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MURDER 101 - Season Four - Episode 59

(Blair Enters Bullpen)

Jim: "Hey. Hey, your face is looking better. How's your head?"

Blair: "Well, my head realizes that just 'cause you're right, doesn't mean you always get what you want. You can't get mad at anybody. You just got to play the game better than they do. (Big Smile, Beaver Cleaver Voice) How's that sound, Wally?"

Jim: (Wally Cleaver Voice) "Well, that's pretty neat, Beav."

Blair: " Yeah."

Jim: "School was good?"

Blair: "The principal and I worked things out."

Jim: "Hey, that's pretty keen, Beav. Well, Dad called. Said we've got a body down at Miller's Pond." (stands up)

Blair: (Puts his hand to his chest, gasps)

Jim: "We got to go meet up with Eddie and Lumpy." (taps Blair on the chin with his fist, then gets his coat)

Blair: (taps Jim on the chin with his fist) "Is it just you and me again, Wally?"

Jim: "You betcha."

Blair: (drops impression) "Where you going?" (In reference to Jim walking the long way around a desk on the way to the door of the bullpen)

Jim: (Still doing impression) "You know our suspect is Gus the fisherman..."

* The End *

For transcript of the entire episode see Becky's Transcripts Page - Murder 101

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