Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna, youkuso! Kenshin has referred back to calling himself 'sessha' because of the last incident in the prior story. But when he does says 'I', he means to use 'ore', the very masciline form. At these times, he's usually with Kaoru or Sano, not being formal. Please send comments, complaints, suggestions, or just a plea to hurry up. Tonikaku, here it is! Enjoy! Jill original post: 3/13/1; update: 11/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 3 - "The Only One"

Apon reaching the final stop on the train line, the Kenshin-gumi decided to stop and think about what to do. "Seems there ain't no ships going still." Sanosuke grumbled, "With all this fog and storms passin'... I wonder what god got pissed off today..."

"In the meantime, we can stay at that inn other there." Yutaro replied, "It's off season so I'm sure there's plenty of space. And it has an outdoor onsen for us to relax after being on that train for about 24 hours..."

"Demo, Yutaro-kun..." Kaoru uttered, "Isn't it a bit... too fancy? I mean, I don't want you spend a lot of money on us..."

"Daijoubu desu!" he coaxed her, "It's finally my chance to spend it - I've always wanted to pay you guys back for all the help you've given me... and I feel its only appropriate this money be spent on friends other than myself."

"Arigatou de gozaru." Kenshin said, smiling, "Yutaro-dono, you truly are kind. Someday, we'll treat you in return de gozaru."

Sanosuke was running ahead of them. "YOSSHA!! Where's the FOOD?! I'M STARVIN'!"

Megumi dropped her head and sighed, "Honestly! Kono boke!"

* * *
While feasting in the banquet hall, they asked the innkeepers about the weather tomorrow. "A strong possibly of clearing." was the response.

"Sou da!" Sanosuke chimed, "Let's rest up tonight and get up early to beat the crowd. And after eating all this... I'll need it. Eheheheh!"

"Careful, you might choke." Megumi warned him, but he kept at it. Within minutes, he started gagging. Shaking her head she pounded him on the back. "Ara, what did I tell you?"

"Ack! Y-yamero… ulg!! I'm dying here!!!"

Kenshin laughed at the sight before him before turning towards his wife, who was just staring at the table. "Daijoubu ka? Is everything okay, Koishii?"

"...hai... demo..."

"Oro?" he stammered, scooting towards her, "Nan de??"

She blushed. "I feel like a pig... eatting as much as that guy over there." Across from them, Sanosuke let out a blech, his pile of dishes matching Kaoru's, "Mou, it's really embarrassing..."

"Baka," Kenshin uttered, feeling a bit humored by her timidness, "You're feeding 'two' remember? If you still feel hungry - don't hold back."


Yutaro nodded cheerfully. "It's on me, so don't worry, Kaoru-san! Go for it!"

"Minna..." she uttered tearfully, as Tsubame and Yutaro pushed more platters their way, Kenshin going to lift up more yakisoba with the chopsticks to her mouth, "Arigatou!" she sighed, going to take a bite. She then broke out, scarfing up everything in sight.

Everyone, including Sanosuke, just stopped and stared at her. "Oro..." Kenshin uttered, sweat beads running down his face. A smile curled on his lip, "Heh, that's my Kaoru..."

* * *
After having a good meal - everyone felt full and needed to rest. Yutaro glanced at his watch. "Let's all wake up before eight and rush down to the docks together."

"Un, good idea." Tsubame said, "Ne, Megumi-san - we're sharing a room right? You don't mind if I have the light on for little bit while I..." She paused blushing. Everyone stared at her. "Atashi... I was going to write a letter to Yahiko-kun..."

Sanosuke chuckled and patted her on the head. "Heh, that's a good girlfriend! You do that and say mushy things like 'I miss you' and 'wish you were here'. Ahahahahaa!!"

Megumi elbowed him in the stomach, making him jerk back gagging, his hands covering his mouth. The food hadn't digested yet. "Tori atama! Don't embarrass the girl!" she snapped.

"Urk... you trying to make me throw this good shit I ate?!" he exclaimed.

Megumi ignored him, noticing Kenshin and Kaoru had already left, "So Ken-san and the girl get to share a room?"

Sanosuke had his arms around her. "It's too bad we can't stay together... but we most certaintly can't leave Tsubame-chan alone with Yutaro no yatsu. Ehehehehe!"

Megumi grinned towards the boy. "Honto... it would be very dangerous... ohohohoho!!"

Yutaro turned bright red. "M-Minna--! Go to sleep already!"

"HAI!" they chimed, turning for their own rooms.

Still in the hallway, Tsubame blinked in confused. 'What were we just talking about?!' Shaking her head, she didn't bother herself with it. 'I have lots of interesting things to write...' she uttered cheerfully, 'Yahiko-kun...'

* * *
It was already getting dark outside. Kenshin decided to go take a bath in the outdoor onsen, which was deserted. Relaxing in the hot water, he let out a content sigh.

'Maa maa, what a nice night. It's a shame Kaoru didn't want to come... she's awfully tired from the trip... I want her to rest, but it would have been better if she could join me.' he thought, grinning at the sky.

All of a sudden, he heard a splash of someone entering the onsen, the water making ripples that washed over his chest. Blinking he turned to see who it was. "M-M-Megumi-dono?!" he gasped, turning beet red.

Megumi lifted her head towards him, her long hair up in a towel, another sticking to her front. "Ara, Ken-san... what a surprise!"

"Eto..." he stammered, "Sessha didn't know that... p-perhaps ... sessha should just get going??"

"Demo, it's a 'mix-bathing' onsen. It's all right." she reasoned, not at all startled as he was. She put on a smile and started to drift closer, "I don't mind at all. Go ahead and finish your bath."

"Dakara..." he uttered, "This isn't - it's not a good situation. Sessha is... well, embarrassed de gozaru..."

"Ken-san," she chuckled, "You needn't be embarrassed. We've known each other for three years. Besides, I'm your physician - I know your body already. Demo, I only know so much." She inched a bit closer, "Daijoubu, the girl is asleep."

At this, he completely panicked. "It's not right de gozaru!!" he cried, standing and going to climb out of the onsen, "Megumi-dono, Sessha doesn't know what you're thinking - demo Sessha can't stay de gozaru!"

"Oh hell!" she exclaimed, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him down to her, her arms around his neck so he couldn't get away, "Why don't you admit it - even though you're a married man - you're attracted to me..."

"Sessha isn't!" he cried, fear in his face as he frantically struggled to free himself, despite her claws, "Sessha ... I ... I only want Kaoru!" He broke away and leaped out again, breaking into a run, "S-Suman de gozaru!!"

* * *
Yutaro crossed his arms and glared at the now-dressed samurai. "For what reason were you running around the inn completely naked?!"

Kenshin, wearing a white yukata, but still dripping wet, frowned a little, "Suman de gozaru... Sessha was startled by the hot water..."

The boy just sighed, “Still! You upset some of the guests… and the owners wanted to throw us out. It’s a good thing I was able to talk them into forgiving us.”

Kenshin bowed his head, “S-Sumanu!”

”…Daijoubu desu.” Yutaro replied, calming down, “Why don’t you go rest for the night. I was able to get us three rooms. I’ll be staying with Sanosuke-san and Megumi-sensei and Tsubame-san are staying together.”

”Which means…” Kenshin smiled and nodded his head. “Wakkata. Arigatou de gozaru. Saa, iku de gozaru yo.”

”Aa, oyasumi nasai!”

Kenshin turned for the hallway and walking out quietly past the other rooms. He still was a bit shaken from the incident in the onsen. ‘Naze? Why was Megumi-dono acting so strangely?? Did she get drunk or something? Or is she having problems with Sano??’

This only made his head hurt. The answers couldn’t be gasped, but it had scared the heck out of him. Just the thought of being near another woman other than his wife made him queasy. ‘Kaoru is the only one for me.’ he said inwardly opening the door to the room and seeing her already tucked in the futon asleep.

Chuckling, he climbed in next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, feeling the growing bulge centered at her stomach. ‘She’s much too fragile right now… surely if she knew about the strange incident, she’ll be upset. I will have to handle this problem on my own. Demo, I can’t understand why Megumi-dono is doing such things… what should I do??’

“Mmm… Kenshin…” murmured the sleeping Kaoru, “Dame…I can’t possibly… no more…”

Kenshin blinked. “Oro? What are you dreaming about, Koishii??”

She just chuckled, “… oh… all right… one more serving… your cooking is always… oishii… eheheh…” she sighed, drool on her lip.

Kenshin leaned his head against hers, wiping away that dribble with his fingers. Sighing, he closed his eyes, being relaxed by her touch. Already his fear and anxieties were being fast forgotten.

* * *
In the morning, the ships were leaving the port, so the Kenshin-gumi decided to catch one. It was still a bit hazy out but its seemed lots of people were heading into the south by sea so the ships set off.

“Aa, smell that salt air?!” Sanosuke chimed, swatting Yutaro on the back. The two were on deck, taking into the wind, “That’s some damn great perfume!”

”Stinks.” Megumi muttered from behind them, crossing her arms, “And this boat is absolutely filthy and cramp… I’m sure there’s lots of disease going around here.”

Yutaro turned towards her. “H-Hai! Naa, Megumi-sensei, shall we go around the boat and see if anyone needs medical assistance??”

”My, aren’t you an eager one??” she asked, making him blush quite red, “You really do want to become a doctor as Genzai-sensei said.”

”Aa, sou desu! And boku... boku wa... I want to learn from the best, Megumi-sensei…!” he stammered, even redder.

Megumi crossed her arms with a grin. "Ohohoho! Kawaii ne... demo there's really no need to call me 'sensei.'"

"Aa... sumimasen..."

"Hmmm... I supose we could have a walk around and if anyone needs some help, we’ll be there. Matte ne, tori atama!”

”Ch!” Sanosuke muttered, back still to them, the bad emblem seen. He merely waved his hand a fish bone still clasped in it. “But hurry back here, fox, otherwise I might get lonely! Jaa!”

“So you say!” Megumi chuckled as she and Yutaro left.

When they were finally out of sight, Sanosuke turned to the girl at hi side. “Why didn’t ya want to go with them? Naa, Tsubame-chan??”

”Ano, atashi...” Tsubame uttered, sitting on a side bench, “I don’t know anything about medicine and I’m sure I’ll get in the way of Yutaro-kun’s learning. He’s very dedicated to his studies…”

”Like that baka-yarou at home?”

“Eeh? Yahiko-kun?”

Sanosuke patted her on the head. “Heh, I won’t tell on you, but ya better not become unfaithful to him – ano yatsu can be a bit vindictive y'know…”

”Aaah?!” Tsubame turned bright red. “Whatever are you talking about?!” Sanosuke just threw his head back and laughed. The girl, confused as ever, dropped her head and sighed.

* * *
Below, various passengers were gathered together. In the slightly crowded room, Kenshin and Kaoru were sitting off to the side. Kaoru wasn’t feeling well – half from being seasick, the other nausea from her pregnancy. Kenshin put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.

“Daijoubu. We’re halfway there… and that woman over there said she’ll make you a hot black tea de gozaru yo.” He then nuzzled his face with herself. “I wish I could do more…”

”Iie, you’re doing so much for me already. It's more than I can ask for.” she replied, her hand taking his, “Aishiteru, Kenshin... soshite, arigatou for all your love.”

All of a sudden, they heard excessive crying. Near them, a young mother was frantically trying to get her baby to stop crying. At the same time, her other children were running around, causing all kinds of ruckus. The mother losing control began yelling at all of them, causing only more crying and disorder.

Both Kenshin and Kaoru stopped and stared in shock. “T-There’s no way…” Kaoru gapsed, “I can’t! I can’t!!”

”K-Kaoru?!” Kenshin stammered as she started to cry. He tightened his hold on her and made her look into his face, “Daijoubu, it’ll be all right… I’m with you so… you needn’t worry… everything will be okay…”

Meanwhile, Yutaro had showed up and was giving the woman assistence with her children. Apparently, the baby had a fever and that was why she was crying so. “I’ll have Megumi-sensei look at her. Aa! Sanosuke-san! Tsubame-san!!”

He called the two over and had them babysit as he went to go find Megumi. Sanosuke reprimanded the two squealing boys who only had wanted their mother’s attention. “Oi! You wanna be men right?! Men sit silently all day long and don’t make such a nuisance for others.”

”That’s an understatement, Sanosuke-san.” Tsubame laughed as he began to struggle with the boys who had turned violent on him. She then turning towards the couple, at her side, “Ne, Kaoru-san, how are you feeling?”

Kaoru nodded, “A little better… because of Kenshin.” She then leaned her head against his shoulder, hearing him let out a relaxed sigh, his heart pounding as hers. Smiling, excitement was burning within her. ‘We’re almost to Kyuushu… I’m so nervous … demo, if Kenshin is with me… I know…’

Back to Part 2
Onto Part 4