Rurouni Kenshin created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; (C) Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: Minna-san, this one contains a 'sensitive' scene. Kaoru-fans will probably have nightmares. Gomen. Please view with caution. And know the surprise at the end. Saa, douzo! Jill 3/22/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 8 - "Falling Tears"

Kaoru silently watched over the town from the windows, her tea becoming cold. She hadn't said a word since breakfast. Her head hurt, she didn't know what she should do. All the while, she couldn't help but feel ashamed of how ill-bred she was.

'No wonder Otou-sama wanted so badly for me to take lessons and learn how to be a lady... I've let him down and made him look even worse...'

Closing her eyes, a cool breeze swept over her bare neck, her chin leaning down on her fisted hand. The silence was getting to her, and so was the solitude. Her grandmother was seeing the doctor again. And when the checkup finished, she would be looking forward to seeing her. Again, she felt weighed to the floor, her loyalty torn.

"Kaoru-sama," Ozawa said somberly, entering the room. "These women have come to see you." He moved out of the way to reveal the two, him closing the door behind them, "They claim to know you."

"Kaoru-san!" Tsubame cried happily, rushing to her, "Yokkata! You're okay!" But the older girl didn't lift her head or say anything, as though she hadn't heard her. "K-Kaoru-san...?"

Megumi knelt down to her, immediately examining her features, "Ara, have you been taking good care of yourself? If anything happens to you, it'll happen to the baby... and Ken-san won't forgive you if you do something terrible to his baby."

"Uhn..." she uttered, still staring at the floor, "I didn't eat very much lately nor did I rest a lot. I understand that if anything happens to the baby, it's all my fault. Gomen nasai for my carelessness..."

"Hmp, if you recognize that fact, then I guess it's okay. Now, get up and let's go back to the others." the doctor noted, taking her arm, "They're waiting for us so we can leave this place."

There was a pause. Kaoru then pulled herself away, moving to a safe distance. "Iie." The other two just stared at her in surprise. She just clenched her eyes closed and uttered, "I...I can't go right now. Please give me a bit more time..."

"What are you talking about? There is no time. Don't you know that the entire town wants to kick us all out of here? We can't stay anymore."

She didn't say anything, hands folded in her lap. Tsubame leaned into view, hoping to catch her eye. "It's true, Kaoru-san. The townspeople all dislike Kenshin-san's presence. And they didn't even care when he was almost killed..."

At these words, Kaoru forgot everything for a moment and turned frantic. "Nani!? Kenshin was...?!"

Megumi's eyes glinted. "Sou ne! Ken-san almost died for your sake, and you weren't there with him to help him recover. Now he's absolutely going mad without you... you must make him stop by coming back with us before he gets further injuries!"

She dropped her head, stammering, "Demo... watashi..."

"Baka! Why are you still being indecisive! How can you just sit there while Ken-san needs you?! Unless..." A fox smile appeared on her face, "Unless, you prefer to stay here with these people who treat you as their queen, and with that old woman??"

"Megumi-san," Kaoru snapped, "You would prefer it I stayed here, wouldn't you??"

Tsubame sat between them, absolutely speechless, 'Kaoru-san... Megumi-san...??' She could feel the thick tension in the air. There was more to the conversation than she could grasp, a more personal and sensitive subject. Already the two were glaring endlessly at each other. 'K...K...Kowai!!'

"What's it going to be, Tanuki-musume?"

Kaoru broke away from the glaring kitsune, standing to turn towards the wall, her lip trembling, "Tell Kenshin... I'm sorry."

Megumi stood as well. "You ungrateful girl... you'd rather be here than with Ken-san?! After all he's done for you?! Well... we won't stay in your way for long. Saa, kaerimashou, Tsubame-chan!" she said gruffly, going out the door in a huff.

Tsubame stood, looking towards Kaoru. "Sou na... Kaoru-san, you can't be seriousy about this. Kenshin-san is..."

Kaoru tearfully shook her head, lifting her voice, "Don't make me choose, because I can't right now! I'm so confused... please just leave me here and get out now!!"


Tsubame dropped her head and quickened her step. Rushing for the door, she stopped to look at the man standing there the whole time. He looked quite pleased by the events that had taken place. Tsubame couldn't help but feel a shiver as she went past him, hurriedly trying to catch up with Megumi.

It wasn't until she was outside, that she made this observation. 'Kono hito... he seems so cold, as though he could hurt someone without feeling... masaka... was that Ozawa-san... demo... is Kaoru-san really in danger...?!'

She turned towards back the mansion, her feet still moving down the road. 'Kaoru-san... you really are staying there, aren't you?'

* * *
When they returned to the inn, the first thing they did was tell Kenshin. He of course didn't react calmly. Before anyone could do anything, he was up on his feet in angry rage.

"It's a LIE!" he exclaimed, glaring at Megumi, "Of course Kaoru wouldn't choose staying there over me! Megumi-dono, what the hell did you say to her?!"

"Absolutely nothing that caused this!" she cried, "The girl had already made up her mind to stay... we weren't able to prevent it..."

"USOU!" Kenshin yelled, fist curling, "I don't believe you for a second! Kaoru... she wouldn't do this to me! Not unless you did something! I know how you're always f--king with her head!"

With that, his arm swung, the fist flying towards her. Sanosuke quickly stepped in the way, grabbing hold of his wrist, stopping him. "Oi oi, Kenshin!! Calm down!! What's wrong with you?! Since when have you decided to hit women?!"

"I'll hit her... for Kaoru..." Kenshin growled, yellow eyes gleaming as he pulled away from the fighter, "Megumi-dono, for all those times you've hurt her... Kaoru might forgive you, but I... I ABSOLUTELY WON'T FORGIVE!!"

"Ken-san..." Megumi gasped tearfully.

Sanosuke stared down at his friend, "Kenshin... yamero. I understand you're angry, but to take it out on Megumi..."

"Demo!" Tsubame suddenly blurted out, "Kaoru-san... it looks like she might stay there after all... I don't think she's coming back to us... Why is this happening... doushite... DOUSHITE?!" She then burst into tears, kneeling onto the floor, her hands covering her face.

"Tsubame-san..." Yutaro uttered, walking towards her. She quickly leaped at him, throwing her arms around his neck and crying into his white shirt. "Tsubame-san... daijoubu desu... it'll work out..."

"Chigao!! It won't! There's no way...!" she exclaimed, everyone watching in shock.

Yutaro just stood staring at her, totally confused on what to do. After a while, he lifted his arms and tightened them around her. Slowly, the others left the room, leaving him to take care of her. Though awkward a scene it was... Tsubame had never had an outburst before.

When Tsubame got it out of her system, she loosen her hold and stared at the floor, feeling greatly embarrassed. "Gomen nasai... I didn't mean to do that..."

"Iya." he stammered, a little red in the face too. "Demo, I was telling the truth before... that everything will work out. You have to keep faith. And stay cheerful. Ne, Tsubame-san?" he said, drying away some of her tears.

"Yutaro-kun..." she gasped at his smile. She then leaned over and kissed him gently, before breaking into a run and rushing out of the room.

Yutaro remained, looking like a stone statue... in absolute shock of what happened. "...HAH?" he uttered, falling over onto the floor.

* * *
The day went by quickly. Kaoru lay in bed, gazing up at the ceiling. When she had closed her eyes before, all she could see was Kenshin. Dreaming of him, thinking about him, and needing him.

'I can't right now... I must solve this problem first. I truly want to be with him, but I have to be patient...'

Trying to rest, she didn't notice as someone had entered her room. The light footsteps coming towards her relaxed figure on the futon. Then, without warning, the intruder, threw back the blanket and leaned over her.

"EH?!" Kaoru gasped as she felt his lips against her, "D-DARE?! YAMETTE!!!" she cried, lifting her arms to push the person away. But he was incredibly strong. Tears were coming out as he slipped his hands into her yukata and went to kiss her mouth. "DAME...ONEGAI!!" she screamed again.

But the man smacked her on the head, her losing consciousness, her voice dying out in a whimper. Ozawa then grinned. "At last... I will claim you back... Kari..."


The doors to the balcony went flying and a very angry swordsman made his entrance, his blade stabbing through Ozawa's shoulder. Battousai-eyes glaring, Kenshin kicked him away from the unconscious woman, before kneeling down to pick her up.

Ozawa remained on the floor, clutching his bloody wound. Not flinching or saying a word. Kenshin took this opportunity to leap off the balcony, making his escape, the precious form secure in his arms. Ozawa finally got up and watched them disappear into the woods.

'It isn't over yet. You will belong to me once more...'

* * *
When Kaoru started to stir, she went into a trembling fit, her initial sobs returning to her. "...dame... onegai... don't... don't touch..." She hit away the one holding her, crying, "Don't touch me!!"

"Kaoru!" Kenshin gasped, sorely crawling back to her and pulling her into his arms, "Daijoubu, daijoubu... it's me, Koishii!"

"Eeh?" she stammered, opening her eyes, "Kenshin!!" She buried her face into his chest, still crying, "Gomen... gomen nasai... that man, he… he… kissed me and touched me… I-I didn’t want him to… I’m so… sorry!!”

”Kaoru…” Kenshin uttered, “Daijoubu… it’s not your fault…”

”Still!!” she sobbed, clinging to him helplessly, “Did he… he…?!”

”Iya, he didn’t. He was fully clothed when I came… but I was so angry I could’ve killed him for what he tried to do…” he replied, eying the bloody sakabatou in the corner, “Daijoubu, you’re safe now. I won’t let him near you again …”

Kaoru couldn’t speak for a while, being a long time since she had felt him close to her. She threw her arms around his neck in a tight hold, seeking more… only to feel him jerk with pain. “Kenshin…?!”


Swirly-eyed, Kenshin fell over backwards with her still clinging to him. It was then she realized all the injuries around his body. Sitting up, she frantically pleaded with him, “Kenshin!! Iyaaa! Don’t die!!!”

It took a moment for him overcome the pain that had surged in him. He lifted his head to see her again crying uncontrollably into her hands. “K… Kaoru…?”

”It’s all my fault… you were hurt because of me… you almost died for my sake… and I… I chose not to go to you… If I hadn’t brought you all here… everything is my fault!!!”

”Kaoru…” he gasped, trying to pull himself up, but unable to do so. All of his strength had given out. Falling back down on the floor, he watched her pour out all her sorrow. It was killing him seeing her like this and all he could do was watch. “Kaoru… yamero…” he pleaded, lift his hand to hers, “Onegai suru…”

She leaned down to him, tearstained face moistening against his neck, “Kenshin… gomen… all I can do is cry and act like a child… gomen… I’m just a burden to you… gomen nasai…!”

He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her down to him, nuzzling into her hair, “Chigao yo! I need you so much… and I don’t want you to be anything other than yourself… Kaoru, don’t forget that!”

They remained like this for a long time, her breathing and sobs slowing. Lying against him, she threw aside the rest of the world, concentrating only on him – his violet eyes that bore so much love and patience.

“Kenshin…” she uttered, as he dried her tears, “Wakkata… I’m stronger than this… demo, I keep losing my way… you always seem to find me.”

”Aa, I’d do anything to keep us together…” he said, going to kiss her, “Aishiteru, Kaoru. Don’t ever forget…”

Smiling, she nodded and returned the kiss. Arms tight around the one she loved. “Kenshin… Aishiteru… please stay with me for a very long time…”

* * *
Everyone else gave them enough time together before piling into the room. The couple were still lying together, though Kenshin was tucked into the futon, his bandages looked after and medication taken. Kaoru was at his side, still in the borrowed yukata, her hair sprawled all over her shoulders. Seeing the others, she got down on her knees and bowed to them.

“Minna… honto ni gomen nasai.” she uttered to the floor, “If I knew this was some kind of trap, I would never have let you all come. I seemed to have dragged you all into this…”

“Iya, chigao desu.” Yutaro replied, taking his hands out of the pockets of his trousers to put on her shoulders, “Kaoru-san, we came out of our own free will. And anything that’s going to happen… we’ll face it.”

Sanosuke grinned. “You can count on us! We’ll be heading home together as promised, Jou-chan!!”

”Demo…” she uttered, lifting her head, “I can’t possibly leave Obaa-sama in that house with that man, Ozawa…”

”Daijoubu.” Kenshin uttered, everyone turning to him, “I want to deal with him… myself.”

“Eeh?! Kenshin!” Kaoru cried, leaning down to him, “You can’t possibly! Not in your condition!!”

”Iya…” he uttered, lifting a hand to her cheek, “This time… it’s my battle. I want to finish it with him. Kaoru… promise me… you will let me fight this time, for your sake.”


His hand moved to the bulge at her stomach. “I need to… I want to… protect you and our baby… please let me… I won’t die… I promise, if you promise.”

She tearfully smiled. “H-hai!”

Tsubame stepped forward, stammering, “Demo… it’s because of what happened in the past that all of this has occurred. Because of Kaoru-san’s father… if only…”

”JOTTO MATTE!” said a familiar voice.

Everyone stopped at this. Turning to the now open shouji, they saw two shadows. One an old man and the other a young swordsman.

“Masaka…” Tsubame gasped, “Genzai-sensei… and… !!”

Shinai hanging on his shoulder, Yahiko crossed his arms and grinned, “Kaoru, looks like we made it on time!”

Back to Part 7
Onto Part 9