Rurouni Kenshin is created by Watsuki-sensei; (C) shueisha jump, sony, fujitv, animeworks
Fanfic notes: here is the finale! but to those upset fans about a certain event should note: 'nothing ever really ends'. y'all should know me by now - and like the song "pieces", 'senjou' will fade off with a bit of reluctance & hope. you'd expect more - & you should! daijoubu da yo! i'll be back soon. jaa matte ne! jill 4/5/1 (rv.5/5)

Sentimental Journey
Finale: "Pieces"

ah, watashi no kakera yo chikarazuyoku habataite yuke
Ah, my piece, reassuringly fly away

furi kaeranaide hiroi umi wo koete
And without looking back, cross the wide sea

takusan no hikari ga itsu no hi ni mo arimasu you ni
May the many lights, even on any day, be with you

anata ga iru kara kono inochi ha eien ni tsuzuite yuku
Because you are here, this life will continue to eternity

* * *
"KAORU!" Kenshin cried, watching her form move in front of him, shielding him from the oncoming assault. He saw her shudder then felt blood spray onto his face. " K A O R U !!!!"

But she remained standing in front of him, her body leaning a bit forward in the after stance of striking her opponent right into the adam's apple, the blood coming out from his mouth. Ozawa clutched his throat and stumbled away as she glanced over her shoulder.

"Kenshin... daijoubu ka?!"

"Aa," he stammered, staring up at her in wonder, "How did you...?!"

"Kaze-Sakuseigijutsu imposes the user's kenki onto opponents in the form of wind. Therefore, it is a matter of battling kenki... just like Shin no Ippou. Demo, it's not enough to just use your kenki and attack - you must concentrate from your heart... the strength will come from all your feelings and the will to protect others and yourself...!"

"Kororo..." Kenshin uttered, watching her smile and put her hand up to her chest. Nodding, he saw a bright light of hope - the battle hadn't ended yet. But as he tried to get up, Kaoru was grabbed by the neck and thrown against the wall. "KAORU!"

Ozawa tightened his grip, strangling her, punching her in the head with his free hand. “KAORU!!” Yahiko cried, he and Sanosuke starting to rush him. But he sent a wind attack to slice down a beam, blocking their way. “YAKUSOOO!!”

After a few more hits, Kaoru ceased her struggles, staring at Ozawa with a swollen, tear-stained face. He simply replied, "If I can't have you... NO ONE ELSE CAN!!"

"Yamero…" Kenshin uttered, on his feet and sakabatou drawn, his kenki fired up. "Ozawa - didn't I tell you not to touch her..."

He turned slightly to him, directing his kenki at the stumbling target, but strangely nothing happened. "N-Nan de?!"

"KAMIYA KASSHIN RYU SHI-RUDOUKOUHOU!" Kenshin replied, now charging him.

Ozawa, a bit frustrated that his attacks weren’t working anymore, finally released Kaoru and decided to formally attack, "SWORDSMAN! I WON'T QUIT!"

"Aa, ore mo. Not until you feel remorse for all the lives you ruined..."

"NEVER!!" Ozawa exclaimed as they clashed. Kenshin caught him off guard with the repetitive-hitter: SO RYU SEN. Ozawa went numb for a moment, coughing up more blood. Driven by a narrow-mind, he regrouped and tried once more, "I WILL NEVER FEEL SORRY...!!!"


The shards not even touching him, Kenshin leapt high up in the air, blade crashing down on the larger man. Though he remained standing, Ozawa shook with pain - his injuries taking a bitter turn for the worse. Kenshin too was struggling from the wounds all over his body. But one look to his wife who was leaning against the wall filled him with further determination.

"Dakedo... for Kaoru's sake - I will protect 'us'... I absolutely cannot lose!!"

Instead of attacking, Kenshin waited for Ozawa to come at him - again trying to send slicing winds in his direction, only to be deflected by Kenshin's combining kenki and kokoro. When Ozawa had finished his attack, he was left defenseless, Kenshin finishing him off with a single swing of his sakabatou. Carrying all of his feelings on the reversed blade - it sent Ozawa a hit that rattled down his spine and spun him into unconsciousness.

Kenshin limped towards his beloved, falling to his knees in front of her, "Daijoubu." he whispered as she took his face into her soft hands, "I'm all right..." he assured her, even though his clothes were ripped to sheds and his body was covered with gashes, "As long as you are near... ore... I always..."

"Kenshin!" Kaoru gasped as his violet eyes fell shut and he collapsed into her lap. Smiling a little, she leaned her head against his, 'Watashi mo, Kenshin...'

* * *
"Oro...?" Kenshin blinked and stared up at the ceiling. It seemed that all his wounds had been cared for. Pulling himself up, he was shirtless and bandaged on his chest, arms and shoulders. Violet eyes adjusting, he shivered a bit.

"Kore." said a voice behind him, a robe appearing on his back. He turned his head and saw Megumi. "Ken-san, I’m so glad you finally woke..."

"Aa..." he stammered, his mouth wide open, "M-Megumi-dono... where did everyone go de gozaru?!"

"The others went into town to pack up our things and check on the townspeople. Ozawa was detained by the Kyushuu police and taken in for his crimes of embezzlement and illegal dealing. But they had to drug him - he's apparently potentially suicidal..."

Kenshin frowned a little, "Sou de gozaru yo. Perhaps Ozawa has finally realized his crimes or feels some guilt. Sessha can only hope." He then turned nervous as Megumi leaned in towards him, "E-to... why are we by ourselves?! Where's Kaoru?!"

"She asked me to look after you until you came too." she replied, crossing arms, still examining his bare abdomen. "Kaoru-chan is with her grandmother... it seems she had been left unattended for too long. Genzai-sensei is doing his best..."

He slipped the yukata on and started to get up, worry in his mind. He paused to look down at the other woman, her purple eyes concentrated on him with sadness. "Megumi-dono, suman." he uttered, "I treated you cruelly before..."

"Iie." she replied, running a hand through her hand, "Given the circumstances, you were under a lot of stress... my own rude behavior wasn't appropriate either. We both didn't act like ourselves... pretty desperate, ne?"

He nodded slowly; a bit unsatisfied in making his apologizes. "I still feel terrible... that I am the reason for your breakup with Sano... that I hurt you..." he said, putting his hand on his shoulder, "That there is no way I can ever return your feelings..."

Megumi's face fell. "Wakarimashita." she uttered, "I really no chance against that girl after all... Demo, I'm sure the two of us will be friends again soon. That's how she is. That's what makes you love her so..."

"Megumi-dono," Kenshin cut in, making her lift her face again, "As much as everyone, you deserve to be happy. I assure you, someday, you will be. Please don't bother with past feelings... please cheer up."

"Ken-san..." she uttered as he moved to hug her. Smiling, she tearfully nodded, "Uhn, I will!" They stayed like that for a while, but then a pair of fox ears popped up. "OH HO HO HO... Ken-san, what strong arms you have..."

"ORO!!!" Kenshin cried, backing away to a safe distance with fearful eyes, "S-Sessha should go look for Kaoru now! Suman de gozaru yo!!" He then bolted out the room.

Megumi smiled after him, a bit cheered up. "Though I can't have you, doesn't mean I can't play... Sou nee? Demo…"

She stared to the floor her hands clutching the sheets, ‘Sanosuke… despite myself, I will always love … it’s only a matter of if he’d take me back…’

* * *
Kenshin made it down the dark hallway of the mansion. He then bumped into Genzai. "I've done all that I could... demo, it's only a matter of time. I've left Kaoru-chan with her for now..."

He nodded and proceeded into the ill lit room. His wife was kneeling by the old woman's side, holding her hands and crying. He quietly approached them, going to sit behind her, listening to her.

"Obaa-sama... please hang on...!" Kaoru sobbed, "I don't want you to go... I've only found you a couple days ago... there's so much I want to talk to you about...!"

Shidou gazed up at her; "I lived my life - though I had many regrets and hardships, being about to see my dearest granddaughter made me happy, made my life complete..."

"Please don't talk in past tense... Please don't die! This is my fault - I left you alone when I should have been at your side...!"

"Chigaimasu. It's my own fault. This whole thing happened because of my prejudice towards swordsmen. I was stubborn and acted like the bitter woman I was twenty years ago, afraid to let her daughter go... I rejected the one man who made her happy - as I did to you..." She paused, catching Kenshin in the background, "Kenkaku-san, please forgive me and please take care of Kaoru-san."

Kenshin nodded his head, touching Kaoru's shoulder as she suddenly realized he was there, "Aa, I will do all that you ask."

Shidou smiled slowly, "You have my blessing... the two of you, please be very happy."

"Obaa-sama..." Kaoru called, but she was losing her. The lantern flickered once and in the next instance, her blue eyes fell close, the hand falling limp. "O...Obaa...sama...?!" Kaoru cried in complete disbelief, "Obaa-sama! OBAA-SAMA!!! IYAAA!!!"

Kenshin watched as she cried uncontrollably into her hands, her sorrow pouring out endlessly. He gathered her into his arms and rocked her, trying to comfort her, but nothing seemed to her work. 'Kaoru...'

* * *
The sun was shining brightly over the graveyard. Kaoru knelt before two graves, one of them freshly dug. Solemnly gazing at the two markers, she could feel the wind pick up around them. It was time to say goodbye.

Behind her, Kenshin stood, wearing his tattered hakama, and the gi that had several stitchings to keep together. His red hair falling into his eyes, he could see the garden of wilted flowers that surrounded Hikari's grave... with the lilac that Kaoru had recently planted, matching the one she planted for her grandmother.

"Kochira wa..." she uttered, her hand on her stomach, "Your grandmother, soushite your great-grandmother... this is where they sleep eternally."

"Oro?" Kenshin said, finally realizing that she was talking to the baby. He moved closer, putting his hand on her shoulder, staring down into her face that still had some bruises and cuts from the battle. "The three of us will all go together to see Ojii-chan someday. Ii de gozaru ka?"

There was a pause. Kaoru suddenly clasped his hand, "Demo ne... if it's all right... could I be buried here as well?"

"Kaoru...?" It was awkward for her to say something about dying. But so much had happen, it seemed like an unavoidable issue she had to deal with. All the same, she stared up with him, awaiting an answer. He knelt down to her, holding their linked hands to his face, "Aa, it's all right... daga, only if I can be buried next to you."

Kaoru slowly smiled and tearfully nodded, the two of them finally leaving the cemetery, words about death gone from their lips.

* * *
On the boat, it was much too sunny to stay inside. Tsubame sat on deck, next to Yahiko, listening to him go off about his recent battles. Smiling, she enjoyed listening to his voice - the way it became all excited over something so simple, yet remain sweet in her ears. His voice, his eyes, his face... all of it was memorized once again in her mind.

'What was I thinking...? How could I love anyone other than Yahiko...?' she thought, gazing at him, 'It's as though I had been dreaming during that time... only to wake up and find him here... demo...'

She turned her head away for a moment. Not far, Genzai and Yutaro were looking into the water, talking about the fish. She and the boy made eye contact for a second, only to smile and turn away. Her heart didn't beat excessively nor did she blush with delight at his eyes embracing hers.

'It was nice... a nice feeling for a change... but it didn't last. Like a dream, it was gone the moment I woke... and now I barely remember it...'

In front of her, Sanosuke and Kenshin were coming up the stairs. Sanosuke paused to give his best friend a playfully sock to the head, that actually was painful. As Kenshin dizzily stumbled to the railing next to Genzai, Sanosuke cheerfully stretched and let out a yawn.

'Sanosuke-san seems to have recovered from the shock of breaking up with Megumi-san. He's back to his energetic, old self... He's strong - wounds to the heart are still just wounds. Demo, I wonder if that really is the end of it.'

Megumi comes up briefly to fetch Genzai to help her. She had been treating some patients below. The two leave, Sanosuke taking the spot at the railing, elbowing Kenshin in the ribs... causing him to cry out.


Tsubame giggled as the two get into a glaring contest. 'Kenshin-san has many wounds, but doesn't feel any pain from them, unless provoked... demo, since we left the island, he and Kaoru-san have been distance...'

Her eyes move to the other end of the boat, Kaoru gazing back towards the island, an overcoat on her shoulders. The salty breeze blows through her hair and she lets out a deep sigh, a fog covering the last visible trace of the town.

'Kaoru-san is still reflective of what happened. Honto ni, I had no idea this type of thing would occur on our journey... but we've experienced and learned a lot. And suffered a lot. But it's like what Ameiko-san had said, 'Things of the past cannot be helped.' I for one hope Kaoru-san will remember this and Kenshin-san will be able to comfort her. I really hope so...'

Suddenly a hand waved over her face. "H-Hah??" she gasped, as Yahiko laughed in her ear, "A-ano? Nan desu no?"

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" he asked, tapping her on the forehead, "You looked like you were lost in the clouds for a bit. Naa, Tsubame??"

"Aa... I was just thinking about the things that happened on our trip... that's all..." she stammered, blushing a bit as he had seemed to be sitting even closer than before.

Yahiko crossed his arms and nodded. "Sou yo... just think, if you had drowned that one day, ya wouldn't have been able to come."

"Sou desu ne!" she said cheerfully, "Thankfully, I lived and was able to experience another great adventure with you guys..." She then shyly added, "And with you Yahiko-kun."

He paused gazing at her for a second in surprise, before smiling and taking her hand to lead to the others were leaning over the railing, looking at fish. Tsubame closed her eyes, cherishing the moment deep in her heart -

'With these friends... '

* * *
Ending Theme
lyrics: hyde
music: tetsu

nakanaide nakanaide taisetsu na hitomi yo
Don't cry, don't cry, precious eye

kanashisa ni tsumazuite mo shinjitsu mo miteitene
Even if you stumble in sadness, keep looking at truth

sono mama no anata de ite
And just be the same you

daisuku na sono egao kumorasete gomen ne
I'm sorry for having clouded that smile I love

inottemo toki no nagare hayasugite tooku made
Even if I wish, the very fast flowing of time has, until far away,

nagasareta kara modorenakute
Already flowed and unable to return

Ah, odayaka na kagayaki ni irodorare
Ah, be colored by the gentle light.

saigetsu wa yoru wo yume ni kaeru mitai da kara me wo korashite saa!
Because it looks like time has turned night into dream, just concentrate your eyes!

anata no sugu soba ni mata atarashii hana ga umarete
Right beside you another new flower was born

komorebi no naka de azayaka ni yureteru
And in the middle of the sunlight passing through the trees, it is vividly swaying

itsu mademo mimamotte agetai kedo mou daijoubu
I want to watch over you forever, but you are already all right

yasashii sono te wo matteru hito ga iru kara kao wo agete
Because there is someone who is waiting for that gentle hand, raise your head

nee, tooi hi ni koi wo shita ano hito mo
Hey, I wonder if the person loved on that far away day

uraraka ga kono kisetsu aisuru hito to ima kanjiteru kana?
Is also now, feeling this beautiful season with the one they love?

ah, watashi no kakera yo chikarazuyoku habataite yuke
Ah, my piece, reassuringly fly away

furi kaeranaide hiroi umi wo koete
And without looking back, cross the wide sea

takusan no hikari ga itsu no hi ni mo arimasu you ni
May the many lights, even on any day, be with you

anata ga iru kara kono inochi ha eien ni tsuzuite yuku
Because you are here, this life will continue to eternity

Ah, ryoute ni afuresou na omoide tachi karenai you ni
yukkuri ashita wo tazunette yuku kara
Ah, because the memories that are overflowing in both hands,
Are, without withering, slowly inviting tomorrow,

watashi no kakera yo chikarazuyoku habateite yuke
My piece, reassuringly fly away

furi kaeranaide hiroi umi wo koete
And without looking back, cross the wide sea

* * *
The door opened slowly with a creak. "Don't stay too long. We'll be right outside." the guard said.

Nodding, Kenshin stepped into the dark jail cell, hearing the door slam behind him. "Eto..." he uttered towards the chained prisoner in the corner.

"Battousai..." Yashiitomo looked directly at him, the eye patch gone from his face, his complexion pale and tired. "What is it you want?"

He walked towards him, holding out a small wooden chest. "I've come delivering a message." He replied, placing it into the swordsman's lap and opening the lid, "Someone you knew from long ago asked me to give this to you..."

Yashiitomo stared down into the open box, seeing a fan and also a folded note. With his fingers he traced the characters painted on the front, recognizing the feminine hand, "Ameiko..." he whispered.

"Aa," Kenshin replied, watching him, "Regardless of your crimes... of all your guilt and hatred... there's someone... someone waiting for you to return to her."

He didn't lift his head but continued to stare at the unopened note. "Daga..."

Kenshin just turned away, speaking was he walked towards the door, "It may be twenty years ago that this person she loved died... demo, she's willing to wait the rest of her life... For Ame-dono's sake, think about what you will do when you finally are free... when you finally come back to life again..."

Without looking back, he left the prison, feeling some sort of resolution. But as he walked outside, he saw that it was a downpour. Quickly purchasing an umbrella he started to head home... only to have a strange feeling come over him. Somehow he knew his wife wouldn't be home, not on a day like this. Gazing up into the pouring sky, he knew there could only be one place she would be.

The walk was somewhat long but he came through the muddy forest into clearing. Walking on the wet grass, he looked on ahead at the miniature shrine ahead. This place of much suffering and battling… he could strongly feel the unrest around him. Climbing the steps and entering through the narrow doorway, he could see her, sitting against the wall, her mind in deep thought…

“Koishii,” he said, lifting his voice and going to her, “What are you doing in this place? It’s gotten late.”

She blinked, coming back to reality – looking up at him with apologetic eyes. “Gomen Kenshin… I went out for a walk and by the time I got here it started to rain and I’ve been stuck here since. Sorry if I worried you.”

“Iya, daijoubu. I’ve found you, that’s what matters.” he said, touching her cheek that still had some visible sores, “I bet the baby and you are hungry from being stranded here. I’ll be sure to make a giant dinner tonight.”

“Arigatou! Aa… demo…” Kaoru pulled herself up and turned to face him, looking up and down him, “Honto ni, you really look good in your new clothes.”

”Oro?” Kenshin blushed a bit, in the fresh white hakama and blue gi. He then took her hand, “Thank the beautiful woman who picked them out for me… she has wonderful taste de gozaru yo.”

The two of them smiled at each other, before going towards the door. Holding her husband’s hand, she joined him under the umbrella, “Let's go home…”


domo arigatou for reading - until next ne? \(^o^)/
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