Sentimental Journey - Part 6 Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; all rights reserved to Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic notes: Yatta! We've reached passed mid-point of the story, so this installment shall be a bit longer with some lyrics from "Pieces" by L'Arc en Ciel. Also, notice that up till now, I hadn't translated 'swordsman', but in this part I shall for the story's sake. Saa, enjoy! Jill 3/17/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 6 - "Looking At Truth"

nakanaide nakanaide taisetsu na hitomi yo
Don't cry, don't cry, precious eye

kanashisa ni tsumazuite mo shinjitsu mo miteitene
Even if you stumble in sadness, keep looking at truth

sono mama no anata de ite
And just be the same you

daisuku na sono egao kumorasete gomen ne
I'm sorry for having cloudened that smile I love

inottemo toki no nagare hayasugite tooku made
Even if I wish, the very fast flowing of time has, until far away,

nagasareta kara modorenakute
Already flowed and unable to return

* * *

Already, the sun had set – the sky midway with an orange light, a dark blue peering overhead. By the balcony, Kaoru gazed out at the town, her eyes red from crying. Already, she had learned too much for her to grasp at once. Her mind was filled with mixed feelings and confusion.

‘Doushite…’ she thought, shivering a bit as a breeze blew inside the room. She closed her eyes, hands clutching at the fabric on her lap, ‘Doushite…’

The moment she had tried to go after Kenshin, the old woman had blurted out those words: “Don’t disrespect me and walk out like your mother did!”

Immediately, she turned around and stared at her, wondering what this all meant. “Doushite?!” she had to ask, “Why do you say that? What did Okaa-san…”

”My daughter… twenty years ago… she… she…” Obaasan looked so sad, her blue eyes filled with tears at the mention of her child. “She was taken away… iie, she was ‘seduced’ by a swordsman who convinced her to leave her family and friends, everything… to elope together.”

”Eh?!” Kaoru gasped, “Masaka… are you talking about my father?!”

”Hai… that man, Kamiya. He took my daughter away from me and took her to Tokyo, where she was left to live a difficult life. While he fussed away about his kenjutsu, her health withered away and before long, she fell seriously ill. By the time I heard about this news, I tried so hard to bring her back home or to at least for some medical attention. Demo… that swordsman… he wouldn’t let me see my own daughter! He wouldn’t let me say ‘goodbye’ before she passed away. That swordsman who took my daughter away… I… I will never forgive!!!”

Kaoru just stared at the old woman who had burst into tears, “Sonna…” she uttered, “There’s no way… Otou-san, he wouldn’t do such a thing… iya! It’s not true!!!”

”Kaoru-san…” Obaasan said, lifted her crying face, “You too have fallen into the hands of a swordsman… please, don’t make the same mistake. Stay here with me. Forget about that swordsman…”

”IYA!” Kaoru exclaimed, “Kenshin – I love him! And moreover, I won’t leave him! Because I know he feels the same way! Soshite…!” She paused, her voice becoming a bit more soft, “Soshite… I-I… I’m carrying his baby...”

But these words had only upset Obaasan even more, her cries become louder. Then, without warning, she clutched her chest and started to collapse, shuddering in pain. Kaoru couldn’t just stand there, she rushed to her side, going to support her.

”Somebody!! SOMEONE!! HELP!!” Kaoru called out. Already, some servants were on their way. Still, Kaoru didn’t know what to do, fear filling her as she cradled the old woman, “Obaasama!! Daijoubu ka?? What’s wrong?!”

”Kaoru… san… please… don’t…” Obaasan whimpered weakly, holding onto her granddaughter, “Please don’t leave me alone…”


* * *
Before Kaoru knew it she was at her grandmother’s bedside, watching her slowly recover. ‘Obaasama… she’s ill? What am I to do… I have a strange feeling that something has happened to Kenshin… soushite…’ She clutched her head, remembering the terrible things she had heard. ‘It can’t be true…’

It was then the doctor came in again. He bowed towards her and told her that things were going to be fine for now. That she could relax and she was free to do whatever she liked. Kaoru reluctantly left the room and began to wander around. When she reached the sitting room from which she greeted her granddmother, she saw the scenes pay over in her head. The look of distress in Kenshin’s face as he was taken away from her.

‘Kenshin…” she thought, kneeling by the doors to the balcony, ‘Kenshin…’ Bursting into tears, she cried out, “Kenshin… where are you?! I need you!!”

But even her cries wouldn’t do any good. Tears and crying… there was no solution in them at all. She could hear Megumi’s words coming back to haunt her. You're going to have to be serious and not do immature things…

‘Sou ne,’ she told herself, regaining posture and drying her eyes, ‘I can’t do anything through that. Somehow I have to leave without upsetting Okaasama… or somehow convince her to accept Kenshin. Demo, how am I going to…?’

It was then she felt a robe be put on her from behind, the hands touching her shoulders briefly and softly. Startled, she looked up and saw Ozawa. “You’ll catch cold if you stay next the windows too long.” he said solemnly.

“Eh… a-arigatou.” she stammered as he went to shut the door and then go to sit across from her, lighting lantern. She had just realized that she had been sitting in the dark for the longest time, since the sun had set. “Ano, Ozawa-san…”

”Your grandmother will be fine… as long as you stay with her.”


”Do you think she could take it if she lost you as well?” he asked, closing his eyes for a second, “It was very difficult when Kari left… this whole house fell into disarray. And I… I had to pick up the pieces and put everything back together.”

”Ozawa-san…” Kaoru uttered, “You seem to know my mother very well… could you… tell me about her?” He paused and just stared at her for a second, his face not moving in expression at all, but somehow in the air there was a slight awkwardness. “G-gomen nasai!” she gasped, bowing her head, “I didn’t mean to bring her up…!”

”Iya.” he replied, crossing his arms, “Your mother, Kari… she was my fiancée. We were together for three years… and deeply in love.” Kaoru lifted her head, listening carefully. “She was a bright and cheerful girl… kind and generous. Her smiles, her laughter – her tears – everything… I cherished with all my heart.”


”Daga,” he said, eyes falling to the floor, “I had to leave for about a month just before our wedding… and when I came back… already, some swordsman had stole her away from me.”

Kaoru couldn’t say a word. She had heard the story already from her grandmother and to hear it again would only deepen the ache it caused. ‘Doushite? Otou-san… you couldn’t possibly… iya, it can’t be the truth…!’

Before she knew she was standing and yelling these words, “Usou! It’s not true!” she cried, looking him in the eye, “I won’t believe these lies!”

Ozawa didn’t move a muscle or higher his voice, “But it is the truth… that swordsman stole Kari away from me… from her mother… her comfortable and safe life only to wither away and die in a rundown dojo… never again to laugh and smile… gone from the world, from all of us in this town… forever…” He then clenched a fist, now yelling, “All because of that bastard, Kamiya!”

”Ki-sama!” Kaoru snapped, slapping him across the face, “Don’t you dare talk about my father like that!!”

Again she went to hit him, this time with a fist, but he caught her firmly by the wrist. The look in his face was soft and when he spoke, he wasn’t angry, “Demo, I know you aren’t going to leave… because deep down you agree. And you want to stay…”

”Y-You’re wrong!” she cried, “I have Kenshin! He’ll be coming back for me and…!”

”Your swordsman… he won’t be coming for you. He won’t be coming back ever again.”

”W-what do you mean??” she gasped. Ozawa let her go and stood, turning for the door. Taking one last look at her, he finally left, disappearing down the hallway. Kaoru grasped at her kimono again, that uneasy feeling coming over her.

‘Kenshin… something has happened. I really don’t know what to do right now… I want to go to you, demo…’ She slid back down to her knees, dropping her head, ‘It can’t be true… it just can’t…’ Trying not to cry, she let out a whisper, “Doushite, Otou-san…”

* * *
At the inn, things had calmed down. Kenshin was resting, though he had wanted to get on his feet again and try to go to the mansion – Megumi wouldn’t let him. She put Sanosuke on guard, making sure that the samurai let his wounds heal properly.

Tsubame didn’t know what to think about the situation. Ever since Yutaro had returned from telling the governor, everything just got more complicated.

‘The town seems to side with Ozawa-san… and could care less what had happened to Kenshin, just because he’s an outsider and also a swordsman. And they all are actually happy that Kaoru-san is in the Shidou mansion. Demo, she isn’t there to stay, is she? Kaoru-san…’

She was sitting outside on the balcony, gazing at the mansion atop the hill. Night had fallen and she was shivering in her yukata. She wished with all her heart that Yahiko were there, comforting her. With simple words and brief touch… he brought her world at ease. But now he was so far away.

“Yahiko…” she sighed, closing her eyes, seeing his smile in her mind, “Yahiko…!”

”Hmm?? Who’s Yahiko??” said a voice behind her. Tsubame jumped, very embarrassed that someone had actually heard her. She turned and saw Ame, holding a tray of tea, “Nee, Tsubame-chan, aren’t you feeling a bit cold. Would you like some hot tea?”

”Un. Arigatou.” she stammered, accepting the cup and watching the older woman sit next to her, “Ameiko-san… arigatou for explaining to us the story about Kaoru-san’s mother. We understand the situation a little bit more.”

”I’m glad to be of some help. Demo, you still haven’t answered my question.” Ame said cheerfully. Tsubame went back to blushing as she pointed at her forehead, “Who is this Ya – hi – ko ???”

“Aaa! He’s just a friend I have back home!” she cried frantically, “I-I mean… nothing like is going on!”

Ame just smiled. “Kawaii nee… when people fall in love… they’re awfully cute.” Tsubame just fell over, lying on the floor looking quite dead. Ame turned towards the starry sky and sighed, “Falling in love… is it really a good thing to do?”


Ame patted her on the head. “Nee, would you like to hear a story…?”

* * *
Twenty years ago…

“Nee! Mattee!!” a younger Ameiko cried, chasing as her friend, “Kari-saaan! Wait for me!”

The two were running down the grassy road towards town. It was sunny day in Spring, flowers blooming everywhere. Hikari slowed down at bit for her best friend to catch up, taking her hand and dragging her along.

“Mou! You’re too slow! We’re gonna miss it if you don’t hurry! Hayaku, Ame-chan!”

There was a festival going on and a performance put on by a dance group from the mainland. Already there were crowds everywhere and the girls held hands to try to stay together.

”I think we missed it… gomen nee, Kari-san!”

”Iie, I think they’ll put it later. Aa, let’s just take a walk around and look at the flower arrangements.”

As the two steered through the exhibits and admired the bloomed flowers, Ameiko noticed something strange. “Ano, Kari-san… there seems to be these two guys following us…” she stammered, tapping her on the shoulder, “Look, there’s a pair of swordsmen.”

”Eh? What are they doing?” Hikari muttered, peering over, “Why are they following us?!”

”I-I don’t know… do you suppose… they think we’re cute?? Nee, let’s go over and talk to them.”

”Iyada!” Hikari cried, “I’m engaged! I’m not going to flirt with some swordsmen!!”

After this, the two swordsmen stopped and turned the other way. “Kari-san,” Ameiko sighed, “I think you were loud enough for them to hear you…”

“How embarrassing…” Hikari sighed as well, “Maa, it can’t be helped. Let’s keep enjoying the festival!”

The festival continued into the night. But for some strange reason, the two young swordsmen were never too far from them. So, by evening fall, Hikari was a little bit annoyed. “What’s their problem?? Can’t they leave us alone??”

“Kari-san, maybe we should just talk to them and tell them to stop oogling us.”

”Iie, they’ll probably continue… those perverts…”

”What are we going to do then?”

All of a sudden, they heard screams. There was a commotion in a crowd up ahead. The girls hurried to see what was going on. There was a middle-aged man with a knife, having just stabbed one of the booth owners in an attempted robbery.

“Yamada-san!” Hikari cried, recognizing him as one of her servants, “W-what are you doing?!” She immediately ran towards him, him turning away from his next victim and staring at her, “Yamada-san! Yamette!!”

“Gomen nasai, Ojou-sama… demo… I-I need the money!” he tearfully sobbed, going to grab her, “Gomen nasai!!”

”Kari-saaan!” Ameiko cried, covering her eyes from the scene before her. But there wasn’t the sound flesh being stabbed… but of a sword being drawn. “EH?!”

One of the swordsmen had come onto the scene, knocking the knife out of Yamada’s hand. Yamada reacted quickly, using Hikari as a shield and reaching for her neck. But then, the swordsman slashed the poles of a booth, the wood structure collapsing on the man. The swordsman snagged her in time, Yamada being lost in the rubble.

“Daijoubu ka?” he asked over her shoulder, his arms tight around her. “Ojou-san?” he asked again worriedly.

She broke free from him and turned around, slapping him across the face, “BAKA!”

“Eeeh?” he stammered.

She just ignored him and knelt down to dig Yamada out. He was so injured that he couldn’t get up on his own. When she tried to help him, he knocked her away, still in his desperate state. Silently, she watched as he was being taken away to be hanged.

“Kari-san!” Ameiko cried, running to her, “Daijoubu? Are you hurt at all?”

”Iie…” she uttered, the two of them walking away from the frenzied festival, back onto the quiet little road, “I’m fine. Arigatou for worrying.”

”That was so scary… I can’t believe Yamada-san would do such a thing. Poor Suzuki-san… his son… Why do these types of things happen…?”

Hikari shook her head. “Wakarinai… demo… watashi…” Her voice faded off as she stopped to hear footsteps behind her. Without turning around, she lifted her head and clutched her arm. “A-ano Kenkaku-san…?”

The swordsman who had saved her turned frantic and tried to leave but his friend grabbed him and shoved him towards the girls. “E-to…” he stammered, “Could I talk to you for a moment, Ojou-san!”

Hikari turned around. The swordsman was her age, dressed in traveler’s clothes. She hadn’t seen him before, and she knew just about everyone in town. He had long black hair tied back in a ponytail, a bangs that fell into his warm-looking eyes. Stopping right in front of her, he rubbed the back of his head and shyly smiled.

“I was wondering if… if you were okay after all?”

“Eh… daijoubu desu…”

”Yokkata… I wouldn’t feel right if you were hurt.” he told her, “Dewa… take care… I’ll be going now…”

He turned to leave, but she blurted out, “Matte!” He paused and looked over his shoulder. She was surprised at herself too. She then bowed her head, “Gomen nasai… Kenkaku-san, you saved my life and I didn’t utter a word of thanks… I was very rude to you…”

He smiled. “Iya, I didn’t mind it. Those types of things don’t bother me. If I was able to protect you from harm – that’s all what mattered… jaa…”

”Demo! I-I… I don’t even know your name…”

”Eeh?” he stammered, feeling shy again, “My name…?”

”Kenkaku-san, your name please!”

He stopped and stared into her face, blue eyes pleading him to tell her. Smiling, he said softly, “Kamiya… Kamiya Tetsuro.”

”Kamiya… Tetsuro…”

“I’m traveling all over the country to develop my kenjutsu with my training partner over there. It’s been a long time since we’ve come to a lively town…”

”With beautiful girls!!” his friend called out in the background.

Tetsuro turned red and yelled over his shoulder, “YAMERO!!” Gaining back control, he turned back to Hikari and dropped his head, “Gomen, Takeshi really doesn’t have any manners… he’s the one who insisted on following you two tonight… you see, he has a crush on your friend.”

”EH?!” Ameiko cried as Takeshi winked at her. “D-Demo!! Atashi… I’m not that… BEAUTIFUL… ahahahaha, dame yo!”

Hikari dropped her head as well. “Gomen, I really can’t take her anywhere…”

Tetsuro took a step closer, “I would like to know your name as well.”

”M-my name is… Hikari.” she stammered, becoming trapped in his eyes – they were standing so close and all she could see was him. She cheerfully added, “Arigatou… for saving my life…”

”Aa, that bright smile is enough thanks… Hikari-san…”

And so, under the starry night sky… two paths crossed, a swordsman and the woman he was destined for…

* * *

Ah, odayaka na kagayaki ni irodorare
Ah, be colored by the gentle light.

saigetsu ha yoru wo yume ni kaeru mitai da kara me wo korashite saa!
Because it looks like time has turned night into
dream, just concentrate your eyes!

anata no sugu soba ni mata atarashii hana ga umarete
Right beside you another new flower was born

komorebi no naka de azayaka ni yureteru
And in the middle of the sunlight passing through the trees, it is vividly swaying

itsu mademo mimamotte agetai kedo mou daijoubu
I want to watch over you forever, but you are already alright

yasashii sono te wo matteru hito ga iru kara kao wo agete
Because there is someone who is waiting for that gentle hand, raise your head

Back to Part 5
Onto Part 7