Rurouni Kenshin is by Watsuki-sensei; (C) Shueisha JUMP, Sony, Fuji TV, Anime Works
Fanfic Notes: wai, daylights savings, time to leap forward. i need more sleep. but here's another part. by now i'm sure you know we're nearing the end. i hope you enjoy it. remember, the ken/kao vrs. yashiitomo battle took place in "HaveYouForgotten", please go there for reference. send any other comment & questions to me. jaa ne! Jill 4/1/1

Sentimental Journey
Part 10 - "Gentle Hands"

Nee, tooi hi ni koi wo shita ano hito mo
Hey, I wonder if the person loved on that far away day

uraraka ga kono kisetsu aisuru hito to ima kanjiteru kana?
Is also now, feeling this beautiful season with the one they love?

* * *
Kenshin lay on the futon, his arms folded behind his head, his eyes towards the door. 'She'll come when she wants to,' he thought, frowning a bit.

But, he had other things on his mind too. There was the question of how he should fight Ozawa. In their last encounter, it was clear who was the dominator. 'Just like when I fought with Yashiitomo, for some reason I can't get past his attacks. Daga...'

Closing his eyes, he remembered the battle that happened last winter, Kaoru fighting against Yashiitomo. The endless exchange of blows while all he could do was lie on the ground and watch the one he loved struggle for his sake. Kaoru had lost control of her emotions, but not her heart - in her eyes, a fire continued to burn. During that time, none of Yashiitomo's attacks had hit her - not once. He resulted to traditional fighting, the two of them matched in skill.

'How did she...!?' Kenshin wondered, probing in his mind, 'Maybe because Kaoru and Yashiitomo have been fighting since she was little - they share the same kenjutsu and also a bond in battle. Demo, Ozawa is ten times stronger than Yashiitomo, so Kaoru's method whatever it might be might not even work. But to know how to at least defend against those types of attacks... I need to...'

It was then he heard someone approaching the door. Knowing who it was, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. 'I'll surprise her...' he chuckled to himself, waiting for her come to him. Instead, he felt a slight breeze as she swiftly walked past the futon. Kenshin's eyes flickered open, staring towards her, "Oro?"

She hadn't heard him, her hands removing the sash around her waist, the yukata falling to the floor. She then reached into their luggage, taking out a roll of bandage. Kenshin sat up, watching her ritual of wrapping around her chest, then putting up her gi and hakama. As she was adjusting the sash to her hakama, she paused, her hands shaking.

"Kaoru?" Kenshin uttered getting up and going to her. He held her hands still and stared into her tense face, "Talk to me, please. Let me know what you're feeling."

Kaoru stammered, "I know I have to let you fight Ozawa. Shikashi, I want to be there and do something - anything. Demo, I know I will probably get in the way..."

"Shhh," he hushed her, going to tie the sash into a knot. He then wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. "I want you to be there, more than anything. With you there, I know I absolutely cannot lose."

"Kenshin..." She then leaned over and kissed him gently, feeling him tighten his hold. Even when she drew away, he still continued to comfort her, his kisses and warmth all around her. "D-dame!" she gasped as he started to remove the sash and try to get into her clothes, "Baka, didn't I just put these on??"

"Aa, but it was better the other way." he replied, pinning her down to the futon, "I need you in this battle. Ozawa is a strong opponent that I haven't figured out how to read or defeat. Daga, if your father was able to beat him, I'm sure I can with your help..."

Kaoru stared up at him, concern in her face, "Kenshin, it sounds like a difficult battle... and I really don't know how my father did it either. Gomen."

He leaned his forehead against hers, "Daijoubu. I'll find a way. With you at my side, I'm capable of anything, Kaoru."

Another kiss was about to occur when the room shook from an explosion outside. "K-Kenshin?!" she gasped as he got off her and went to go peer out the window, "What is it??"

"The townspeople! They're attacking the inn?!" he exclaimed. He turned to helped her up, then pulled her out of the room by the hand, "We've got to get out of here now!"

* * *
Shaking and crying, Tsubame could see the massive crowd approaching her - in her arms, a bleeding boy, the two of them covered with red. "Yutaro-kun!"

His breathing was slow and he could barely lift his head. "Daijoubu ... Tsubame-san...?"

She nodded, unable to hold the weight, sliding down to her knees, him coming down with her. Behind them, the entrance of the inn was on fire and the crowd was already surrounding them. 'What should I to do?!'

All of a sudden, a person leaped out from the flames, attacking the front man. "YAMERO!" Yahiko snapped, taking down two other men with his shinai. "What the hell do y'all think yer doin'?!"

"Get out of our way, Boy!" said the townspeople, "We're here to take back Shidou-sama's granddaughter!! After all she was forcibly taken from her home this very night by that Demon! He even injured Ozawa-sama!!"

Yahiko gritted his teeth, "Yasuko! Y'all a bunch of saps believing in that story! Ozawa's the one who's been lying to you!" But they didn't listen to him and started to attack again. Yahiko charged at them, taking out the entire front row with one swing. "There's no way we're giving Kaoru to you assholes! You gotta get past me first!"

Just then, they brought out the cannon. "M-Masaka! Are those illegal?!" Tsubame cried as the young swordsman moved in front of them, "Sou na! Yahiko-kun, dame yo!" But he looked prepared to stand his ground, to protect the ones behind him. She watched with a beating heart as he glanced over his shoulder, his eye catching hers. 'Yahiko...'

After being stocked, the cannon was about to be lit. In this fleeting moment, the three saw their young lives flash before their eyes. And as the match move towards the thread, they were prepared to say goodbye... only to hear the sound of small knives flying.

"Hah?!" Yahiko gasped, as the lighter fell over clutching his injured hand, and also the thread being chopped off. A group of men came rushing the crowd, breaking out into a hand-hand brawl.

"Yoshi!" the burly leader chimed, while tying up some townspeople, "To think we were bums yesterday... but for now, we will protect Kaoru-sama!!"

Yahiko just dropped his mouth open, face faulting. "Who the hell are these guys?!"

* * *
It wasn't long before all the rebelling townspeople were detained and the people had evacuated from the inn. Kaoru bowed her head towards their rescuers. "Arigatou, Ogata-san. What you've done was truly honorable."

"Your appreciation makes us happy." Ogata said, "As soon as I heard about the plan to storm the inn - I instantly thought about your mother, twenty years ago. I figured it was Ozawa's doing again. The townspeople, they depend on him too much and act as his puppets. These weapons you see before you were purchased by Ozawa, using the Shidou money."

"Nani?!" Sanosuke exclaimed, "You mean ano ki-sama has been embezzling that old woman's fortune to buy this illegal shit?!"

Ogata nodded. "Ozawa had us thrown out of the mansion for 'not doing our job' after Hikari-sama left, we've been seen as the lowest in town and were never listened to. With you guys, I believe this bastard can be brought to justice."

Kenshin turned towards Ameiko. "Honti ni suman de gozaru yo. Your inn... everything that you owned..."

"Daijoubu. I got the one thing that mattered." she replied, holding up a small box. "The important thing is that you get Ozawa before he strikes again."

Meanwhile, Megumi and Genzai were treating Yutaro on the street - his entire back bleeding profusely. Yahiko was his side, helping as much as he could, "Hang in there, Yarou! Don't die on me!!"

Yutaro weakly smiled. "Could never... not when we still have a rematch... Demo, boku... kept my promise to you..."

"Wakkata." he replied, looking over his shoulder to the girl who had fainted, a blanket over, "Arigatou yo."

Ogata was watching the scene. "Are you two doctors? I heard that Shidou-sama has taken ill since it was discovered that Kaoru-sama was gone. Ozawa isn't letting anyone see her though... not even a doctor."

"Nani?!" Kaoru gasped, her face frantic. She quickly turned for the road, already running, "We've got to get to Obaa-sama quickly before something happens to her!" Kenshin nodded, following right behind her.

"Oi!" Yahiko cried, chasing after them, waving his shinai, "Wait for me! Matte!!!"

Megumi lifted her head to Sanosuke who dropped her medicine case. Without words he knew her request. "Aa! I'll look out for Kenshin. You can count on me!" he said, breaking into a run. She watched after him briefly before turning back to her patient. Somehow she knew she would be treating someone after this battle...

* * *
The quartet ran up the road in a matter of minutes - Kaoru at the front, her mind sick with worry for her grandmother. She was ready to barge into the place, but Kenshin caught up with her, trapping her in a hold. "Let me go first." he said, his husky voice in her ear. She nodded, stepping back as he kicked the door open. "OZAWA!!"

The mansion had been emptied. All of the servants were gone and the lights were out. Walking into the darken room, Kenshin cautiously moved in front of his wife, making sure she was behind him, their fingers brushing against each other's in nervous anticipation.

"Sou," uttered a voice, "You've finally come." Ozawa stepped out from the shadows, in his face a satisfied grin, "Your grandmother has been waiting for you."

"Obaa-sama..." Kaoru gasped, about to run towards him, "I-is she all right? Let me see her - Onegaishimasu!"

"Hmp." he replied, "Only if you agree to come back for good. Then you may see her. And I'm sure she'll feel a lot better. It's really up to you."

"Watashi..." She stared to the floor for a moment, still holding onto Kenshin's hand. "I cannot stay." she finally uttered, "Demo, for all what you've done, Ozawa, there is no way you can stay either. Though, my mother died because illness - it was because of your abuse..."

"Chigao. It was the fault of that swordsman who stole her away from me."

"IRESAI!" she snapped, bursting with anger, "You - killed - her!!"

Kenshin firmly tightened his hand, "Kaoru, calm down. Leave this bastard to me." She slowly nodded, taking back a step her eyes concentrating on him. “Daijoubu. I'll be okay."

"Heh," Ozawa chuckled, "That is what you think, Swordsman."

Kenshin released her and started to move towards him. "Ozawa, after this battle, you will beg Kaoru's parents for forgiveness... I will make sure of it!" he said, a hand on the hilt, his eyes slanting, "Ikuze!"

* * *
Sanosuke and Yahiko reached the mansion panting, stopping at the entrance to already hear sounds of fighting. "Gaaah! We're missin' it!" Yahiko cried, as they rushed in, "Kenshin... this bastard shouldn't be that difficult, right??"

"I dunno." Sanosuke uttered, "Kenshin... he was beaten good last time."

"Aren't Ozawa-teme's attacks like Yashiitomo's?"

"Daga, kono koitsu is stronger than Yashiitomo..." his voice trailed off. The two of them entered the darkened room, getting hit by a gush of wind. Falling over, they looked up to see Kaoru in front of them on her knees, watching nervously. "Jou-chan, maybe you shouldn't be here!" Sanosuke said as they approached her.

"Iie, I have to..." she said, her eyes concentrating on the battle, "Kenshin needs me - demo, I don't know what I can do..." She trembled at the sound Kenshin's cry as one of the attacks got him in the side. "IYAAA!"

The samurai lifted himself up. 'I won't give up. But this guy - he's so powerful without a sword - why is that?' Kenshin wondered, blocking out the pain in his mind, 'What is his secret? How is he doing this? And why can't I read him at all!?'

"Swordsman, you can't even touch me." Ozawa said, lifting his hands in preparation of another attack, "Let's make a deal. If I let you live - you give me what should belong to me!"

"NEVER! Don't you dare touch Kaoru!!" Kenshin snapped. He then went into a run towards his opponent who wore an evil smile. "Haaaaaa...!!!" Kenshin yelled as he rushed him, his sword moving at rapid speed right at Ozawa's injured shoulder. The impact sent him flying into the wall, and momentarily disabled.

"YATTA!" Yahiko chimed, thinking 'Of course Kenshin is gonna win! He's the strongest swordsman there is!' But then he saw Kenshin collapse panting, a pool of blood surrounding him. "N-Nan de?!"

Sanosuke yelled, "K-Kenshin?! But that guy - he didn't even attack him... how in the hell!!"

"Kenshin..." Kaoru gasped, eyes widen, "Kenshin!!!" Ozawa got up, clutching his injury, but also lifting a hand. Instantly, Kenshin went flying, his cries echoing through the room. Kaoru got on her feet. "KENSHIN!" she exclaimed, ready to run out to him.

Sanosuke quickly grabbed onto the girl and held her back. "Yamero, Jou-chan!! It's too dangerous!!" She just started sobbing, the sight of his body covered with blood. "Jou-chan, you shouldn't watch this..."

Kenshin eased himself up, his stamina reaching a startling high. Half of his gi had been torn off, bearing a shade of red. In his eyes was pure anger. “Teme… you think its over. It’s only just begun!”

“Iya…” Kaoru uttered, realizing Kenshin won’t stop trying until the battle was over. ‘Megumi-san is right – he’s killing himself for my sake. Am I just going to do nothing? What can I do…?!’

“Ken-san…” Megumi had arrived on the scene, her fears coming true. “Somebody stop him!” she yelled, clutching her medicine case.

Sanosuke shook his head. “Kenshin has already decided to fight till the end.” He then concentrated on his friend, ‘Saa, Kenshin – you gotta find out how to beat him, otherwise you’re a goner. C’mon!!’

Kenshin took another hit, and then another… and another – Ozawa barely even going near him. Kenshin somehow found the strength to get up and try again, but none of his attacks made a difference, as he would end up getting injured.

‘NAZE?!’ he growled at the emotionless Ozawa, ‘I have more reason to win – and more to lose… Kaoru, think about Kaoru…’ He turned momentarily to the side where she was standing, sobbing into her hands, “KA…!”

But he was cut off, Ozawa’s fingers stabbing into his shoulder. Kenshin couldn’t even cry out - the pain was so overwhelming. He fell on his back, in total shock.

“Sayonara, Swordsman.” Ozawa said, standing over him, and lifting his blood soaked hand.

“DAME!!” Kaoru screamed, breaking into a run, “KENSHIN!!!”

Megumi dropped her case and called after her, “BAKA!! YAMETTE KUDASAI!!!!” She turned to the others, “Someone stop her!!” But it was as if no one had heard her. “NANI?!”

Yahiko gazed after Kaoru, who had a determined look on her face. Without another thought he yanked the shinai off its string and threw it towards her, “KAORU!! CATCH!!” Turning her head slightly back as she grasped the wood sword, she shared a glance with him, only a teacher and student could understand. ‘Hayaku!’

”Kaoru?!” Kenshin gasped, lifting his head as she got in front of him, “YAMERO!! KAORU!!!!”

But it was all too late… Ozawa’s attack was already coming straight for her…

onto the finale