Rurouni Kenshin was by Watsuki Nobohirou; (C) Shueisha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: The fic continues. Ok, so no notes this time. Some language, and some 'oro' moments. Cheh, you can handle it!! Jill 3/25/1 (revised 5/13/1)

"Only in Dreams" - Part 2

That evening, Kenshin and Sanosuke cooked dinner – frying the fish they caught outside. Sanosuke, having being able to convince Kaoru in letting him stay, was in a cheerful mood. It didn’t take long for him to notice that his friend wasn’t feeling so hot.

“Doushita, Kenshin?” the fighter asked, adjusting the checkered cooking headband that Kaoru made him wear. He looked like one of those ramen stand owners. Fortunately his red headband was in the wash as he didn’t want to singe it in the open fire. “You ain’t yourself today… did something happen?”

”Iya.” he uttered, sleeves tied back, him squatting in front of the grill, waving a fan, “Nani mo nai de gozaru.”

”Sou da?” Sanosuke uttered, eying him up and down, “You and Jou-chan get in a fight? She actin’ bitchy again?? That time of the month eh??”

“Oro…” Kenshin sighed, “Chigao de gozaru.”


”Don’t tell anyone but Kaoru-dono has been secretly leaving at night de gozaru yo. Sessha is worried de gozaru – not knowing what she’s been doing...”

Sanosuke tapped his chin in thought, “Hmm… Jou-chan’s been sneaking out? Maybe she’s having a love affair?”

”ORO?!” Kenshin gasped, eyes going wide, “K-Kaoru…dono…?!”

“Heh!” Sanosuke chuckled, seeing his friend’s reaction, “If she’s not getting some from you, she could get it elsewhere…”

Kenshin shook his head frantically, “Demo! Kaoru-dono… she isn’t like that de gozaru… I mean, she doesn’t - she isn’t into those type of things!”

”She’s an adult – she can do ‘adult things’.”

”Oro…” he sighed, unable to win. He quickly swatted Sanosuke with the fan to make him shut up as Kaoru came out of the kitchen. “Kaoru-dono! Dinner’s just about ready de gozaru!”

“Uhn! I’m coming!” she said cheerfully, carrying a tray of watermelon, “Nee, it’s just us three tonight.”

Kenshin blinked. “Oro? Yahiko … doko de gozaru ka?”

Sanosuke crossed his arms as Kaoru distributed plates. “Cheh, that kid went with Katsu to investigate the Tanuki-kaishuu… seems the police is involved and there’s a huge reward to those who capture it.”

”Honto?” Kaoru asked, “Heh, if Yahiko or you catch it – you guys could pay Tae-san and me back finally. Why don’t you get off your lazy butt, Sanosuke, and catch that fuzzy tanuki you’re so scared of…”

”YAMERO!!” he hissed, waving fists at her, “Didn’t I just cook your dinner?!”

Kaoru just giggled and moved behind Kenshin to use as a shield. Kenshin let out a sigh as she put her hands on his back, resting her chin on his shoulder. ‘Kaoru is so close… her touch is always so soft… ororororo…’

Sanosuke had caught the look on his face and snickered, “Heh, Kenshin seems to want to say somethin’ to ya, Jou-chan.”

”Hm?” she uttered, letting go of his gi and sliding in front of him, “Nani, Kenshin?” she asked, blinking at his blushing face.

“Eto… sessha… sessha wants… to… to eat dinner de gozaru!” he gasped, gazing into her curious eyes, “Saa, let’s eat!”

Kaoru nodded cheerfully. “Hai! Itadakimasu!”

As the meal went on, Sanosuke whispered into Kenshin’s ear, “Baka yarou – why didn’t you say what you were really thinking… next time – say it ‘out loud’.”

Kenshin dropped his head and frowned into his plate. ‘It’s not like I don’t want to say it… but I…” He turned towards the girl next to him, munching on the fish – a little rice stuck to the side of her mouth, ‘Oro, Kaoru… if only I had the courage…’

* * *
That night, Kenshin lay in his futon, unable to sleep. Yahiko hadn’t come home and Sanosuke had made himself comfortable in a spare room. The dojo was overly quiet. But all the while, Kenshin could hear Kaoru’s sweet voice in his head.

‘Mou… Kenshin no baka… why do you keep me waiting??’

‘Gomen, Kaoru – I want to so much tell you… to show you… all my love…’ he sighed, arms folded behind his head.

Closing his eyes, he imagined her near – her bright smile warming him from head to toe. “Kenshin, all I want is to be near you…” she said, nuzzling in his head shoulder, “Please tell me… do you feel the same way…?”

“Aa, I want to be with you so badly…” he said, pressing a kiss on her temple. She giggled and encircled her arms around his neck, blue eyes teasing him to make the next move. “Kaoru…”

’ORO!’ Kenshin thought, trying to keep with reality, ‘This would never happen – I mean, Kaoru wouldn’t get romantic with anyone! If you were to drag her into your futon, she would probably smack you or something… And even if you got her this far, you couldn’t do anything… you’re hopeless!!’

Kenshin wanted to shut up his conscious and got back to fantasizing… but then he heard a noise. His door had slid open and close. Not opening his eyes, he remained still and rigid. ‘D-dare?! At this hour?! Is it Sano or Yahiko?!’

But the person came and knelt at his side, a soft hand brushing against his arm, which had slipped outside the blanket. “Honto ni… he’s cute when he sleeps.”

’KAORU?!’ Kenshin thought, in total shock. He wanted to open his eyes, but then if she knew he was awake, she would probably be scared off. ‘Oro… what should I do?! What is she doing here… in my bedroom?!!’

He heard her get up and walk away, but still in the room. He heard some rustling then some humming. She came back to him, her hand taking his. At this, Kenshin melted. Her hand was as soft as in his dream – and so very warm. He wanted to feel more, to hold her. As she continued to run her hand down his arm again, and then his leg, Kenshin’s mind drifted off into space.

‘I haven’t a clue what she’s doing but… oro, don’t stop!’ he sighed, ‘Stay by me, Kaoru. Stay with me… forever…’

“Aa! Finished!” she chimed. There was a pause. He could feel her lean closer breathing on on him. “Kawaii ne… oyasumi nasai, Kenshin…”

* * *
And then she was gone. Kenshin clenched his eyes tight. ‘Oro! Did she leave? Is she still there? Kaoru??’ he thought, wanting her close again. “Kaoru…?!” he blurted out into the darkness, “Kaoru… please come back… onegai suru…!”

He received an answer. A husky breathing over him as soft kisses poured all over his face. ‘K…Kaoru?!?’ Kenshin was shocked as he felt the weight on top of him, pinning him to the futon, the evident tongue lapping at his face. “KAORU!?” he gasped again.

It was no mistake. Her scent was thick in the air – the sweet fragrance of jasmine flowers. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to open his eyes and behold his love. And so, eager violet flew open.


On top of him, an oversized raccoon was lapping his face, the fuzzy paws clamped on his shoulders so he couldn’t get up. “NANI?!” he gasped, “T-TANUKI DE GOZARUU!?”

But what scared him most was the pink ribbon caught on its ear, and also it reeking with jasmine flowers. ‘M-masaka!! Sono tanuki-dono is… Kaoru?!?!?’

This tongue bath continued for another minute before Tanuki-dono smelled something in the air, then raced outside the room. Finally free, Kenshin sat up, sopping wet – his face full of fright. “Oro…”

* * *
In the morning, Kenshin dumped three buckets of water on himself, scrubbing his face till it was heavily lathered with soap, then rising ever so much. He was still shaken from the event last night.

‘Kaoru is… the Tanuki-kaishuu?! It can’t true… there’s no way!!’ he thought, drying himself with a towel. ‘Iyada! A person cannot turn into an animal… unless… unless…!!!’ He peered up at the sky, the full moon still visible, ‘Oro, I’ve never been so supersticious before but…!’

Behind him, Sanosuke had came out of his room, yawning. All of a sudden, he started screaming. “AAAAAAA!!!” he shrieked, pointing. It looked like the kitchen had been ransacked, surely all the food gone.

“Not just Kamiya dojo,” said a tired looking Yahiko, entering at the gate. He had been out all night it seemed. He crossed his arms and reported to the guys, “Every single home in the neighborhood got hit by the Tanuki!”

Sanosuke fell back on the ground, clutching his knees. “It’s followed me… Tanuki-kaishuu da!!!”

Kenshin then felt a spark. “Kaoru-dono!” he cried, racing for her room. He opened the door. There was a great mess… her futon undone and dresser ripped open. Sliding down to his knees he gawked at the sight, “K-Kaoru…!”

“Hell, what happened?!” Yahiko asked, peering over his shoulder. “Aaa!!” he gasped, pointing at the claw marks on her screen wall, “The Tanuki was here!!”

“Usou!!” Sanosuke exclaimed, running over, “Did it… did it… eat Jou-chan?!!?”

The three stopped at the sound of the gate behind them. “Mou!! What are you guys up to!” said a familiar voice. They all turned and saw Kaoru, her arms full of wet laundry. “Get out of my room!”

”Oi! Where did you go?” Yahiko questioned, sounding like a detective.

“Washing my laundry.” she stated.


“The river.” she replied, “I got early this morning. Didn’t want to wake anyone.”

”Why at the river???”

”Datte…” She now looked a bit uneasily. After a pause, she grinned, throwing out an excuse. “I wanted to watch the sunrise. Ii desu ka??” Yahiko grumbled, not able to have with a quick enough comeback. She walked past him, stopping at her door, staring at the mess. “… ano… I guess I really must’ve made a big mess this morning when I got up… it was so dark I really didn’t see… better get started cleaning…!” She then slammed the door in their faces.

Yahiko rubbed his chin. “Suspicious indeed!”

Sanosuke just sighed, falling back onto the ground. “So what are we gonna eat?!” he sniffed, “I’m starving~!!”

“Ireze!” the young samurai charted, “I’m gonna get to the bottom of this and you’re gonna help me, Sanosuke!! Dakedo – let’s hurry and get some info! To the Akebeko, hayaku!!” he chimed, rushing out the gate.

Sanosuke blinked. “Akebeko! Maa, they surely have food there! Even at this hour when they ain’t open, Tae ought to be havin’ breakfast… Oh!! I’m with ya, Yahiko!!” he called, chasing after the boy.

Kenshin stood back, his thoughts in a jumble. ‘Kaoru didn’t even flinch when she entered her room… and where was she all night… and why did she do her laundry by the river?! Why did she let me…?! She’s definitely hiding something… but what? Soushite… is she… is she really…’

“Tanuki-dono…” he whispered, hair flying into his eyes as he gazed towards Kaoru’s room.

Back to part 1
Onto part 3