Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; rights reserved to Sony, Shueisha JUMP, Fuji tv, anime works
fanfics notes: minna-san, ready for a new fic? this one takes place right after the prior story, "yesterday", bringing along many of the plots: kaoru's pregnancy, sano&meg's engagment, etc. and so, i hope you all will enjoy this first part. send comment ok? JillM original posting: 3/7/1; last update: 11/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 1: "Beautiful Season"

The sun beam warmed her skin as she sat on their pier, her bare legs soaking in the cool water below. Smiling, she couldn't help but feel relaxed. Spring being a season of new beginnings - she could feel an awakening within her she never knew existed. And as the clouds passed by she swore he was looking at her for the slightest moment, but in seconds it ended...

"Wai wai!!" Ayame came running over, wearing a braid of flowers in her hair, "Ne ne, Tsubame-oneechan!! Look what I have!" she then held out her hands, cupped inside was a god-awful spider.

Tsubame screamed and backed away, falling into the water the currents grabbing her and pulling her in. Screaming still, she thought she was going to die - though she could swim, she had already forgotten how - her mind in disarray. All of a sudden, she heard a splash - someone had leaped into the water and was coming for her. But already, she was passing out.

"Tsubame! I'm coming!!" Yahiko called, swimming towards her. He dove down deeper to capture her in his arm, then started treading back to shore. Putting her down on the grass, he hovered over her worriedly, "Tsubame! Speak to me!"

"...Shimatta!!" Yutaro cried, running over, "She's stopped breathing! She needs to be resuscitated!!" Yahiko and the girls looked confused, but Yutaro had knelt at her side, pumping her chest. Then he leaned over and…

"OI OI!!" Yahiko screamed, as Yutaro's mouth made contact with Tsubame’s. "What the hell are you doing?!?!"

Yutaro took a pause to turn towards him, "I'm performing CPR. She needs air to get her lungs going again... otherwise, we'll lose her!"

Yahiko didn't hear a word he was saying, "Asshole!! Where do you get off?! Don't you dare...!" Dut Yutaro went back to what he was doing. "TEME!! I'll kill you!!!" Fortunately, Kenshin appeared behind him and held him back. Yahiko watched in horror, unable to do anything.

Finally, Tsubame came to, coughing a bit and blinking her eyes. Her blurry surroundings then came into view. She saw Yutaro, panting and wiping the sweat on his brow. "Yokatta! I'm glad you're okay, Tsubame-san!"

"A-ano..." she uttered, realizing that she was drenching wet and recalling that she had almost died, "How did I... atashi...?"

"Yahiko saved you." Yutaro explained, "He leapt right in and rescued you without another thought..." But then a fist came at him. From the impact, Yutaro fell over, his head throbbing, "Aa?! What's wrong with you?!"

Yahiko lifted him by the collar, "Damn you!! Didn’t I tell you to back off!!"

Yutaro came back at him with a punch to the stomach; the two of them breaking out into a brawl. Tsubame frantically cried out, "Dame yo! Onegai!!" but they didn't hear her, continuing the endless punches. "DAME DESU!!!"

Then, a shinai appeared out of nowhere, smacking both of them on the head and knocking them into their place. "MOU!" Kaoru exclaimed, "What's going on?! Why are you two acting like a bunch of delinquents - especially in front of Tsubame and Ayame-chan, Suzume-chan?! You’re ruining the party! How rude!"

Black-eyed and bruised, Yahiko hissed, "Shut up, you fat pig!!"

Kaoru stopped and stared at him, then burst into tears. This week alone, her nerves had been on edge and a single word could send her into a surge of emotions. As her husband tried to approach her, she shoved him away, running off and sobbing.

"Oro..." Kenshin uttered, painfully lying on the ground. He finally sat up and frowned. "Thanks a lot. I guess I'll be staying in the woodshed again de gozaru."

"It's all your fault!" Yutaro snapped, rolling up his sleeves, his mouth bleeding, "If you didn't start hitting things without using your damn head first..."

"You calling me stupid, Stupid?!" Yahiko growled, picking up the shinai, "I'll whoop your ass any day! C'mon! I'm ready!!"

Tsubame ran in the way, "Yamette!! I beg of you two..." she uttered tearfully, pausing to sneeze. She was still dripping with water as Yahiko; both of them had neglected that fact. She looked so desolate that the boys couldn't help but dropped their fists and weapons. "A-arigatou..." she uttered, relieved.

Yahiko turned and started to walk off, "Che! Don't think it's over, Tsukayama. I'm not done with you yet."

"Aa, can't wait..." Yutaro uttered after him. He then reached into his coat and took out a hankerchief. As she used that to wipe her face, he took off his western coat and handed it to her, "Here... you're all wet and you might catch something. Well, I'm sorry that things got out of hand."

"Un. Daijoubu." she explained, "But the party has ruined... and I feel like its my fault."

The party was held by Kenshin as a baby shower for Kaoru. But Kaoru was upset again and out of sight. Megumi ended up working. Sanosuke was both passed out drunk. The girls were covered with dirt since they were playing with insects. Yahiko was pissed off. And Kenshin was moping.

"Oro... maybe this wasn't a good idea de gozaru yo."

* * *
Kenshin arrived home with the leftovers. Putting them away, he went to check on his wife. She was still sobbing. "K...Kaoru, please stop! You're not fat!" he cried, trying to approach her.

"... Just because I've put on a little weight... it's not my fault..." she sniffed into her sleeve, "He don't understand what I'm going through... nobody does!! Leave me alone!!!"

With that she threw him out of the room. He landed on his face flat in the dirt. "Orororo...." he sighed sorely.

The funny thing was Kaoru had barely put on weight. Perhaps just a little where her stomach was growing, but he hardly noticed it. Only Yahiko would point that out to her and she of course was totally aware of the changes taking place with her body. She was only 2-3 months pregnant - it was too soon to even realize that she was carrying an extra person. And her eating habits had always been the same bulk; he really didn't see any difference.

'Maybe that’s it. I don't know what's going on like she does. But she refuses to tell me... she's actually embarrassed to speak to me about it..." he thought getting on his feet, walking towards the door again, 'Somehow...'

But as he opened the door, Kaoru let out a scream. She was in the middle of changing and she quickly tried covering herself with some of her kimono. Blushing at the floor she shook with embarrassment.

"Kaoru," Kenshin uttered, "there's no need... I've already seen you so many times..."

"Iya! It's not the same... I'm... I... don't want you to look at me..." she cried, red-faced, "Please Kenshin, don't..."

"Naze?" he asked walking towards her. He knelt in front of her prying the clothing away. He then rested a hand to her cheek, "You belong to me. I can look at you anytime I want."

"Baka," she sneered, then frowned, "I'm not... I'm..." Instead of listening to her stammering, he lifted her chin up and kissed her, shaking off his gi at the same time, "Ano!" she gasped, as he lost control and completely took over the situation, "Ken...shin..."

"You're beautiful," he uttered, holding her tightly the two of them going down to the futon, "So beautiful..."

"You... you're the only one who would say that."

"Aa, that's fine. I like it better that way... that way you're all mine." he chuckled into her collarbone, "It's been so long..."

"I know..." she sighed, remembering their separation - his absence... then the long road to recovery. They were almost ripped apart and now they back in love as though nothing had happened. But still there was a slight wound that Kenshin couldn't get over - and Kaoru could feel it. He still felt guilty and wanted to do everything in his power to make her feel loved again. To trust him and to believe in him as strongly as before. 'Baka, I never stopped...'

"I'll make it up to you." he said softly, caressing her back, "Daijoubu, I'm here... I'll be here for a long time..." Smiling, she finally succumbed to his command, losing herself in his eyes.

* * *
After the ordeal, Kenshin woke to find that Kaoru was snuggled into his chest, the two of them underneath a blanket. It had been a long while since the last time... he couldn't believe that he had wanted to walk away from her, from this feeling. Touching her cheek, he smiled and let out a sigh of happiness.

"Kenshin..." her sleepy voice murmured, "The baby... do you think it's a boy or girl?"

"Suman, I can't predict this... but to tell you the truth... I'm scared out of my mind."

She lifted her eyes to him, the wrapped her arms around his neck, "Watashi mo." she admitted, "I-I'm so scared. I haven't a clue on how to be a mother... I barely remember mine and I’m really not good with children as you are. I might end up hurting the baby or doing something terrible..."

"Kaoru," he replied, nuzzling his nose with hers, "Sou na... you can be so gentle, I've seen it so many times. And I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job... demo, I'm the one who destroys everything I touch..."

"Iya, that's not true!" she cried, "Kenshin, don't belittle yourself!"

"Only if you don't do the same." he said cheerfully. She slowly nodded, going to share another kiss. But the kiss led to other things and they were soon back into the blanket, revitalizing their heated emotions. It was the sound of the door opening that made them finally stop. "ORO?!"

"Ara, Ken-san," Megumi chuckled, fox ears up as she lifted her hand to laugh, "Ohohohoho!!!"

"K-Kaoru-chan…" Genzai said in shock, dropping the medicine case at his side, "I-I guess we stopped by at the wrong time."

"G-Genzai sensei! Megumi-san!!" Kaoru screamed, very embarrassed and hiding in the blanket, "Gomen nasai!!"

Kenshin blushed as Kaoru snagged all the blanket from him and he was left for exhibition. Megumi became very amused and started to come closer, but he simply held a pillow in front of himself and stammered, "E-to... could you give us a couple of minutes...?"

"Take all the time you want. We'll be right outside!!" Megumi replied, dragging the old man with her, closing the door, her laugh still heard outside. "OHOHOHO!!!"

Kenshin dropped his head, and then smiled towards the hiding Kaoru. "Hey..." he uttered, climbing in with her, "They said take our time... so..."

"K-Kenshin!! Dame!!" she laughed, "Bakaaa!!"

* * *
Afterwards, they finally got some clothes on and went outside, seeing the two doctors sitting by the dojo, drinking tea. Genzai explained, "We wanted to give Kaoru-chan some gifts for the shower which we missed."

"Arigatou." Kaoru replied accepting the wrapped parcels.

Megumi slyly grinned into her cup. "And we wanted to have an examination... but I refuse to work with the girl until she bathes... honestly, Ken-san, you really need to control yourself."

Kenshin blushed. "S-suman!"

"I guess it can't be helped." Genzai chuckled, "When two people are as in love - there's no way you can stop them."

Megumi crossed her arms, nodding, "Guess that's why Kaoru-chan's pregnant."

"HEY!!" Kaoru exploded, fists ready, "T-that's true …DEMO!!! You don't have to say it like that!!!"

"By the way," Genzai said, holding up something, "This was outside. It's addressed to you, Kaoru-chan."

"Eh?" she uttered, looking at the beaten up package. "...From Kyushu?" She looked to Kenshin then to Genzai, who looked just as bewildered. Finally she opened it. Inside, there was a silk shawl, a brass hairpin, and a note in feminine hand.

'Dearest Kaoru,
As my birthday draws near, I would like you to be present. Please come visit. The entire town would also like to meet the granddaughter we've never seen. Love your grandmother.'

"My... grandmother...?" Kaoru uttered as Kenshin and the other read from over her shoulder, "Demo... I don't have any relatives... unless... she's on my mother's side... aa! From Kyushu!! It makes sense!"

"From this, it seems you should go." Megumi said, "But you can't go alone - especially in your condition. And the trip will be long and expensive. How will this work??"

Genzai said, "Tabun, Megumi-kun, can you accompany Kaoru-chan? She needs a doctor on call and ..."

"I'll cover the expenses." Everyone turned to see Yutaro. "Boku wa..." he stammered, ".. to apologize for ruining the party. But I too would like to come along with you and I will pay for transportation and lodging if you wish me to."

"Atashi mo!" Tsubame cried, standing behind him, "I want to come too! I want to stay by Kaoru-san's side and make sure she's okay. And maybe Yahiko-kun can come too, nee Megumi-san?"

Megumi looked aghast. "Ch-Chotto!! Who said anything about me going?! I-I have an engagement to that rooster..."

Sanosuke suddenly appeared out of nowhere and swatted her on the back, "Oh! Of course we're going along! Who's gonna keep Jou-chan and Kenshin in check with the kiddies around, heh? I mean those two will be all over each other 24-7."

Kaoru exploded and pounded him into the wall, "THAT WASN'T NECESSARY!!!"

"I'm not going." Yahiko’s voice was stern. He stood at the gate, arms crossed. "I'm currently helping the police with a case - I don't have time to waste going on vacation."

“Mou…” Tsubame uttered, frowning. Hearing that, she suddenly felt reluctant about the trip. Just the thought of him not being there made everything else waver in importance. ‘I want you to be there… with me.’ she said in her heart, wanting to reach out her hand to his, only finding herself dropping arms to her side. Yahiko wasn’t reachable… somehow it seemed he never could be.

Sanosuke smacked the boy over onto the ground, stepping on his head. “Heh! Just ‘cuz you’re a big shot sword-master now – don’t mean you know nothing! We’re gonna have a big adventure on this trip – I feel it. And yer gonna miss out, dumbass!”

“NANI?!” Yahiko sneered, blood boiling, “Don’t bet on it!!”

“I might just bet ya! I’m feelin’ lucky lately.” Sanosuke chuckled, rubbing his chin, then adding mischievously, “And since your ass has been out of the dojo – Kenshin and Jou-chan been getting lucky… they can be as loud as they want without you around.”


Megumi blinked. “Speaking of which… where did Ken-san and the girl go??”

Kenshin and Kaoru were tiptoeing on the other side of the house. “Now about that bath de gozaru...” the samurai chuckled as his wife hugged his arm. The two hurried into the bathhouse and shut the door.

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