Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Oops, sorry about the long wait. I meant to put this up sooner, but as I am in finals week you can understand my press for time. Send comments, etc. Saa, douzo! JillM original posting: 3/13/1; update: 11/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 2 - "Train Ride"

The whistle was blown again - the conductor making his finally calls. Already, most of the passengers were in their seats and those who came to bade farewell were backing away by now.

Dressed in a soft yellow kimono, Tsubame stood at the foot of the stairs, reluctant as she clutched her bags. 'He said he'd come...'

"Oh, Tsubame-chan!" Sanosuke chimed, his hand on her shoulder and pulling her up to the doorway, "We got to go now dammit!"


The rooster was persistent, "Saa, get on, will you? Or else we'll leave without you...!"

* * *
The train started to move. Tsubame had taken her seat by the window, next to her was Kaoru, who was making a fuss with Kenshin. Apparently, he had spent his time helping her pack, he had barely packed for himself.

"Mou, what if we get caught in a storm?? Or if you need an extra gi to keep warm?!" Kaoru scolded, pinching his cheek, "You might get sick! Kenshin, can't you think about yourself sometimes?!"

"Ororororo..." Kenshin stammered in his usual rurouni-type attire, "Iya yo... I'll be fine, Kaoru. Besides I don't have a lot of clothes anyways..."

"That's it! Next stop we're shopping for you! Aa! Maybe one of those cool western suits... ehehehe!! What do you think??"

He simply pointed over her shoulder, "Look outside, Koishii! There's a rainbow bird flying past!"

"Honto!? Doko?!" she uttered, turning around, her ponytail swishing in his face as she struggled to see, over poor Tsubame, "I don't see... nee Kenshin..." She turned back to see him sighing in relief, "MOU! KENSHIN!! DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!"


Across from Tsubame was Yutaro, who was looking at some maps. He paused to glance towards her, "Yahiko-yatsu... he didn't show?" She frowned a little and nodded at her feet. "Tsubame-san..." He stopped and stared out the window, "Aa! Look!"

They could see Yahiko running along side the train, a flower clasped in his hand, "TSUBAME~!" the spiky-haired samurai yelled while panting, "GOMEN! I'm so late!!"

She leaned out, Yutaro and the others peeking over her shoulder, "Iie! Daijoubu!! Yahiko-kun, I so happy I got to see you before I left!" she cried, face blushing, smile sparkling.

"Aa!!" he replied, still struggling to keep pace, "Take care of yourself!! ...Soushite!!" His eyes turned serious, "OI YUTARO!!"

Yutaro leaned out as well, "H-Hai?"

"If anything happens to Tsubame - I'm holding you accountable!! Protect her for me, will ya?!"

Yutaro smiled and nodded his head, "Hai! It's a promise! You can count on me, Yahiko!"

Yahiko returned the smile, "Aa, I know! Minna... SAYONARA!!!"

With that, he stopped running and disappeared from sight. Tsubame could feel the tears in her eyes as she drew away from the window. 'When will be the next time I see Yahiko-kun?' she thought, clutching at her kimono. A handkerchief was held out to her, "Eh?"

Yutaro placed it in her hand, "Don't feel sad. You'll see him again soon." She slowly smiled and nodded, feeling the train moving faster and farther away from Tokyo... and the one she loved.

* * *
The train ride was going to be long - they were traveling as far south as they could before catching a ship to Kyuushu. It was almost impossible to find a ship in Tokyo - considering the terrible storms at sea there. Besides, the train ride was a bit more relaxing... well, for some.

"Aaaaan!!!!" Sanosuke whimpered, shuffling in his seat, "Dammit, I can't take it anymore!! This is torture!! I'd rather f--king swim to Kyuushu, dammit!!"

Next to him, Megumi just continued reading the medical journal clasped in her hands. "Baka, would you be quiet?! It's just a train! You're actually like a child!" she retorted, wearing a pink kimono minus the doctor overcoat.

"Fox, you're cruel! I'm sufferin' here! How about some comfort??" he growled, eyes scary underneath his red headband, his spikes even aggitated, "Besides I bet ya I CAN swim there!"

"Hai hai... only some beast like you could handle it."

"TEME!!!" he hissed, ready to explode. But then Tsubame took out some bento and calmed him down - considering his mouth got full fast. " arigatou yo!"

"Eh, Tae-san packed it for me." she said with a smile, "Ne, Yutaro-kun, would you like some??"

"Iya, actually I was thinking about going for a walk. I can't stand sitting this whole time." he replied, wearing a tan western suit with coat and pants, and a red tie with white polo underneath.

"Ano, where will you go?"

"Hmm... I want to go see the engine. Sumimasen." he said, getting up from his seat and climbing over Sanosuke's sprawled legs then carefully steering over Megumi, "I'll be right back..."

Tsubame put down the bento and jumped up, "Matte! I'll come with you!!" she said, rushing after him.

Sanosuke tried to reach for the bento, but Megumi swatted his hand. "DAMMIT!!"

* * *
The hours passed. Sitting in her seat, Kaoru closed her eyes. Tucking her hands into the sleeves of her blue kimono, she couldn't help but think about what happened earlier that day, when she went to see Genzai for a final checkup. The scene replaying in her head.

"Yoshi! Results are good. Demo, Kaoru-chan, if anything happens, please let Megumi-kun know right away." Genzai instructed, "Also, take care of yourself."

"Un, I will!" she said, nodding her head, ready to get going. He just stopped and stared at her, as if wanting to say something. She smiled and took a step forward, "Ano, what is it, Genzai-sensei??"

"Aa... it's just... Kaoru-chan, about your mother... and your grandmother..."


The old man rubbed his neck, still very hesitant and finally, unable to bring himself to say it, "Iya, it should be okay. Kaoru-chan, I hope you enjoy this trip and come home safely."

"Hai! Don't worry. We'll all come back to Tokyo together. And we'll see each other soon." she said, cheerfully.

* * *
But even then, she could feel Genzai's anxiety and worry. Something surely was wrong and she didn't know what it was.

'Doushite?' she wondered, leaning her head back, 'Why did Genzai-sensei become all serious when it came to my mother and grandmother? I admit, I've never known neither, nor have I heard much about...'

Frowning, she realized how unfortunate it was to never have known her own mother, and someday she was expecting to be a mother herself, 'How in the world can I...?'

She then felt an arm wrapped around her shoulders, bringing her towards a warm chest. "Kaoru," Kenshin uttered, peering down at her, "Nan de gozaru ka? You've been so quiet... I haven't heard your voice in a while de gozaru."

She smiled up at him, "Kenshin, I was just thinking about something, that's all. It isn't important." she replied, leaning onto his shoulder.

"Honto? Everything with you is important de gozaru."

She blushed a bit, blue eyes hidden in her long bangs. "Baka..." she chuckled softly.

Outside the sun was setting. They were riding on the train for already a whole day and will continue into the night. Kaoru made herself comfortable and rested her eyes, falling asleep in the dim and deserted passenger cart.

"Aishiteru," Kenshin whispered, pressing a kiss on her forehead.

Across them, Megumi grimaced. 'How insensitive! Being so showy in public!' she thought, glaring towards them from the top of her book, "Demo... Ken-san is always so romantic when he's with that girl..." She paused to glare at the snoring Sanosuke at her side, 'Unlike this idiot next to me.'

Megumi turned back across from her. Kenshin was gazing at his wife in way that words were not needed to describe the passion he had for her. Megumi all of a sudden felt an urge to violently rip Kaoru away from him and throw her off the train. Driving her nails into the pages of her book she grit her teeth, trying to stay calm.

'What's wrong with me? Kaoru-chan is my friend and I have Sanosuke... and Ken-san...' She frowned a little, feeling her cheeks heat, 'I'm over him... I decided that long ago - since Sanosuke confessed to me -- Ohohoho! Of course I'm over him!'

"Megumi-dono," Kenshin's voice made her heart jump. He was smiling towards her, his hold loosening from the snoozing raccoon, "Arigatou de gozaru... for coming to look after Kaoru. Sessha appreciates it... from the bottom of my heart."

Redness covered her face. "Aa... eh... you're welcome, Ken-san." she stammered, strangely losing her cool. "Demo ne, Ken-san, how about you? Are you up to this journey? I've been very concerned about your health lately."

The samurai smiled brightened. "You always worry about others de gozaru, Megumi-dono..."

"H-Hai... arigatou... demo..."

"Tonikaku, Sessha will do all that it takes to stay by Kaoru's side... not to let her down again. She needs me more than ever... as I need her."

"Ken-san..." she uttered, filled with emotion. Such sweet words, yet it wasn't directed to her. Did she wish it were? She didn't know. Her head hurt. Quickly, she turned back to her book.

Next to her, Sanosuke's snoring had reached a new level of loudness. He started also talking in his sleep, "Eheheh... yamero, Fox! ... aa, that's the spot...!!"

Kenshin blushed. "Looks like Sano is having a good dream de gozaru."

Megumi punched the rooster in the head and made him shut up. She then gazed out the window. "I wonder how much longer till the last stop on the line...?"

"Aa," Kenshin replied, turning back to the girl on his shoulder, "Perhaps in the morning, we'll reach a stop that will have a ship port... then we can reach our destination de gozaru."

* * *
At the end of the train, Yutaro and Tsubame were sitting in the back of the caboose, gazing up at the millions of stars in the night sky. The train was moving continuously throughout the night, but one could barely feel or notice. Tonight, the only focus was the beautiful scene above them.

"Sugoi! You know so much about the stars, Yutaro-kun!" Tsubame said, her short hair flying in the wind.

Rubbing the back of his head, Yutaro was flattered by her compliment. "Iya, I don't know everything. Just the constellations I like..." he replied, going to point up again, "See those three stars? They make up Orion's belt..."

"And what's that bright one over there??"

"Actually, that's a planet - Venus..."

"Sou desu ka!" Tsubame said cheerfully, "Astronomy is fun! I would like to study it too someday."

"I can help you." he offered, "I have a lot of books... demo, you'd need translation because most of them are in English or German."

"Honto desu ka? Wow, you will have to help me then, Yutaro-kun."

He smiled cheerfully, his brown hair also flying in the wind. "It'll be my pleasure, Tsubame-san."

A long pause followed.

"Ano," Tsubame uttered, staring at the floor, "Shall we go back inside already? It's getting cold... and we've been away for a long time already. It's nighttime. Do you think they're worried?"

Yutaro shook his head, "I'm sure they all didn't notice. Shikushi, before we go inside - can I ask you something, Tsubame-san?"

"Eeh? Ask me?" she stammered, quite startled, "N-Nani?"

Slightly uncomfortable as she was, he dropped his head and stared at the floor as well, "Jaa... it's about the trip. Why didn't Yahiko want to come? I mean... even if he were working with the police, isn't he close with Kenshin-san and all you others?"

"Sou ne... I suppose because something that happened... he felt disappointment from two people he admired... then decided he should concentrate only on his training. Yahiko may become a great swordsman... but he's distancing himself from us as the same time..."

Yutaro nodded. "I understand. It now makes sense to me..."

"Demo, Yutaro-kun, were you also training hard at kenjutsu as well?"

"Hai, at a time... the injury I got wasn't that terrible - I was able to continue, demo no matter what, I didn't have the same heart like Yahiko to... he's much more dedicated than I. I will never be able to beat him there no matter what I try."

"Is that why... you want to become a doctor?"

"Eh, I want to be able to do something for others - without thinking of how to get 'stronger' or 'defeating a rival'." Yutaro said, a sparkle in his eyes as he talked about his passion, "I want to be great doctor, just like ..."

Tsubame frowned a little. "Un... Yahiko-kun seems to have so many goals..."

"Yapadi!" Yutaro laughed, getting up on his feet, "Ano yarou... he still has a long way to go, but because he really loves kenjutsu, I know he will succeed! Maa, shall we get going?"

Tsubame nodded, going to follow him. Walking behind, she clutched her arm and quietly sniffed back a tear, 'Eh, he loves kenjutsu... More than anything else...'

Back to Part 1
Onto Part 3