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I'm Dead - Obsenad Writing Challenge

The following was posted by Mererid on the SenAD list May 9th, 2002

Here's the challenge (should you choose to accept it):

1. Don't look at the topic until you actually have 5 or more minutes to write.

2. After you look at the topic, write as fast as you can whatever comes into your head, no matter how weird. DO NOT EDIT OR REWRITE AS YOU GO.

3. Write for 5 minutes straight, more if you feel like it.

4. After you finish your 5 minutes, go back and edit or rewrite to your heart's content.

This is the topic, and must be used as the first line in your story:

I am dead. The inevitable cannot be changed.

Have fun!!

These are our responses -

I'm Dead - Obsenad Writing Challenge
By Maverick

"I'm dead. The inevitable cannot be changed."

"What was I thinking? Obviously, I was NOT thinking. Definitely not in my right mind. A sane man would never have taken Jim's truck, not without the expressed, written permission of Major League Ellison."

"Come on, son, let's get you out of there."

"I'm dead."

"No, son, just banged up. Hold on, okay? Just stand here. Can you stand?"

"Oh, God. Jim is so going to kill me when he sees what it looks like. Hell, he'll probably come looking for me when he hears it come across the scanner at the station. You guys called it in, right?"

"Don't worry about it right now, okay? Come on, son. We have to get you away from the vehicle before the tank blows."

"Fine, I gotta get out of here anyway, right? Gotta hide. Where? I wonder if I can make it to Brazil within the next half hour? No extradition, he can't legally pull me out of there. Right. Like that would stop him. Borneo? Pretty far away. I could hide out with Eli."

"Here, you sit down here, okay? The medics will be here in a minute, you just take it easy. You're going to be okay."

"Sitting, yeah, sitting is good. God. Why did I do it? Why didn't I just take the bus? I wasn't running late. I'm so dead."

"Mike? Get that ambulance here. We got a head injury, some shock setting in I think. Get me a blanket out of the squad."

"Maybe I can offer to pay for repairs. Yeah, I'm sure it can be repaired. It can't be that hard to put a bumper back on, right? And the fender, maybe it can be hammered back into shape, touched up a little. Can't cost that much to repaint an old truck like this. Plenty of parts in the salvage yard, no doubt. Good body man can probably straighen all this out, no problem. Body, right. Blair Sandburg, soon-to-be Newest Body In the Morgue."

"You're going to be fine, just relax, okay? You're going to hyperventilate or something. Here, this blanket should help. Let me look at your eyes, okay?"

"It wasn't my fault, the other guy ran the light, there was nothing I could have done."

"Don't worry about that right now, son. It was an accident. The witnesses seem to be saying the same thing, so relax, okay?"

"I can't. Don't you understand? Accident means it couldn't be helped. But this could have been helped. If I hadn't taken the truck, it would be sitting in the parking garage now, in one piece, instead of scattered around the intersection. Oh, hey, here's the mirror, don't want to step on that. Damn, looks like it got broken. Seven years bad luck. Just what I need."

"Look, what's your name, can you tell me your name?"

"Blair Sandburg. Soon to be the late Blair Sandburg."

"Okay, Blair. Just stay right here, okay? Don't go anywhere."

"Right, sit here. Don't want to go walking around, then I'd be a dead man walking, right? Dead man sitting. That's me. Oh, man. You're babbling again, Blair. Heh. Dead man babbling."

"Don't worry about it. Keep talking, that's fine. Mike, tell the EMT that he's talking, and for the most part lucid and coherent, ambulatory, little shocky, slow pupil dilation."

"Where the hell are my glasses? Oh, shit, I just bought those frames! Great. Now I have to pay for the truck AND new glasses. I am so dead."

"No, you're going to be fine, Mr. Sandburg was it? Hi, I'm Nick, I'll be your EMT this morning. Our specials are bandages and tape, and I suggest a nice Ringer's Lactate to go with it. And let's get you onto this gurney, you need to lie down."

"Heh. That's funny. Yeah, maybe it would be good to lie down for a bit. My head really is killing me. First my head, then Jim. My kind of day."

"No one is going to die here, Mr. Sandburg, you're just pretty banged up."

"No, Jim is going to kill me. It's his truck."

"Oh. Who's Jim?"

"Jim is - OW! Shit, that hurt! - my room mate, my partner, my best friend. At least, until he sees what used to be his truck."

"I'm gonna shine this light into your eyes, Mr. Sandburg, check your pupil reaction, okay? Hmm. Okay, you relax, now, shut your eyes if you want, get some rest. You're going to be okay. Just a little concus- Hey! I'm trying to work here -"

"Get the hell away from him and let me through here! CHIEF!"

"Oh, uh, hey, Jim. So, what's up, man?"

"-Look, buddy, you can't just shove your way -"

"Ellison, Cascade PD, this is my partner here, that gives me the right."

"Oh, hey, Jim, take it easy, man -"

"Heavy bruising on your ribs, Chief, probably got some cracked ribs there, lot of glass in your hair, nasty cuts there on your face, this wrist doesn't look right either."

"Look, Ellison, I understand you're concerned, but you could hurt him pressing like that -"

"Okay, okay. Nothing too serious. Thank God. You won't be doing much running or typing, Blair, but I think you'll be okay."

"How the hell-"

"You're not pissed at me Jim?"

"Chief, I'm just relieved that you're still here. I heard the call, it said a fatality, my truck and license number, and I - God damn it, Sandburg! Enough with the near death shit, okay?"

"Hey, Jim? You - you're really not pissed?"

"Right now, Chief, I'm too damn scared and relieved to be pissed. Give me a few hours, and let the shock wear off. Then we'll discuss what kind of ways you can die, okay? Hey, I'm riding in the ambulance with him, got that?"

"No problem, Detective. Hop in."

"Thanks Jim. Sorry about the truck."

"Don't sweat it. A new truck I can handle. There's no way I could get a new partner. Not when I've almost got you broken in and trained."

"Oh, thanks, Jim. You really kill me, man."



I'm Dead - Obsenad Writing Challenge
By Michka

"I am dead. The inevitable cannot be changed."

"No. Not yet."

"Yes, accept it. It is inescapable."

"No, I will not. You are alive, you are here with me now."

"I can not stay. You know that. Not without Blair. Blair is life."

"Then we'll go together."

"No, you cannot leave him."

"FUCK HIM, he never gets anything right!"

"Shh, shh, do not be so critical. He does his best."

"THIS is his BEST?!"

"He needs you to do better."

"I will not let you leave me."

"It is not up to us."

"It is. I SAY IT IS!"

"What can you do?"

"Nothing, he will not listen to me."

"You are so alike, you and he. You stay with him, we will be together again."

"NO! Wait, I know who he will listen to!"



"Then call him. Blair is going, I have to go with him."

"I'll find you. I swear, I'll find you and bring you back!"

"If anyone can, it is you." The wolf licked the panther and followed Blair on his journey.


** Everyone knows that no one one the spirit plane uses contractions, right?? **

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