Rurouni Kenshin created by Watsuki Nobuhirou; (C) Shuiesha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: gomen, minna-san, i've jus returned to school and wasn't able to put this up sooner. tonikaku, this is another LONG chapter. some more secrets, a catfight, and a prelude of what's to come. uwah, let me know how it goes. i will be studying. ;_; Jill 3/28/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 9: "Inspiration"

Yahiko grinned at his stunned friends, his face sparkling with delight. "Bet y'all damn surprised to see me here!"

"H-Hai!" Tsubame gasped, her face still very flushed. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Strangely, she hadn't given a thought about him all day... and then, there he was, suddenly in front of her. Heart beating fast, she didn't know what she felt at the moment. Relief... regret... guilt...

She turned and looked over her shoulder. Behind her, Yutaro had been staring at her, their eyes meeting a moment. Perhaps they had been thinking the same. Yutaro quickly tore himself away from her, approaching the other boy.

"What are you doing here, Yahiko-yatsu?" he said, trying to hide his own distraught thinking, "Aren't you working on a big case?"

"The old man, Genzai, had a bad feeling. After a while he insisted on coming here. I, being the only one left, couldn't him go alone." Yahiko explained, "Daijoubu yo. Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan are stayin' at Tae's."

"Sou ka." Yutaro said, now turning towards Genzai, "Something tells me you already have an inkling of our situation."

Genzai bowed his head, "Gomen, Kaoru-chan, for not letting you know in advance. I'm sure you've experienced such a shock."

Kaoru stepped forward, "Genzai-sensei, don't worry. This information of my fathers's actions, I would have found out anyways. And I've learned to deal with it."

"However, what you've all heard probably isn't the whole truth."

"Eh? What do you mean...?"

"Kaoru-chan," Genzai said, "Before your mother, Hikari-kun, died... she spoke with me about how she and Tetsu-kun met and their hardships. Please listen to what she told me..."

* * *

Tetsuro saw Hikari again one sunny day. The young woman had her hands full, helping an elderly woman move some furniture into her new apartment. All the while, the swordsman couldn't help but feel admiration for the spirited girl, her hair in a ponytail and sleeves rolled up, willing to help anyone in need without a second thought. Still very shy, he slowly approached her.

"Aa! Kenkaku-san!" she called, cheerfully smiling at him, "We keep running into each, ne? Konichiwa!"

"K-konichiwa Hikari-san... demo, since we've met a couple times already, did you really forget my name?"

"Oh... iie, I just find it very awkward to pronounce... soushite, you are a swordsman ne? Ii desu ka??"

"Honto na. I don't mind. Eto, would you like some help? This looks awfully heavy for you."

"Do you think I'm some kind of helpless girl??" she argued.

"Waaah... no that's not it...!" he gasped, rubbing his head.

Still, against her will, he insisted on helping. The two of them worked together, finishing quicker. Afterwards they went to rest, sitting in the grass by the water. It was already late in the afternoon.

Hikari let out a forlorn sigh, as she stared into the sea, "Nee, Kenkaku-san... can I ask you a question?"

"H-Hai!" he blurted out, gazing at her.

"For what reason... do you train?"

He blinked, a little bit surprised. "Huh?"

"Kenjutsu... is the art of killing... sou desu ka?"

"Hai, demo..."

"Kenkaku-san, have you ever... killed a man?" she uttered, staring towards the sword at his side.

He paused for a moment, looking at her lowered face. He then lifted her chin and got her to stare into his eyes, "Iya, I haven't. Shikashi, if a person was threatening another, especially someone I really cared about... I wouldn't think twice..."

"T... Tetsu...?" she stammered, startled. But the look in his face was sincerer than any she had ever seen. Slowly, she took his hand away from her face, putting it down onto the grass, her hand still covering his. "Demo, I wouldn't want these hands to be covered with blood... not for my sake... not at the cost of another... please promise me, Kenkaku-san, you won't ever take a life."

"I promise."

There was a pause, the two of them gazing at each other. After a little bit, they both smiled, releasing their hands and staring out to the setting sun. But Tetsuro's attention could only go so far; he was soon gazing back at her side profile, the wind blowing her long black hair into her blue eyes.

* * *
The next day, her fiancé came by the mansion, having returned from his business trip. "Okaeri nasai, Raiko!" Hikari greeted him cheerfully.

"Aa." Raiko replied. He sat silently as she went and opened the doors to the balcony, allowing the cool breeze to come inside, "Actually I returned yesterday. Sumimasen for not coming to visit you right away."

"Iie, I don't mind at all. I'm just glad you returned safely."

"Kari," he uttered, "I've heard rumors... that you've been spending time with some man while I've been away..."

"Oh? You mean Kenkaku-san? He's just a friend I made over the last few days."

Raiko put down his tea, taking her by the arm, "Tomodachi? Is that what he really is?"

"We are. He saved my life and I'm very grateful. And he's very kind and nice to talk to. Demo, we really are just good friends..."

Without warning, he smacked her across the face, "Don't lie to me!" She fell numbly onto the floor, her wrist clamped by his fisted hand. He yanked her up on her knees and gazed into her bruised face, "I won't have you going near other men."

"Demo..." she sobbed, pain throbbing in her head, "Demo... we weren't doing anything wrong... you can't pick and choose my friends for me... it's my... life..."

"Iya," he replied, tightening his grip on her wrist, her crying out - only to be silenced by his kiss. He drew away slowly, listening to her gasping, her body still aching. "Kari, I love you more than anything... you belong to me. Your life is mine."

Hikari closed her eyes, giving into his command. He struck her one more time before getting up and leaving her, lying on the floor. 'My life... is not my own...'

* * *
Later, Raiko came to check on her. Already nightfall, he needed to head home. Hikari had gotten off the floor and attempted to put herself into order. Still, there were tears and soreness from the visible bruises on her face.

"I suggest you don't let anyone see you like this." Raiko said, hands folded inside his sleeve, "Stay inside until it heals properly. I'll tell everyone you're feeling ill."

"H-Hai." she uttered, staring at the floor.

"Kari, you wouldn't want me to get angry like this again like this. And you wouldn't want to do anything that'll cause problems for our relationship... it will disappoint your mother too much, as well as everyone else. We all have high hopes for you..."

"Hai." she said, biting back a sob, her eyes clenching close even as he briefly touched her cheek and left. Sitting in silence, the light in the lantern flickered out... and she was left alone in the darkness again.

* * *
That evening, Tetsuro stood by the water, watching the sunset on his own. Gazing out to sea, he thought about his time together with the princess atop the hill. Even if he knew their social standings were totally different, and that she belonged to another... he could help but feel strongly towards her. There was just something about her that he couldn't put into words. He wanted so badly to be near her once again.

And then, his wish came true. "Kenkaku-san..." said a faint voice behind him. He turned to see the one he had been longing for. She stood, hair flying in the breeze, her face tear-stained and swollen.

"Hikari-san!" he gasped, rushing to her and examining the bruises, "What happened!? Who did this to you?!"

"It shouldn't concern you... it's my problem. This is something I have to deal with until the day I die..."

"And when will that be if this continues?!" he exclaimed, "Whoever did this to you has to be stopped! I won't allow it!! Now, Hikari-san, please tell me - who was it!"

Shaking her head, she lifted her hand to her face, now ashamed that he had seen her this way. "... You mustn't get involved... Surely, Raiko... he will hurt you too..."

"Hikari," he uttered, moving her hand out of the way so he could see her, the blue eyes he could gaze in forever, "I won't let him hurt you again." he said, moving her hair aside then stroking her face, "I'll protect you..."

She gasped, surprised by his words, but also moved. She then reached for him, tears still falling. He gave into his own restraints, taking into his arms the trembling form, which knew sorrow far beyond his understanding. Holding onto each other, neither could let go. But softly he heard her whisper, "Tetsu... take me far away... with you..."

* * *
"Tetsu-kun... he fought Ozawa and defeated him. He then, as Hikari-kun asked, took her away from - freeing her from her old life. They settled in your grandfather's home, where Tetsu-kun built a dojo and began to develop Kasshin Ryu, using your mother's ideals as inspiration."

"Okaa-san's...?" Kaoru uttered, listening carefully to Genzai's words, "Then, Kasshin Ryu was Okaa-san's suggestion?"

"A sword that does not kill... but protects life." the old man quoted, "Hikari-kun was a good person through and through. Your father was instantly in love with her, and though he barely any money he managed to have a lovely wedding for her. He wanted so much to give her the world, but all she asked was for him to stay by her. It wasn't long before Kaoru-chan was born. Somehow, this only increased their love for each other..."

There was a pause. Genzai looked reluctant to continue. But with a pleading look from Kaoru, he finally started to speak again.

"They were married for a little over two years when Ozawa came to 'claim' Hikari-kun back. He said he was there of her grandmother's wishes, that he had every right. Still Hikari-kun resisted and was forcibly taken. But Tetsu-kun... he wouldn't give her up, not without a fight. He came after Ozawa, meeting his challenge for a re-match. The battle seemed to go on forever. So many times, Tetsu-kun had the chance to end it, demo... he couldn't go against what he promised Hikari-kun, against what he now truly believed. By the time, defeat came... it was all too late."

"To late de gozaru?" Kenshin uttered, sitting behind Kaoru. He looked at her face and saw her eyes were filled with tears, as she somehow knew the rest. 'Kaoru...' He put his arm around her, feeling how tense she was. He wanted so much to calm and comfort her, but deciding until the story had finished.

"Hikari-kun..." Genzai uttered, "When they reached her, she had already been through so much... weakened by the bad conditions she was left in, and the abuse from Ozawa... she became seriously ill. Despite that, her strong spirit held out for an entire week, struggling to stay alive. Finally, she passed away, all of her suffering coming to an end."

* * *
After Genzai had finished speaking, Kaoru got up, moving for the door. Kenshin quickly tried to go after her, but she shook her head, her hand briefly touching his cheek, "I... I want to be alone for just a little bit. Onegai." Unable to do anything, he nodded his head, letting her go.

"Kenshin," Sanosuke said, standing at his elbow, "Ano ki-sama has been lying to the entire town about Kamiya-sensei... soushite, he abused Jou-chan's mother... right now, Jou-chan is going through a lot of emotions. You got to calm her, Kenshin... only you can..."

The swordsman nodded, very aware of the rising currents in her blood. Still, he couldn't go to her - not when she didn't want him to. There were times he had to allow her the freedom she needed.

"I will, Sano... just not now, ok?" he uttered, gazing after her, "But I won't let her go through this alone. Soushite..." He turned into the hall, catching Ameiko, who had been eavesdropping, "There's something I want to ask..."

* * *
Kaoru reached the balcony, the cold air hitting her. Clutching the railing, she tried to hold her tears in. 'I have to be strong...' she told herself, lifting her head up to the mansion, 'That bastard... all that he's done...!!'

Angry and sad at the same time, she seriously needed to break something or hit someone. If Ozawa were there at that moment, she would have attacked him - not holding back at all until she felt he had suffered enough. But suffering alone could not change the past, couldn't take away all the pain her mother felt.

"DAMN YOU OZAWA!!" she yelled out into the night. It seemed to echo throughout the town, shattering the peaceful silence. Dropping her head, she trembled, still not letting her tears go, "Y...yakuso...!"

She then heard a noise behind her. "Cheh," uttered the voice behind her, "Why the hell did I listen to you?"

"Eh?" She turned around, wiping her eyes, "Sanosuke...?"

He crossed his arms, leaning against the closed doors, "Weren't you the one who told me to ask Megumi to marry me?"

Kaoru just stared at him. "Doushite? Did something happen?"

"Aa, she doesn’t want to anymore." Sanosuke replied, "She doesn't want to marry 'someone like me'. So, like she said... 'it's over'."

"Over?" she repeated, walking towards him, fists clenched, "Did Megumi-san really...?" Sanosuke nodded quietly, trying to hide the painful look in his face. Kaoru stared at the floor, "Nothing is over. What is she thinking?"

"I don't know... She didn't give me an answer. Just she doesn't feel the same anymore... or perhaps she never did feel anything."

"Usou." Kaoru replied, pushing him out of the way to open the door with a slight slamming against the wall.

"Oi! M-matte!" Sanosuke frantically went after the raging girl, but she caught him by the arm, pulling him over and pressing a kiss on his cheek. "Jou-chan...?"

"I'll handle her - just don't give up, Sanosuke."

He smiled slightly, glad that she was transferring her emotions into this dilemma, rather her painful past. "Arigatou yo, Jou-chan."

"Baka, I have a name you know." she said, before releasing him and storming off to find a certain kitsune.

Sanosuke put his hands in his pockets and chuckled after her. "Aa... sou yo... Kaoru..."

* * *
Ameiko knelt across from Kenshin, her eyes on the floor. "Hai... I knew of the truth... all along..."

His brow darkened a bit. "Naze? Why didn't you... say anything?"

The woman closed her eyes, her hands clutching her kimono, "Datte... I was afraid. I wasn't brave like Kari-san. I knew of his abusing her, of his lies, of Kari-san and Tetsu-kun's true feelings... demo... watashi... I-I was scared of my own life. Even now, I'm still scared of him. I try to act friendly and calm around him, but I still fear him as well as others who know of his true nature."

Yahiko clenched a fist. "Teme Ozawa will pay for disgracing Kasshin Ryu! When I get my hands on him, I'll...!!"

"I'll be the one to fight him." Kenshin replied, everyone turning back to him. "Daga, I don't know how... considering this is the pure form of Kaze-Sakuseigijutsu - it is a lot more powerful. I barely won against Yashiitomo."

Genzai nodded. "Yashiitomo Takeshi... he was a promising swordsman and a co-founder of Kasshin Ryu. Demo, after Hikari's death, he reflected on the battle - unable to come to terms on why didn't Tetsu-kun finish off Ozawa from the start, why did he not just kill a man who was threatening the life of a loved one... he lost faith in Kasshin Ryu and went absolutely mad."

Ameiko closed her eyes, whispering, "Takeshi-kun..."

Yutaro crossed his arms, "So, if you think about it... all the events that had taken place - Yashiitomo's attacks on the dojo, the death of Kaoru-san's childhood friend... and his continual hatred for Kasshin Ryu - it's all a result from Ozawa's doing."

"Kono hito..." Tsubame uttered, "He must be stopped. These lies must be stopped. Otherwise - Kamiya-sensei and Hikari-san... they will not rest. Soushite..." She paused to remember when she and Kaoru had gone to visit her father's grave, just weeks before. The sadness in Kaoru's face as she gazed at the tombstome. Separated even in death... Tsubame lifted her voice, "For Kaoru-san."

* * *
Megumi heard the door open and close. Turning around, she saw that it was Kaoru, fists clenched at her side. "Nani?" she asked, eying her over, "You should get some sleep, Kaoru-chan."

"Not until you answer to me - why did you end your engagement with Sanosuke?"

"It's none of your business." Megumi replied, as the girl stopped right in front of her, "I mean, don't you have other things to worry about? This conversation can wait..."

"Chigao yo. It cannot." Kaoru stated, glaring, "What's wrong with you, Megumi-san? Why are you throwing this away... you don't know what you're doing!"

"I know what I'm doing! Don't tell me what to do!" Megumi snapped, "I refuse to listen to a girl who made Ken-san suffer so much... and is putting him through more suffering. Don't you see - he's killing himself for your sake!"

Kaoru paused, the blue glinting. "I won't let Kenshin die..."

"And what can you do?! Some dangerous stunt as always?! How thoughtless can you be?! You're carrying another life... Ken-san's baby!"

"OUR baby." she quickly corrected, "Demo, regardless of everything, I won't allow anyone to die... not when I'm the source of the problem! If I could fight - I would... this Ozawa bastard would taste every bit of my anger... demo... I can't...!"

"You'll do ask you please anyways." Megumi uttered, "Demo, when it comes down to it - if both you and Kenshin are hanging onto life, you know my decision."

"Eh, I was expecting it from you. And I want you to make it." Kaoru uttered, "Regardless of what Kenshin says, take care of him first at all costs... onegai."

"Hmp." Megumi chuckled, "Is this the only thing we agree on?"

"Iie." Kaoru replied, lifting her head, the glare not gone from her face, "Megumi-san, for you to turn away a man who honestly loves you - out of sheer selfishness - that alone infuriates me. Sanosuke has always been loyal to you - how can you do this to him?!"

"Why are you defending him so strongly??"

"Datte, he's like family to me. Soushite - I know how it is to have feelings thrown back without regard or rational. I've gotten used to it with you, and to tell you the truth - I hated you for the longest time. Demo, to think at the same time, I wanted to be like you. I know now what a mistake that was!"

"Are those words supposed to hurt me?!" Megumi argued, "You are what you are! And poor Ken-san is stuck with someone like you. I wonder... what it would been like if somehow it wasn't you he met first..."

"Honto ni," Kaoru said, "I don't understand why Kenshin loves me at times... and I don't know what would have happened if he did meet you first... demo, as long as he still wants me, I will believe in him and not give up on him - that I selfishly promised myself. Sanosuke, on the other hand - even though you don't want him anymore... he still believes in you regardless! Megumi-san, if you continue to intentionally hurt others, I will not go easy on you!"

"My, the girl looks like she's gained a backbone." Megumi grumbled, looking like she had been wasting time as none of the words had reached. All of a sudden, Kaoru slapped her across the face. There was a long pause as Megumi had to recover from the soreness. "You...!" She then went to slap her back, but Kaoru caught her by the wrist.

"Don't underestimate me." she uttered, "I'm the only inheritor of the Kamiya family, and now the Shidou family. Soushite, my patience is running really thin..."

Suddenly, Megumi smacked her with her free hand. "Don't underestimate me either!" she replied, only to stop to see that Kaoru hadn't even flinched.

"I have no intention of giving up Kenshin to anyone." she said in an icy voice, her eyes flashing as she released the wrist and stood on her feet. She then turned and walked away.

The moment the door slid close, Megumi fell to her knees, still feeling trembles up and down her spine. Then, without another thought, burst into tears, her defeat obvious.

* * *
Yutaro stood on guard outside the inn. Yahiko was with Kenshin, who was informing him of the details of the prior events. He felt awkward, holding a shinai again. It had been a whole year. Loosening his collar, he readied himself as he saw a shadow approach him.

"Yutaro-kun..." Tsubame uttered, in her nightgown already, timidly coming out o him.

"Aa! Tsubame-chan, you scared me!" he gasped, wiping his sweaty brow, "What are you doing up? I mean, it's cold out here, you should go back inside."

"Iie, Atashi..." she stammered, staring at the ground, "I feel so terrible. Like I've betrayed Yahiko-kun. Gomen, I didn't mean to kiss you earlier..."

"Iyaa!" he stammered, rubbing his head, "Don't think much about it. I didn't bother me. And it didn't mean anything so...!"

Tsubame shook her head. "Perhaps it did..."

"Eh??" Yutaro panicked, "Demo! Don't you like Yahiko-yatsu??" Tsubame didn't respond, still looking down. He lifted her chin up, catching into her reluctant eyes, "Tsubame-san... you know he loves you."

She cried out, "Not as much as...!" But he stopped her with a finger to her lips.

"Someday, he'll see - kenjutsu isn't everything. He'll realize how dear you are to him, and he'll let you know and treat you like a princess, I promise you." Yutaro said softly, "But you got to wait for this idiot... you have to be there when he comes up with this realization."

"Demo... atashi... anata...!"

He smiled at her, touching her cheek briefly, "You're a special girl, but Yahiko is my friend... and I know you two will be happy someday. I never meant to cause any problems between you two. It’s… better this way…”

”Yutaro-kun…” she uttered. She didn’t know whether he was still had a crush on Megumi or if he was sacrificing his own happiness for his friendship with Yahiko, but at that moment, Yutaro was gazing at her with the last of his feelings, whatever they might’ve been. Slowly, they started to move towards each other, a longing to be close burning in their chests.

The sound of explosions caught them off guard. Already a crowd was approaching the inn, Yutaro attempting to shield the girl. But she saw the strain in his face and watched him collapsed into her arms, only to feel her hands cover with blood.


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