give this back to you, but never had to guts to.”

“My medallion…” She accepted it and looked at it, then at him. “Sanosuke, you remembered... from back then... arigatou!”

He pulled her to him, closing his eyes. ‘It’s true, a single moment can really change your life. Sayo, arigatou… because I’ve never been this happy as I am right now. As long as you’re with me, this feeling will stay. Please stay, stay forever…’


arigatou minna-san!

check out the other ending