Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna, youkuso! hey, wasn't everyone a little shocked last chapter? oh ho! well, more shock in this one as well. gomen. please feel free to smack me with a shinai if you wish. at any rate, here it is. Jill 3/14/1

Sentimental Joureny
Part 4 - "Resemblence"

They reached Kyuushu by late afternoon. Getting off the boat, they saw the vast and lush surroundings, despite it was a single island.

"What a beautiful place," Tsubame uttered, eyes filled with wonder, "I would like to live here someday..."

"And I would like to take a look around - there must be millions of medicinal herbs." Megumi noted, "Nee, Yutaro-kun?"

"Aa! Herbs are surely plentiful around here!" he blurted out, "Let's all go look together later?" The doctor just laughed at him, making him blush.

Tsubame backed away a little, feeling out of the conversation. 'Mou...' She turned back to look for the others, but only saw the open road behind her. She quickly grabbed onto Yutaro's arm and yanked him over.

"E-to! Nan de, Tsubame-san??"

"It's the others... they're gone!!"

The three took into a run, backtracking their steps. It was then they saw Sanosuke and Kenshin, looking distressed. "What's the matter?" Yutaro asked, "Where's Kaoru-san??"

Kenshin tearfully stared at the ground, "Sessha doesn't know... demo it's all my fault. Sessha should have held onto her tigher... but she just took off..."

Sanosuke nodded. "Aa, Jou-chan was acting normal - then all of a sudden, she flipped out and ran off. We haven't a clue which direction she went after this. How about we split up - you guys go this way, we'll go this way??"

"Hai!" Megumi replied as they all started to move, "We'll meet back here if we can't find the girl."

While running Tsubame frowned, worry aching in her bones, 'Kaoru-san... what happened?' Losing pace with Yutaro and Megumi who were faster runners, Tsubame slowed down and stopped. She could hear something... sounds of fighting. 'Eeeh?!'

* * *
In an alley, a handful of men were surrounding two women in the open space. One of the two, Kaoru was glaring at the assaulters, "Mou!! You bastards don't have any manners attacking this lady in broad day light!!"

The other woman, who appeared in her 30's, just stared at her rescuer. "Anata wa... who are you?? Masaka... anata... you look like..."

"Take this, assholes!!" Kaoru yelled, kicking up a stick to use as a weapon. She charged into battle, smacking the men about, sending them crashing into the wall. But then their leader showed up with a rifle. 'S-Shimatta!'

"Heh, ojou-sama... I don't know who you are or how you learned such budo but you're gonna be put out of your misery! Sayonara!!"

"Uresai!" Kaoru yelled, breaking into a run towards him, shinai ready.

The woman cried, "Yamette!!! Are you crazy!!!?"

The man was panicking, 'Eh?! What's with this chick?! Does she seriously want to die?!' He quickly went to pull the trigger, but Kaoru used the make-shift shinai to launch her off the ground, her landing on the man, him falling onto the ground with a painful thud. "Ulgh..."

Kaoru grinned, still sitting on him, poking at his head. "Nee, wasn't that fun? So, are you going to tell me why you were attacking that woman over there??"

The man sorely murmered, "You are a worthy adversary... even if you are a woman. The truth is, I am Ogata Makoto. We all used to be the personal bodyguards of the Shidou family."

"Eeh? Shidou?"

The woman walked over cautiously, "The Shidou family lives in that mansion atop the hill... for you to not know this would mean you'd never been here before. Surely everyone in Kyuushu knows about the Shidou legacy."

"Actually, I'm just a tourist." Kaoru replied, "Demo..." She smacked Ogata once again, "You still didn't answer my question! And I won't stop till you apologize to that woman there!!"

Makoto frowned. "Every since we were 'replaced', we've been forced to live dirty on the streets. At least together, we're able to make some money mugging people, but I do admit it isn't an honorable life that I want... we used to be held so highly when we were personal bodyguards."

Kaoru got up and nodded her head. "Sou ka, I understand now. You all sound like good guys deep down... demo it's still wrong and you know it. You must stop these things before you become rotten to the heart... otherwise you won't gain honor ever again. Got that?"

"H-Hai!" the men stammered in unison.

Ogata bowed towards her. "Arigatou, ojou-sama... you talked and smacked some good sense into us. We won't live this way again. We'll try to regain respect the right way. Saa, ikuze!!"

As they departed, Kaoru turned to the woman who kept staring at her. "Arigatou gozaimasu." she uttered, "Demo, are you sure you've never been to Kyuushu before? I swear we've met before..."

"Gomen. This is my first time here. My name is Himura Kaoru. And you are?"

"I'm Takamura Ameiko. You can just call me 'Ame', like everyone else in town does. I run an popular inn by the water. If you like, please come stay there while you're in Kyuushu."

Kaoru was about to reply, when she started to feel dizzy. 'Not again!' she thought, shivering. Within seconds, she had stumbled to the ground, the darkness taking her in, 'Kenshin...'

"Kyaaa! Kaoru-san! Kaoru-san!!!" Ame cried, kneeling down to her and shaking her. Without thinking, she blurted out, "Kari-saaaan!!"

* * *
Later, Kaoru woke, her eyes seeing the ceiling above her. She was lying in a futon, Kenshin holding her hand, "Yokkata de gozaru." he uttered, smiling with relief, "You really scared me de gozaru."

"Gomen, Kenshin." she stammered, "I sensed someone was in trouble and I didn't bother to tell you... then I ... I blanked out again."

"Shikashi, I don't understand why you are still blanking out after a battle. Unless... you're pushing yourself too hard?" he asked. She frowned a little, then nodded. "Kaoru, daijoubu. Perhaps you shouldn't fight right now... not when your body is in this condition. Please, next time, just let me do it?"

"Hai." she replied, wanting to get up and embrace him, but she still felt a little weak. Kenshin leaned down to her and finally she got her hug, "Demo, where are we?"

"Aa, the woman you saved... Ame-dono said we could come stay here at her inn. Tsubame-dono was able to get me in time to help bring you de gozaru. You really worried everyone de gozaru."

"Gomen nasai," she sighed, tightening her arms, "I mean it... I guess I got in over my head."

"Since you were reckless, we got a free stay at this inn. Soushite, this room is ours." he chuckled, going to kiss her deeply. She soon found her strength again and started to take over the comforting. Kenshin found himself becoming dizzy, "Dame de gozaru... Kaoru...oro..."

"Eheheh, nani??" she giggled, practically inside his oversized gi, "It's so warm in here... I don't want to go... can I stay in here too?"

Kenshin grinned at her, "Yare yare... careful now, this is my favorite gi, you might tear it de gozaru." He then tried to hold her still, the two of them breaking out in laughter. It was the door slamming open that caught their attention and made them stop. "Oro! M-Megumi-dono?!"

Megumi tried to put on a relaxed smile, but ended up glaring at them. Looking at the state they were - Kenshin was on top of the raccoon again - she could guess what was going on. "Ken-san," she said sounding impatient, "Ano baka is still looking for you. Thought you and him were going to ask around and get directions to this girl's grandmother's house?"

"S-suman!" Kenshin stammered, sitting up and tightening his gi. He then felt Kaoru reach out to his hand, "Oro? Nan de gozaru ka, Koishii??"

She simply smiled, "Nee, we'll pick up where we left off later." They then blushed immensely, gazing into each other's eyes.

Megumi looked away in disgust, 'Give me a break!'

Kenshin tried to slip past the fox, but not without feeling a chill run down his spine. He especially jumped when she touched his shoulder briefly. "ORO! E-to... Sessha better not let Sano be waiting de gozaru!!" he cried, breaking into a run.

Megumi decided now was her chance. She approached the girl, who was in an obvious good mood, not at all noticing Kenshin's frantic exit. Megumi then took out the package that was arrived in the mail. "Remember this, Kaoru-chan? Would you like to dress up nicely for your Obaa-san??"

"Un!" Kaoru chimed, gazing over at the silk shawl and hair clip, "Demo... I'm not very good at..."

"Daijoubu. Let me show you." Megumi replied, bringing over a mirror. She then had her sit in front of her, and released her hair from the ponytail. Brushing the long black locks, she uttered, "By the looks of it, your Obaa-san seems to be upper-class to be carrying these types of gifts."

"Honto desu ka?"

"I wonder what she will think of you... a tomboyish kenjutsu assistant master... that isn't exactly high-bred, nee?"

Kaoru frowned. "Sou desu ne... demo, Kenshin says I can't help it if that's who I am..."

Megumi tightened her grip on the brush, "Still you should try a bit harder... you don't want to disrespect her, or disappoint her... to think you are her last relative in the world." She then grinned slyly, "Ken-san too... you ought to be a bit more careful. Today, you really acted cocky and got yourself in trouble. Ken-san felt terrible and blamed himself."

Kaoru bit her lip. "Did Kenshin really...?"

"Just like old times, you're still very immature. How much longer do you think he'll put up with your childish ways? It's obvious you don't have much experience with men - so you'll learn the hard way. Remember, he's left you once, he could do it again."

"D-demo... Even if he has left before and has broken promises... Kenshin said he won't ever again. I know I'm sounding a bit naive or too trusting... demo, I'm going to believe in him."

"Even if he stays with you, with the new baby coming along, you're both going to be serious and not do immature things. Otherwise, you'll end up arguing all the time, soon you'll be sick of each other. That's why I say - be careful, Kaoru-chan."

Kaoru closed her eyes, feeling the tears come out, "Gomen nasai... I'll try harder..."

Megumi was already finished putting her hair up with the brass clip. "Ara, to think you're having a baby... when you're still a baby yourself. Now dry your eyes and look in the mirror. This is what a lady should look like."

It was blurry at first, but Kaoru then saw her image in the mirror. 'Honto ni... I still have a long way to go...'

* * *
Before the sun was up, Kaoru crawled of the futon and got dressed. She then took out the hair clip. Sitting in front of the mirror, she tried to put her hair up the way Megumi had shown her but she couldn't. "Mou..." she sighed, dropping her head.

"Oro? Kaoru, what are you doing up early de gozaru?" Kenshin yawned getting up and going to her, "What's the matter, Koishii?"

"I was thinking... perhaps it would be better if I went ahead and gave my greetings first before inviting the whole party to meet Obaa-san. It would be awkward if we all showed up at her house at once." she explained, "Demo... I can't..."

Kenshin smiled and moved behind her, his hands running through her soft hair, "Hand me the clip de gozaru." he uttered and she did so. He then began gathering up her hair, wrapping it together then fastening it with the clip. "Yoshi! There you go!"

Kaoru blushed. "Arigatou, Kenshin."

He nodded cheerfully. "Can I come with you? Even if I can't exactly dress nicely... oro, I look like a bum de gozaru?" he stammered, holding up his torn and tattered hakama and gi.

"Iie, I think you're very handsome." she said, a hand on his cheek. "Ne, change out of that yukata and come with me... we can be back before lunch, then come together for dinner. Dou desu ka?"

"Aa, what a great plan de gozaru. Soshite..." He leaned over and kissed her hand, "Arigatou for the comment... I'm flattered to be complimented by a beautiful lady."

"Kenshin..." Of course that kiss wasn't enough, and he couldn't help himself but steal a few more. "Baka! Get changed already!"

* * *
The two walked outside the inn to see Ame waiting for them. "Ano, would you like me to show you the way... I mean to your obaasan's home?"

"Aa," Kenshin said, "Demo, Ame-dono, how do you know about Kaoru's...?"

"I overheard you asking for directions and made an educated guess... and I'm sure I'm right. I'll be more than happy than to bring you there." Ame said, leading them out the gate, "Soushite... it's been a long time since I've seen any swordsmen around this town, not to mention handsome."

"E-to!" he stammered, "Iyayaya, chigau de gozaru! Sessha isn't...!"

Kaoru smiled cheerfully and took his hand, "Isn't he? I think he's so adorable!" Laughing at his embarrassed face, she hugged his arm and dragged him along, "But it's the truth!"

Atop the hill, they finally stopped, seeing a traditional mansion in front of them. "This is the Shidou home." Ame said, "Are you not the daughter of Shidou Hikari?"

"Ano," Kaoru blinked, "Okaa-san's name was Kamiya Hikari... demo, is this house really hers??" Ame nodded slowly. "Sonna!! This big house!?"

Kenshin just started pulling her by the arm towards the gate. "Arigatou de gozaru for helping us, Ame-dono. Sore jaa!"

Ame nodded, watching them move farther away, "... Kari-san..."

* * *
At the gate, a man escorted them in. He was tall and had short black hair. For some reason, Kenshin couldn't help but think how he looked like Hiko. 'Oro, he has the same scary look like Shisho... and he looks the same age... I must be imagining it...'

Kaoru looked absolutely nervous. 'I wonder... what will she think of me? Will I disppoint her?? And if I do, will that disappoint Kenshin? Oh, maybe this wasn't a good idea...' But then she felt Kenshin's hand clasp on hers and she started to calm down, 'Sou ne. As long as Kenshin is with me...'

They stopped into front of the room, the man finally speaking to them. "My name is Ozawa Raiko, the head of Shidou-sama's personal bodyguards. My mistress has been waiting for a long time to see you, Kaoru-sama. Please come in."

"Hai..." Kaoru uttered, as the door slid open and she started to move forward. Ahead of her, she saw a fragile, small woman, kneeling in front of table of tea. It was large room with expensive vases and cushions everywhere. The balcony doors were open and she could see the view of the entire village below. Kaoru could hardly breathe, 'This woman is my grandmother?!'

"Kaoru-san... is that you?" the old woman uttered, "Is that really you, my granddaughter."

"H-hai!" she blurted out, letting go of Kenshin's hand and quickening her walk, kneeling in front of her. "It's me... Kaoru... I've come to see you, Obaa-sama. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! Ano... I hope you are pleased with what you see before you..."

"Aa... I'm very pleased." Obaa-san uttered, smiling, reaching her hand to Kaoru's face, "You're so much like your mother... so beautiful..."

"Honto desu ka?!" Kaoru gasped, so happy she could cry. She could feel Kenshin timidly approaching from behind. "Aa! Obaa-sama... this man is my husband... Himura Kenshin-san."

Kenshin shyly bowed his head. "E-to... hajimemashite... yoroshiku de gozaru... sessha is happy to meet Kaoru's grandmother as well..."

The old woman dropped her hand from Kaoru and looked towards the swordsman. "Honto ni... are you really... Himura Kenshin... the Hitokiri Battousai?"

Kaoru and Kenshin both were surprised. Ozawa was at Kenshin's elbow, glaring at him, "The mistress asked you a question. Tell the truth now."

"Eto...Sessha... doesn't carry that name anymore... demo, at one point, hai, Sessha was the Battousai de gozaru yo."

Obaa-san turned to Kaoru, "Did you know of this?"

"Of course I did!" she stammered, trying to control her voice, "Demo, Obaa-sama, why does it make a difference?!"

"This man is a demon..."

"He is NOT!!" Kaoru cried, absolutely shocked to hear this as Kenshin was.

But the blue eyes of the old woman glinted. "You do not have my blessing, therefore your marriage has become invalid... Raiko, please."

"Aa," Ozawa uttered, snagged Kenshin from behind into a head lock, his wrists clasped painfully around his back. "Out you go, swordsman."

As Ozawa dragged him out the door, Kenshin cried out with the last bit of his strength. This guy was incredibly strong and he couldn't break free. "Kaoru!! KAORU!!!"

"Kenshin! I'm coming!!" Kaoru yelled, getting up and turning to go after him, "KENSH-- !"

But the voice of her grandmother made her stop. "You dare disrespect me and walk out as your mother did?"

Kaoru turned back in surprise, unable to move, the world at a standstill...

Back to Part 3
Onto Part 5